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Posts posted by pygospa

  1. 2 minutes ago, Trianna said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    Dass Problem ist: ich trink erst seit ein paar Monaten überhaupt Kaffee 😂 alsso das mit der hohen Toleranz kann sschon mal nicht durch Langzeitwirkung sein 😄 und könnte auch nach zwei Kannen trotzdem im stehen wegpennen 🤣


    Da Du noch ein Kaffee-Neuling bist: Ist aber schon richtiger Kaffee, den Du trinkst? Entkoffeiniert gilt nicht als richtiger Kaffee :D

    Ne, im Ernst: Dann hast Du entweder eine gute Kaffeetoleranz, oder aber Du schläfst generell zu wenig. Ich kann auch nach nem Kaffee gut einschlafen, an Tagen, wie bspw. heute, wo ich dauermüde bin. Aber wenn ich gut ausgeschlafen bin, und dann nen Kaffee trinke, vorm schlafen, wirds kritischer... Schlafen geht dann troztdem, aber ich lieg halt länger wach und wenn ich dann eingeschlafen bin, ist's ein unruhigerer Schlaf. Aber Kaffee wirkt ja auch bei jedem anders. Ich kann auch um 18 Uhr noch Kaffe trinken und 3 Std. später gut schlafen, Andere Leute schlafen dann erst um 1.

    Du könntest tatsächlich mal probieren reine Koffeintabletten zu nehmen, vielleicht helfen die ja, wenn du mal Wach bleiben musst. Aber besser ist natürlich ein gesunder Schlafrythmus. Musste ich auch auf die harte Tour lernen (und halte mich trotzdem immer noch nicht dran - naja. Man ist ja auch nur einmal jung, wa? :D ).


    • Haha 4
  2. 23 minutes ago, Trianna said:

    Ich frag mich wieviel Kaffee ich trinken oder spritzen muss, damit das Zeug mal wirkt...vielleicht doch einfach Koks...glaube sonst kann nich viel meiner Faultier DNA entgegenwirken

    sloth GIFsloth looking GIF


    Das Problem ist die Koffein-Intolleranz die man da aufbaut. Ich hab früher Kaffee immer als Genussmittel getrunken, und dann aber mit der betrieblichen Ausbildung in nem IT-Support-Büro plötzlich literweise Kaffee geturnken (weil alle immer zu Faul waren, sich selbst Kaffee zu holen hat man sich immer neuen Kaffee bringen lassen, wenn einer mal Kaffee holen war - sprich, neben der drei Kaffee, auf die Du selbst lust hast, hast Du dann noch immer mind. 3 weitere (häufig mehr) "mit getrunken". Bei mir war der Effekt irgendwann auch derjenige, dass ich nicht wirklich Wach geworden bin, aber wenn ich ihn nicht getrunken hab, war ich zu nix zu gebrauchen.

    Dann hab ich mal nen halbes Jahr Kaffeeentzug gemacht, das hat sehr geholfen. Dumm war es, das ich mich später dazu entschied, noch zu studieren - da ging das mit dem Kaffeekonsum wieder los. Wenn man häufig wegen der vielen Aufgaben nachtschichten schiebt (insbesondere wenn man nebenbei auch noch arbeiten muss), bleibt da viel Koffein nicht aus. Hab dann sogar mal reine Koffein-Tabletten genommen - das kann ich aber nicht empfehlen. Ich war danach so aufgedreht, das ich auch nix hinbekommen hab, auch wenn ich die ganze Nacht wach war - schlafen ging danach auch nicht  mehr :D


    • Haha 4
  3. 12 minutes ago, CAYENNE-FAHRER said:


    and then surf here until late at night

    Waldorf und Stadler.gif


    Well I cannot complain about that, because I often also stay up far too long 😇
    But at least I get up early, even if I have to take a bath in coffee, brush my teeth with coffee, have a spread of coffee on my bread and oh, drink some coffee with it. 🤪

    • Haha 7
  4. 40 minutes ago, Veum said:

    🥤good morning  (.... rest left out intentionally :D )


    This guy is livin' the life. It's 3:30pm, everyone has been working their asses off, and then he comes around the corner with a "Good Morning" 🤣

    • Haha 7
  5. 1 hour ago, thomue1987 said:

    bei so ner Fehlermeldung hätt ich das Teil schon ausm Fenster geschmissen 😂

    angry hate GIF


    Das wird dann aber recht teuer. Auch wenn der Rechner mittlerweile seine Jährchen auf den Buckel hat - damals hat der (eigene Zusammenstellung) 2.500€ gekostet. Die will ich nicht noch mal hinlegen, solange das Gerät mir - hardwareseitig - gute Dienste leistet. Ist das scheiß neue Ubuntu, das hier die Probleme macht - hätte nicht updaten sollen *seufsz*

    • Sad 4
  6. 3 hours ago, CAYENNE-FAHRER said:

    endlich habe ich Jemanden gefunden,

    der mir Full Slips anfertigt,

    das Bild unten ist ein Beispiel,

    macht mir jetzt 14 Stück,bin sehr gespannt,

    in 3 Wochen weiss ich mehr



    Uff, das sieht ja grandios aus. Wo liegen die Preislich so? Dann brauch ich ja am Ende des Tages keines der Label mehr - ich mach mir jetzt meine eigenen Fullslips! Mit Blackjack, und Nutten!

    blackjack hookers GIF

    • Haha 8
  7. 1 minute ago, Veum said:


    Ae least my surprise package 📦 made it to you @pygospa my Forever friend❣️



    Yes :) I even don't have it too bad, I'm rather lucky, I guess. Just a week of hospital (for the first time in my life) - but speaking of hospital: After me, the father of my girlfriend was also in hospital, and yesterday a friends boyfriend needed to go to hospital as well. Really strange year. Let's hope the second half will be much better :)


    • Like 3
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  8. Als wenn Corona und die US-Unruhen nicht schon genug wäre... 2020 ist auch das Jahr der Motorradunfälle, Wasserschäden, verloren gegangener Editionen (FAC, HDZeta, etc.), Falsch versendeter Editionen (Sleepy Hollow), etc. Dieses Jahr geht wirklich alles schief, was nur schief gehen kann. Mich würde es nicht wundern, wenn einem Historiker demnächst auffallen würde, das 2012 ein Übersetzungsfehler war, und die Inkas 2020 gemeint haben, und kurze Zeit später ein Astrophysiker einen Kometen in Größe der Sonne auf Kollisionskurs mit der Erde entdeckt... O.o

    • Like 5
    • Haha 2
  9. 10 hours ago, ukade2327 said:




    Btw. I find it pretty interesting to see how other people collect things :D I see you keep the Shrinkwrap around the case, due to the stickers I guess - I tried that a while as well, but didn't like it, as the shring wrapp looks ugly, but also changes in size (I've learned that it's always a bad idea to keep vinyl completely shrinkwrapped, because then the edges of your sleeves sooner or later get dented, as the wrapp shrinks in size even as the years pass by (and during normal weather conditions). For most of my editions this wasn't a problem, but one particular foil out of ~150 vinyls just shrunk so much that I had to cut it up. Pretty annyoing as the sticker itself is transparent and bears the title of the vinyl while the sleeve is empty. Corners where already denting a little, so I just cut out the square around the sticker, but even that foil shrunk so fast, that the sticker started crumbling 😲

    It was only then that I learned that a lot of big-style long term vinyl collectors recommend to always remove the Shrinkwrap.

    I then pulled off some shrink-wrap stickers and put them on the protective sleeve, but I feel when you pull your vinyl in and out your shelf that could leave scratchmarks, so as of lately I bought some silicon paper. Where it's possible I try to slowly remove the shrinkwrap, stick the sticker onto the silicon paper and add put it in the sleeve/gatefold. But that's not ideal either. Especially transparent stickers wouldn't work that way, and there are stickers that wouldn't even peel of the shrinkwrap, or start tearing, if you try. So it's a great mess, in my collection. Few still have shrinkwrap around them (but I watch them carefully), others have the stickers on the protective sleeves I get, yet others have them cut out + stuffed inside the sleeve and yet others have silicon paper saved stickers inside the sleeve...

    What would you prefer? :D And did you ever have any problems with Shrinkwrap shrinking even after you bought them and cut open one side to access the Vinyl? If so, for how many does that happen? For me it was just this one vinyl (plus I've seen another one which was fully sealed and all for corners where rounded, and there were tears in the shrinkwrap due to it's further shrinking.





    PS: Just in case you wondered - this is not at all film related (no, it's not a Casper the friendly ghost OST :D ), but a  German punk/rock/melodic-corss-genre rapper (with German lyrics), who actually even has American roots. Pretty cool music, if you ask me :D Highlights: "Im Ascheregen", "Jambalaya", "Kontrolle/Schlaf", "Der Druck steigt/Blut sehen" and "Michael X". Last one is especially special to me, as the music video was done in one of the towns I lived in for a while. Pretty small, pretty unknown even for most people who live near to it (e.g. Hamburg), them deciding to do their music video there gave Husum more attention than it ever had.

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Ripper said:

    Schönen stressfreien Sonntag wünsch ich euch👌

    relaxed natalie dormer GIF


    😍 (da will schon wieder jemand, dass ich nix anderes geschafft kriege heute, außer ihr 3 Std. beim Schaukeln zu zu schauen :P:D )



    46 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

    Schnäppchenalarm ....schlagt zu😉😂


    Alles was ich hierzu sagen könnte, würde dazu führen, dass ich wahrscheinlich wegen zu vieler Schimpfworte vom Forum fliege, daher belasse ich es bei einem 🤬
    Besonders geil, wenn die Idioten das noch nicht einmal selbst in den händen halten. Ich wünsche das sonst niemanden, aber hier hoffe ich, deren Sendungen gehen verloren. Bitte, DHL, verliert doch ein einziges mal bei den richtigen Leuten die Pakete!

    Hmpf... ich glaub, ich scroll wieder hoch, und guck Natalie Dormer noch ein wenig beim Schaukeln zu, das bringt einen wieder auf schöne Gedanken :D

    • Like 8
    • Haha 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Ripper said:

    Gerade meine FAC Edition von Hobbs and Shaw ausgepackt... also ehrlich, wie dämlich kann man ein Lenti gestalten und das Universal Logo mit draufpacken???🤔






    Das  verzeihe ich denen sogar, weil ich mir nicht vorstellen kann, dass Filmarena von sich aus auf die Idee kommt zu sagen: "Wisst ihr, was ne geile Idee wäre? Das Universal-Logo auf dem Lenti".

    Aber das Lenti ist ja auch an für sich totaler mist. Alles sehr unscharf und pixelig, alle Kanten haben diesen Treppeneffekt. Das ist einfach nur hässlich. Halt das mal vergleichsweise gegen das was sie von den zwei IT gemacht haben - völlig andere Liga. Und genau so sieht es beim Exorcist aus. H&S und Exorcist sind echt absolut billig gemacht von den Lentis. Überhaupt nicht schön. Und nicht zu vergleichen mit den zwei IT die ich großartig finde - ist echt jedes mal wieder ein Glücksspiel mit Filmarena und den Lentis. Hab schon seit den ersten Releases die Lentis bemängelt, aber fand es damals nie zu schlimm, weils halt einheitlich schlecht war, ich mir also gedacht habe, sie hätten einfach keinen besseren Hersteller, und die bis nach Asien und zurück zu schicken ist ja auch irgendwo Käse. Aber mittlerweile ärgert mich das um so mehr, weil sie irgendwann angefangen haben, richtig geile Lentis zu produzieren. Da frag ich mich, wer sitzt denn da bei denen und nickt die ab?

    • Like 7
  12. 9 hours ago, thomue1987 said:

    zu den FA Releases:

    natürlich einige Kracher dabei, aber les ich da wirklich bei jedem Release WWA? So kann mans natürlich auch machen..

    boring fart sound GIF


    Das fällt mir immer häufiger auf - ist doch schon eine Weile so? Und dann sind sie auch immer super spät dran. Ich hab jetzt immer wieder Steelbooks, die ich sogar recht günstig gekauft habe, und die ich dann wieder aussortieren kann, weil das selbe von FA kommt. Ich bin auch echt immer unglücklicher, auch was die Filmwahl anbelangt - ich hab ja mal versucht, echt alle Title zusammen zu bekommen, und habe in Summe 115 FAC, sowie 21 BB - alle Editionen die Andre für mich bekommen konnte, seit ich ihn kenne (angefangen mit der FAC #35, Sicario) - mit einer Ausnahme, nämlich die FF1-8 - das war mir auf'n Mal so viel, außerdem hab ich die Media Markt Steelbooks, die ich sehr mag (sowie den weitere ausnahmen, wo nix zu kriegen war). Aber so langsam ist für mich da auch irgendwie die Luft raus. Sind wenig Titel dabei, wo ich mich echt riesig drauf freue - viele Titel gibts schon und von vielen anderen ebenfalls aufgelegt. So richtig schöne Klopper wie damals, wo sie die ersten waren, und häufig auch die einzigen, dann noch mit WEA, und großartiger Gestaltung - das wird immer weniger, hab ich das Gefühl. Wenn man dann noch dazu nimmt, wie oft schon Filmarena seinen Stammkunden vor den Kopf gestoßen hat - sei es mit so aktionen wie Ted, wo Ted 1 plötzlich deutlich nidriger war, als Ted 2, und man dann zwar Ted 1 und Ted 2 bestellt, aber nur Ted 2 bekommen hat, oder mit den super nidrigen Limitierungen, wo dann - selbst wenn man als Sammler immer alles gekauft hat, was rauskam, trotzdem leer ausgeht, weil die Auflage plötzlich nurnoch 400 oder 300 beträgti (Ghost in the Shell, Pets 2), sodass man sowieso nie die Chance hat, alle vollständig zu bekommen, und es dann größtenteils Titel sind, die man eh schon in der Sammlung hat, weil es ein WEA von ML gibt, oder man das WWA schon seit 'nem Jahr im Regal stehen hat, etc. pp. Und dann noch dazu nimmt, wie der FA Chef mit seinen Kunden umgeht (siehe den Krach den André hat), dann frag ich mich so langsam aber sicher, ob ich das noch so sehr unterstützen will, und nicht auch nurnoch die Titel kaufe, die wo's keine Alternative gibt, oder die ich noch nicht habe. Zumal der Preis sich ja mittlerweile auch bei über 60€ befindet (IT2 BB, bspw. war jetzt 69,44€), wohingegen ich bei den letzten zwei MantaLabs knappe 50€ bezahle (Joker 53,67€) -- alles inklusive Versand und Co. und das eine ist dann ein WEA, mit echt großartiger Qualität bei der Veredelung aus Hong Kong, und das andere mittlerweile leider 0815-Slip mit WWA aus dem direkten Nachbarland.


    Aber irgendwie fällt's mir auch schwer mit FA aufzuhören. Jahrelang war es mein Lieblingslabel. Viele Titel vor der #35 musste ich mühevoll suchen, und hab auch echt was hingelegt für die. Aber irgendwie bleibt auch das gefühl, dass es FA sowieso egal ist, was der Kunde am Ende denkt. Hauptsache es gibt genug Dumme und sie nehmen ihr Geld ein.


    1 hour ago, Trianna said:

    Gucke heute Knives Out 😄 


    Das ist ein Hammer Film! War der erste Film den ich dieses Jahr im Kino gesehen hab, im Jannuar in der Sneak. Und er ist einfach nur großartig. Da das Kinojahr ja sowieso mehr oder weniger gelaufen ist, wird's wohl in meiner sehr kleinen Top 10 dieses Jahr auf der Top 1 landen. Außer Tennet reißt mich noch von den Socken. Aber sehr viel mehr kommt ja dieses Jahr wohl nicht mehr. Vielleicht noch Dune, darauf freu ich mich auch sehr. Und sonst ist glaub ich alles ins nächste Jahr verschoben worden?

    Ins Kino würd und werde ich persönlich noch nicht wieder gehen. Ist mir alles zu umständlich mit Corona, das muss ich mir nicht geben. Ich hab eh noch unglaublich viele ungesehene Filme im Regal - denen wittme ich mich jetzt sehr viel stärker :D Außerdem müsste ich eh mal aussortieren, denn der Platz wird knapp und ich kann nicht mehr anbauen 😭


    38 minutes ago, Veum said:




    Haha, those where the days indeed. I remember how my brother and I used to set the alarm clock to get up really early and watch cartoons. Some of the program timings where really horrible. I remember the Super Mario Bros. Show, which my brother and I really loved (we had an NES and a Gameboy, and where really into those Super Mario brothers - we even had some MCs with Radio plays and if I remember correctly even some comic books), but which was shown on Saturdays at 4:30am. Can you immagine? And we actually manage to catch that show a couple of times! My mother couldn't get us out of bed during school days at 7am, but on weekends it was no problem for us to get up at 4:30am :D We must have been horrible kids (from a parent's perspective). Best memory I have: Jurassic Park. It came out in 1993, was FSK 12 rating, I was 9-10 years old, my brother 7-8. After hearing how "brutal" it was (a man get's bitten into half by a dinosaur), my mother forbade us to watch it in cinemas. So when it got out half a year later, my brother and I lend the VHS from a friend, got up at 5am on a Saturday, and watched it. Deed done. My mother got furious when she got up and realized, but what could she do? She then watched it again, with us, to see what dammage was done and if she need to talk with us about certain scenes, etc. :D

    Yeah, Saturdays used to be so much fun. Nowadays, I'm happy to get up late and lay down on the couch or sit at the PC...

    • Like 8
  13. 4 hours ago, forenhase said:

    17.500€ Schaden! Also Totalschaden....ganz knapp. Kaufe mir eine neue!


    Das tut mir so leid zu lesen. Insbesondere da ich erst vor wenigen Tagen/Wochen erfahren habe, wie sehr Du an dem Hobby und Deinen Maschinen hängst. Hoffe, Du bekommst die selbe noch mal, oder eine vergleichbare, an der Du noch weiterhin viel Freude hast! Nochmal alles Liebe und gute Genesung!

  14. Irgendwer hat alle zum Grillen eingeladen und uns nicht besched gesagt, glaub ich 😭

    Jetzt ein schönes Nackensteak... leider hat der KH-Arzt mir ja verordnet, mich deutlich fleischfreier zu ernähren wegen den Problemen mit meiner Pankreas... *seufsz*

    • Sad 7
  15. I actually wanted to wait until they drop in prices, and also wait for reviews and unboxings. I was sure this would be rather poor quality and expected them to drop in prices, given that 2-4 are not that famous with the audience anyways, but now seeing pictures and videos, plus given the fact that 2 is already low in stock, I ordered all four of them 😳 😭 🤑

    I will now go and eat some delicious rock soup with some soil garnish and maybe a stick for dessert, because there's no money left for food this month 🤪

    • Haha 2
  16. Release: 18.06.2020

    Link (amazon.de): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

    Price: 27,99€

    Limited: 2222 copies for Part 1, 666 copies for 3-4 (supposedly)


    Normally I would just have one post per Mediabook, but in this case I think it's okay to have all four in one: Because of the 45th Anniversary of part 1, in Germany Universal Pictures decided to release Jaws in a 1.500 copies limited Steelbook (with 4K UHD and BD), but also part 1-4 in a Mediabook. Unfortunately the Mediabooks all only contain BD and DVD, so for 4K UHD you still need to get the Steelbook or Amaray additionally or instead of part 1. Parts 2-4 are not released in 4K anywhere, so here you might still be interested in the Mediabooks. There are contradicting information about limitation of the books. There is no official statement by Universal and also no information on the edition itself, but a couple of German websites (i.e. collectors-junkies.com) listed the 2.222 copies, later a couple of more websites listed, that only part 1 will have these supposedly 2.222 copies, and parts 2-3 would only have 666 copies. This is important if you might be interested in these releases: Stocks on part 2 is getting low, small shops don't list them anymore, and even Mediamarkt and Saturn are sold out on these; even Amazon doesn't have them directly anymore, but via a third party that is selling through Amazon. So if you are interested at all, at least for part 2 you should best buy it now. All the releases are uncut, and come with at least DTS-HD MA 2.0 sound, for German readers, the first part has both the old and the new dubbing ("Synchro"), and also comes in Dolby Atmos for English (and Dolby Atmos for the new German dubbing). There is a lot of Bonuses included with the first two releases:


    Part 1:

    • 2h documentation on the production
    • one "feature length" (how long that might be) documentation on how the movie influenced other movies.
    • featurette on the restoration of Jaws
    • Behind the scenes
    • Deleted scenes and outtakes
    • storyboards, production photos marketing material, etc.

    Part 2:

    • Making of Jaws 2 (BD)
    • Keith Gordon on Jaws 2 (BD)
    • featurette on John Williams music for Jaws 2 (BD)
    • Deleted scenes and outtakes (DVD)
    • Production photos (DVD)
    • Shark games: out of the water! (DVD)
    • World of Sharks (DVD)
    • Storyboard

    Part 3 lists only the 3D version and trailer as extras, part 4 only an alternative ending and the trailer.


    What was unclear but is now known, is how the quality of these releases will be like, and as in the past major labels released really horrible Mediabook releases in Germany that asked prices of premium Mediabooks (30€) but delivered flimsy quality of products you'd expect to get when you pay 12€, and that you'd rather call Digibook. Now there has been a YouTube unboxing yesterday (by @stonedm190 - unfortunately in German, but for this the imagery is more important anyways, so sit down and enjoy ;)), and since that moment we know that these are actually of really high quality:



    • Title image looks stunning
    • Partial gloss for the titles
    • sewn binding
    • 28 pages of text on both parts (3 & 4)
    • Text-free backside


    All in all it is still quite an expensive pick: They are all repacks of old disks, part 1 is getting a 4K UHD re-release that is not included, 2-4 are not remastered or anything, and extras are basically non-existant on 3 and 4. If you own these already, there is no added value besides the premium package, if you don't own them, it's the question whether or not this is worth 120€ to you, when you could also get the Amarays of all 4 films for 35€. However, there is a reason why we are called psychos, and seeing first pictures on social media as well as the above unboxing, there is no doubt that these Mediabooks are of the best possible quality, build wise and also design wise.



    And, as usual, I will also say something about the movie in case you haven't seen it! Unthinkable, I know, but to be quite honest, I've also only seen this movie a couple of years ago for the first time, even though I was born in the 80s. So, you'll never know:

    In 1974 author Peter Benchley wrote a book called Jaws, based on real events that took place in 1916 at the Jersey Shore, and landed a bestseller, that also got the attention of Steven Spielberg. In 1975, Spielberg turned this book into a movie and to this date, that film is seen by movie historians as the start of the blockbuster cinema. It is telling the thrilling story of a white shark that starts hunting people on the beach of Amity. Scientists are alarmed, but the politicians downplay the thread and don't want to cause a panic or close the beach, especially as this happens a few days before the American independence day at July 4th. Till today, lots of people see this movie as one of the best, if not the best of all thrillers in the entire history of Hollywood. Jaws also revived the beast horror genre (actually I don't even know if there is an official english term for what we in Germany call "Tierhorror" for movies such as Hound of Baskerville, Tarantula, Piranhas, Cujo, Crawl, etc., where the horror villain is an animal). And, of course, it spawned three official sequels (and many many unofficial ones). Jaws 2 was done be Jeannot Szwarc, and is still regarded a good sequel, Jaws 3-D by Joe Alves was already considered really bad, and even got 5 nominations for the Golden Raspberry (worst directing, worst movie, worst supporting actor, worst screenplay, and worst newcommer [for the dolphins]). Originally Jaws 3-D was considered to be a parody, but because the producers still saw potential in the franchise they voted against it. And part 4 seems to be one of the worst movies made, gaining 0% positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, and 7 Golden Raspberry nominations, winning the one for the worst practical effects.







    • Like 1
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  17. 2 hours ago, Grendel said:

    @Mad-martigan, @Hollywood E Rock @R1s1ngs0n ;

    Just ordered, it's live now....🙂


    @pygospa, @RAK, @Casiusco ?



    OH, thank you for the heads up. Never heard of the film, but boy this Fullslip looks absolutely stunning and gorgeous. I'll have to look up trailers and read about it, but this could definately be something I enjoy. Thanks so much for considering me :)

    • Like 2
  18. 2 hours ago, Veum said:

    I would get these from there, however I believe I’m ‘wasting’ my hard-earned money 💴 when I want to be able to read the booklets also! 😉


    I totally get that, and I am sorry, that you still like and want them if it wasn't for the language problem of the booklet. And to be quite honest - I wouldn't have gotten it for the regular price either. I don't know the movie, and don't feel like it is the kind of movie I'd normally enjoy. But the high rating, the many personal recommendations and the fact that I still had some bonus points, that deduced 9€ off the shelf price, was the reason I got it, besides the two actors that I'd love to see more of (Peter Falk and Wallace Shawn).

    Given how beautiful it turned out to be, I wouldn't have felt bad paying the whole price, yet it is still quite expensive, even though you totally get your money's worth.

    But yeah - I don't get a lot of Asian editions anymore due to missing subtitles on extras that a only in Asian language, as well as booklets. So I totally get you.

    • Like 1
  19. Release: 19.06.2020

    Link (turbine-shop.de): https://turbine-shop.de/20191/die-braut-des-prinzen-limited-mediabook-edition-4k-ultra-hd-blu-ray-2-dvds

    Price: 39,95€

    Limited: 2000 copies, unnumbered




    One of my favourite labels (besindes Wicked, Capelight and Anolis), Turbine Medien, announced this title a while ago. While they do a lot of releases worth looking at, I am especially fond about their Mediabook releases, who I always get - even though they are not of the highest built quality (when compared to Wicked or Capelight), they are good releases, with a lot of extras and texts of high quality. Plus, Turbine - especially as a really small label (they started of as a 3-guys project - currently they are five, doing everything from acquiring licenses to restoration, extras and product design and distribution) - is worth supporting, for the work they are doing in Germany. Let me quote myself:


    On 2/9/2020 at 3:10 PM, pygospa said:

    In Germany, Turbine is pretty famous for it's battles against our BPjM - a federal agency that will censor or confiscate movies in Germany if they are deemed to violent. As the social standards are not the same as they used to be in the 80s or earlier, Turbine uses legal ways to force re-evaluation of such movies (including titles like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Last House on the Left, Mark of the Devil, or Crying Freeman that Turbine already managed to get re-evaluated and released in Germany). With all their titles they strive to be the first to release them in Germany (on Blu-ray) all together or at least in the longest/uncut version, and often they are also the first to do so, worldwide.


    But enough about them - what makes "Princes Bride" so special? Well, first there are a couple of releases, even by Criterion themselves, a beautiful Steelbook by Zavvi, and even a very limited Comic Con Exclusive slipcover variant, but all of these are full HD resolution releases. Turbines releases this title for the very first time ever in 4K UHD; and more than that, they use both of the competing HDR standards "HDR 10+" and "Dolby Vision" - so it doesn't matter what hardware you use - you can take advantage of the HDR in both cases.


    There is no information about the master used - I'd guess it's the Criterion master from 2018, which was scanned by Criterion in 4K with with a new restored 5.1 surround DTS-HD MA soundtrack; however Turbine offers both, 5.1 soundtrack, as well as 2.0 (which probably indicated that this was actually shot with stereo sound to begin with; it's typical for Turbine to in these cases also include the original 2.0 soundtrack as well). We already knew from the product description a frew of the things we'd get:

    • A 48-paged booklet (quite something)
    • Two audio commentaries, one by director Rob Reiner, one by book author William Goldman
      (and apparently neither of this is used by Criterion, who list only one audio commentary "(...) from 1996 featuring director Rob Reiner, screenwriter William Goldman, producer Andrew Scheinman, and actors Billy Crystal and Peter Falk"
    • "True Love - The Princess Bride Phenomenon" - a two part Documentary for the 25th anniversary of the movie.
      (this is from 2012 and in HD, and apparently (correct me if I am wrong!) also not used with the Criterion release (from 2018). Unfortunately there is no list of Extras for most releases available, so I cannot check if that was used somewhere else before).
    • 7 featurettes in SD (probably used on all the DVD + BD realeses)
    • 3 featurettes from 1987


    All in all these add up to 150 minutes of bonus material. Oh, and they are all in English language with optional German subtitles (no English subtitles for the extras), while the movie itself offeres (of course) both German and English audio and additionally German and English subtitles.

    And then there is the package - and the capacity of understatement that Turbine is capable of. The product description page reads: "4-disc Mediabook with exclusive Artwork by Paul Shipper (Ready Player One), limited to 2000 copies". It fails to mention that you'll get a quilted mediabook, in leather-structured finish with goldfoil printing, that comes in a thick hardcover Fullslip. Quite a surprise. And a pleasent one. This mediabook looks really stunning. And not just from the outside. I am always really critical with the booklet insides, and in times it feels like I am the only one, that cares about this things. But here it goes:

    • I don't like text summaries of the movie (e.g. done by Warner/Hoanzl Dracula releases), because I don't see what's the value of this? I've seen the film, or am about to. You don't need to sell me the story, I already bought it.
    • Advertisement texts - same as above. If I am able to read it (i.e. there's no shrink wrap around it anymore), then I have bought this.
    • I don't like arid biographies, bibliographies, filmographies, etc., neither in textual nor in list form. If I want this, I'll hit up wikipedia.
    • I don't like wikipedia copied texts in my booklets.
    • I don't like information that I can google in 2 seconds time.
    • I don't like all the pictures be taken as Screenshots from the movie. Again, I own the movie...


    Now, take 100 random Mediabooks, and you'll see that 80% of these will fulfill the above criteria in at least one point. What I like to have is this:


    • Production history
    • Rather unknown trivia facts about anything regarding the movie
    • Motivations, problems, troubles and such that producers and actors went through when doing this movie.
    • If it is an old movie: historical context! What other movies where around, what influenced this movie, how did this movie differ, how did people react to this movie, what did the press have to say?
    • Exclusive text written for this release, maybe even including something new, such as interviews, film analysis, etc.
    • Regarding pictures: I like to see rare stuff, things I've not seen before, things you wouldn't even find on the internet with Google picture search: Behind the scenes photography, promotional pictures, poster artworks from around the globe, lobby cards, making-of photos (especially if it's something like e.g. the white house model that was blown up in Independence day).


    Now, if you open up this Mediabook, it has it all. I am so excited to read this text, because it was already so much fun just browsing through the pages. So all in all, I would say, this is an edition worth getting, even if you own another special edition such as Zavvi or Criterion, here are a few things you don't own already (including the 4K UHD). And given the premium package at just 2000 copies for a world premiere release, I'd say you cannot do anything wrong. There might come second and third releases, maybe even in a normal mediabook - one never knows exactly with Turbine (because they plan according to the sales numbers as they cannot afford releasing something that wont sell at all, or will only sell underprice), but this will definately stay pretty special. Unfortunately, of course, the text is only available in German, if that's a problem to you, just so you know.


    As for the movie: I haven't seen it yet, and this nromally doesn't look like a film I would go for. But it has so many positive reviews and people who really love it, it is in so many Top 100 Filmlists (Bravo, AFI, Channel 4, National Film Registry), and a 8,1 IMDB rating, based on 381,000 voters, with 26% giving 10, 21% giving 9 and 25% giving 8 out of 10 points. Based on the eponymous novel by William Goldman from 1973, in 1987 it was adapted by Rob Reiner, telling the story of the farmhand Westley who sets out to rescue the Princess Buttercup from the evil Prince Humperdinck whom she is forced to be married to. This adventure-fantasy film stars Cary Elwes and Robin Wright, and has a supporting cast of many well known actors such as Peter Falk or Wallace Shawn.

    As always, I'd like to close with a trailer, followed by a couple of pictures I took from my edition that already came to me today (probably because I pre-ordered it so long ago), even though it is officially released only tomorrow.

































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