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Posts posted by pygospa

  1. Just now, icewire said:

    Muss ich dann vielleicht auch mal riskieren.

    Oh nein. Das war nur eine Frage, wollte Euch nicht von den GBs abbringen :D Ich frag mich halt tatsächlich immer ob ich das auch machen sollte, wenn hier was neues als GB kommt, was ich schon im Kalender für die Vorbestellung hab :D Aber außer das man früher dran ist, seh ich noch keinen Vorteil, und da ich nicht verstehe, wie die anderen GBs funktionieren, worauf ich achten muss, etc. mach ich's dann lieber selbst, ehe ich was verpasse, was ich gerne gehabt hätte :D

    Aber ja, ich habe für MantaLab auch noch nie Zoll zahlen müssen. Glaub aber auch da kommt es immer auf die Größe des Pakets an. So ein kleines Fullslip wird gerne durchgewunken, meine Nova-Media Christmas Sale Pakete bleiben wegen der 4-8 Titel immer hängen. Auch das also eigentlich eher ein Grund gegen GBs. Andererseits leisten wir damit ja unseren Beitrag an die Gesellschaft :D

    • Like 6
  2. Eingen guten Morgen zusammen, und einen schönen Mittwoch. Meiner startet deswegen schon perfekt:


    3 hours ago, Hollywood E Rock said:
      Reveal hidden contents



    relaxed natalie dormer GIF



    😍 Diese Frau *schmacht* Könnt ich mir Stundenlang anschauen :D


    A pro pos GBs. Ich hab mir meine Editionen bisher immer alle selbst gekauft (z.B. MantaLab) - nur bei denen wo man schlecht rankommt (FAC, BluFans) setze ich auch GBs. Ich frag mich gerade, welchen Vorteil ich hätte, wenn ich auch ML in der GB kaufen würde? Und zahlt man da nicht am Ende des Tages unglaublich viel mehr als Versand? ML -> GB -> Hub -> Besteller (da ist ja jeder -> einmal mehr Verandkosten). Außerdem: Meinen bisherigen Erfahrungen nach finden 100% der nicht-FAC GBs, an denen ich Teilnehme, nicht statt 🤪


    40 minutes ago, icewire said:

    Du hast ein Wort genutzt, welches gefiltert wird und daher muss der Post er durch einen Mod freigeschaltet werden.

    Ahahaha. Und ich dachte immer, ich bin der einzige dem das andauernd passiert. Teilweise jeder 2. Post von mir, weil ich, wenn ich eine Edition vorstelle, auch ein bisschen auf die Editionshistorie sowie die Filmgeschichte eingehe, und sowas wie "etwas wurde geh kahn zelt" immer nettes Triviawissen ist :D

    Warum ausgerechnet das Wort in der Liste der No-No-Wörter ist, versteh ich aber auch nicht so ganz... Nuja, irgendwer wird sich schon irgendwas dabei gedacht haben (hofft man zumindest immer 😜). Muss ich mir jetzt Synonyme dafür suchen.
    Im Deutschen kann ich ja jetzt immer die Wortkombie aus Gehen, einem Kahn und einem Zelt verwenden (wenn das klappt) *muah ha ha* <-- Hier fieses Lachen eines Superschurken einfügen, der gerade seinen Plan zur Welteroberung erklärt hat!

    • Like 7
  3. 48 minutes ago, Veum said:






    I've already seen this posted somewhere else. As it is quite expensive - do you know the movie? Is it worth it's money? Just the movie, not the edition. The Edition itself looks incredible. I just never heard of this one ever before :D

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Fortis93 said:


    Damn, what I have done. xD


    I suppose you can still get your fix of blu, it's just there are a few more hurdles to jump over in terms of access, availability and finances for the more specialised or limited editions.

    Yeah, finances is the biggest issue. You guys have a really great PhD program, where you actually get paid for doing the PhD (and just that), but of course, you won't get rich - it's a sacrifice (but I think it's a fair one - in Germany for instance, you'd get a temporary contract for a certain time period at the department you want to do your PhD in, but it's always a full-time job, so you need to do lectures, and grade exams, and do all the other administrative and academic work besides doing your PhD (which is basically at least half of the time of your "free time") - which is why it's not uncommon that you've got 5-10 years of PhD students (which they actually aren't - they are already junior scientists). But because these contracts are  temporary, and renewed once they expire, it could always happen that funds are gone, from one contract to the next, so you end up jobless and for most this also means, giving up on the PhD all together (if you cannot afford keeping on working on it in your private time).

    In Australia - from what I gathered from the information evening I visited here in Germany - you are supposed to work full time on your PhD and finish in 3, max. 4 years (if you cannot, you're out, and maybe even have to repay parts of the money you got). You get money for doing that, because your research will belong to the University (as is the case in Germany as well), but you are not allowed to work besides that, and of course, such student wage is very low (still a far better deal than in Germany). Plus, if you finish, you get a temporary Green Card that can be renewed, once you have a job. So it's a great offer and opportunity for your own career and curriculum vitae.

    But, what I'm trying to say: If I do go the PhD route (which is a big if, for sure), and if I do go to Australia for it (which is an even bigger if), it's probably all for the best, that you don't have too much temptation for my collector's heart :D So, no harm done - probably better this way :D 

    • Like 2
  5. Actually, I was considering moving to Australia for a while. Still not sure if I want to stay where I am right now (programming webshops for different clients - good money, but rather dull and monotone in it's entirety), or if I want to move to academia, but first step for later would be getting a PhD - and if I get one, I'd love to take the opportunity to do it abroad. And after gathering a lot of information, I found that Australian universities are quite attractive.

    Now, you've destroyed that plan for good. I'm not going somewhere where it is hard to get my weekly fix of blu :D

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  6. Hi @R1s1ngs0n,


    6 minutes ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

    The list I made in the OP is complete and up to date. I included the newly announced September's releases and will continue to update periodically. Hopefully more titles will be available for UK as there is still time until their release.


    Just to be clear - I know your list, and I think it's really great, and I highly appreciate the work you are putting into this. I especially like, that you put in links to the Criterion page for each release, which I find really valuable (and that is something missing in the Wikipedia list).

    Why I linked that Wikipedia list: because it has the information on which are UK releases as well (which is why I made it bold) plus the OOP information. That's something really valuable for me to know - I always check for a movie I am interested in, what editions have been released (world wide) and if it's region free, or region B. And of course, if I can still get it, or if I need to check second markets/needn't bother because it's hard to get/ungettable. That's just why I thought this might be interesting as additional resource - but in no way to devalue your excellent work. So sorry, if that came across the wrong way!


    6 minutes ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

    Marriage Story is an excellent film that should have earned Adam Driver the Oscar for Best Actor. Phoenix was fantastic in Joker but Driver in this film is just on another level. Tremendous actor!


    So I have heard so often. It's really nice, that Criterion not only focuses on classic movies, but - if there comes a modern movie worth watching - also picks up these titles for their collection. And I am really happy, that it gets an UK release, cause you know, my stupid player only does Region B... (yes, @Veum, I know, I need to pick up a free/A one :D ).

    • Like 2
  7. I've got some good news, but also bad news. Good news first:


    Wikipedia actually has a pretty comprehensive list of the releases by Criterion Collection, including information such as:

    • Spine Number
    • Is it a BD or a DVD release,
    • Is it also part of a boxset
    • Does it have a UK release
    • Is it out of print or still available
    • Is it announced but not yet on the market
    • Plus many more, such availability on LaserDisc (plus LD Spine number), Boxset-only releases, Collection (eg. Essential Art House boxes), etc.

    I think that's rather decent work to look up any title you might want to get, and check out availability, etc. I don't know how accurate the table is and how often it get's updated, but all the newly announced titles are already listed, so I guess it's pretty accurate. Also, and this is the bad news:


    Up to now (not sure if they might still get announced later), there really (at least according to the list) is no UK releases of any of the new titles, that @Masada presented yesterday. From all (also including those that where announced earlier, but not yet released, and therefore are not mentioned in the post form @Masada) of the announced ones (spine no. 1032 - 1051) only 1033 (The Cameraman) and 1038 (Marriage Story) will also get a UK release. Plus there are three tiles already released in the US that still await a UK release: 1028 (Dance, Girl, Dance), 1029 (Husband) and 1030 (Scorsese Shorts).

    Out of these announced UK releases I am most excited about Marriage Story, cause I heard a lot of good things about it, as it premiered on Netflix. Not sure if there's any other release planned, Netflix movies seldom get BD releases, as is. So I'll get this one, for sure :)


  8. みなさん、こんばんは!

    Sorry for not talking Japanese, and sorry for not talking about movies, but given it's the Japanese Room (similar to the German room), this could actually also be used about general talk, I guess. I had a very bad day today (not too productive at the job, not too productive at home, disappointing damaged package). But right now, I have a little "lift me up". Last month I decided to get to the next level with my Japanese. I learned my Hiragana and Katakana (and forgot most of the Katakana again), I did an audio lecture on important Japanese sentences (supposed for people travelling to Japan) and I did the really great Michelle Thomas audio course (all three of them), plus a little learning on YouTube and with a book, I got. But I somehow felt stagnating, and I wasn't too sure where to go next with this really basic knowledge.

    So, last month I thought to myself to start with Kanji. I actually didn't want to learn Kanji and push it off as long as possible, because my main focus is speaking and understanding (so I can watch Japanese movies :D ), but I thought to myself, that a good guide could be to look up what the JLPT would be asking (it's debatable if this learning path is a sensible way to go, but I for myself thought, that if I wanted to see and measure some progress, it would be helpful - I probably won't do them, because I don't need them for nothing I could think of, but there are online tests, of previous years, so I could measure my progress against those).

    Now, one week after start learning (with spaced repetition), I just tested all the things I have learned, and also counted them - and I was suprised by myself. Out of 220 Radicals, Kanji and Vocabulary they make up, with the different readings and meanings, as well as writing them myself (another thing - I don't think I'll ever need writing Kanji. Yet, because I learn best if I can write things down, I looked up stroke orders of all the Kanjis and learned writing them as good as possible), I just made 10 mistakes. And those aren't even big ones (e.g. mixed up kun and on reading, or things like しゅ and じゅ or ちゅ。Which, if I ever where to write Furigana on some Kanji might be bad, but given that they are all pretty similar pronounced (at least to my untrained ear of these shu sounds), I can live with that.

    Now, even though it was a bad day, I can go to bed proud of myself. :)



    • Like 6
  9. 2 hours ago, forenhase said:

    Rechnungen und der Versand wird sich verzögern in den nächsten 8 Wochen. Wir hatten einen Motorradunfall und meine Rechte Hand ist gebrochen.

    Oh nein! Ich hoffe, es verheilt alles wieder gut und unkompliziert und Du hast keinen allzugroßen Schock davon getragen. Auch hoffe ich das der Schaden an Deinen schönen Maschinen nicht schlimm war. Alles liebe und Gute und gute Besserung!

    Bezüglich der Verzögerungen: Du weißt, dass ich immer geduld habe - gerade bei Dir weiß ich auch, dass ich mich zu 100% verlassen kann. Also lass und nimm Dir alle Zeit der Welt!

    • Like 2
  10. Falls außer mir noch jemand auf die Packet-Shots gewartet hat, ehe er bei "It Chapter 2" seine GB-Anfrage stellt, voilá, puis-je vous aider*:

    *) Lange keine Franzosen mehr hier gewesen, habt ihr sie etwa alle vertrieben?

    • Haha 8
  11. Kleine Info: Die Packet Shots sind da.

    Was ich mich dabei aber noch frage: In DE gab's ja beide Steelbooks auch einzeln, und die sind beide wunderschön geprägt und mit partial Gloss versehen. Jetzt hab ich gesehen, dass es aber auch eine "billigere" Variante davon gibt, wo es einfach nur ein mattes Steelbook ist, ohne Prägung ohne Gloss. Weiß da irgendjemand was drüber, was da wohl wahrscheinlich bei Filmarena drin sein wird?

    Ich hab mich jetzt jedenfalls (erstmal?) für's Fullslip entschieden - eigentlich wollte ich, nachdem das Original und der erste Teil hier im Lenticular kamen, auch hier das Lenticular - aber nachdem dann sowohl bei Hobbs und Shaw als auch beim Exorcisten das Lenticular einen wieder hart auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurückgeworfen hat, wie hässlich FAC die Dinger manchmal hinbekommt (und offensichtlich trotzdem okey findet, wtf?), will ich hier das risiko doch nicht eingehen. Zudem gefallen mir sowohl das Steelbook als auch der Fullslip in der E1 besser, also lieber mal kein Risiko eingehen und was nehmen, das nicht so gut zum ersten Teil passt. Muss ja auch nicht immer alles perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt sein ;)

    Auch schick, das E1 das Steelbookartwork von E2 hat, plus die Mappe die wie die Hartbox aussieht - so kriegt man bei E1 ja wirklich alle Artworks zusammen (und coole Charakter Cards - seh ich das richtig, dass sich die Kinderdarsteller in den Luftballons der Erwachsenen spiegeln? Mega-Idee :) ).




    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Gubbel said:

    Bin heute total unmotiviert. Es kann als nur besser werdenxD

    So geht es mir in letzter Zeit auch täglich. Zu all dem Frust den einen ein Montag eh schon bringt, hab ich gerade endlich mein Päckchen von Zavvi erhalten, das eigentlich schon im März ankommen sollte, aber sich verzögert hat.

    Als wenn Montage nicht so schon schlimm genug wären. Der Verantwortliche gehört mindestens ausgepeitscht 🤬 50€ fürs 🚽. Und natürlich ist der Artikel schon lange ausverkauft (sonst hätte ich auch bei Amazon.co.uk geordert, nicht bei Zavvi), und wird im 3-stelligen weiterverkauft. Könnt kotzen.










    • Haha 1
    • Sad 17
  13. 12 minutes ago, Veum said:


    I thought so too @pygospa, never thought I’d love 💕 PINK so much!😘


    TULLY as well as KNOWING are blind-buys for me LOL 😝 🙏


    Tully was quite all right. I saw it a while ago at a sneak preview cinema presentation. It wasn't too conventional, slow paced, and even though I am probably not the target group (overwhelmed mothers), I could so feel with her. Charlize Theron is great of course (since Atomic Blonde I absolutely love her), and this was a so untypical role for her to play, yet she was so convincing, and her acting and looks are so different, that it took me quite some minutes, until I finally got who she actually was.  The other main person is MacKenzie Davis, and she has a rather creepy vibe, I can never quite picture her :D But she is really great as well.


    I think you might actually like it even better than I did, judging from some of the movies you recommended to me :)

    Please let me know what you thought, once you've seen it!

    • Like 1
  14. On 6/9/2020 at 3:30 PM, Veum said:

    I want a BR 2049 please and TU!🤔


    I Want GIF


    To be quite honest, BR 2049 was done so many times (Filmarena, WeET Collection (at KimchiDVD), HD Zeta), that I wouldn't need it. Original Blade Runner didn't get any Fullslip treating yet, there was only the old suite case edition.

    What I really really really hope for, though, is that they include at least the three important main cut editions (the "Directors Cut", the "International Cut" aka "Criterion Cut" and the "Final Cut"). I think there are even more (7 in sum?), but those three are afaik the most important ones, and even though the latest "Final Cut" is considered the one how this movie is supposed to be (and is arguably also the best cut), just for the historical relevance, as well as how you might have grown up with the movie (e.g. I - as all Germans - grew up with the "International Cut"), this would be really nice.

    Guess, however, this is not going to happen, though :(

    • Like 1
  15. vor 3 Stunden schrieb Cornbuster:

    Guten Morgen zusammen,

    erst einmal einen schönen Sonntag allerseits.


    Ich hatte ja neulich schon geschrieben, dass ich gerade wegen des fehlenden Lentis bei der JAWS-FAC-Edition Printflips anschreiben werde.

    Gestern Abend kam eine Rückmeldung.

    Im Raum steht momentan die Frage, ob mehrere Interessenten vorhanden wären.

    Ich gehe davon aus, dass er eines produzieren würde, wenn ein paar Käufer zusammen kämen.


    Daher nun meine Frage an Euch, ob jemand Interesse hat.

    Mitglieder, die nicht so aktiv im deutschen thread hier sind, können mir auch gerne eine PM senden.

    Neben einer möglichen Sammelbestellung in Deutschland wäre sicherlich auch eine internationale Bestellung oder Einzelbestellung möglich, da Printflips einen Ebay-Shop hat und auch international versendet.

    Meine bisherigen Erfahrung sind gut.




    Lustige Idee - hab noch nie ein custom Lenticular gekauft, oder machen lassen, daher würde mich erstmal interessieren: Was kostet sowas denn überhaupt? Davon würd's bei mir abhängig sein. Wirklich brauchen tu ich's nicht, aber die Idee fänd ich trotzdem lustig. Ich würd dann aber ein 3D Lenticular bevorzugen - diese Flipflop-Dinger mit mehreren bildern die wechseln, mag ich (mit wenigen ausnahmen) garnicht :D

    • Like 3
  16. 3 hours ago, Movie_Shelter said:


    I perfectly know what you are saying. My story whent other side - MoS release was exceent so i bought their next Deadpool even though i had filmarena Hardbox on the way.  Than Revenant, but i reduced film arena version instead. To this day, FA version of Revenant is steal sealed.


    In case of Lenticulars....i was always Full Slip guy and only HDZeta changed it a bit with theirs Terminator releases, when i loved their lentis. Overall, now the market has so much changed that i don't know what i prefere. I think still Full Slips, due to the fact that i can put an autograph on them;) 

    In Germany it's really hard to get Autographs anyways. Only at really expensive conventions, and these are so overrun, and the autographs also cost money (and quite something), that it's not fun for me to get those. If it was possible I'd totally get you; I've got a couple of autographs on CDs and Vinyl, but it's again more the meeting of a star and talking to him for a few short minutes - the autograph is just the "souvenir"and reminder of that meeting. On the other hand I also love my editions as original as they were, so maybe it's better this way (I always start crying when I see some German collectors tossing out the original discs of an Edition they import and replacing it with the disc from the German Amaray).

    Still, in general I am with you on the Fullslip > Lenticular - if, and only if, the Fullslip has some beautiful finish. There are a couple of Fullslips that are just boring, and in that case, a beautiful Leticular could be even nicer.  Two examples that come right to my mind: FAC Vaiana and FAC Zootopia. The Fullslips absolutely boring. Not anything special as artwork, just a scene of the film itself, no partial gloss, no shiny parts, no embossing, nothing. Same with unbroken, only the title is glossy, and that's it. Thats rather dull, and probably, for these cases a beautiful 3D popout effect that is well executed (we are talking quality of MantaLab, NovaMedia, etc.) would have worked much better.


    On the other hand, what I used to like about Filmarena was their lenticular magnet - and I think it's a shame that no one else is doing these - e.g. I got both Deathpool Releases from Mantalab, but I would be totally fine with the Fullslip + the lenticular magnet for the Steelbook. That to me, is the best you could do, and only Filmarena is doing it - unfortunately, because the first 80 or so releases, the Lenticulars were ass-ugly, and since then they've actually figured out how to do it correctly but now it seems they are rolling dices on this: half of their lenticulars are really beautiful, the other half is garbage. That's really frustrating. Especially as you cannot really choose freely anymore, because of the "one gets the UHD, the other the 3D". I'm so not digging that, lately :(


    • Like 2
  17. I am with you on MoS, but runner up is rather difficult. Yes the Constantines are really great. But so is the Revenant one. And even though it's not perfect and people didn't like it, I think it's really great that they tried out new things with the Kingsmen Fullslip (the PET one that was Lenticular on every side) as well. For the BvS I cannot tell you if I like the Lenticular or the Fullslip better. The one has stuningly perfect 3D, the other has this holofoil on Batmans eyes making them glow, and so much detail on the fullslip, it's insane. Or take the Batman Lego Movie with each and every Lego button as an embossing and the word Lego on it debossed, what a fine work on details (plus I like these kids extras they put into it, instead of the usual cards). Fightclub - so often done, none used this crazy colorful artwork explosion they used on t he fullslip. Love it. Oh and don't even get me started on that sexy Mera 3D Lenticular on Aquaman 🥰

    I guess what I am saying: To me they are (with a few execptions, that are not bad, but not as special as the rest [Walter Mitty, for instance, or Lala Land]), all runner ups 😍

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