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Posts posted by pygospa

  1. Release: 28.08.2020

    Link: Cover A, Cover B, Cover C (*)

    Price: 28,99€




    I just looked up my old threads because I wanted to see what I wrote when writing about this collection series, but guess what? Until now, I haven't written about this collection series! And this is especially strange, as I've written about Anolis "Phantastische Klassiker" series, as well as their "Galerie des Grauens" series. But, their main and most important series, the "Anolis Hammer Horror" series I left out entirely. And this is especially strange as this series is probably the most important to me. So as this is the very first time, allow me to go far afield for this post. I started collecting DVDs at around ~2000 (+/- 1 Year, probably). I cannot reproduce the exact date, but since then I've been collecting, and since then (at 2000 I was around 16 years old), I only collected contemporary movies, as well as a few classics from the 90s that I grew up with. Oldest movies in my collection where probably the 70s, but these where sparse: Star Trek, Star Wars, Alien, Halloween. But older? No, sir. I did not find any interest in classics and never saw movies from the 60s or 50s, etc. This changed, when all of a sudden, at around 2014 - I just started collecting Blu-rays and people where talking about these new releases by Anolis, that just started a year ago. It was recommended to me, and I looked them up and heard about these Hammer films (I didn't know anything about Hammer Studios), and though: Well, that's probably uninteresting for me. But people kept talking about it, and all of a sudden I realized that there where actually at least 2 movies that I knew: At least one of the Dracula movies, and the Hound of the Baskervilles - I saw these in TV because as a child I used to love both, Dracula as well as Sherlock Holmes. So, in 2016 I finally tried it out, and got Anolis 13th Hammer Horror release, "Gruft der Vampire" (OT: "The Vampire Lovers") just when it was released. To be quite honest, I hated it, but - I loved the release, the extras, all the information, and after seeing all these, I liked the movie more than after watching it the first time. Next, I got a few of the older releases, starting with "Dracula und seine Bräute" (OT: "Brides of Dracula"), "Frankensteins Ungeheuer" (OT: "Evil of Frankenstein") and "Hände voller Blut" (OT: "Hands of the Ripper") - and these where really good. Thus started my journey into the real classic movies, stumbling upon movies such as Roger Corman movies, Terence Fisher and Freddi Francis movies, Mario Bava films, William Castle movies, George A. Romero films, Universal Classic monsters, Hammer Horror, Amicus Productions, and so many more. And it all started with Anolis Hammer Horror release. This is why this label is so important to me.

    I wrote a bit in detail about the label Anolis on the post I did to "It! Terror from Beyond Space", focussing on the "Galerie des Grauens", this time I'd like to focus on their Hammer releases. So Anolis was founded in 1998 and started out with Kaiju classic movies on VHS. In 2001 they switched to DVD and in 2002 they secured 20 Hammer Studios titles for Germany as DVD release. They where the first to gain these rights, and they decided to do something special with them, so they made it a collectible series, with spine numbering, and an image that streached over all spines (which artificially limited them to 20 titles), with a booklet. A few also had a small number of extras, if there was still space on the DVD. And they promise that this was the only release they'll do of these movies - a promis that Anolis keeps like no other label: There won't be any second prints, or cheaper re-releases. Which is why after finishing their 20 titles in 2004, for a long time they did not pick up with Hammer. It was in 2012 that they actually announced their plans of picking up Hammer once more, but for an HD release. They actually openly asked the community, about their oppinion. They did not want to make collectors of the old release angry, so they decided that this new series will not come with a DVD combo (as is usual for Mediabooks) but as single BD. To add value to the collection, there will be new booklets instead of copying the old ones, new artworks that weren't used with the DVD release, as well as adding extras and producing new extras as well - this way, people who own the DVD could still gain something from these releases. Plus, different to all their other series releases, they decided to not do a spine image or spine numbers, allowing owners of the DVDs to just get the new titles and keep their DVDs when a title was re-released. Also, because a lot of people asked why certain titles where not released with the 20 titles, Anolis wanted to be open to keep this series running as long as possible. This was the consensus that was found with old DVD collectors. And actually, the Hammer DVD releases did not drop in value - even today the DVDs range from 30€ to 130€, and the whole set has absurde asking prices.


    It was planned that every release would come in one limited Mediabook release as well as in an non-limited keep case with same disk but no booklet and the standard cover artwork (to preserve these classics). However, they had to change this as early as their second release: People where so unhappy with the french cover variant, that Anolis decided to "exceptionally" offer a second cover variant. This exception became the standard since their fourth release, and four their Dracula releasees they bumpt it up to 3 Mediabook cover variants.

    Here's a list of what they've released so far:

    1. Quatermass and the Pit [Das Grüne Blut der Dämonen]
    2. Twins of Evil [Draculas Hexenjagd]
    3. The Mummy's Shroud [Der Fluch der Mumie]
    4. The Curse of the Werewolf [Der Fluch von Siniestro]
    5. Hands of the Ripper [Hände voller Blut]
    6. Countess Dracula [Comtesse des Grauens]
    7. Plague of the Zombies [Nächte des Grauens]
    8. The Evil of Frankenstein [Frankensteins Ungeheuer]
    9. The Reptile [Das Schwarze Reptil]
    10. The Brides of Dracula [Dracula und seine Bräute]
    11. The Quatermass Xperiment [Schock]
    12. Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell [Frankensteins Höllenmonster]
    13. The Vampire Lover [Gruft der Vampire]
    14. Captain Clegg [Die Bande des Captain Clegg]
    15. Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter [Captain Kronos - Vampirjäger]
    16. The Witches [Der Teufel tanzt um Mitternacht]
    17. The Phantom of the Opera [Das Rätsel der unheimlichen Maske]
    18. Nightmare [Der Satan mit den langen Wimpern]
    19. Horror of Dracula [Dracula]
    20. Paranoiac! [Haus des Grauens]
    21. Taste the Blood of Dracula [Wie schmeckt das Blut von Dracula]
    22. Dracula A.D. 1972 [Dracula jagt Mini-Mädchen]
    23. Dracula has Risen from the Grave [Draculas Rückkehr]
    24. Rasputin, the Mad Monk [Rasputin - Der Wahnsinnige Mönch]
    25. The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb [Die Rache des Pharao]
    26. To the Devil... a Daughter [Die Braut des Satans]
    27. Vampire Circus [Circus der Vampire]
    28. The Devil Rides Out [Die Braut des Teufels]

    So far, I've collected all of them in one cover artwork - except for the first one - not because I don't want it, but because I cannot find it for a price that I would still be willing to pay (50€ including insured shipping), as it is sold from 120€ - 200€ :(




    But let us FINALLY come to the release that was actually announced today!


    After Anolis has already released "Das grüne Blut der Dämonen" (OT: "Quatermass and the Pit") [as their first release] and "Schock" (OT: "The Quatermass Xperiment"), we finally get the completion of the "Quatermass Tirlogy" with "Feinde aus dem Nichts" (OT: "Quatermass 2"). As its predecessor "The Quatermass Xperiment", "Quatermass 2" is a black-and-white science-fiction horror movie by Val Guest and with Brian Donlevy as the name-giving protagonist "Prof. Bernard Quatermass". It was released in 1957, and as Shock, the story revolves once more around hostile aliens that want to invade the earth.

    As you can see in the first image, there are three Mediabook cover artworks, cover A features the US movie poster artwork, cover B features the rare Belgian movie poster and cover C was used in France. On the disk there'll be an audio commentary with Nigel Kneale and Val guest, an German exclusive audio commentary with Dr. Rolf Giesen and Volker Kronz, a "vintage" version of the movie, i.e. the german Cinema version in 1.37:1 [while the normal version on the disk will be 1.79:1], the "World of Hammer" episode on "Science Fiction", a super-8 version of the movie, a featurette(?) on the comic adaption, and picture galeries and trailers. Compared to the only other release out there (by Shout Factory in the US), these extras are basically shared (with the exception on the comic adaption and the german audio commentary, as well as the super-8 and vintage versions of the movie), but Shout Factory's release actually features two additional audio commentaries by film historians, as well as an Interview with Val Guest. It's more or less even, with the Shout Factroy being more English friendly, of course. But, we also get the 32-page booklet, which will - as usually - also contain rare picture material, such as international movie posters, lobby cards, etc.


    Are you interested in this release? Do you own any other Anolis Hammer releases? What Cover would/will you pick? As usually I am interested in your thoughts, and to shorten the wait for the release, here is the trailer:





    (*) Full disclosure on the link: This can be bought at any Mediabook store around; I would have listed another one but that one's not liked here, which I respect. Wicked however only has a really limited quantity of these books. If you don't get it via them, you can also try jpc, and others (which I do not have any experiences with, so no recommendation here). Amazon usually also carries some, but they are usually much more expensive right from the beginning. Also keep in mind, that currently there is still a block from Germany to the US (apprently by the DHL), so if you are from the US please try getting them via detour or a hub (e.g. over Canada); if you cannot, I know that Wicked will keep your orders and send them out as soon as they can.


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    • Thanks 1
  2. To add on this one: It's a three disc set, with each disc containing one of the movies on either BD or UHD. There is no DVD copy included, and you have to choose between these two configurations. The BD variant is ~15€ cheaper, at 31,38€, while for the UHD you'll pay 46,71€.

    Also, you might know that just few months prior to this release, there was an release by Arrow Video for "The Woman". However, that version just includes the "Offspring" movie on the two disc set. "Darlin'" is missing in that release. The 4K masters will probably be the same that Arrow has used, and nearly all listed extras are similar - so if you got the Arrow Release you won't get any additional extras, except, of course the missing "Darling'" movie, which makes this release fare more superior, especially considering that this also is a mediabook, which is the superior packaging (but in all fairness, the Arrow release does come with a slip cover, a reversible cover and also a booklet - so one might argue that these are rather similar in quality of package).

    Last but not least: FSK refused the rating, so lawyers rated it, and it got a "SPIO/JK - keine schwere Jugendgefährdung" (not heavily liable to corrupt the youth), making it impossible to advertise and openly sell it in Germany. And also while "keine schwere Jugendgefährdung" is not automatically indexed (different to "schwer Jugendgefährdend"), this could still happen, as only a FSK seal protects releases from being indexed. Maybe a reason to get it rather now than later.


    • Thanks 2
  3. Hey @Grendel, my forgetful friend :)

    6 hours ago, Grendel said:

    I'm also curious Pygospa if any of those Hansesound Mediabooks arrived as yet?


    I did a typical writeup on both of them, and you actually commented on both of them ;) But no worries, I am rather forgetful myself, so I can totally sympathize with you :D 




    6 hours ago, Grendel said:

    edit: Oh, wanted to mention, the inclusion of an "audio CD" I find quite curious and am anxious to discover more of what it entails.

    If it is essentially the OST, that would be great.


    Sorry, if I wasn't too clear on that, but yes, basically it is the OST, but with more tracks, I guess - maybe unused songs?


    8 hours ago, pygospa said:

    The CD contains the "authorized expanded" 27-titles soundtrack of the movie.


    • Thanks 1
  4. Some updates on this release are available, as pre-ordering has just opened up:

    Release: 31.08.2020

    Link (Wicked Shop): Cover A, Cover B, Cover C

    Price: 29,99

    Quantity: Cover A: 333, Cover B: 444, Cover C : 333


    This release will be no. 38 on Wicked Visions "Limited Collector's Edition" series, and they refer to it as the 30th Anniversary Edition, which incidentally will also be the very first legal German release of this movie since it's VHS release in 1992! And because of this, they also commissioned a few extras, exclusively for this release: "What Lurks in the Dark?" is an interview with Colin Arthur on all the special effects of this movie, and "Danger Below" is a 10 minute featurette on special effects by Till Bamberg, who also presents rare archive material. Also included are the old interviews with actors "Ray Wise", "Jack Saclia" and "R. Lee Ermey" (all separate extras), plus of course the usual extras (trailer, original trailer, picture gallery and the 24-paged booklet with an Essay by Christoph N. Kellerbach). This time the release is once more locked on region B/2, as usually the case, we have German dubbing and English original audio, as well as subtitles for both languages, with additional German subtitles for the extras. And as usually, the first 200 pre-orders will get a limited numbered card.

    Regarding the other releases, I could only find an Amaray release that is available in the US and Canada, that only has the Interviews as bonus features. So this release is probably the superior one, if you don't own this yet. If you are getting this, what is your cover choice? I picked the Cover B (even though my girlfriend liked C better :P:D ).

    • Like 1
  5. This topic really took a long off-topic turn. But alas, finally we can get back to topic as we have some news on this release! :)


    Release: 31.08.2020 (pre-orders open!)

    Link (Wicked Shop): Cover A, Cover B, Cover C

    Price: 29,99

    Quantity: Cover A: 222, Cover B: 444, Cover C : 333





    Also important: This will not be a BD+DVD combo! They changed it to BD + Audio CD! So if you planed to get this because of the DVD, please don't! (maybe a moderator/admin can fix the title). The CD contains the "authorized expanded" 27-titles soundtrack of the movie. There is German dubbing plus original soundtrack on the movie, with both German and English subtitles on the movie, as well as German subtitles on the extras (presumably all in English). The 24-page booklet will probably be just in German (with an Essay by Christoph N. Kellerbach), on-disc extras include an introduction by Charles Band to the movie, the featurette "Behind The Pit & The Pendulum: The Inquisition of Stuart Gordon", bloopers, the Videozone that accompanied this movie on VHS, picture gallery and original trailers. cover B by Ralf Krauset and cover C by Timo Wuerz will again come with a autographed and personalized card, if you are amongst the first 111 people to pre-order directly from Wicked Vision (each), Cover a will have a limited card for the first 50 pre-orders.

    For you international buyers that already own the Amaray-version that was released in the US and Canada, the only different in extras that I could find is the Introduction by Charles Band, which is probably new for this release. All other extras are shared with that release (and probably also with the UK release, but I couldn't find any informations on the extras for the UK release). Other than this releases there is also a french one in Amaray as well, with no listing of Extras on it's back. So if it's just the disk you are after, there are cheaper options, however none of them with that classy Wicked Vision packaging, and don't forget the "expanded version" of the soundtrack! :) 
    For German customers this is an HD premiere.

    What's your cover choice? This time for me it was pretty easy: Cover C! :)  (guess why :D ).

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Veum said:
      Reveal hidden contents




    Very nice additions gents @pygospa / @Grendel and yes, I’m still waiting on orders from Daniel & also seems Barnes & Noble/USPS has lost 2 of 3 of my Criterion sales orders... not good to wait & wait & wait my friends 😔 


    sad face GIF

    Okey, really the last one. So sad to read this! I hope this will be over soon. It's so unfair, especially as everyone else gets their parcels, I totally feel you. Horrible situation. To ease your mind just a bit, the thing I can tell you is that I really trust Daniel. I've been in contact with him since the start of his label in 2015 (in the beginning he didn't even had a website, so you had to subscribe to an e-mail newsletter to get information on new releases, and if you wanted something from these releases you had to mail him :D - sound's really antiquated for 2015~2018, but it also gave us a chance to get to know him pretty well, different to those inpersonal sterile webshop sites), and he never disappointed and does his best to make all his customers satisfied. So maybe that makes it a bit easier for you - he's not the guy that would betray anyone, and I believe that you'll get your parcels as soon as it is possible.

    Still it's just a small hope, I know. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

    And now:

    Tired Good Night GIF by Disney

    • Like 3
  7. 1 minute ago, Grendel said:

    Of course, I also appreciate you keeping tabs on Wicked and announcing their new treasures.

    I'll do. I just found two more releases available at their website, and just ordered them a few minutes ago. But as it is nearly 2 a.m. now, I'll add it to the posts once I got up again (time for bed is long overdue :D ). But you can already look up their shop for "Sirene I" (OT: The Rift) as well as "The Pit and the Pendulum" - I ended up ordering cover B on Sirene I, and cover C (of course, it's a Timo Wuerz artwork once more :D ), on Pit and Pendulum :) And with this last post I'll say: Good night, guys 🛌💤

    At Home Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

    • Thanks 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Catgirl said:

    Gerade wieder 2 Filme Luis de Funes gesehen, er und seine Gendamerie sind einfach Gold wert 🤣🤣

    Ich hab vor ein paar Wochen an Luis de Funes denken müssen und hatte mal nach Blu-Ray Releases geschaut, aber noch nichts gekauft. Wo ich das so lese: Ich sollte mir da vielleicht mal was bestellen :D Hab den schon seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr gesehen. Zuletzt wirklich in den 90ern, wo's damals immer bei Kabel lief. Am liebsten waren mir die "Phantomas"-Geschichten. Aber die Gendamerie war auch klasse!

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Grendel said:

    I'm still debating on this one but your silky-silver keyboard fingers may have pushed me toward purchase. 😀


    hehehe, my silky-silver keyboard fingers?
    orangutan lol GIF

    2 hours ago, Grendel said:

    I may jump on that book about Santiago😀

    I'm aware of the very close relationship he had with one of my Heroes, Roger Corman. 🥰

    To be quite honest: I've never heard of this guy. And at first glance I might not even know a single movie he did. I am wondering, why Wicked decided to do a book on him, maybe this is hinting on comming releases from him at Wicked Vision? I am a bit intreagued, but also unsure. Maybe I'll try to watch a few movies of his before deciding on a buy/not buy. If I do get one, I'd love it to be before August 31st, as I am a sucker for these limited special bonuses 🤣 But yeah, we'll see. I was planing to skip this, but now I am a bit intrigued as well. And given it's "just a book", this is not nearly as expensive as most of our usual movie buys ;) 


    • Like 1
  10. 30 minutes ago, Grendel said:

    Gorgeous photos and a wonderful write-up, again! Thanks so much @pygospa  🤩


    Oh, and speaking of Wicked Vision, my pics are up for the huge box I received today from Daniel! 🥰


    You're welcome :) And regarding your pics, I've already commented on thing you got all of them at once; sound's like Christmas, to be getting so many things :D

    • Like 1
  11. Oh @Grendel, what beauties. Nice to see that your Wicked orders arrived in good shape and condition, and I hope you are really happy with them. I was a bit devistated, when reading that poor @Veum has been waiting so long (as far as I know still is?) because of that Corona postage block to the US, and somehow feel a teeny tiny bit responsible because I was recommending them. I have few comments, if I may:


    1 hour ago, Grendel said:

    - Holding Slip Box for WV's forthcoming '50s sci-fi collection (10 titles, 1st one shown; "It! Terror From Beyond Space".


    This is actually not entirely true - even though you bought it at Wicked Vision, this release has nothing to do with Wicked Vision at all. It is a befriended label, but these guys work totally independent, and besides the friendship don't collaborate on the releases or anything. This 50s sci-fi collection is from Anolis Entertainment, a label that actually started with VHS in the late 90s, concentrating on classic sci-fi and horror films since their first releases. Wicked on the other hand only started off as an label at the end of 2015, with "Dr. Terror's House of Horrors", and before that had an examplory project release ("From Beyond", limited to 99 copies). So, in my humble opinion they are not even in the same ballpark :D They also have totally different "styles" of releases. To quote myself on Anolis from the other thread:


    On 6/7/2020 at 5:37 PM, pygospa said:

    Anolis Entertainmet is a German independent niche label, that was founded in 1998 to (hold your hats!) release old classic genre releases on VHS, such as the Kaiju movies from Japan (Godzilla, etc.), starting with sublicensing and later also seeking direct contracts with studios like Toho Studio. In 2001 they realized that releasing VHS that late was not the most cleverest of ideas they had, so they started producing their first DVDs. And with the possibilities of DVDs they soon realized they could offer much more, and even during DVD times soon had a loyal following of people who loved the afford they put into restoration quality and bonus material. I think the japanese original "Ring" release from 2001 was a milestone release for this label, and since then they've put the same afford to all upcoming releases. Another big hit was their "Anolis Hammer Edition". Anolis saved themselves the right to 20 titles from Hammer Studios and from 2002 - 2004 relased them one by one, for the first time (in Germany) in digital quaility, with a lot of bonus material, with a spine numbering, and if you had all 20 the spine would create a continuous artwork. This release earned Anolis some cult status among fans of these movies, and to this date (even though most of them are available on Blu-ray) this collection is one of the most expensive DVD editions, with asking prices of ~50€ per title, resulting in 1000€ for the whole set (see some single offers on amazon, or even set-offers). For those of you who are interested, there's a pretty decent presentation on YouTube of the entire lot.


    A similar release was the "Galerie des Grauens" (lit. Gallery of Horrors) series. It was in 2009 that Anolis started a new series of releases limited to 10 titles, that where all B-movies of the sci-fi, horror and crime genre from the 1950s to 1960s. As with the "Anolis Hammer Edition" these releases came with a Spine number and a continuous spine artwork, and where released over the time of two years, this time, however, the first release also included a square box with one open size to fit in all 10 releases, that you got as a bonus with the first DVD. And yes - even though the Blu-ray was already out for five years, you might have guessed that Anolis is late to adapt. They did DVD releases; but I am thankful for it, as anything else would have meant ugly blue Amaray cases.


    Probably not that obvious if you are just getting into these, but as I was following Anolis for a long while now, and can still remember how Wicked started off (and actually even was a bit pissed at Wicked for securing the license to a Hammer title, that I would have liked to be released by Anolis and not by Wicked (in retrospect I am happy that Wicked did, because that release was the reson I got into Wicked to begin with :D ), to me they are entirely different things :D


    1 hour ago, Grendel said:

    - Necronomicon (1993, I thought I was getting the MB but not a biggy, I also have the superb French special edition, with English track) (Dir by Chris Ganz, one of my FAVE)


    I am so sorry to read that you didn't get what you had expected. It was clear to me, because, the mediabook was sold out really fast. Wicked releases selected titles that sold out on mediabook in these Scanavos for a second run. If you are unsure, please feel free to contact me any time, via PN or by tagging me in one of the posts. I am happy to help.


    7 minutes ago, Grendel said:

    - Crimen Ferpecto (2004. Bit of an oddball, to be sure but highly recommended by @pygospa so purchased).


    I do really hope you like it. As far as I know it was on sale anyways, was it not? Not that you paid 30€ just to find out that this movie does not agree with you - I am scarred now - because to be quite honest: It is a rather strange kind of humour :D Please get back to me, once you've seen it. I'd be really interested in your opinion. 

    • Like 1
  12. Once more a couple of wickedly pictures for friends of the wickedly movies. As with Destoryers the cover card is glued on the cover, and for this release I made a detail picture, on how this effects the cover (unfortunately). There's a little bubble where the cover card glue point used to be :( It's really small and hardly visible, but something that could be avoided by just not using them. Really unfortunate. On choosing the cover this one was on the one hand really easy, on the other really hard. The easy bit first: I chose the artwork by Timo Wuerz, because, well, it's Timo stop using inappropriate languageing Wuerz, one of the greatest artworkers, that I have met personally and had a little chat with after a concert in Hamburg, which he visited because he drew the artwork for the album releases of the band. He didn't even go in VIP or anything, he was there with the crowd, and on the way out I recognized him (we've been friends on Facebook for a long time) due to his pretty unique tatoos. He's a pretty cool guy, really friendly, yet also really passionate about his pet projects (on of them being the preservation of wild life in Africa), and he is an incredible artist, who's done great work for comics, album and record artworks, book covers, book illustrations, car paintings, paintings and art books - I have quite a bit of his work at home. So, how could I not pick the cover C by Timo Wuerz? Well, on the other hand, cover B was also really nice! But in the end, I am happy with my choice - this time people ordering the cover A got the "normal" limited edition card if they where amongst the first orders. People ordering cover B or cover C actually got a artwork card signed by the artist of the artwork. Unbelievable, but I was the first one to order the Wuerz artwork! In at least 20 years of collecting stuff that was limited and numbered, I have never gotten the no. 1 in anything. So having this by an artwork from an artist I really adore: This is really great, and I am pretty happy about it! :D (once more: luuuuuckey!). Additionally given that it is 1/111 makes it so much cooler :D And what I also like is that cover B artwork is featured on the inside of the booklet, so in the end, I got all the artworks (I keep wondering, if this last side is different, depending on the cover you choose? If anybody here got the cover B, I'd like to see a picture of that last artwork page opposite to the "Credits" page, I'd highly appreciate a picture if you got one!).  On the backside of the cover card we find an advertisement - not for another movie release but for a book that Wicked Vision did in cooperation with Creepy Images (a German shop that sells movie memorabilia, such as lobby cards, original posters, etc.). I don't think it's worth doing a thread for this book as it will be in German, but if anyone's interested, its a 178 pages book on Cirio H. Santiago, "unknown master of b-movies" (subtitle), and contains 43 reviews of the "western" (he himself is from the Philipines) directed movies, a complete filmography as well as exclusive interviews with Roger Corman, Richard Norton and Jerry Trimble, "and a lot more". You can order it via Wicked shop and Creepy Images, and if you do so till August 31st, you'll get a copy that was signed by the author David Renske. Infos and a glance incide can be found here. For a Wicked release the booklet is surprisingly one-sided on the images which mostly consist of movie scenes, but as was the case with Destroyer this probably doesn't come with much else, given that is a direct to video B-movie and not some horror classic that hit cinemas around the globe. Wait. What are you saying? I should stop rambeling, and finally show you the images? Okey, guys, here you are! Enjoy:
















    • Thanks 2
  13. Hello fellow friend of the label with that wicked looking eye on the spine. Here are pictures of another wickedly looking wicked release. A few Words on the release: The cover, in my humble opinion looks really stunning, and even tough I was a bit disappointed to have chosen the cover that gets featured the most in the booklet, and on the disc artwork, I was lucky enough to get no. 22 of their limited pre-order cards, which is a bonus present exclusively for the first 200 to (pre-)order this release via the official Wicked Vision shop. The card features cover C, which is the exclusively commisionned artwork by Ralf Crause, which for me was a strong contender to my pick, cover A (which was the favorite of my girlfriend, to be quite honest, after I vetoed cover B). So in the end I got both my favourite cover artworks :D (luuuuuckey!). Fortunately they returned to the cover card, which for some of their releases was replaced by a sticker stripe on the wrapping foil, while others didn't even have any to begin with. I really like those cover cards, cause with the exception of the FSK seal I keep all of those sticker, j-card, etc. thingies with the edition, and cutting out a cover stripe and putting it in the mediabook is just too flimsy, while the card fits in probably and stays inside. Unfortunately they are not lying them onto the cover anymore but gluing them with two of this glue-buggers, so you've got to be extra careful to not destroy your cover when removing them :( On the backside of the cover card we find an advertisement - not for another movie release but for a book that Wicked Vision did in cooperation with Creepy Images (a German shop that sells movie memorabilia, such as lobby cards, original posters, etc.). I don't think it's worth doing a thread for this book as it will be in German, but if anyone's interested, its a 178 pages book on Cirio H. Santiago, "unknown master of b-movies" (subtitle), and contains 43 reviews of the "western" (he himself is from the Philipines) directed movies, a complete filmography as well as exclusive interviews with Roger Corman, Richard Norton and Jerry Trimble, "and a lot more". You can order it via Wicked shop and Creepy Images, and if you do so till August 31st, you'll get a copy that was signed by the author David Renske. Infos and a glance incide can be found here. For a Wicked release the booklet is surprisingly one-sided on the images which mostly consist of movie scenes, but I guess there wasn't much alternative material. We do get the original movie poster from cover A, as well as a text-less image of cover B, and as said, if you where early enough you can also enjoy cover C on the limited card.

    But enough chit-chat. Just see for yourselves:
















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  14. 1 hour ago, BobaFett1974 said:

    @pygospa hab das Lenti geordert. Das FS hatte ich erst im Sinn, dann fand ich das Motiv im Hinblick auf das ohnehin schon unaufgeregte Artwork vom Steelbook etwas eintönig. Deshalb das Lenti.

    Jup, aus dem Grund hab ich eigentlich auch mit dem Lenticular geliebäugelt. Aber da ich in letzter Zeit von Lentis eher enttäuscht war (wenn auch noch nie von Nova Media) und das Finish auf den Fotos so toll aussah, hab ich mich dann doch umentschieden :D

    Und, ja, das ist ein Single Lenticular. Aber die Rückseite sieht auch echt toll aus.

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  15. Well, hallo there, friends from horror movies from a time long long ago! I can finally present you some pictures of "Donovans Hirn", which came out nearly a month ago, but I only got it today - in all fairness, it wasn't entirely his fault, but in the end, he forgot to put it in the previous parcel, so I had to wait a while longer until I finally got it. But in German there is a saying: "Gut Ding will Weile haben" - roughly: good things need their time. And this release once more is a good thing, don't you think? Dual format, reversible cover Artwork, a thourough 24-p booklet by a film scientist, lots of historic artworks included in the imagery, a spine picture and: just one other blu-ray release to compete with, world wide.



    20200724_121855 (2).jpg















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  16. Einen wundervollen Start ins Wochenende wünsche ich Euch Verrückten da draußen an den Empfangsgeräten!!! :)


    celebrate lego movie GIF by LEGOpig windmill GIFHappy Weekend GIF


    Zwei Mailcalls kann ich mit Euch teilen, einmal einen mediapsychischen von gestern, mit lieben Dank an den besten Sammelbesteller ever, @forenhase, sowie zusätzlich gestern (und mit auf dem Bild zu sehen) von Collectong -  und den anderen von einem meiner liebsten Mediabook-Labels aus Deutschland: Wicked Vision.



    Bei beiden FAC hab ich die Lenticulars gewählt und mal wieder bin ich eher enttäuscht - wenn ich die Wahl habe (bei Inception ging es nicht anders), werd ich also wieder vermehrt auf das Fullslip zurückgreifen. Beide Lenticulars sind stark verpixelt, wobei das bei Fallout noch schlimmer ist, als bei Inception. Der Tiefeneffekt ist bei beiden da, aber bei beiden nicht so großartig (bei Inception aber deutlich besser als es bei Fallout der Fall ist). Dafür gefällt mir aber bei Inception sehr gut, dass sie mal wieder echte Character-Cards drin haben, wo auch bissl was mit dem Artwork gemacht wird, und dass das Booklet ein Comic ist, ist echt klasse. Auch das Steelbook ist natürlich der Hammer (Prägung, matt mit partiellem Glanzlack). Super! Blöd aber: Die Disks (drei Stück) werden auf zwei längeren Mounts gestacked, also liegen über einander gestapelt. Das mag ich garnicht - aber da es kein WEA-Steelbook ist, lag das wahrscheinlich nicht in der Hand von Filmarena. In der Hand von Filmarena lag aber der Lenticular-Magnet - komischerweise kommt Inception nämlich auch noch mit einem Lenticular-Magnet daher, obwohl es in einem Lenticular-Slip ist. Find ich klasse, aber es ist annähernd das gleiche Lenticular wie außen, und liefert daher wenig mehrwert. Was anders ist: Ein Flip-Flop-Effekt soll einerseits die "gebogene Straße" zeigen, andererseits den "normalzustand", also den Himmel. Das Lenticular ist aber so schlecht, dass man keines der Bilder klar eingestellt bekommt. :( Insgesamt also vom Fullslip eher eine Enttäuschung.

    Fallout kommt da insgesamt besser weg bei mir, obwohl das Front Lenticular auf dem Slip noch schlechter ist. Schon Tom Cruise sieht sehr verpixel aus, je weiter die Personen hinten stehen, desto schlimmer wird es aber. Rebecca Ferguson und Ving Rhames hätte man lieber weglassen sollen. Auch der Tiefeneffekt ist so minimal, dass man sich fragt, warum das überhaupt gemacht wurde - und insbesondere ich mich frage, ob ich nicht doch lieber das Fullslip hätte nehmen sollen (nächstes mal dann definitiv!). Damit gehört das Gemeckere aber auch schon auf. Das Lenticular auf der Rückseite ist für ein Lenticular-Bild sehr scharf und sieht toll aus, auch der 3D-Effekt ist gut sichtbar und gefällt mir gut. Innen haben wir endlich auch mal wieder ein Booklet mit Text (die letzten die ich hatte, hatten ja ein Hochvormatbooklet mit nur Bildern - da doch dann bitte lieber wieder das typische Querformat, wobei ich ein Bilderbuch bei so vielen Postkarten auch schwachsinnig finde, wenn ich ehrlich bin). Das Steelbook ist eher langweilig gestaltet, auch wenn ich die Motive gut finde - aber es ist halt nichts außer Hochglanz. Das E1 hab ich gewählt, weil das Steelbook aber ein wenig abwechslungsreicher aussieht, als es bei der E2 der Fall ist, Rück und innendrucke sind bei beiden Editionen gleich, aber die Front ziert diese Tom Cruise-Siluette; dafür ist leider keine 4K-Disk enthalten - aber da ich in absehbarer Zukunft keinen 4K Fernseher haben werde, reicht mir das (und die 4K lässt sich später sicherlich irgendwann mal gebraucht günstig dazu kaufen). Die Karten haben auf der einen Seite die typischen (eher langweiligen) Screenshots aus dem Film, die andere Seite aber hat diesmal unterschiedliche Filmplakate - und zwar so viele, das auf 18 Karten jede Rückseite nur max. 2 bis 3 male wiederholt wird. Das ist ziemlich cool, wie ich finde.


    Bei MantaLab hab ich mir für OUaTiH das Fullslip geholt: Nicht weil ich kein Vertrauen in MantaLab hätte - anders als Filmarena kommen von MantaLab immer nur die allerhöchste Lenticular-Qualität auf die Slips. Aber ich fand das Motiv so anders, dass ich das haben wollte - das Single-Lenti hat mir von der Idee her auch gut gefallen, waren aber zwei typische Filmszenen, und das Double-Lenticular fand ich - trotz der tollen Margot Robbie auf der Rückseite - insgesamt eher langweilig von der Motivwahl. Dahe rdieses sehr 70er Jahre Popartige Fullslip - und was soll ich sagen: Das Finish ist der Hammer! Der Hintergrund ist teilweise glatt (die blauen Teile) teilweise rau wie Sandpapier (die grauen Teile), und alle Vordergründigen Teile (Pistole, Palmen, Leo DiCaprio) sind nochmal mit Glanzlack überzogen, und leicht erhaben, und der Titel herausgestanzt, sodass eine recht komische Mischung aus unterschiedlichen Gefühlen entsteht, wenn man mit dem Finger drüberstreicht. Sieht toll aus, macht echt was her, und fasst sich auch geil an. Steelbook ist auch der Hammer, tolles WEA, Hochglanz mit Metalikeffekten, und einem nach unten gestanzten Titel. Sehr tolle und saubere Arbeit. Der Umschlag mit den Karten ist diesmal rau strukturiert und der Titel geprägt, aber ohne Glanzlack, wie sie es sonst sehr häufig haben - passt zum Film. Die Karten sind klasse. Schöne Character-Cards, absolut gradiose gezeichnete Posterartwork-Cards. Echt super! Das Booklet enttäuscht ein wenig, weil es nur Bilder beinhaltet, und nur eines davon ein Behind-the-Scenes Promobild ist. Und auch Enttäuschend ist, dass es eine Region A-Scheibe ist :( Davon ab aber mein liebtes Relese aus diesen dreien!




    Päckchen 2 von Heute beinhaltet den Titel "Donovans Hirn", den ich schon längst hätte haben sollen, den Wicked aber vergessen hatte, ins letzte Päckchen zu packen. Diesmal war er mit dabei, und erweitert meine Galerie des Grauens-Box. Destroyers und Highway zur Hölle sind neue releases, da ich beide vorbestellt habe, und unter den ersten 200 bzw. 111 bestellern war, hab ich zu beiden eine Limitierungskarte als Bonux bekommen. Destroyers hat auf der Karte ein alternatives Artwork (mein an zweiter Stelle favorisiertes :D ), und Highway zur Hölle hat eine Karte von dem Artworker - hier hab ich mich für das Cover entschieden, weil es von einem Artworker stammt, den ich sehr Schätze (Timo Würz, vielleicht kennt den noch jemand hier? Verschönert sonst Autos, macht CD-Cover für (deutsche) Rockbands, zeichnet Comics, illustriert Bücher und malt unglaubliche Portraits und Tierbilder, die es z.T. auch in Bildbänden gibt [von denen ich zwei zu Hause habe]). Cover B hätte mir auch gut gefallen, aber ich woltle dieses Artwork "supporten". Und siehe da:




    Das ist das erste mal in 20 Jahren Sammelhistorie, dass ich die 1 von einer Edition habe. Und dann ausgerechnet von einem meiner Lieblingsartworkern auf der Unterschriftenkarte, und bei einer so geilen Gesamtlimitierung von 111 Stück :D Freu mich da riesig drüber, auch wenn mir Nummern ansonsten eigentlich ziemlich wurst sind.


    Zu den Mediabooks und der Amaray gibt es in Krüze dann auch noch mal ausführliche Bebilderungen in den jeweiligen Threads die ich dafür aufgemacht hatte (hier, hier und hier :D ). Das gleiche mache ich gerne auch noch mal für die 3 Fullslips (das interessiert die meisten wahrscheinlich deutlich mehr, als meine komischen B-Movie-Horror-Klassiker, die ich parallel so gerne schaue und sammle :D ), aber erstmal muss die Zeit dafür gefunden werden - dauert alles ja immer so unglaublich lange... Welches der drei Fullslips wäre hier denn für Euch am Interessantesten für die Bebilderung der jeweiligen Threads? Das kann ich dann gerne Berücksichtigen.

    So. Und wenn man zwei Päckchen bekommt, sollte man auch zwei neue Bestellungen tätigen, findet ihr nicht? Bestellt habe ich mir



    Außerdem war ich mal wieder fleißig (ok, nein, ich hab 4 Seiten zurückgeblättert und hatte dann keine Motivation mehr) und hab gelesen, was hier die letzten Tage passiert, ist, und hier kommt wieder einer meiner beliebten Multiquotereaktionen von Kommentaren, wo ihr längst vergessen habt, dass sie gestern/heute gepostet worden sind, weil da zwischen soooo viiiiiel weiteres gepostet wurde :D

    On 7/23/2020 at 5:38 AM, extantsrevenge said:

    New WeET Release


    GB startet gleich.



    On 7/23/2020 at 10:36 AM, claptraw said:

    Da braucht’s aber auch echt keine drei Teile von ...


    Seh ich genau so - ist definitiv kein Blindkaufkandidat! Ich hab mich tierisch auf den Film gefreut, endlich mal wieder ein Vin Disel Film (bin großer Vin Disel Fan), und ihn noch vor Corona-Schließung als einen der letzten Filme im Kino gesehen. War noch okey, mehr aber auch nicht. Story war ziemlich vorhersehbar, Action dank der vielen CGI, Schnittgewitter, etc. absolut garnicht vorhanden. Da habi ich schon deutlich besseres gesehen, auch von Vin Disel. Ich war da eher enttäuscht, leider.


    Es liest sich so, als wenn die weiteren Teile jetzt gecancelt wurden? Ist das so? Find ich trotzdem schade, weil aus Fehlern könnte man ja lernen, und es in den nächsten Teilen besser machen... auch frag ich mich, ob der so schlecht abgeschnitten hat, weil alle den kacke fanden (kann ich mir garnicht vorstellen - meist bin ich im Vergleich zur allgemeinheit eher kritischer mit Actionfilmen, als der Rest [siehe bspw. Fast & Furious - da fand ich die letzten Teile eher grausam, und trotzdem feiern den alle :D ]), oder eben weil der einfach einen der beschissensten Starttermine hatte, den man haben kann (kurz darauf sind alle Kinos ja für Monate geschlossen worden).


    9 hours ago, CAYENNE-FAHRER said:

    habt Ihr gewusst das ZAVVI,jetzt auch ein Versandzentrum in Spanien hat,

    die 1. Sdgn kommen schon von dort,

    ist zum Vorteil für uns,wegen den neuen Bestimmungen 2021,

    und wenn wenn der Brexit kommt,

    kein Zoll mehr


    Uhm... wie kommt ihr alle darauf, dass sich bei Zavvi wegen Brexit was ändern würde? Zavvi ist heute schon nicht in der EU, daher fällt heute schon Zoll (btw. übrigens nur für Warenwerte ab 150€ - vorher zahlt ihr auch keinen Zoll), bzw. Einfuhrumsatzsteuer an (in Höhe der Mehrwertsteuer). Zavvi tut zwar so, als gehören sie zu Großbritannien, sie sitzen aber auf den Kanalinseln, die faktisch nicht zu Großbritannien gehören, sondern als "Kronbesitz" (also quasi Privatbesitz) direkt dem Königshaus unterstellt sind (siehe Wiki-Artikel zu Zavvi, bzw. den Kanalinseln). Daher gelten auf den Kanalinseln auch andere Gesetze, und es ist für Unternehmen unglaublich attraktiv, weil Unternehmen auf den Kanalinseln 0% Steuern zahlen. Zavvi könnte dadurch deutlich günstiger sein als deutsche Hersteller, weil es einen Haufen Geld an Steuern spart. Faktisch verkaufen sie ihre Produkte häufig bei 21,99€, weil sie damit die Einfuhrumsatzsteuer in die EU umgehen, da es hier einen Freibetrag für Artikel unter 22€ gibt - Grund hierfür war, dass der Verwaltungsaufwand teurer ist, als die Einnahmen, die man damit erzielt. Deutsche Firmen hingegen beklagten schon immer, dass es ein Wettbewerbsvorteil ist, weil deutsche Firmen die 19% abdrücken, bzw. dem Kunden aufdrücken müssen. Die Freigrenze fällt nächstes Jahr, also kommen da die 19% auch auf Preise unter 22€ drauf. Zoll weiterhin ab 150€ noch zusätzlich dazu. Der Brexit wird daran nichts ändern, selbst wenn es einen Deal-Brexit gibt, und die Zollunion weiterhin erhalten bleiben würde (was sich ja alle beteiligten wünschen würden): Zavvi ist davon ausgenommen, da würde die Einfuhrumsatzsteuer und der Zoll auch erhoben werden, wenn es garkeinen Brexit gegeben hätte.


    3 hours ago, CAYENNE-FAHRER said:


    bis jetzt noch nicht,habe es unter Beobachtung,sobald neue Infos,poste ich das hier


    OMG, danke @Catgirl und danke auch @CAYENNE-FAHRER. Das sind großartige Neuigkeiten, für jemanden der Star Trek liebt. Ich hab schon alle Blu-rays die es von Star Trek gibt (TNG, TOS, ENT, die Filme, DIS) und habe sehr gehofft, dass die Serie auch noch kommt - gesehen hab ich sie noch nicht, aber das wird dann ein Fest, wenn ich die bald dann in meinen Blu-ray-Player schieben darf :) Ich frue mich drauf! :)


    1 hour ago, BobaFett1974 said:

    So, gerade mal bei Nova JW geordert. Jetzt kann das Wochenende starten.



    Ich auch :) Welches hast Du geordert, das Fullslip oder das Lenticular? Ich war hin und her gerissen, hab dann aber das Fullslip am Ende gewählt, auch wenn ich es ein wenig eintönig finde. Das Finishing konnte man auf Facebook begutachten und das sah schon sehr grandios aus!


    • Like 9
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  17. Wochenende!!! Ihr könnt Euch garnicht vorstellen, wie sehr ich das gebraucht habe, nachdem Dienstag eine Projektdeadline war, und Montag noch was ausgemerzt werden musste, was vorher falsch implementiert wurde, schlaf ich gerade jeden Tag 10,5h und fühl mich trotzdem noch extrem groggy 😜 Oh man, sowas passiert hoffentlich nie wieder. Gleich wird erstmal gemütlich gefrühstückt, dann vlt. noch ein Spaziergang, und dann: Mal schauen. Vielleicht schlaf ich noch ein bisschen 🤪




    So... ich hab mal ein bisschen mitgelesen, heute :D


    10 hours ago, Sephiroth said:

    Der Hauptunterschied zur Fac Edition ist wohl die Tatsache, dass es ein Lenti Fullslip ist



    Aller Fairness muss man ja sagen, dass es ein klitze kleines bisschen mehr ist, auf jeden Fall. Etwa das Backartwork, das ist definitiv neu. Und es ist ein XL-Slip, mit Collector's Folder. Und das Booklet ist im Hochformat. Okey... das war's dann auch schon wieder :D 


    Nein im Ernst, das ist echt die liebloseste Resteverwertung, die man von Filmarena je gesehen hat. Die anderen drei recycelten Releases, "Terminator", "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" und "In the Heart of the Sea" waren da tatsächlich noch mal völlig anders vom Desing her, und definitiv eine Überlegung wert. Aber das Release daoben hätte auch einfach eine E2 von dem FAC-Release sein können. Hab mal ein paar Fotos meiner Edition geschossen, weil sie hier noch rumliegt (hab den Film gerade vor kurzem wieder gesehen). Ich hänge sie unten an den Beitrag an.


    10 hours ago, claptraw said:

    Braucht kein Mensch meiner Meinung nach 😅


    Wenn man die Edition damals gekauft hat, definitiv nicht. Insbesondere da es ja auch das selbe Lenticular ist, was als Magnet bei dem Fullslip mitgeliefert ist, und so geil ist der Effekt nicht - bei mir krieg ich es nie hin, dass man nicht doch teile der Flagge sieht - also so clean, wie es auf dem Cover von dem Fullslip aussieht, wird's auch nie. 3D Effekt ist auch eher mau. Das ist zwar nicht das schlechteste Lenticular, aber definitiv auch nichts, womit man prahlen könnte.

    Für Leute, die es damals verpasst haben, vielleicht eine Option - wobei ich ganz ehrlich sagen muss: Ich persönlich würde mir da doch eher zur Aufgabe machen, die Erstauflage zu suchen. Die ist auch deutlich schicker verarbeitet.

    54 minutes ago, icewire said:

    Captain Marvel Gift Card




    Von welchem Release ist die?


    19 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:




    Der Grund wraum Hot Fuzz mein Lieblingsfilm aus der Cornetto-Trilogie ist, und mein persönlicher Traum, irgendwann so einen geilen Raum zu haben, der dann per Bewegungsensor, wenn der raum aufgeht, Licht anmacht und diese Melodie im Hintergrund spielt :D

    Hoffe, ihr habt alle ein tolles Wochenende!











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  18. 10 hours ago, Mad-martigan said:

    I was in the fence with The Lure. cover and synopsis seduce me and I do like musicals, but Im afraid Im more in the classic side. Nevertheless, I'll probably end up listening to the sirens songs-next sale! 😄

    Haha, totally get that. It was also my most questionable pick, but it looked crazy enough to be a fun watch - and there must be a reason that those guys responsible at Criterion deemed it worthy to be added to the Criterion Collection, mustn't there? I feel like, even if you don't like the movie itself, in the end, it will still be a memorable time, and I was open to just risk it and try something strange and new :D But in the beginning, this wasn't on my radar at all

    • Like 2
  19. Finally they are all here. Instead of taking yet another photo, whenever one or two arrived together, I've decided to collect them all and make one last group photo once they are all here together. So here you go, my "Criterion Starterkit". I've already watched one of the movies (12 Angry Men), and wow. The quality is superb. It was a fun watch, and I didn't manage to watch all the extras yet, but I am really looking forward to doing so. So yeah. Loving it, so far. Plus I love that different to ph Indicator or Arrow they don't have this "first pressing"/"second pressing" differentiation. I wouldn't care so much about the package, but both Arrow and Indicator remove the booklets, and worse, with Arrow you even cannot tell beforehand, which to me is really a downside, so I'll only order from Arrow, when I am really sure that I really want that movie and there is no other way of getting it; Criterion however won't be my last order. Highly recommendable :)

    What do you thing aobut my "Criterion Starterkit" titles? :)



    • Like 3
  20. So... gerade die wohl stressigste Woche hinter mich gebracht (inklusive 24h-Schicht weil ich trottel was falsch gemacht hatte, und diesen Fehler unbedingt vor der Deadline [Dienstag] ausmerzen musste]! Kunde ist glücklich, Chefin ist glücklich. Puh... Kann ich den Rest der Woche mit gutem Gewissen frei machen :) Jetzt hab ich aber hier ganz viel nachzuholen, fürchte ich :D Grad die Bestellungen für Allied E2 (nicht ganz so schnulzig und coole Backside vom Slipcover - auch wenn E1 die cooleren Character Cards hat) und Shazam! E1 (E3 hab ich das Steelbook schon auch wenn das Fullslip sehr cool aussieht, und E2 hat zwar das coolere Frontartwork weil da auch der Junge mit drauf ist, aber das Steelbook ist nicht so ganz meins [Rückseite sieht aus wie die Vorderseite von dem was ich eh schon hab] und auch die Karten find ich da weniger cool) aufgegeben. 13 Hours lass ich jetzt tatsächlich aus, auch wenn es mir manchmal schon in den Fingern juckt - aber manchmal muss man auch einfach stark sein :D

    Dafür kann ich mir gleich  mal in Ruhe anschauen, was es mit dem John Wick-Release auf sich hat - denn, ihr werdet es nicht glauben, aber von John Wick fehlt mir immer noch eine Premium-Edition _aller_ Teile!!! Also vielleicht sollte ich da dann einfach mal zuschlagen :) Dann wollt ich noch ein paar Fotos von Neuzugängen machen, ... irgendwie alles Arbeit! 🤪🤣😇

    Hattet ihr einen schönen Start in die Woche? Was muss ich mir noch unbedingt angucken? Welche tollen Editionen hab ich noch verpasst?

    • Like 11
  21. 14 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:

    Slip Bild von Black Barons 13 Hours




    Lol. Die machen das einem auch echt einfach. Ich hab ja schon gesagt, dass ich den auslassen würde. Ich mag den Film aber sehr gerne, ist so ein typischer Kriegs-Katastrophenfilm a la Black Hawk Down - also wo in einem eigentlich Routine-Einsatz wirklich alles schief geht, basierend auf einer wahren Begebenheit. Und solche Filme find ich einfach schon an für sich absolut interessant. Dazu noch Jim Helpert in der Hauptrolle!

    Der Fakt, plus der Gedanke dass mir sonst was in der Sammlung fehlt, haben mich aber ein wenig an meinem Entschluss grübeln lassen - vielleicht sieht das Fullslip ja so gut aus, dass ich doch zuschlage, hab ich mir gedacht. Tja. So definitiv wirklich nicht 🤣 Eigentlich fast schon ein wenig dreist auch den Besitzern der FAC Version gegenüber... aber nuja. Müssen sie selbst wissen.

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  22. 18 minutes ago, Rockntoni87 said:

    gleich noch ein urlaubsbild von mir gefunden - wir waren echt heiss @Catgirl lindy





    Häh? Woher hast Du mein Urlaubsfoto? Und wieso hast Du da ein anderes Gesicht draufgeklatscht?!

    Parks And Recreation Donna GIFchris pratt GIF


    #WerWenigSchläftIstLängerAlbern 🤪

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    • Haha 7

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