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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. Last movie I remember turning off after a short time was Murder on the Orient Express. After watching Glass Onion the wife I wanted to check out another murder mystery in the same vein (hopefully), but those hopes were squashed almost immediately. I went to bed after 20 minutes. My wife opted to keep watching, but ended up turning it off shortly thereafter with the vow to finish it later. It's been a few weeks and as far as I know she hasn't. 🤣
  2. I dug Event Horizon, but I would definitely pay money to see ^^^this^^^ movie! Somebody get Sam Raimi on the phone STAT!
  3. AH, OK. I wasn't sure what your previous post meant... lol
  4. I can only remember walking out on Drop Dead Fred when I was like 10 or 11.
  5. Spectacle certainly has its place! I couldn't get past the story just being a retread of the Pocahontas and the silly looking aliens. 🤣
  6. Now that I would absolutely A-OK with!
  7. Agreed with both you and @Casiusco. I didn't think Avatar was anything special from a story standpoint and found it to be completely forgettable. I haven't seen the sequel, and likely won't because of how much I disliked the first one. Frankly, I'm surprised there's been such a huge audience for it (but I also thought the same of the first one, so clearly, what do I know?), but good for Cameron for crafting such a crowd-pleaser and raking in the dough.
  8. Yeah, I'd heard it billed as a satire, so I was expecting that. Thanks, man!
  9. LOL Oh dear... I was hoping to try and watch this one over the weekend because who knows when it'll leave HBO Max. Hopefully I get more out of it than you did! 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Manta did such a fantastic job with this set. I'm so happy to be a proud owner of this one, too!
  11. Got my copy over the weekend and was surprised to see the debossed title (I see it's on Zavvi's product description now, but either wasn't there back in October or I completely forgot about it...). It's pretty sharp looking!
  12. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Exciting! I'm digging that poster, too. That'd make a pretty fine steelbook, IMO.
  13. Gary sent over my tracking number a couple weeks ago, and it was delivered by DHL. Hope you get yours soon!
  14. My Human Motherbox arrived today and I'm happy to report that I am thrilled with this release! The final product turned out well! Maybe not as good as the original beauty shots Manta Lab released to launch the preorder, but certainly a huge step up from the mustard colored mess they showed off a few months back. I'm heartened they took customer complaints into account and revised the coloring scheme accordingly. It looks pretty darn nice, once all is said is done. And holy cow are the magnets securing the lid every powerful! LOL I'll try to post some pics soon but probably not for a couple weeks, most likely... I'm way behind on photographing my recent acquisitions, but once the kids are back in school and work settles down a bit, I'm hoping to catch up.
  15. So damn ready for this one! (But also kinda bummed in a cheap and lazy way that I won't be able to watch it on HBO Max Day One. LOL)
  16. Excellent! Still haven't figured out where the heck I'm going to put this thing, though... LOL
  17. Thanks for the pics! I'm waiting on my HU Motherbox to arrive; very excited to see this in-person soon(ish). So far it looks much better than the last beauty shots Manta shared!
  18. Yep, very true. My Dark Knight Rises was in limbo for the better part of the month, then on Monday I got a text notification from USPS that it cleared customs. Got it on Wednesday! 😂 I’m expecting a similar deal here and it should arrive by month’s end, provided it doesn’t sprain the back of the poor customs sorter.
  19. Mine hasn’t shown any updates since Dec. 22, but I’m guessing that’s due to the holidays. Maybe there’ll be some movement soon.
  20. Agreed. We need a lenti that transitions between Cage and Travolta on one side, and a lenti of Cage’s dance when he’s posing as a priest.
  21. I missed out on Blade Runner, but given how many other copies of this movie I have, I guess I’ll survive. Thankfully I was able to get Goodfellas! Might check back on Scarface one of these days…

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