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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. Looks like The Kang Dynasty will stay put in May 2025. Probably a good idea to not have two Avengers flicks so close together given all the effects work that will no doubt need to be done (although it would have been cool to have them only a few months apart instead of a whole year... lol). Seeing some rumors that Spidey 4 might take a July 2024 date. Personally, I'm hoping for a Spidey/Daredevil team-up! No idea how reliable this tweeter is, so take with a grain of salt:
  2. So, Week 5. My goodness, where is the time going?! I started down this premium rabbit hole roughly a year and a half ago with HDZeta’s announcement of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which I saw posted somewhere on Twitter, and which led me to joining Media Psychos and my very first group buy! I had no idea back then just how long it would take to actually release and finally arrive home! 🤣 And, naturally, as I started learning more about this corner of the collector’s market and seeing what was being done by various companies, I knew ZSJL wasn’t going to be my only premium. I started finding so many others I had to have! I needed to complete my MCU steelbook collection after missing out/forgoing the retail steels of Thor Ragnarok and The Incredible Hulk. When a redditor was offering up a WeET steelbook-only copy of Ragnarok, I decided to spring for it, especially since the steel utilized my favorite piece of art. I wasn’t concerned about the slips and extras back then, so early in my journey as I was, but my how times have changed. I would end up joining the group buys for another HDZeta title with TENET and Manta Lab’s BLADE RUNNER. I got bounced out of BR, but John came through for me with a spare FS later on down the road. I was lucky enough to get locked-in for TENET, and it was among my first (if not THE first!) official GB scores from Media Psychos! Then I got wind of the BluFans release of Nolan’s Bat-flicks and saw the excitement building around this distributor. I threw my hat in the ring for this group buy, and The Dark Knight became the very first BluFans title to enter my collection. I just got my copy of Batman Begins yesterday, and recently filled out my MCU steel collection with their DL for The Incredible Hulk. It’s been a wild year-plus of learning and scouring eBay and the release lists here to build up my wishlist of past premiums to score as time marches on. This has been an awesome hobby to break into! Great question, @Gary K! Sorry for the long-winded essay! 😂
  3. If this trailer is anything to go by, Picard Season 3 looks to be the swan song the TNG crew were denied in the movies. I’m getting some big Wrath of Khan vibes here! 🤣 In the meantime, my season 2 set arrived a few days ago, just as I finished season 1. Now to find time to watch that before season 3 comes to Blu-ray.
  4. Just in this afternoon, and huge thanks to the Media Psychos team for this one, is the BluFans DL 4K Steelbook for Batman Begins! (Sorry for the poor lighting here…)
  5. @extantsrevenge 3 copies of 5 movies, eh? Here’s what I’ve managed to put together for you. 😁
  6. If it makes you feel any better, there’s a small press publisher I order from that’s nearby here in Michigan. Every time I order from them, it leaves town, goes to Pennsylvania, then gets routed back Detroit to be sent to another facility before getting delivered to my post office. I wish I could just go to their warehouse, but alas, they don’t do that…
  7. Got mine today from Zavvi, thanks to their new shipping policies. It went out under the pre-ordered $5 shipping via FedEx with a tracking number. Nice to see they’ve finally gotten with the times! Unfortunately, I’m still waiting on my September orders! 🤦🏻‍♂️
  8. Definitely gonna need a premium steel!
  9. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Please please please please please please please be better than the trash movie they put out in '97!
  10. When I was in grade school, my buddies and I drew a mural of a Santa revenge story that was a pastiche on The Night The Reindeer Died segment of Scrooged, so I am 100% down for this movie.
  11. Looks like I might have a new Christmas movie to put into the annual rotation.
  12. Ooooh, very cool! I can think of at least 3 titles that meet this criteria in my collection. Going to see if I have another two. You might be seeing a submission from me soon if so!
  13. The practical effects are soo good! Much better than the CGI efforts of the 2011 prequel. I'm waiting on my Titans of Cult steel to arrive now. I hope you liked the flick, man!
  14. Yep, same. This isn’t all that unusual a practice for Amazon, either. I’ve preordered books in the past with release date delivery, and was then told they were postponed because they didn’t order any copies. But, like, I preordered it? So, you knew to at least order that one copy? Isn’t that how that should work? I don’t get it…
  15. I’m guessing they didn’t order enough stock to meet the preorder demands. I mean, the movie only earned nearly $1.5 Billion and spent damn near its whole theatrical run as the #1 movie. Why would they order enough to match the demand? Crazy talk! 😂
  16. Yeah, my Top Gun Maverick pre-order is slated for delivery on like Nov. 12 or something ridiculous post-release date. Really putting that Prime delivery to good use with that one, huh? On the bright side, I did get my copy of Scream 2 today, along with a few others, in the flimsiest paper envelope they could find. It looked battered all to hell and back, but thankfully the steels are fine.
  17. You guys are making me itch for another X-Files rewatch! Although I may skip season 9, and the spoilers I've heard about season 11, which I never did see, do not instill me with much confidence about that batch of episodes either... Still, it's one of my overall favorites and (mostly!) highly rewatchable.
  18. Thanks, @swish! Hopefully we get some images of the Human Motherbox soon. In the meantime, I'm going to have to figure out where the heck I'm going to put this thing once it gets here... 🤣
  19. Wow! Fantastic trailer, and some really nice teases of Riri! Looks like Phase IV is going out on a high note.
  20. Week 4 Challenge I wasn’t quite sure how much the inclusion of Star Trek and Interstellar might stretch the boundaries of @raylight’s challenge, so I included a sixth as a wildcard to make up for a potential duplicate! We’ve got here the spaceship from Interstellar, Batman’s batpod motorcycle, the USS Enterprise, James Bond‘s Astin Martin, the flying cop car from Blade Runner, and, if you can make it out, Snake Plissken on a surfboard! 😂 Thanks for the fun challenge, @raylight!
  21. Week 3 Challenge I’m cutting it close this week! Thanks for the reminder, @extantsrevenge! 😅 1. I’m a sucker for essay booklets, and Arrow always puts together some interesting ones. Robocop is one of my all-time favorites, and the limited edition has a nice thick booklet of essays, production notes, cast bios, and behind the scenes photos. Plus, they used the original key art for the booklet cover! I’d buy that for a dollar! 2. This silver coin from the UHD Club JAWS release has enough heft to put a dent in a man’s skull if you threw it at him. That’s pretty cool! I can’t help but imagine the damage this sucker could do if I ever dropped it off the top of the Empire State Building. 3. Last but not least are the character cards from Manta Lab’s DUNE. Or, more specifically, the back of the cards. Rather than just dropping the film’s title logo onto the back, they went an extra mile and turned these into a little puzzle that, once put together, forms the palace mural of the planet’s infamous sand worms. This is such an awesome touch and blew me away when I realized what a cool little bonus Manta had tucked away here. Huge props for this one!

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