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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. This'd be good to know. My only prior weET GB was for Into The Spider-Verse, and I'm very keen on seeing what they've got lined up for Arrival.
  2. I just finished watching Season 2 last month or thereabouts, and Discovery Season 4 just a couple weeks ago. Strange New Worlds will be out soon, so I'm good for a little while. I'll have a pretty steady Trek stream to keep me satisfied for a bit.
  3. Yeah, season 1 and 2 were OK, but that's about all. Season 3 looks freaking terrific, though! Gonna have to wait until the Blu-ray set releases, though, just because I don't feel like subscribing to another streamer for a couple months. Maybe Paramount will fast-track those discs for me! 🤣🤣🤣
  4. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    And a very extensive write-up from THR
  5. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Variety's article: https://variety.com/2023/film/news/dc-universe-superman-legacy-batman-green-lantern-supergirl-booster-gold-1235507426/
  6. Just ordered from Diabolik since that looks like the cheapest route to go. Looking forward to adding to my growing pile of Second Sight sets!
  7. Awesome! I never did get the retail steel for this one, so definitely gonna go for the GB here. This is great news!
  8. Very nice! Definitely a few titles in there I’m gonna have to spring for. Here’s to hoping they all make it out this year!
  9. Fingers crossed for Part III! Even though I’m already dreading reliving the emotional trauma coming our way in Season 2….
  10. Oh, cool! I’m going to have to find that and give it a listen.
  11. YESSSSS! It's absolutely fantastic, IMO. If this show doesn't sweep the awards for art direction, visual effects, and make-up, the whole thing is rigged. 🤣 They're doing a phenomenal job with this show, like because of the inclusion of Neil Druckman, and I'm really liking the added scenes about the spread of the fungal plague to broaden the world out a bit more. I can't wait for Episode 3!
  12. Oh man, love that artwork! Probably gonna have to pass, but... Maybe not. 🤣
  13. OK, good. I haven't bothered to research it yet, obviously.
  14. I'll keep an eye out! Hopefully it's streaming somewhere.
  15. Man, I wish coffee was helping! No such luck yet...
  16. I'll add that to my list, alongside Delicious.
  17. He might have! My brain is fried thanks to work this morning. I can't even keep what day it is straight in my head and I'm misreading everything left and right. But I'm always up for foodie movie recs, so... 🤣
  18. Have you guys checked out Jon Favreau's Chef? I liked that one quite a lot.
  19. The new one with Kenneth Branagh. Don't think I'll bother with the sequel for this one either.
  20. Last movie I remember turning off after a short time was Murder on the Orient Express. After watching Glass Onion the wife I wanted to check out another murder mystery in the same vein (hopefully), but those hopes were squashed almost immediately. I went to bed after 20 minutes. My wife opted to keep watching, but ended up turning it off shortly thereafter with the vow to finish it later. It's been a few weeks and as far as I know she hasn't. 🤣
  21. I dug Event Horizon, but I would definitely pay money to see ^^^this^^^ movie! Somebody get Sam Raimi on the phone STAT!

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