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3 hours ago, Trianna said:

Good morning 

Its Friday Animation GIF by Universal Kids


Just got a coffee and got comfy for @Hollywood E Rock's FF

training preparing GIF by Beauty Brands

No. 7 is def packing....dang

Ocean Queen






2 hours ago, Pbsw23 said:


Got to be better for you than smoking Premiums 😂


Only better for my Wallet 😆


1 hour ago, Basil said:

@Hollywood E Rock no.16 that ass is fine xD 

licking halle berry GIF



basil xD 











46 minutes ago, Benoit46 said:




42 minutes ago, Benoit46 said:


Have a good day PsychooOoos !!


sexy scarlett johansson GIF by Tras la Cámara


sexy black and white GIF


@Casiusco CATCH ME!




51 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


It's a vicious cycle. Smoking Premiums > Munchies > Eat Toxic Meat > Regret It > Smoking Premiums > Munchies, etc.




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1 hour ago, Pbsw23 said:

Morning Gang 😊


Ive been a bit under the weather this week, and now it’s chucking it down and forecast to do so all weekend. BUT....... it’s 




Heres to another Weekend and to each of you 🍻


This week I have realised just how ridiculous this hobby is getting. I am seriously considering dialling it right back. I just cannot justify the money involved. Not just the actual purchase, but everything that goes with it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a fully signed up Gold Psycho and will remain so, but on reflection it’s all a bit f*@king bonkers really. 😂


My train of thought goes like this...


Oh, an invoice... Cool. Paid. 😎

Oh another invoice... Sweet, ok. Paid 😊

Oh Another invoice. Ouch. Paid. 🥺

WHAT?! Another invoice?.... F*@k. Paid 😳

At least my collection and display will look Amazeballs. 🥰

Hang on, I’m running out of space... I’ll have to buy another bookcase. 🤔

Hang on, another bookcase won’t fit. I’ll have to either extend the house or move. 🤨

Paul.... WTF are you doing.... you want to move house for a Frickin’ Movie?!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I honestly have NO idea how you 1-click collectors are doing it. You must all be a pretty corrupt bunch or eating ants and drinking rain. 😂😂😂👍🏼


Anyone want to buy a Blufans Star Wars collection?! 😆


Have a Great day everyone! ❤️



I know how you feel especially when it comes to when the invoices start showing up. I’m pretty sure I broke my account & some kind of record of invoices paid last month. Once the sets get to your house it all starts to make sense again......well until you start pondering where exactly you will display it 😅


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Good morning / afternoon / evening everyone.


In a few hours, when I finish work, and only then..., Friday will start. I hope you enjoy it a lot, and that all Psychos have an entertaining, fun, and comfortable weekend.


With your friends, partner, families, the cat, or with whoever you want. The only condition is to come back on Monday with something fun to joke with. ;)


And take advantage of everything you can, go outside!!!, lest one day the coronavirus bug bite our ass ...

Be good!!



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13 hours ago, Casiusco said:


In 1912 a British philosopher named Bertrand Rusell published a book called "The Problems of Philosophy" in which he questioned whether, when we turn around, and we don't see the chair, the chair is still there.


In 1994, a German filmmaker named Wim Wenders shot a movie called "Lisbon Story", in which a character was walking through Lisbon with a recording camera hanging from his back. He didn't know what he was recording, he didn't know what he was capturing at each moment; freeing the film from his own point of view as an author, and from the bias of his own look. Later, he come home, and keep the copies without watching; thus also freeing them from any criticism or interpretation that could influence them. He said they were pure movies, as if the movies had their own life.

His hope was that, although he didn't watch what he recorded, the movies would capture life without bias, a life that should continue there, behind him.


Obviously, I think we will all agree that a movie that no one has seen, not even its own creator, is the same as a movie that doesn't exist.


Dear Psychos, dear @Fortis93, so what is real? To get closer to the answer, let's change the question: when is something real?


The movie becomes real, and material, when someone watch it. When someone can verify its existence; whoever shot it, or someone else.


When are we Psychos real? When the others see us,  read us, they respond to us, they show us gifs, and they value us with their emoticons. When we meet on a buyers list in a GB. We are real when others see us; real when we interact. And the rest of the time? Who knows. Maybe we don't exist, like Bertrand Rusell's chair, or that Lisbon that no one ever saw.


But what is clear is that a Psycho is a Psycho only when interacts with another psycho; when you post, when you reply to another, when you buy editions with the help of others, and when you send a smile after seeing the latest photos of a beautiful lenticular. That is why @Hollywood E Rock can say that we are all the same being, and at the same time different. Because we are the same, even if later the Psychos greets -or talks or values things- each in their own way. The same and different.


That's why @Trianna shouldn't be afraid, she's real. Of course, there is a "me" Trianna!!! More real with each one post. And there is only one @Trianna. What there are is many spidermans, not two, a lot; and each with its own personality. Like @Pbsw23. That's why @Fortis93 and I have things in common from so far away places, because we are real when we add posts, and do it interactuating in the same threads.


And as long as GBs and threads continue to grow, and people continue to smile through an emoticon, we will continue to exist. To be real. But only while we keep doing it.


Yes, we just discovered the mystery of the universe, @Hollywood E Rock. We did it. We are equal and different beings, unique and participating in a single being. We are Psychos. Pures. Pure genius. You know it, you're a hero in each post, each decision. And, yes, @Fortis93we've officially cracked the mystery of the universe. Which, obviously, can have consequences...


will have consequences....





And the most disturbing question...



Find out for yourself:


  Reveal hidden contents









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12 hours ago, Veum said:
  Reveal hidden contents



@Casiusco Are you a bot 😂 



I don't think so. You are? Will we both be?


Well, to be bots it's great how much we like movies and good editions ;)


Bots with good taste and the ability to receive messengers. The new generation!!!




7 hours ago, Fortis93 said:
  Reveal hidden contents



It's done, guys. Shut this thread down. There's nothing more that needs to be said here.



I'm going to confess a secret now that now that nobody hears us: yesterday while I was writing that long long post, I thought ... "If we continue with this thread for another week, we will end up founding our own sect!!!!"




1 hour ago, Hollywood E Rock said:


@Casiusco CATCH ME!







If you are falling... we'll be there. That's a nice community. If you need anything... we'll support you!!! ;) 


Let yourself fall without problem...



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2 hours ago, Pbsw23 said:

Morning Gang 😊


Ive been a bit under the weather this week, and now it’s chucking it down and forecast to do so all weekend. BUT....... it’s 




Heres to another Weekend and to each of you 🍻


This week I have realised just how ridiculous this hobby is getting. I am seriously considering dialling it right back. I just cannot justify the money involved. Not just the actual purchase, but everything that goes with it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a fully signed up Gold Psycho and will remain so, but on reflection it’s all a bit f*@king bonkers really. 😂


My train of thought goes like this...


Oh, an invoice... Cool. Paid. 😎

Oh another invoice... Sweet, ok. Paid 😊

Oh Another invoice. Ouch. Paid. 🥺

WHAT?! Another invoice?.... F*@k. Paid 😳

At least my collection and display will look Amazeballs. 🥰

Hang on, I’m running out of space... I’ll have to buy another bookcase. 🤔

Hang on, another bookcase won’t fit. I’ll have to either extend the house or move. 🤨

Paul.... WTF are you doing.... you want to move house for a Frickin’ Movie?!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I honestly have NO idea how you 1-click collectors are doing it. You must all be a pretty corrupt bunch or eating ants and drinking rain. 😂😂😂👍🏼


Anyone want to buy a Blufans Star Wars collection?! 😆


Have a Great day everyone! ❤️



Dear @Pbsw23, although you are an experienced Psycho, let me bring you this brilliant post from @deckard99, a few days ago, in the thread of advices to give to newcomers to our hobby:


On 9/14/2020 at 11:15 PM, deckard99 said:
  • Stock up on ramen
  • Ditch your spouse / partner (they're gonna leave anyway, so best to do it early)
  • Remodel your place so that every vertical space has a bookcase on it, even the bathroom
  • Buy the best TV and surround sound system you can, plus a single lazyboy chair; Sell all other furniture
  • Place at least 10 locks on your door and install security cameras everywhere
  • Text your friends (if any still remain) and family once every 6 months so they know you're still alive


I hope you find it useful.




Edited by Casiusco
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1 hour ago, Hollywood E Rock said:
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I know how you feel especially when it comes to when the invoices start showing up. I’m pretty sure I broke my account & some kind of record of invoices paid last month. Once the sets get to your house it all starts to make sense again......well until you start pondering where exactly you will display it 😅


always got the ceiling :D

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34 minutes ago, Casiusco said:

I'm going to confess a secret now that now that nobody hears us: yesterday while I was writing that long long post, I thought ... "If we continue with this thread for another week, we will end up founding our own sect!!!!"


Mate, if you want to start your own thread, I'm all for it.

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1 minute ago, Casiusco said:


I'm not so important or interesting...


I'm just a humble Psycho...




To quote General Allenby in Lawrence of Arabia:


"I believe your name will be a household word when you'll have to go to the War Museum to find who Allenby was. You're the most extraordinary man I've ever met!"

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1 minute ago, Fortis93 said:


Forums/threads without @Casiusco's preachings are like equations without numbers (or perhaps numbers without equations).


no was more thinking a specific thread for casiusco to expand he his ideas and such like where you can go deep as you like.

that way serves purpose

somewhere it can go dark as you like without scaring away newbies 

if that makes sense

call it something like

casiusco's deep mind vault

as one suggestion 👍

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5 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


To quote General Allenby in Lawrence of Arabia:


"I believe your name will be a household word when you'll have to go to the War Museum to find who Allenby was. You're the most extraordinary man I've ever met!"


Thank you for this kind words but....




Are you my mother? my aunt?





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11 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


I could be anyone and no one at the same time.


Then... who are you?


Simon Templar by Val Kilmer?


Sacha Baron Cohen after "Borat"?


The father of the Kardashians?








Yest, this last option is the best for you. You know, dude! ;) 


PS: Mum, thank you thank you for coming to support me... 😘

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