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Posts posted by Masterblaster

  1. @airwins as a former Team Member i would have expected you to be more understanding as you know how much is done behind the scene .  All of this aggression was not needed here or in the other sections. 


    You can display your concerns and also voice your opinon but in a more reasonable manner like @lingrass did. 


    I see your point and that of @lingrass and please rest assured that the deciison to do this GB like it was done was very hard to make which im sure not one of you or anyone else would dispute. 


    I will take your suggestions under review for future FAC groupbuys and talk to the other Admins about maybe finding a better solution.  Only through mistakes can be improve ourselves for our Members. 


    Unfourtantly for these 2 GBs a decision had to be made and @extantsrevenge made it to the best of his ability after consenting with the rest of the Admin team.   I stand behind Nils and the decision that was made , which to be honest no one wanted to make , least of all Nils.   He is heart and soul for FAC and to attack him like this just shows poor judgement on your part. 


    I do hope we can put this to rest and move on to more positive things and more nicer GBs.


    Take care



    • Like 8
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  2. USA HUB Members !!


    Because some have asked and i feel we need to give an update on what is going on with packages arriving from China.


    As you surely can imagine the Pandemic Covid19 has made a mess of everything .  The shipping routes are affected as well and many companies in the Asia area have 

    raised there transit prices ridiculously very high.  In order to keep the price at around the same as it was before our Dispatcher has chosen to send all packages with a 

    different service which granted IS SLOWER then an express service. 


    Please keep this in mind in the near future as im sure alot of releases will be impacted by this .  The labels that are affected as of yet from China are the WCL, MLIFE , UHD CLUB ,and Diskino releases.


    I can assure you that we are doing everything in our power to get these moving  , its just a matter of time before they start to arrive. 


    Thanks for your understanding in this matter 

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 3
  3. USA HUB Members !!


    Because some have asked and i feel we need to give an update on what is going on with packages arriving from China.


    As you surely can imagine the Pandemic Covid19 has made a mess of everything .  The shipping routes are affected as well and many companies in the Asia area have 

    raised there transit prices ridiculously very high.  In order to keep the price at around the same as it was before our Dispatcher has chosen to send all packages with a 

    different service which granted IS SLOWER then an express service. 


    Please keep this in mind in the near future as im sure alot of releases will be impacted by this .  The labels that are affected as of yet from China are the WCL, MLIFE , UHD CLUB ,and Diskino releases.


    I can assure you that we are doing everything in our power to get this edition moving , its just a matter of time before they start to arrive. 


    Thanks for your understanding in this matter 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 5
  4. USA HUB Members !!


    Because some have asked and i feel we need to give an update on what is going on with packages arriving from China.


    As you surely can imagine the Pandemic Covid19 has made a mess of everything .  The shipping routes are affected as well and many companies in the Asia area have 

    raised there transit prices ridiculously very high.  In order to keep the price at around the same as it was before our Dispatcher has chosen to send all packages with a 

    different service which granted IS SLOWER then an express service. 


    Please keep this in mind in the near future as im sure alot of releases will be impacted by this .  The labels that are affected as of yet from China are the WCL, MLIFE , UHD CLUB ,and Diskino releases.


    I can assure you that these are on their way , its just a matter of time before they start to arrive. 


    Thanks for your understanding in this matter 

    • Thanks 3
  5. USA HUB Members !!


    Because some have asked and i feel we need to give an update on what is going on with packages arriving from China.


    As you surely can imagine the Pandemic Covid19 has made a mess of everything .  The shipping routes are affected as well and many companies in the Asia area have 

    raised there transit prices ridiculously very high.  In order to keep the price at around the same as it was before our Dispatcher has chosen to send all packages with a 

    different service which granted IS SLOWER then an express service. 


    Please keep this in mind in the near future as im sure alot of releases will be impacted by this .  The labels that are affected as of yet from China are the WCL, MLIFE , UHD CLUB ,and Diskino releases.


    I can assure you that these are on their way , its just a matter of time before they start to arrive. 


    Thanks for your understanding in this matter 

    • Thanks 5
  6. USA HUB Members !!


    Because some have asked and i feel we need to give an update on what is going on with packages arriving from China.


    As you surely can imagine the Pandemic Covid19 has made a mess of everything .  The shipping routes are affected as well and many companies in the Asia area have 

    raised there transit prices ridiculously very high.  In order to keep the price at around the same as it was before our Dispatcher has chosen to send all packages with a 

    different service which granted IS SLOWER then an express service. 


    Please keep this in mind in the near future as im sure alot of releases will be impacted by this .  The labels that are affected as of yet from China are the WCL, MLIFE , UHD CLUB ,and Diskino releases.


    I can assure you that these are on their way , its just a matter of time before they start to arrive. 


    Thanks for your understanding in this matter 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 4
  7. USA HUB Members !!


    Because some have asked and i feel we need to give an update on what is going on with packages arriving from China.


    As you surely can imagine the Pandemic Covid19 has made a mess of everything .  The shipping routes are affected as well and many companies in the Asia area have 

    raised there transit prices ridiculously very high.  In order to keep the price at around the same as it was before our Dispatcher has chosen to send all packages with a 

    different service which granted IS SLOWER then an express service. 


    Please keep this in mind in the near future as im sure alot of releases will be impacted by this .  The labels that are affected as of yet from China are the WCL, MLIFE , UHD CLUB ,and Diskino releases.


    I can assure you that these are on their way , its just a matter of time before they start to arrive. 


    Thanks for your understanding in this matter 

    • Thanks 4
  8. USA HUB Members !!


    Because some have asked and i feel we need to give an update on what is going on with packages arriving from China.


    As you surely can imagine the Pandemic Covid19 has made a mess of everything .  The shipping routes are affected as well and many companies in the Asia area have 

    raised there transit prices ridiculously very high.  In order to keep the price at around the same as it was before our Dispatcher has chosen to send all packages with a 

    different service which granted IS SLOWER then an express service. 


    Please keep this in mind in the near future as im sure alot of releases will be impacted by this .  The labels that are affected as of yet from China are the WCL, MLIFE , UHD CLUB ,and Diskino releases.


    I can assure you that these are on their way , its just a matter of time before they start to arrive. 


    Thanks for your understanding in this matter 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  9. After contacting Luxury Bluray again for an update he immediately answered and informed me that he was travelling to Tehran to see when the borders reopen.  


    According to them it will be the end of june when they reopen the border.  At that time he will be going to the warehouse where the items are stored and ready for shipping.


    I can understand everyone's concern and truthfully it is something new that I have never experienced before but then again it's also a pandemic  which is something that has never happened in my lifetime.


    So all I can say is that I will be staying firm with my purchase and will be giving him the benefit of the doubt until I learn otherwise.


    If you ask me for a suggestion as to what you should do , I cannot give you any advice except that you should do as you feel fit doing .  If you feel uncomfortable with waiting any longer then I'm sure there can be a solution found.


    Take care 


    • Thanks 15
  10. Just now, Casiusco said:

    Now is when we need someone to say that yesterday he was watching a Doris Day movie and change the conversation...


    By the way, yesterday I saw "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".




    It's fascinating how so many years later it still has its charm. I had a great time.


    And I love Donald Sutherland. I think he deserved to have more important roles than he has ... someone of his talent and with such an important career ...



    That movie scared the socks off when i watched it in the theater with my mom.... now it reminds me of Firday the 13th where i cant really see what i was so scared about 😁


    I too love Donald Sutherland ! 


    Take care



    • Like 6
  11. 2 hours ago, Intentcoin said:

    Speaking of cards. Aren't we supposed to get a membership card or do we buy that separately? I remember reading something about it when I signed up @Masterblaster

    Hi , thanks for asking.


    Yes as a tiered member you receive 1x exclusive membership card (metal).  Our cards come out normally sometime in April of every year.  


    Your membership is for the 2020 card which has not yet been given out.  We are unsure if it will be this year in May or June but you will get notified.  


    The cards that are being discussed here are the first paper business cards with spot gloss that we had done.  It seems DD has some left which he will share with me and me in turn with you... 😁


    If you want to show off a really nice card that would be the black ones we did for 2019.  You can let me know if you are interested in one of those as we have some for sale (but without the variable data like Username and Tier).


    Just let me know.


    Take care


    • Like 2

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