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Posts posted by pygospa

  1. Kam mit dem andern Teil heute an, und ich hab's glaub ich schon hier und da schon mal erwähnt, aber wenn nicht: Ich find's Hammer, dass Du sogar auf so winzige Details achtest, wie etwa, dass man bei einem Paket die selbe Nummer kriegt, wenn es denn möglich ist. Leute denkt da mal drüber nach, wieviel Arbeit sich der @forenhase hier macht! Einfach nur um uns eine kleine Freude zu machen, für die Leute, denen sowas wichtig ist. Dabei kriegt er nicht einen festgelegten Nummernbereich sondern wahllos das was gerade bei FAC nach den ganzen Nummer-Abos und weiteren Bestellungen überbleibt. Da also aus mehreren hundert Filmen die gleichen Nummern raus zu picken... wow! Und es hat niemand danach gefragt. Er macht es einfach, für alle!

    Wie immer vielen lieben Dank für die vielen Mühen, und den Ärger den Du wieder und wieder für uns auf Dich nimmst!

    Ich mach mich dann jetzt mal an's Auspacken 🤗


    • Like 5
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  2. Vor 2 Tagen hab ich endlich den Film 31 gesehen (war nicht so toll), in dem ein Killerclown vorkam. Nun haben die Killerclowns in meiner Sammlung nachwuchs bekommen! :) Absolut perfekter Zustand und Bombig verpackt (mein Päckchen hatte diesmal einen stark angestoßene Ecke, wurde also mal fallen gelassen - hat das den Inhalt gejuckt? No, Sir! Not with this packing!

    Allerbesten Dank, mal wieder! Für alles was Du für uns tust! Wünsch Dir eine schöne kurze Woche!



    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Grendel said:

    Oh, did you by chance consider The Ninth Gate?

    Highly recommended and the release I posted above, either from Nova or Kimchi, looks quite lovely. 🥰

    Yeah, I did, but I'll wait a while I guess. I was going through their other program (Nova) and didn't find anything to get with it; as the shipping is rather high I would like to split it up, to different titles. On the other hand, I spend too much money on blu-rays as it is, so maybe it's a good thing, that I cannot find anything else? :D I know the movie, I've seen it a while ago, but cannot remember too much of it, so I'd be happy to get it, though. I thought I had it on DVD as well, but I confused it with "From Hell" which I got on DVD. But yeh, would be fun watching it once more!

    • Like 2
  4. On 5/31/2020 at 7:25 PM, Grendel said:

    As to which ones I'd grab 1st, if needed it;


    - The Pit and the Pendulum (Corman version)

    - The Fall of the House Of Usher

    - Masque of the Red Death

    - Tomb Of Ligea

    - The Oblong Box

    - The Haunted Palace

    All of the rest are certainly excellent and deserve picking up as well of course but the ones listed are my fave to start with.

    Aaaaand you've got me. I'm currently going through my movie collection in alphabetical order, and just realized that I miss 300: Rise of an Empire, as well as 300 on blu-ray. So while ordering it from Amazon, I added "Masque of the Red Death" and "The Haunted Palace" to my order -.-"

    Now I own 4 of the 6 you recommend :D


    I ordered those strange Hansesound Mediabooks (they rather sound like a audio CD label, rather than a movie label), so let's see if they are worth their money :) I'll let you know!

    • Like 1
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  5. 38 minutes ago, Grendel said:

    Hi there @pygospa and @Veum;

    While Denise Crosby was certainly more involved with TV shows than films, two I recall her in, Pet Sematary (original) and Deep Impact I enjoyed.

    I don't believe I've ever seen The Eliminators (Destroyers) and though it does look like hokey fun, I'll probably pass...🙃


    If I were to pick it up, I agree with your selection, Cover C has the best art. 🙂

    Oh yes, you are right! I remember her in Pet Sematary, now that you mention it. How could I forget? Not sure, if I've seen Deep Impact, though. I thought so, judging just the title, but seeing the movie poster and the trailer: Nope, doesn't ring a bell. Is it any good?

    • Like 2
  6. This movie is rather interesting to me because of Denise Crosby. In Star Trek: The Next Generation she plays Tasha Yar, and I cannot say why exactly, but she was one of the first characters that I really grew fond of, I loved her character and thought she was a great and interesting person. I was really shocked to see her die (if I remember correctly, right in the first season). Crosby of course returns, due to the temporal rift episodes, as well as the mirror universe episodes, plus the time-rift Tasha Yars half-romulan child, which is also portrayed by Crosby. Still, I liked Tasha Yar most, and was really sad.


    I never ever saw any other movies or series starring Denise Crosby, so this one peeked my interest right off when I saw the trailer. Even though it looks rather trashy, I am looking forward to this one. I would probably go for Cover A; or maybe Cover C? Not too sure yet. We'll see :D

    • Like 2
  7. Release: ?

    Link (Wicked Shop): ?

    Price: ?

    Limited: ?


    And finally - the last pre-information announcement that Wicked did: "The Eliminators" is a 1986 science fiction movie directed by Peter Manoogian (who only did one other movie: Arena), and produced under Charles Bands first movie distribution company "Empire International Pictures. As such (same with "TerrorVision" or "Ghost Town") it will not be released under the "Full Moon Collection"/"Full Moon Classics Selection" of Wicked Vision, but in their Collector's series (even though Empire is the predecessor of Full Moon, and technically "Creepozoids" and "Dolls" are also Empire releases, but the first is in the "Full Moon Collection", while the later is in the "Full Moon Classics Selection" - it's a strangely entangled mess, if you ask me :D ). Other than that, there is no information on the extras or limitation, only the three cover artworks are revealed: Cover A is the old movie poster, and cover C looks very much like an artwork by Ralf Krause.

    The movie itself is about an evil scientist who after creating a half man, half droid called "Mandroid" to serve him, orders to dismantle him after he has no use for him anymore. However his assistant disobeys his order and helps the Mandroid to escape. The Mandroid then seeks help by former colleagues of the scientist to stop him on his evil doings. The movie starrs Andrew Prine (The Miracle Worker, Amnityville 2), Denise Crosby (Star Trek: TNG) and Patrick Reynolds. Here's the trailer:



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  8. Release: ?

    Link (Wicked Shop): ?

    Price: ?

    Limited: ?



    Another announcement from Wicked Vision (this is the next-to-last, then I'm finish, for now :D ) : In 1986 the British director John Hough (The Legend of Hell House, Twins of Evil) directed this sci-fi adventure movie based on a novel series (created by W. E. Johns in 1932, and continued until 1999). In it, Neil Dickson (Eragon, Lionheart), Alex Hyde-White (Pertty Woman, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) and Peter Cushing (Dracula, The Curse of Frankenstein) involuntarily travel through time, as salesmen Jim Ferguson from 1986 (Alex Hyde-White) and 1917s Royal Flying Corps pilot James Bigglesworth discover that they are time twins. On a sad note, this movie marks Cushings last movie (4 years after the diagnosis of his terminal cancer, with the doctors only predicting his life to last 12-18 months - he lived another 12 years(!), but retired from his movie career after this performance, being 73 years old).

    The first announcement Wicked made about this movie was last year, and they said it will be the 35th anniversary edition of the movie. For Germany I am not sure if this had a DVD release, it definately didn't have a Blu-ray release yet. The only thing I can find online is the old German VHS edition (even Schnittberichte doesn't list anything else), so probably an digital and HD premiere for us, in a Mediabook, which Wicked promisses will be packed with bonus material. Also, according to Wicked Vision, this will be the very first time this movie is released uncut for us Germans. Yey! Of course for the rest of the world the list of extras and English-friendlyness would be interesting, but we don't have any other information yet. However, you can still consider getting it by the cover artworks. Typically, there are three covers, cover A using the old German VHS cover artwork, cover B the original poster artwork, and cover C I could not find out - maybe a newly comissioned artwork? I do not know (if you do, please share your knowledge with us :D ).

    That's all about the edition. As always, I am interested in your thoughts about the movie, the cover artworks, and if you consider this edition worth your money or if you have any other editions of this movie that you consider better. Let us know and as always, I'll end with the trailer. Enjoy:




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  9. This to me, is a difficult one. Not sure if the movie is worth it, as it looks really bad :D However, being that it's from Wicked Vision and that up to now I got every edition they released, I'll probably get this anyways. And judging the trailer it could be fun. Regarding the Cover artworks, I don't like the German title on it, the English one looks a bit better, the EN-Part is just to long and and giving that there is so much more to come, this semitry looks somewhat off. I like that better in the English title where it's just Rift, and going down on the FT-Part. Plus, it makes so much more sense that "Rift" is actually forming a rift. Also, the English title has the better coloring on it. Other than that, I don't like cover A at all (looks like a really bad computer rendering, whihc might be okey for inside the movie, but I don't like it on my cover artwork :D ). So it's cover B or C for me. Tough choice. The orginal poster artwork of cover C looks really bad, because it's too dark for my taste; but it is much lighter on the Wicked picture; reminds me a bit of one of the Leviathan artworks, though. But I really like the artistic style of it. Cover B is somewhat really cool, due to the colors and the artwork - looks like a 70s-90s Sci-fi novel cover :D

    I think I have a tendency towards cover B.

    I added the two original poster artworks for comparison, so it's easier to follow this posts ramblings of mine :D


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  10. Release: ?

    Link (Wicked Shop): ?

    Price: ?

    Limited: ?



    "The Rift", aka "Endless Descent" is a 1990 B-movie in the action/adventure/horror genre, directed by Juan Piquer Simón (Pieces, Slugs: The Movie), staring Jack Scalia (All My Children), Ronald Lee Ermey (Full Metal Jacket) and Ray Wise (Twin Peaks, RoboCop). In the movie, the submarine Siren I goes missing, and the experimental submarine Siren II is sent to find out what happened. It's one of many underwarter-themed movies of the 90s (The Abyss, Leviathan, DeepStar Six, etc.) that might just gain popularity again due to the current cinema movie "Underwarter" staring Kirsten Stewart.


    Another pre-information from Wicked Vision for a coming release where there is no information yet on the release date, price or limitation, but we already get to see that there are going to be three covers again: I couldn't get any information on the first cover, but covers B and C are both classic movie poster designs; of course with the German title instead of the original "The Rift"/"Endless Descent" title. According to Wicked, there will be a ton of extras, including exclusively produced material, such as an interview with Colin Arthur, who did the effects on "The Rift" (as well as on "Conan" or "Total Recall"). And it is the first time that this movie is available in Germany.


    Does anybody know this movie? Is it any good? Will you get this edition? And if so, what's your favourite cover artwork?

    For all of you that are like me and have never heard of this movie, check out the trailer:



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  11. @Grendel Wow. Beautiful collection, man! This is really nice. I only have that boxset from Zavvi for the Universal monsters, plus the Invisible Man Boxset from Turbine. That's also a pretty nice collection, though: Comes with a booklet (in German, of course), plus 6 individual Digipacks each featuring an artwrok from different regions (French, Spanish, English, Italian). Unforutnately only a couple of them are on Blu-ray. A few titles are DVD only. But still, it's a great Boxset. Would be lovely if they had similar ones for the other Universal monsters (Frankenstein and Mummy have a few titles, as well as the Werewolf, afaik).



    • Like 2
  12. Release: 30.06.2020

    Link (Wicked Shop, amongst others): Cover A, Cover B

    Price: ~ €30,00 (depending on the shop)



    Just yesterday I referenced one of their last releases in another thread, now they announce their next one: Anolis (yes, not Wicked Vision :D please bear that in mind, those Anolis releses are quite different to what you might know when you expect a Wicked release) is continuing in their "fantastic classics" series in the subseries "the 70s": "Terror". That gives us up to now:

    • "Die 60er": 1) The Satan Bug (1965), 2) The Sorcerers (1967), 3) Kaitei daisensô [The Terror Beneath the Sea] (1966), 4) Tales of Terror (1962)
    • "Die 70er": 1) Willard (1971), 2) Ben (1972), 3) Terror (1978)
    • "Die 80er": 1) Forbidden World (1982), 2) Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)

    As usual with Anolis this title will be released in two different Cover variants. Cover A is showing the classic movie poster, while cover B has even the most knowledgable movie scientists puzzled (at least on Facebook :D ) : It's an artwork based on the Italian movie poster. As extras, there is an audio commentary (in German) by the famous Anolis trio: Dr. Rolf Giesen, Uwe Sommerlad and Volker Kronz (all three movie scientists), there's a documentation on John Nolan (he's the Uncle of Christopher Nolan), and the short movie "Fragment" (1965) by the same director, besides the usual extras, plus a 20 page booklet by David Renske.


    The movie is a 1978 British independant supernatural horror film, directed by Norman J. Warren and written by David McGillivary, staring John Nolan (Dark Knight trilogy, Dunkirk) and Carolyn Courage (Space: 1999, The Onedin Line), who play two cousins who fall victim to a curse, that 300 years ago a witch placed on their family, while she was executed by their ancestor. It's an rather unconventional horror movie that was heavily inspired by Suspiria, which is why critics wrote rather mixed reviews. Still it was a commercial success, and has already seen releases by Powerhouse Indicator, Vinegar Syndrome and Video Service in English speaking countries; for Germany it's a premiere at least on Blu-ray and DVD, although I also cannot find any information on a VHS release (but I guess Anolis would have advertised it, so I'm unsure).

    PS: Just to make sure - you don't have to buy this from Wicked, it is available on all German and Austrian Blu-ray sellers (OFDb, Pretz, etc.) and maybe even Amazon. I just linked Wicked because it's the place where I buy my stuff and I know the few of you that might be interested in this, also had good experiences with Wicked and like to get their stuff from there.
    PPS: If you want this, make sure to be fast though, it's limited and Anolis is always pretty low and sold out fast.

    What cover is your favorite? Do you know the movie? Will you get this one? I'm interested in your input.

    And to close this post, here's the trailer:


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  13. Woha, so much is happening here! Wow.


    7 hours ago, RAK said:

    I was thinking of buying it, and yes the price is very good for it being a 6 movie Boxset. I already have 

    these, but may get the Boxset anyways.



    That's a lovely collection, man! Thanks for sharing. I really like the Arrow releases, they look beautiful (thanks to the transparent cases), would love them even more if they where Scanavos, but they are nice none the less. But I still only got a few of those. Need to get my hands on some more of them. I love Shoutfactory for their YouTube channel with the HighDef trailers :D Other than that, I don't own any Shoutfactory - as they are from the US they are Region A locked, which is a pitty. However, since they ship in blue Amarays, it's not that big of a loss - I tend to avoid them, as I find those standard Amarays really ugly.


    7 hours ago, Grendel said:

    ^^ Nice choices @Veum !

    Regarding the Arrow box-set, It looks like the included amarays won't contain the 'booklets' that were released with the 1st pressing singles but reading through the on disc extras, looks like the same ones from the 1st pressings. The booklets are sometimes no more than 'leaflets' though, so not a big loss for the most part.


    I've heard they remove the booklets even once their releases are restocked, so the booklet is just for the first edition. I think that's a pity, for me it's a reason to not buy. If I get something, I want it all :D


    6 hours ago, Veum said:


    Here is some in my collection I cherish:







    I know the top pictures steelbooks (they where also released in Germany, I however got them from Zavvi in the UK because they had a box set. But what are the bottom ones for editions? Im really curious because I love Glow in the Dark and these look incredible!


    • Like 3
  14. 7 hours ago, Grendel said:

    Okay, so here's a listing of all the Corman/Poe/Price fliks in sequential order based on year released.

    All of these, have been released by Arrow Video and I believe that most if not all, are still available at both Zavvi and Amazon.uk as well as Arrow Video's own web-site.

    What ones are also in MediaBook format, I cannot give a fair estimation. I know I have a couple at least (via Koch Media) but after already investing fair coin in both the Scanavo and SteelBook covers from Arrow, I was pretty tapped out...heh. 🙂



    Thanks for the list, buddy. As we are here in the Mediabook section of this forum I took the liberty to look up if there are any mediabook titles (some I know by heart) for these - just if you are interested. I'll go through them title by title:

    • House of Usher
      Friends of Wicked Vision, you are in luck. Daniel did this a while ago, and because he liked this movie so much he released five different cover versions. In German it is called "Die Verfluchten" (The Damned). I'm not sure if this is the only edition but Wicked says it's an extended edition because they added an Overture at the beginning of the movie that was long lost, adding 3 Minutes to the run time to the normal cut. Plus 300 Minutes of extras.
    • The Pit and the Pendulum
      As already mentioned, there's a NSM Records release in three different covers for this title. These are individually numbered, to A: 500, B: 333, and C : 666 copies, but they don't have too much love put into them, I'd say: Only a 12-paged booklet, and two audio commentaries, one in English by Roger Corman himself, and the German one by *drumroll* Daniel Perée (founder of Wicked Vision) - the world is small :D
    • The Masque of the Red Death
      This one has a really strange title in Germany, and it even gets stranger as "The Oblong Box" is actually translated to something rather similar to the "Masque of Red Death", so I was puzzled for a wile while googling. But yeah, the German title is "Satanas - Das Schloss der blutigen Bestie" (Satanas - Castle of the bloody beast). And apparently in Germany there is a label called "Hansesound" - I have never heard of them before, and looking them up, they didn't do too many releases till now, but all classic Western and a couple of Price movies as well (including "The Haunted Palace"). Never seen any release by this label though, no
    • Tomb of Ligeia
      Here there is a Koch Mediabook, I had it in my hands a couple of time but didn't take it home with me :(guess it's sold out now. Koch Media does decent work, not always perfect but far from bad, and this release has a 16-paged booklet, four interviews with different people that worked on the movie, two audio commentaries (one with Elizabeth Shepherd, one with Roger Corman) and - interesting for Germans - with two different dubbings of the movie (probably a new one that is somewhat corrected and the original one for fans of it).
    • Tales of Terror
      In Germany this is called "Der Grauenvolle Mr. X" (The cruel Mr. X), and it was released by Anolis in their Phantastische Klassiker - Die 60er digibook series with spine no. 4. And I've already spoken about it in great length in this thread, so just go there to see all the information :)
    • The Raven
      Again, this is released by NSM Records, with three different cover artworks, that are individually numbered, with these limitations: A: 444, B: 333 and C : 222. It's again rather rare on the extras, but the booklet has 4 more pages (16) and again, we get an audio commentary by Daniel Perée (founder of Wicked Vision).
    • The Premature Burial
      Unfortunately, German rights for this one reside by a label who's label boss is a criminal (forcing German forums to delete critical posts about their products by legal force, threatening YouTubers with violence who criticize their products, steeling artworks from foreign artist without paying them, lying to customers and making false promises), so I won't make any advertisement for them.
    • The Haunted Palace
      There are a two Mediabooks from the same label I mentioned above - I won't buy this label and I won't do advertisement for them. However, there is also a release by Hansesound, with a 16-paged booklet. Again, I do not know them, so not sure what to expect. Maybe I'll get one of these, then I'll present them here.
    • The Oblong Box
      As mentioned above, this one has a strange German title: "In the Grip of Death of the Red Mask" - quite similar to the "Masque of Red Death", which is why I actually found this one when searching for "Masque of Red Death" mediabooks. This one is released by MSN Records in six(!) different covers, but each of them only limited to 111 copies. There is an audio commentary an interview and a 16-paged booklet:


    For the last two I couldn't find any information. But yeah. If you are here because you like Mediabooks, here's your shopping list :D

    • Thanks 2
  15. 1 minute ago, Veum said:

    I've never seen this version of The Pit and the Pendulum?!🤔


    Any good?

    It's been a really long time since I saw this. Long ago on television if I remember correctly. And I liked it, it was pretty decent. I don't know the Vincent Price one, though. But from what I can tell, the story is quite different. But even though I might remember it wrongly or my taste might have changed, I think Lance Henriksen is great. You might know him from Aliens, Alien 3, Alien vs Predator, or Scream 3 and so many more good movies. Great actor. And then there's also Oliver Reed. I think it's worth a watch alone for these two actors :)

    • Like 2
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  16. Wicked Vision has been really busy posting a lot of information on coming releases - as far as I know they have problems in production due to Corona, which is why all of these will come much later than expected, but therefore all the work on artwork etc. is already done, so that's probably the reason he's posting so much these days.


    For this one my cover choice is quite easy once more: Cover C. Though I have to say I love the drawing style of Ralf Krause (it's pretty unique and easily to make out), I am often torn between the covers - I don't like the ones that look too much like lose elements of the movie wildly combined together. This one does that as well, yet it doesn't look too bad while doing so. I find it pretty decent. Yet, Cover C is my favorite. If you enlarge it, you'll see that it looks like an oil painting which is really great and something different to all the other artworks you typically get. I also love the color selection - it's something different. I really like it. That's my choice :D

    Which one will you choose?

    • Like 3
  17. Release: ?

    Link (Wicked Shop): ?

    Price: ?

    Limited: ?


    When Wicked Vision announced this title I was pretty irritated. Normally, Wicked Vision does not do re-releases of titles already releases, especially a few years ago in a Mediabook. And I did own this title in a Mediabook by NSM; or so I thought. So be aware: There are actually two "The Pit and the Pendulum" movies, one from 1961 by Roger Corman starring Vincent Price, Barbara Steele and John Kerr - that's the one I already own. And one from 1991 by Stuart Gordon starring Lance Henriksen, Jeffrey Combs and Oliver Reed - that's the one I though I had (hadn't watched the NSM edition yet), and that's the one that Wicked Vision will release. This is actually a movie I've already seen and it was produced by Full Moon Features and as such it will be the fifth entry in Wicked Visions "Full Moon Collection" - that's the Mediabook series (they also have the "Full Moon Classic Selection" that comes in Scanavo Fullsleeve Keepcases).

    As for the Covers, we again have the classic poster artwork as Cover A, Cover B is probably a Ralf Krause artwork (who is rather famous as a movie artworker), and cover C is once more a Timo Würz artwork. Both these artworks exclusively commissioned for this release. The Mediabook will come with a 24 page booklet and will also feature the original soundtrack on CD.





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  18. Release: ?

    Link (Wicked Shop): ?

    Price: ?

    Limited: ?



    Another "first information and sneak peak on the covers" thread for another coming release from Wicked Visions: Another British horror movie from 1974 that is directed by Jim Clark for Amicus Production, called Madhouse. This movie stars Vincent Price ("House of Usher", "The Abominable Dr. Phibes"), Peter Cushing ("Dracula", "The Curse of Frankenstein") and Robert Quarry ("Count Yorga, Vampire", "Dr. Phibes Rises Again") in a story about an horror actor, who's onscreen persona becomes real and starts killing; even though acquitted of the crime, he spends time in a mental hospital and in the end isn't sure anymore - did he, or did he not?

    The three different covers again feature the original movie poster as cover A, as well as two newly commissioned artworks (cover B and C). No information on extras yet, but Wicked says there will be exclusive bonuses as well. Here's the trailer:





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  19. Hey @Grendel, and @Veum thank you for your feedback and your cover choice. And especially thanks for the advertisement you are doing for my threads :D It's not only Wicked Vision, I also like to present Anolis, Turbine, Capelight, Birnenblatt, and others. But, apparently you all like the Wicked releases so much that I'm writing most about them, nowadays :D


    5 hours ago, Grendel said:

    Oh wow, an old classic from I think, 1991?

    Been a VERY long time since I've seen it, I think I have a vhs in my collection, heh.

    ( just checking.... yep, I do!)


    Pretty cool. I haven't seen the movie yet, so I also never owned the VHS (I was too young to own these kind of movies, back then. I had a large Disney collection, and other kids movies, such as Flubber, Casper, Beethoven, Dennis the Menace and the likes. If it doesn't bother you too much I'd love to see a picture of the VHS - I love seeing the old covers they used.


    5 hours ago, Grendel said:

    I'll assuredly grab a copy as the humour in this was pretty good (very sarcastic).

    Great SFX from a real powerhouse female team ( I recall it mentioned) including Florence Kemper, Katherine James and Molly Allen.

    I'll probably go for "Cover C" as I find it relays the intent of the film the best. 🤩


    Thanks for your input. Sounds really interesting. I did not see it, as I already mentioned, but I looked at the trailer and thought that it could be really an interesting movie, that I could really like (however, it could also be quite crappy - it's always a gamble with these movies :D )

    And yeah, I'll guess I'll go for Cover C as well. However, I do like that cover B is a bit less overloaded. And I love the drawing of the car.


    18 hours ago, Grendel said:

    edit: I know there are many folk that get wrapped around the axle if a cover is not in English but honestly I have never considered that an issue.

    I have so many covers with foreign language titles it's all just part of the mix. As long as I can comprehend the film, the artwork means a lot more to me than the silly title. 🙂

    There's a few exceptions of course. Some titles deserve to stand, as produced. This ain't one of 'em...🤡

    Funny that you mention this; I have to say, I am a bit like that. But that's due to Germany really strange politic of translating titles. Here are a few ones, where it doesn't make any sense. Either we have titles that have nothing to do with the movie itself:

    • La maschera del demonio (The Mask of the demon) = Die Stunde wenn Dracula kommt (The Hour that Dracula arrives)
      In a movie about witches, where Dracula doesn't even play any role. Why did the do it? Because the Dracula movies where successful and German movie distributors thought it would be a good idea to use the hype and trick the cinema goers into this movie.
    • Operazione paura (Operation Fear) = Die Toten Augen des Dr. Dracula (The dead eyes of doctor Dracula)
      Same thing - this time it's a ghost story. And this title makes absolutely no sense at all...

    Small changes, that don't have any reasoning what so ever:

    • Thor: The Dark World = Thor: The Dark Kingdom
      Why? How is Kingdom more German than using World?
    • Tomorrowland = A World Beyond
    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier = The Return of the First Avenger

    Titles that are just outrageously stupid:

    • Stripes = Ich glaub', mich knutscht ein Elch! (I think, a Moose is kissing me)
    • Tremors = Im Land der Raketen-Würmer (In the land of the Rocket-Worms)
    • Before I Fall = Wenn du stirbst, zieht dein ganzes Leben an dir vorbei, sagen sie (If you die, you'll see your whole life pass you by, they say)
      This is especially stupid, as the German title spoils the twist at the end.

    I don't have a problem having a German, English, French, Spanish, etc. title on the cover, that makes sense, because it's a translation of the original title. Also, if it doesn't I wouldn't even realize. But having these German titles, and knowing the original titles, sometimes they are just plain stupid. Getting back to the topic: For "Highway to Hell" = "Highway zur Hölle", that's not the case. I'd still prefer the original title, but it's not too important.










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    • Thanks 1
  20. Sind das die von Manta Lab? Hab mir da eines bestellt (weiß garnicht mehr welches :D ). War auf jeden Fall eine schwere Wahl. Versuch ja immer nurnoch 1 Fassung zu kaufen. Letztendlich bringen andere Labels die ja auch noch alle, und da ich bspw. noch Filmarena sammel, hab ich durch die mittlerweile viele Titel auch doppelt (zu Manta Lab).

    Sind auf jeden Fall sehr schick!


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