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Posts posted by pygospa

  1. 21 minutes ago, Parzival said:

    Which edition is better do you think.. 

    A or B 🤔


    For me it's definitely the box set A, for three main reasons, and a minor one:

    1. I love blue-purple-pink-red color combinations, and so, cover A is - just regarding the colors - more to my pleasing. Of course it has to fit the imagery and the movie, but given it's a horror movie playing in the dark, this is just more fitting than having it black on red.
    2. I love large artworks that make use of the entire area, and the wolfs face on A just does that, and does it beautifully. Cover B has a beautiful motive, and is wonderfully drawn, but if you compare the areas, probably next to half is just "unused" red area.
    3. I love unintrusive Titles, hell I would even prefer text-free covers all together. as every text distracts from the artwork and therefore "breakes" the feel and emotions the artist was going for. For A the writing is very thin, and worked into the artwork in a way that it fits it better - and even though it has an additional "A John Landis Film" which I could totally live without, box B has a really bold title that does not integrate in the rest of the artwork at all, and draws your attention away from the art.

    Yeah, those are my "rational" reasons for liking the cover. The minor one is that I own the "American Werewolf in Paris", which has in a way a pretty similar cover. And I like diverse and alternative artworks, so the more different these two look the better for me :D

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, RAK said:

    I am disappointed that I missed the first release, but put a request in for the 2nd release with @thomue1987 so hopefully I won’t miss that one also. I didn’t think it would sell out that fast.


    I expected it, to be honest. That's why I am a bit surprised, that Turbine did not anticipate it (or maybe they did, and the second box design was already finnished?). The reason is, that Turbine has been asked about this movie ever since they released the "American Werewolf in Paris", and seeing that so many wanted this movie (which was their motivation, I guess, to really get those licenses), plus all the feedback they got once they announced it over a year ago, I would have expected a bigger release alltogether. The initial "Psycho" box they did was limited to 3,636, The Thing was released in two boxes (at the same time) limted to 2,000 and 3,000 copies, and all of them sold out. So it's suffice to say their boxsets are rather famous and given the feedback for the American Werewolf in London...

    They also got a little backlash on Facebook by some collectors, who already sold their "American Werewolf in Paris" Mediabooks, due to Turbine announcing that they'd include that movie in the box as well. Having that one missing, is rather strange as well, however I do not care too much (in contrary - as I own that one and would have never given it away due to the cool frame card, I am happier that they rather opted for the soundtrack, which to me has so much more value).

    Non the less, I am happy for that label - they are really small, and as only a few others they concentrate on movies that weren't released in Germany, and give those movies the greatest of cares. I hope you get yours and maybe hold your eyes open on the Turbine Shop site - it might be that some people will switch to the second box, and therefore can cell ing their first order. So maybe, just maybe, there could be a slight chance to get one - but you'd have to monitor the site closely.

    • Like 1
  3. Oh, I see that we have written about this release both, and round about the same time. However, this subforum is a bit confusing, as you posted it in Steelbooks > Germany > Amazon. So just to clarify (even though it should be obvious by the pictures), this is not a Steelbook, but a Digipack in a box. Also, it is not a Amazon only/exclusive release, but rather on Amazon by chance. There is also a Cover B, which will not be available on Amazon (but everywhere else). Here's the post I did with some additional information ;)



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  4. Wow. That escalated quickly. This releases sold out quicker than Turbine themselfes expected it to happen. So, to not have high price-resellers and sad customers who went empty handed, they decided to add a second desing, as Cover B:


    The explanation from Turbine:

    Liebe Freunde des amerikanischen Werwolfs,
    wir wurden völlig überrannt von der Nachfrage nach unserer Ultimate Edition von AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. Die Box mit dem Artwork von Gabz ist AUSVERKAUFT. Vielen Dank für Euren Support! Das ist der Wahninn!!
    Die Auflage dieser Box bleibt bei 2.626 Stück. Um aber der ungebremsten Nachfrage gerecht zu werden, arbeiteten fieberhaft an einer Lösung, die wir jetzt bereits präsentieren können. AB SOFORT ist die inhaltsgleiche Box (lediglich mit anderen Designs auf Capbox, Digischuber und Poster) mit dem exklusiven Artwork von Scott Woolston im Turbine-Shop erhältlich:
    Ab Montag gibt es sie auch in begrenzten Stückzahlen bei Spezialhändlern Eures Vertrauens. Diese Box wird es allerdings nicht bei amazon geben, denn sie ist auf 1.313 Stück limitiert.
    Nochmals vielen Dank!
    Schönes Wochenende
    und hütet Euch vor dem Mond!
    Eure Turbine


    My attempt in translating it (with no warranties what so ever :D😞



    Dear friends of the american Werewolf,

    we have been totally overrun by the demand for our Ultimate Edition for AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. The Box with the artwork by Gabz is SOLD OUT. Many thanks for your support! This is incredible!!

    The limitation of this box will stay at 2,626 copies. But to fulfill the demand, we were working with great preasure on a solution which we can now present. STARTING NOW you can preorder the box with identical content (but other designs on the capbox, digipak slipcover and poster) with an exclusive artwork from Scott Woolston from the Turbine shop:


    On Monday, there will be limited copies also available via specialized movie stores. However, it will not be available via amazon, as it is only limited to 1,313 copies.

    Once again thank you very much!

    Have a nice weekend

    and be weary of the moon!

    Yours, Turbine



    I think it's a nice gesture from Turbine even though I think it was foreseeable that this would sell out fast, and I wonder if this was maybe even planned ahead. Still I don't care too much, I like the first box, that I preordered the minute I saw it much better. The only regrett I have, is seeing that they also changed the artwork of the inner slipcover for the new artwork, whereas the first artwork has the same design on the slipcover and the CD. I would have loved a little more diversity in there, for Cover A as well. I've asked them, no idea if they'll respond, and if it is at all still possible. But in the end, I still like Cover A the best, and am happy to have ordered it right away :)



    Which Cover do you prefer?



  5. Hm... Mediabooks sind bei Euch also nicht so beliebt... :D

    Ich find die Dinger eigentlich ganz cool.  Klar gibts da auch vieles, was einfach nur einfalslos ist, aber es gibt gleichzeitig auch genug Firmen, die sich mühe geben. Letztendlich entscheide ich - wenn ich die Wahl hab - von Fall zu Fall, ob's ein Mediabook oder ein Steelbook wird; wobei mir das Fullslip natürlich die liebste Verpackung ist. Aber idR. hat man eh keine Auswahl und nimmt dann einfach das, was man kriegen kann :D


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  6. Release date: 25.09. 2020
    Buy link: JPC, MediaDealer, Pretz
    Price: €22.99 - €27.99
    Discs: 3x BD
    Booklet: 20 pages

    Unfortunately not English friendly (Korean + German dubbing, and German subtitles!)

    Important: This release is already sold out at Amazon and asking price is a crazy 60€! There are however many other shops still having these, so I listed the top 3 I found. Be fast if you want this. Alternatively this movie also has a Nameless Media Mediabook release, but that one does not come with the bonus movie.





    I totally forgot to announce this, but I guess for the majority of the readers here these releases are not of interested due to the missing English friendliness. Which really is a shame for splendid's AmasiA series, as I would guess a lot of international buyers would be interested in, as well, as they are of really high quality and concentrate on movies no one else releases on the western market. This is already the ninth release in the series, with the others being:


    1. Train to Busan / Seoul Station
    2. The Villainess / Confession of Murder
    3. The Great Battle / Blood and Flowers
    4. Rampant / Prisoners of War
    5. The Witch: Subversion / Swordbrothers
    6. The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil / Kundo
    7. The Devine Fury / Arahan
    8. The Battle: Roar to Victory / The Suspect


    Btw. the bold titles are those where the movie (according to blu-ray.com) hasn't been released anywhere else (with exception of Korea - but a lot of them even miss a Korean release), the rest usually only have a USA/Canada release. "The Suspect" was released only in Australia. And yes, as with the very first release, AmasiA kept on their signature attributes:


    • All Korean movies
    • Every release comes with a full-feature bonus movie on a second disc
    • Limitation number on the back (below the J-Card), with crossed weapons used in the movie
    • exclusive Artwork with glossy varnish and a 2p making of
    • artwork under the transparent trays that continues on the disc artwork


    No surprises with this release, but as someone collecting the series and likes having a continuous artwork over all the releases this is a plus. I was still surprised. Since 8 releases this is the first 3-Disc Release. Instead of having just one cut, "A Bittersweet Life" comes with two different editions: the Korean Cinema cut, as well as the Director's cut, each on it's own disc.

    Regarding the two movies, "A Bittersweet Life" has two amaray releases, one in France and one in Spain - of course with the same problematic when it comes to Audio and Subtitles, but also a zillion releases in Korea (Fullslip release from a Company I don't know, three Nova Media Fullslips, two Budblu Fullslips and those do feature English subtitles), "The Good, The Bad, The Weird" has multiple western-country Amaray releases in (USA, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Spain, and some others). But I do not know if there are any extras on these, or if they are the same extras, if there are some. The J-Card on the German release advertises more than 150 minutes of extras, including 90 minutes of never before seen extras. But again these will probably be in Korean and feature just German subtitles. So unless you understand German or Korean, this is probably not interesting for you :( Also while researching I found out that there are two cuts of this movie as well, with the second (international) cut being shorter. I therefore checked my blu-ray against the time given on Wikipedia (139 Minutes), and it is 10 Minutes shorter; however even the Korean releases listed on blu-ray.com all show the same shorter version, so I'm not sure if that longer cut was ever released or if that information is even true.

    Let's get to the movies: "A Bittersweet Life" (달콤한 인생, Dalkomhan insaeng) was released in 2005 by Kim Jee-woon (A Tale of Two Sisters, I Saw the Devil) featuring Lee Byung-hun (I Saw the Devil, Inside Men), and tells the story of a hitman, who does not kill a target and since is hunted by his boss. It was pretty well received and gained some nominations and awards in Asia, was unofficially remade in India as Awarapan (2007), and an American remake under direction of Jennifer Yuh Nelson (Kung Fu Panda 2+3, The Darkest Minds) staring Michael B. Jordan (Creed 1+2, Black Panther), but that is still in the early phases of making.
    "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" (좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈,
    Jo-eun nom nappeun nom isanghan nom) was released in 2008 and is included as another movie by the same director, with Lee Byung-hun, co-staring Song Kang-ho (Joint Security Area, Parasite) and Jung Woo-sung. It is set in China in 1939, months before the beginning of the Second World War and is an action/adventure/comedy movie telling the story of how tree distinctive figures, "The Bad" (a hitman who is trying to steal a treasure map), "The Weird" (a thief, who is also after the treasure map) and "The Good" (a bounty hunter who is hunting "The Bad"), get mixed up together. As the title already suggests, this movie is inspired by Sergio Leone's "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", and it once more got rather positive reviews grossing $44 Million USD, making it the the second highest grossing Korean films in 2008 and one of Koreas highest grossing films of all time.


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  7. For all of you who cannot await their arrival and want to shorten the wait with some pictures, here are mine (I ordered directly, and it arrived today). I opted for the double lenticular and it looks stunning! Unfortunately hard to photograph, but believe me, it looks great. I wanted it mostly for the backside image which I think is iconic - would have liked it as the front with an  non-lenticular backside, but given how good the lentis look, I am totally happy with it. And, to address the elephant in the room:


    On 9/20/2020 at 7:04 PM, Mdk14092 said:

    Never mind, I see now it's just a cardboard flap in the outside. Had me worried for a sec.


    Yes, as with the last release, MantaLab puts these J-Cards in the plastic protective bag they provide (together with the Lenticular sticker) but outside the Shrinkwrap. So if you have to keep it originally sealed, just open the resealable bag, fish out the J-Card and directly close it up again ;)

    I wasn't a fan of the artwork for the steelbook and I still am not. But, the finish is great, and I like that one as well. Plus I really love the playing cards, that's a nice touch. Also, the envelope has a glossy printing (again was hard to capture, but looks really good). The booklet is a plain boring photo book, nothing special about it, unfortnuately - I did not make any photos, a, because my ligthing wasn't so good to begin with, b, they are hard to do single handed, and c, to leave you something for you to discover on your own.

    So here you go, enjoy:
























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    Hello my friend and thank you for the nice words! Yes, I really enjoy these little "hi's" and movie edition smalltalk, it's just, keeping these things up on all the places also consumes a lot of time, and I have little, unfortunately :( But I'll try my best :)

    1 minute ago, Grendel said:

    I love all the new releases you've received buddy and do have a question;

    I've heard of "The Woman Trilogy" but have yet to research it.

    Is it a blind buy for you or would you already recommend them?


    It's a blind buy for me as well. I've first stumbled upon this seeing a German Steelbook release for the movie "Darlin'" (the last part of the trilogy), and I was ready to pick it up, but then read that it was the last part of a trilogy. So I thought, that I'd first look up the other two parts, see if there was a nice steelbook or something for them as well, and check out the trailers before spending too much money on three movies that I wouldn't like anyways. I - of course - forgot about them, but got reminded, when Arrow announced their "The Woman" release, which featured some really great artwork - but onfortunately only had the first two movies in there. So when Capelight announced their trilogy mediabook I checked out the trailers and some reviews, and it looks like the first movie, "Offspring" didn't get that good reviews in general (but seems to have it's fans, and given that it's a lower budget production, this could still be worth your while), but "The Woman" was pretty decently rated, for a horror movie of this kind, and got a lot of positive reviews by horror fans, so I guess it could be worth a try. Plus I liked all three trailers. So yeah. Need to see this one before I can recommend it, but just check out the trailers for yourself.

    Oh, and if you are interested in some detail pictures, I posted some in this post:





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  9. Wow. It's been more than a year that I last posted in this thread. Not because I don't like to share photos of editions I get, anymore, but becuase instead I did all my detailed photos in other threads (i.e. the threads where all the information about a release is initially collected) - because I think that makes more sense and adds more value to everyone. Judging from the views, not many people look into these individual collection threads of single users, and instead they rather look in the posts of the editions - plus when searching the forums for an edition you also rather get into those threads.

    However, today I'll make an exception. I just got collected packages from four different sellers and three different countries - all on one day. Isn't that strange? :D So, here we go:


    Left to right, top to bottom:

    • Capelights Rollerball Ultimate Edition [Germany]
      Including all the exchange discs, because during production something went wrong and wrong masters where used (or something) - if you already got these, you could sing an online form to get the disks replaced - if you ordered later (like I did) you'll already get them with your order. This box contains Rollerball (1975) [Mediabook] and Rollerball (2002)  [Digipak] with 5 disks, plus some additional shenanigans (2 Additional booklets, poster, ardcards, certificate, etc.)
    • Turbines Der WiXXer and Neues vom WiXXer Ultimate Boxset [Germany]
      Both films are famous German comedy movies, so you'd probably never heard of them. Unfortunately only the second movie got English dubbing, and of course both don't have English subtitles, so probably rather uninteresting for you international readers. There are two Steelbooks inside, one for each film, containing 10 discs with a lot of shenanigans (soundracks, radio plays, bonus discs, multiple booklets, posters, etc.)
    • Capelights The Woman Trilogy Mediabook [Germany]
      Containing all three films (Offspring, The Woman and Darlin') in UHD only (you could opt to get it on HD or UHD).
    • MantaLabs Birds of Prey Double Lenticular Fullslip [Hong Kong]
      Excited to open this one, as I really loved the back artwork :D
    • Nova Medias John 2 Wick Fullslip [Korea]
      Or was it John Wick 2 🤪 - Anyhow. In the past I missed out on the excellent Nova Media John Wicks because I wanted to get the Filmarena ones, but given that I didn't manage to get them until now, and that I really like John Wick, and that Nova Media has shown great love for this movies, and released all of them (Filmarena is yet to announce that they'll plan to release John Wick 3) - I opted for these, because they have the UHD Version and that will probably be what the future holds (not sure if the other series they did, with just the BD will continue once John Wick 4 & 5 are finally made). I haven't open John Wick 1 yet, I'll wait until John Wick 3 is here, and then open them up all together :)
    • Art Crafts Tully Fullslip [Korea]
      This one I oredered together with John Wick from Nova Media, so they came in one package (MantaLab came separate, and the two Capelight came separate from Turbine - because I ordered them from the producers directly, to support them more, than if I get them for the same price through a third party); I didn't know the company till now, and I have to say they are impressive. Unfortunately a bit expensive, given that they just include a Scanavo casing, and unfortunately the booklet is all Korean [yes, I opened that one already], but I do love their design, and might be getting further releases from them. Film I have seen already in a sneak preview show at our cinema, and I liked it. Plus, Charlize Theron is always worth a buy.

    Now, I'll open them up. If any of these releases interest you, please tell me here, and I'll post them in the post they belong to. I guess in future I'll try to do it this way - overview here, details in the posts (so this thread wont be forgotten under all this dust or cleaned out in the next spring cleaning session :D ). Details, if you wish for them, so don't hesitate to ask nicely :)

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  10. Release: 06.11.2020

    Link (Turbine Shop): Ready for preorder

    Price: 56,65€

    Limited: 2626 copies


    Yeeeees! In Germany we've been waiting for this release ever since Turbine released "An American Werewolf in Paris", back in 2017. Back then they did not have the rights for the first movie of the "duology", but announced that they would very happily release this if they could. Then, in June of last year, Turbine announced that this edition would come - at first planned as a matching release to "An American Werewolf in Paris" (i.e. a Mediabook - possibly even with frame card), and later said that they that they'd plan for the Blu-ray to be released in a box, possibly with "An American Werewolf in Paris" as bonus. And even later they teased that they had bigger plans, but no details. Unfortunately - or luckily - they didn't include part two. Instead - after a year of waiting they finally (just 30 Minutes ago as of my starting of this post) announced the box, and the money they saved with not including part two was really well invested in all the other content - so this is what we get:

    • A world premiere release as UHD, with exclusive(? that's what the page says) 4K transfer with HDR
    • Remastered picture and restored audio - plus for Germans: corrected dubbing, for which they even got the original dubbing artists for some re-recordings!
    • A remastered Blu-ray copy of the movie
    • A bonus disc on Blu-ray
    • For the first time, world exclusively the soundtrack of the movie on audio CD
    • A 100 page booklet, beer coasters, poster, artcards and a sticker
    • World exclusive Arwork by artist Gabz
    • Limited to 2626 copies


    What do you say, should they have skipped this treatment for a second licensing of "An American Werewolf in Paris" - I don't think so :D The 3-panel Digipack will be in a slip (as usually with these Digipacks), which will feature the original artwork,  the audio CD is getting it's own Digipack, and these two Items together with all the extras will be in a "capbox" with this exclusive new artwork, that - according to Turbine - was approved by John Landis with a satisfied smile on his face. Their mentining of the "Capbox" makes me think that this release will - dimension-wise - fit to the boxes they did on movies like "The Thing" or "The Invisible Man".

    And that's not all, let's take a look at the bonus material, shall we?


    • 2 audio commentaries (both English): 1) David Naughton & Griffin Dunne, 2) Paul Davis
    • New Featurette with John Landis, David Naughton, Joe Dante, and more (77 Minutes)
    • 7 additional new featurettes and Interviews (~10 Minutes each) that I won't list separately because it's just too much :D
    • 12 old featurettes (mostly in SD quality), including "Fear the Moon" (98 Minutes), "Fear on Film - Talk with John Carpenter, John Landis and David Cronenberg (26 Minutes), Post Mortem - Talk with John Landis (35 Minutes).
    • Usual stuff: Teaser, Trailer, TV Spots, Picture Galery, etc.

    All extras add up to 6 hrs of Bonus material. All bonuses and feature film will include both German and English subtitles. That's quite something you'll get for the price. But be aware - some people like this, others hate it - being Turbine, they will release further editions once this one is out of print. We don't know what to expect next, but as they always do, it will be a "lesser" release (probably juts a Mediabook, as they did with "The Thing") which will not include all the extras, but therefore also be more friendly to your bank account - if you want this movie but are slim on funds and don't need all the additional stuff, just wait a while. There is never a guaranteed next release (this depends on the sales) but given this international premiere on UHD and that people have been waiting for this movies for years, I guess for this release a follow up Mediabook (and a Metalpack thereafter) is rather safe to expect.

    Now if you haven't seen the movie, here is a small recap, followed by a trailer: The American tourists Jack and David are trekking around the mores of Yorkshire, and get attacked by a wolf on a fullmoon night. Only David survives this attack, and after a coma he wakes up in London three weeks later. The police investigating the case find the village in Yorkshire strange - they pretend to know nothing but are afraid of David....

    This 1981 film by John Landis (Blues Brothers, Michael Jacksons Thriller Music Video, Kentucky Fried Movie) is a comedy-horror film and celebrated as a cult classic, that combines frightening horror with comedy and is therefore considered a corner stone of modern horror-comedy movies, inspiring and allowing movies like Beetlejuice, Gremlins, Evil Dead 2, Shaun of the Dead, and many more to follow its success. The movie was also praised for its incredible make-up and even won the first ever Academy Award for best makeup.



    And just in case you missed it - before I let you go, here is the second movie - probably sold out everywhere (at least in this first edition with the film cell) by Turbine. It may look rather simple, but back int he days, Turbine would include these frame cards with their first release, and for this they would go through insane measures: They'd take a real film reel, go through each of the frames, to find frames that look good and have some content on the frame, and then cut them out, piece by piece until they had the 2000 frames they where going for. This is different to all the other frame cell releases I know of, because all the other would feature one identical frame, i.e. a frame was hand picked and then duplicated x times - so technically you actually never got a real film cell, from a real film strip, but a simple foil copy of it. And secondly this made each and every release that Turbine did, a unique copy. Non two releases would have the same cell!

    I am really sad that they stopped doing these, but probably it's just too much manual work...


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  11. Wicked Vision has a new product line, that is related to movies, but not a Bluray release; instead they have printed a selection of their Mediabook covers on large canvases. What you get is a matt 40x60cm art-print for 40€. They are pre-orderable and will be released on Halloween. One of the first five selected artworks is artwork B of this mediabook release. If I would get any one of these, this one would be the candidate, especially as I loved both artworks but chose cover C.




    Anyone interested in these canvas prints? Here's the purchase link.

    As I did not present any of the other releases, I'll just post the other links in here as well:

    • The Monster Squad (Artwork used for cover E of the Mediabook)
    • Necronomicon (Artwork used for cover B of the Mediabook release - this is also available in a bundle with their "store edition", i.e. the scanavo keepcase (aka criterion case) release, that selected titles get, once the Mediabook is sold out - this bundle saves you 10€).
    • Hammer House of Horror (only Artwork - this is also available in a bundle with their "store edition" - this bundle saves you 7€).
    • The Funnyman (Artwork used for cover Cof the Mediabook)

    Is this at all interesting to you? For some of their artworks I would definately be interested - my hottest candidate to buy would be "Highway to Hell" - but to be honest, I don't have the space for these, so probably I'll never get any of these, because keeping them in the cellar would be too pitty for these beauties. What's your opinion on these?

    • Thanks 1
  12. 32 minutes ago, javi said:

    - I´ve never heard of the "criminal tendencies" :/ are there any actual proof?


    Again: It's not Nameless! @Grendel asked about my "naughty" list, and my reponse was that I don't have such a list - there is just one label (not Nameless) that I boykott, but that's not because of their products, because in my opinion all the things (quality, price, etc) are subjective - for the one it's a bother, for the other it's okey. E.g. I heard people don't like Anolis, because of their 1-tray releases, which to some is a lesser quality. To me it's not. That's all I wanted to say. So, all the points I mention are open for discussion and you can feel about it totally different, and that's okey.

    After that I summarized popular pros and cons about Nameless - not all are a personal problem to me (I buy too little at Nameless myself to have a strong feeling for them), but these are things you often read at Facebook, in Chats, YouTube, etc. when people discuss this label or their releases - you said it yourself - there are also a lot of critical posts on their products. And because I was asked about my personal opinion on the label, I thought I summarized all the popular opinions I know of.  And summarizing all famous pro's and con's is how you debate a label fairly, isn't it? So where was I unfair? I also mentioned their high quality, their finish, their famous bust editions, their sometimes exotic titles worth getting, that other labels just ignore. But being fair also includes naming prices such as their initial and official asking price of 40€ for the Watchmen Mediabook (a regular release), or asking their loyal number collectors to not only buy "The Expendibles" in every single edition but additionally in a Trilogy book that is asking 100€  for identical content to the three single releases which each cost 30€ [which btw. was the most discussed faux pas Nameless did, and which led to a lot of Nameless collectors to stop collecting and sell their Collector's Edition all together]. Leaving these things out, when someone asks you about a label - that's unfair! Because someone else might feel the same criticism others had.

    And no I am not a Namless fanboy (I wouldn't say that I am a fanboy of any label, even if I collect them - look at my FAC posts - I own next to every FAC release since I found André six years ago, yet I find a lot to criticize - and if you ask me about my opinion on FAC I'll tell you how great they are, but I'll also tell you all the things I know that I and/or others have experienced that is not great at all), but I also not hate them, en contrair. I own 20 Mediabooks they released, I have 2 Mediabooks preordered, and I am looking forward to their comming Halloween release. But I also left out "Maniac" because 65€ for each Mediabook or 150€(!!!) for the Digipack containing just two movies (even though in different formats) is just too freaking much [compare it to the Suspiria release, which was 70€ for two movies, same number of disks and formats and even more content than Nameless had]. And if I am asked about them, that's what I answer! You get great quality, but they are also often criticized for certain decisions and certain annoyances. In the end the decision is yours to make, but I have a good conscience because I didn't (intentionally or unintentionally) left anything out, that I or others see as a con. To me, that's fair ;)

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  13. 15 hours ago, Grendel said:

    I just saw this discussion (Hi Folks above^ !) and wanted to ask, was "Nameless" on your 'naughty' or your 'nice' list?

    There is just one label on my "naughty" list, and that has nothing to do with the products, but with the owner who in the past has shown criminal tendencies multiple times (lying to customers, threatening unsatisfied customers with violence, threatening forum admins with legal steps if they don't delete critical posts, and last but not least, stealing artworks from artists [i.e. asking artists to create artwork, then say they are unsatisfied and don't pay, and then use these artworks anyways]) - it is not Nameless. Hardly anyone speaks of that label, so you probably don't even know it. Others might have bad quality or questionable titles, or high prices - but that's always something you can argue about, and what doesn't meet the quality of one might be totally fine for someone else - so no reasons to put them on a naughty list, in my book - it's a question of what you like and what you want, individually ;)

    Nameless is also seen a bit critical by some due to their price and release politics (they usually push the borders when it comes to pricing of their articles, and they have a numbered collectors line that not always gets the top titles, sometimes get titles no one wants, or sometimes even get same movies in different releases with different numbers [e.g. The Expendables was released in three single releases plus in one trilogy book just for this numbered series - and the trilogy book was even more expensive then the three single ones]). And then they often have these exclusive releases just for their shop, and their website is horrible and always crashes once you try to get something, because they'll tell you months in advance (and reiterate it often) that you'll get them at this date, 12 o'clock sharp. And given that most of them are highly limited, this is always a great effort if you want to get them (I had problems getting Urban Legends and Watchmen, and a few others).

    But other than that, they always produce high quality products, they often have interesting titles in their catalogue that no one else is looking at (e.g. Upgrade), and because they produce such high quality releases, they usually are asked by other labels to produce for them as well (Namless suposedly did the "Jaws" Mediabooks for Universal, they definitely did the "Sleepy Hollow (A)" (and B and C) release for Paramount, as well as the "Neverending Story" for Constantine, and many more I don't know of, or cannot remember right now :D ). Their covers feature partial gloss varnish finish, which also looks great on most covers; take a look at the pictures I did for Jaws or Sleepy Hollow (in the B and C-Thread), if you want to take a look. And they are also famous for their "bust" editions - I've added some pictures to this post. They are rather expensive, but also have their friends and collectors. Each bust has a little slot at the backside, to insert the Mediabook.

    So yeah, they have a great fan base, as well as some critics. But you don't do anything wrong as a collector in getting these, you will be happy with the quality (but maybe not the price - I am often not, so I skip some releases even if I wanted them), their titles might be and you are not supporting any criminals ;) I don't collect them because a lot of titles just don't interest me, and other titles have sometimes been sold at 45€, etc. which is too much in my book. But the occasional title I get as well, and I really like them!






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  14. 14 minutes ago, Veum said:

    Udi, do you have a link to NAMELESS (English audio?)? 🤔 I like the way it looks!😇

    But I have no idea if they also send internationally, you should probably contact them prior to your order. Their Shipment link is not very helpful... I've ordered mine via Pretz, with whom I have had great experiences in the past; but they don't ship outside EU at all, currently :( .

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  15. Nice! I am still waiting for that one. However, I chose a different cover (Cover A). Unfortunately, there is a pre-order article in my order with this one, so I still have to wait a few weeks :D [Ingenium Mediabook by Capelight, which will be released on Oct. 23rd].

    Did you already see the movie? Did you like it? For me it's a blind buy, but I've heard so many good things about the movie that I just had to grab it.

    • Like 3
  16. Release Date: February 4, 2021
    Price: 39,99€
    Purchase Link: Cover A / Cover B / Cover C
    Print Run: Each edition limited to 333 copies.


    Again a pre-anouncement with not much information to go with, but 2 weeks ago we got a sneak peak into the artwork creation, and I think the picture looks stunning, plus I am definitely looking forward to that title. It's unknown when this will be released, and what the content will be - it's possible that this could be a UHD release, because many people where asking in the comments for it, and Birnenblatt's answer was: "We'll make a note of this". However, then a discussion started, because the digital intermediate master is only a 2K master, meaning Birnenblatt would have to make a new master - or blow the other one up. We'll see. Regarding the number of Covers on one early answer they said that they had one cover, then someone was having a lengthy discussion that they didn't like drawn covers and rather wanted the official poster, then Birnenblatt replied that they'll also have the regular poster.

    As there is nothing else to tell, yet. That's it. Let's get to the movie, which tells the story of an interracial couple that for the first time is meeting the girls parents, who live far away in the country. And while he is a bit concerned that her parents might not like him because he is black, he soon has to realize that while the parents seem all right, it's the black people who surround them that are kind of strange. Plus his best friend back home finds out that a lot of black people go missing in the neighbourhood.

    I think it's a great and thrilling horror movie with some unexpected turn of events, great actors, great setting, some rather spooky scenes, and all in all just a great movie to watch. If you don't know it yet, just give it a try!


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  17. And to top this up, here are a few pictures of the release. These are not mine, they where posted openly in a Facebook group. I just ordered mine today, after missing out and by accident just finding out about this reminder sale. It just looks gorgeous and I cannot wait to get mine. Hope everyone wanting this still has a chance to get a copy. Best of luck to all of you!






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