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I hope the finale sticks the landing. There's been a lot of spinning plates this season, and right now they're all in the air, ready to be caught or crash to the floor.


Seeing the Enterprise-D again was expected, but still awesome. I'm glad they went with bright lighting for the bridge!


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On 4/14/2023 at 11:57 AM, BreakBeatDJ said:

@MikeH5856 @hansreinhardt @Gary K



Some great thoughts above, too many to comment on!


FYI . . . On the 19th . . .

Picard Season 3 episode 9 & 10 screening at iMax

So, no doubt some spoilers will start appearing on Wednesday night, be warned. 


I don't think I've loved this season as much as the rest of you.  Although I have loved it a bunch, not hating, just got a little tired of the reminiscing which brought it down a half notch.


I've enjoyed the nostalgia, for sure . . . but bringing in Geordi's kids and having the Indy/Mutt revelation with Jack (although we now know how important that is), it was all starting to feel a bit TNG nepotistically forced to me.  Although I get it, and I will be a sucker for whatever comes next with the TNG kids, and I will watch it!

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I thought Data vs Lore was great, it was literally a battle for his soul using nostalgia (becoming fully human) as a weapon to evoke humanity.


I loved loved loved Shaw and the season 2 Titan crew interacting with the old crew.  So dynamic, fresh, and fun (but the plot was a bit dull). I saw Shaw's end coming when he left the bridge while 7 of 9 vacuumed out the changeling mamma smoker in episode 8.  At that point, I was sorta bummed he was being marginalized rather than included in the heroics.  Writing on the wall, I guess he got his heroics and his demise.


This episode ? . . . set phasers to friggin' stunned. 😍  


The BORG!!!!!   Bad ass villain.  Love the use of the transporter to infect everyone, and only the kiddies under 25 get it! Tied so many things together in a natural villainy way.


Are Jack and the Borg queen gunna do it . . . do we finally get a real sex scene in the TNG saga? Borg have a lot of apparatus, just saying.  Then a baby Borg can kick baby Yoda's ass?


I'm assuming you know that Annie Wershing died in January.  So, not sure if they filmed the Borg Queen stuff before she passed away.  If they didn't, maybe Jack kills her off early in the next episode and he becomes the Borg King?  Or maybe they just re-cast.  The fact that we only saw her from the back implies something is up, imho.  We will see.


I'll confess, I teared up quite a bit when they got on the bridge of good ole Ent-D.  My god.  That was handled so perfectly, with the jokes, the carpet, man.  I also laughed when they referred to the ship as "analog".  I'll never look at my vinyl rig the same.  


This setup is fantastic, can't wait for what is coming next.


My guess . . . the line Picard said to Bev in this episode - Jack got the best of you and the worst of me - that is going to be the decider, how much good of Picard did Jack actually get and how will he take down the Borg from within?  Was Data vs Lore a precursor of some sort of internal battle Picard vs Locutus, acted out in Jack's mind?  Hmmmmmmmm . . . ? 


Fantastic stuff.  This season has made me wish it were 1988.





I have loved the season in it's entirety, but to your point of all the reminiscing, I almost wish we had seen the events of Episode 9 moved up to mid-season, so we could have more time with a classic, problem-solving teamwork dynamic of the TNG crew. No more reminiscing, just them doing what they do best. But that's a minor nitpick on my part. 


I couldn't agree more about the Enterprise-D reveal. It truly was perfect and so heartwarming. I feel as if they are finally making Trek that caters to the fans just as much as newcomers. 


Major bummer about Annie Wersching. Perhaps she filmed her scenes prior to passing? I am inclined to think it'll be a double with juuuuust enough makeup to look reminiscent of Alice Krige. I can't imagine they got her back in the Borg Queen getup. As Malalas has said, last we saw the Borg, Janeway dealt them a pretty epic blow. 


Super bummed Shaw died though.


Your thoughts on Data v Lore as a precursor to Picard v Locutus is fascinating... I bet you're right. Something along those lines will take place with Jack. I would hazard a guess we haven't seen the last of Troi's telepathic abilities either. 


They simply can't end it here. We NEED more. They finally got Trek right, and this is coming from a guy that has liked most of the newer stuff we've gotten (though I am not too particularly broken up about Discovery's cancellation)


Anyone seeing the IMAX showing tomorrow? 

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7 hours ago, hansreinhardt said:

Anyone seeing the IMAX showing tomorrow? 

Man, I wish! I’ll be watching from my couch as usual, but it’s my top priority come tomorrow morning. Thank goodness I’m working from home tomorrow. Gonna log to my work email, see what’s waiting for me there, and then plop myself in front of the TV, crank up the volume, and enjoy one last voyage. 😭

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47 minutes ago, MikeH5856 said:

Man, I wish! I’ll be watching from my couch as usual, but it’s my top priority come tomorrow morning. Thank goodness I’m working from home tomorrow. Gonna log to my work email, see what’s waiting for me there, and then plop myself in front of the TV, crank up the volume, and enjoy one last voyage. 😭


Yeah, I am so excited . . . and bummed . . . that this is it.  Patty Stewart isn't getting any younger.


I can't watch it during the day, kudos to you for getting at it early before the spoilers could seep in.  


I'm sure you all remember the original TNG was a first run syndicated show.  For us, it was on at 7 PM on Saturday, and because it was syndicated, we could watch it at 7 PM on Tuesdays too!! So, for this series, we've been trying to watch it at 7 PM at night . . . it just feels right.


Enjoy fellas!

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12 minutes ago, BreakBeatDJ said:


Yeah, I am so excited . . . and bummed . . . that this is it.  Patty Stewart isn't getting any younger.


I can't watch it during the day, kudos to you for getting at it early before the spoilers could seep in.  


I'm sure you all remember the original TNG was a first run syndicated show.  For us, it was on at 7 PM on Saturday, and because it was syndicated, we could watch it at 7 PM on Tuesdays too!! So, for this series, we've been trying to watch it at 7 PM at night . . . it just feels right.


Enjoy fellas!

I had to look up when ours aired... lol I knew it was on our Channel 50, WKBD Detroit, which used to be our Fox affiliate before they got bumped up the dial and took over our CBS affiliate way back when in the UHF days. Apparently it was on Saturdays at 6. I recall DS9 being on Sunday late-afternoons/early evening, though. Regardless, I ain't waiting for Picard! 🤣🤣🤣 First chance I can get, I'm turning it on and staying offline until I finish it.

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5 minutes ago, MikeH5856 said:

I had to look up when ours aired... lol I knew it was on our Channel 50, WKBD Detroit, which used to be our Fox affiliate before they got bumped up the dial and took over our CBS affiliate way back when in the UHF days. Apparently it was on Saturdays at 6. I recall DS9 being on Sunday late-afternoons/early evening, though. Regardless, I ain't waiting for Picard! 🤣🤣🤣 First chance I can get, I'm turning it on and staying offline until I finish it.



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Just in case you guys haven't already heard the news, Section 31 finally got the greenlight. The more the years have passed since this was first announced like 6 years ago, I figured the series was just never going to happen and that Michelle Yeoh's fresh cachet as an Oscar winner put an end to that happening. 


Turns out I was half-right! The series ain't happening. But they are making a feature-length Section 31 film for Paramount+. Pretty cool, and a better move, in my mind. It gives Yeoh a heck of a lot more freedom scheduling-wise, and still gives her a chance to franchise it with sequels later on down the road.




But still... where the heck is the Star Trek Legacy announcement, dagnabit! 

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44 minutes ago, MikeH5856 said:

Just in case you guys haven't already heard the news, Section 31 finally got the greenlight. The more the years have passed since this was first announced like 6 years ago, I figured the series was just never going to happen and that Michelle Yeoh's fresh cachet as an Oscar winner put an end to that happening. 


Turns out I was half-right! The series ain't happening. But they are making a feature-length Section 31 film for Paramount+. Pretty cool, and a better move, in my mind. It gives Yeoh a heck of a lot more freedom scheduling-wise, and still gives her a chance to franchise it with sequels later on down the road.




But still... where the heck is the Star Trek Legacy announcement, dagnabit! 

You can thank Michelle Yeoh’s Oscsr and commitment to the project for that greenlight. 

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I won't so much other than I absolutely loved this season, and the finale hit all the right notes for me. Between fatherhood, nostalgia, and concern and worry for my TNG crew, these last 63 minutes put me through one hell of an emotional wringer. This was so deeply satisfying for me, and it ended in the best way possible -- it left me wanting more. So much more. Paramount needs to greenlight Star Trek Legacy immediately and let us get to know the next next generation better. There's still so many more adventures left to be had. It's going to be one hell of a missed opportunity if the suits over there don't recognize this and give us a new 25th Century series with this new crew.


I'll admit, I wasn't deeply invested in Voyager and missed pretty much the last-half of that series. I'm guessing


the stuff with the Borg queen is a result of Janeway? She made it sound like it was Picard who caused all the damage and left them to die, but I dunno -- maybe I need to refresh my memory of First Contact now that I've got the 4K disc for that one.


Now, when the hell is the Picard Season 3 4K UHD Steelbook set packed with a shipload of extras getting released!? 



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"the stuff with the Borg queen is a result of Janeway? She made it sound like it was Picard who caused all the damage and left them to die, but I dunno"


Yeah, I had the same thought.  But, for me this thought started in season one when they introduced the Borg as the Artifact and the way they were repositioning the Borg as victim, there was something off about it.   I don't remember every detail of Janeway's story, but I do remember at the end of Voyager thinking that when she went back in time, the writer's inadvertently(or on purpose) left open that the Borg conduit could be recreated, right?  If Janeway went back in time with the technology to destroy it, she also gave the Borg, in the alt timeline, the knowledge of the technology so they could stop it.  


BTW, I loved the Artifact in season 1.  I thought all of that was a really interesting spin on Starfleet/Romulans, etc.  I do wonder if we would have liked this show the same if Chabon would have stayed on as showrunner.  I think we would have gotten a much much less nostalgic TNG arc, and it would have been more "modern".


I know that wasn't your point, but it was just a random thought.  But yeah, I agree with you, Janeway did the real damage, JL just really hurt their feelings by not wanting to be a Borg, like Diana Ross leaving the Supremes.  Wasn't that the voice of the original Borg Queen?



Edited by BreakBeatDJ
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4 hours ago, BreakBeatDJ said:
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"the stuff with the Borg queen is a result of Janeway? She made it sound like it was Picard who caused all the damage and left them to die, but I dunno"


Yeah, I had the same thought.  But, for me this thought started in season one when they introduced the Borg as the Artifact and the way they were repositioning the Borg as victim, there was something off about it.   I don't remember every detail of Janeway's story, but I do remember at the end of Voyager thinking that when she went back in time, the writer's inadvertently(or on purpose) left open that the Borg conduit could be recreated, right?  If Janeway went back in time with the technology to destroy it, she also gave the Borg, in the alt timeline, the knowledge of the technology so they could stop it.  


BTW, I loved the Artifact in season 1.  I thought all of that was a really interesting spin on Starfleet/Romulans, etc.  I do wonder if we would have liked this show the same if Chabon would have stayed on as showrunner.  I think we would have gotten a much much less nostalgic TNG arc, and it would have been more "modern".


I know that wasn't your point, but it was just a random thought.  But yeah, I agree with you, Janeway did the real damage, JL just really hurt their feelings by not wanting to be a Borg, like Diana Ross leaving the Supremes.  Wasn't that the voice of the original Borg Queen?





Yep, Alice Krige did the voice for the Queen. Not sure who played the physical role, though.


I do wonder what Picard season 2 and 3 would have been like under Chabon, and what the original three-season story arc had looked like that was pitched and lured Sir Patrick back. I know he was extremely hesitant about making just another Star Trek show, even though that's undoubtedly been what so many of us have enjoyed about this last season. I wouldn't trade this final season for anything, though, I suspect. 


Now Starfleet Academy and Section 31? I'd trade both of those in a heartbeat if it meant we got that Star Trek Legacy series instead with the new crew! 

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4 hours ago, BreakBeatDJ said:


Yep we watched last night.  But . . .


You Go First Duck Dynasty GIF by DefyTV


I'm probably going to be the only guy here who didn't love it. The episode was a bit sloppy in service of all the... well, fanservice. I didn't grow up with Star Trek, so the nostalgia doesn't hit me like most other viewers. I'll take this send-off over Nemesis, but All Good Things is still the best TNG finale.


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