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vor 48 Minuten schrieb Basil:

yes shipping does seem to have got very expensive of late, i paid for one recently and from that the shipping on top was only £3 difference to being the cost of the original product again, so you end up with a near double cost its not good way things are going in that respect.

i get things around the world have gone very screwy and its prob no ones fault directly but its does make you think of how much you are ordering when the shipping is becoming quite this much and then do i really need it?

its sort hurts me to think like that as a collector but when it is costing that much on top it starts getting bit silly, after all this is meant to be a reasonable costing hobby.

and sometimes a little tea and sympathy can go a long way when you question these costs as well, sometimes people dont realise your not be funny. its just a question after all

You're right with almost everything you said, my friend. But do you ever thought that our hobby is cheap? No hobby is really cheap (and collecting premiums is not the only hobby I have btw🙄). Delivery costs are increasing more and more, but will you hanging up the hobby for that reason? I will not and thatswhy I try to buy everything I can in the direct way. Because here you have the chance to avoid the custom fees, if the retailer is willing to label the parcel in the way you want. Ordering direct not every time works, but hey sometimes you win and sometimes you loose. MP is counting in every item you buy in a GB the custom fees, that's on the one side good, because it avoids problems with the customs. At the other side it's bad, because it makes the additional costs more expensive. 


Guten Morgen zusammen,

hab momentan so viel Stress, dass ich nur ab und zu mal reinschaue. Wünsche ein angenehmes Wochenende.    

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3 minutes ago, BobaFett1974 said:

You're right with almost everything you said, my friend. But do you ever thought that our hobby is cheap? No hobby is really cheap (and collecting premiums is not the only hobby I have btw🙄). Delivery costs are increasing more and more, but will you hanging up the hobby for that reason? I will not and thatswhy I try to buy everything I can in the direct way. Because here you have the chance to avoid the custom fees, if the retailer is willing to label the parcel in the way you want. Ordering direct not every time works, but hey sometimes you win and sometimes you loose. MP is counting in every item you buy in a GB the custom fees, that's on the one side good, because it avoids problems with the customs. At the other side it's bad, because it makes the additional costs more expensive. 


Good Morning all,

I'm so busy right now that I only check in every once in a while. I wish you a pleasant weekend.    


no i wont as you prob know i wont, just sometimes talking about things can be abit of a stress reliever in itself not trying to be negative in any way but having a discussion about costs can help come up with ideas such as yours, we are all human with certain funds available  bear in mind for one example they are now talking the gas and electric will be going up to £3000 per year by october and thats from an average of £1200 per year in the uk.

thats a £1800 increase or a 250% increase on that alone 😥


thats not allowing for all the other things going up council taxes, petrol etc etc


without pay rises which i havent had for the last 5 years because my company is not making much money, so in all the cost rises you do begin to question some of those, if people didn't then something would be wrong no?


unfortunately i dont have an infinite money tree much as i would like to own one.

all i will have to is consider quite what versions i do buy more than leap in with both feet as usual with my heart

for me i just have to be a bit more choosy this year going forward till some of these shipping costs come down to a bit more normal, unlikely to happen i grant you with what is all going on in the world but sometimes we have to cut our cloth to fit in the end.

and no ones fault here at mp either it is just what it is.


all the best

basil 👍

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb Flojo:

Erst 30 Jahre die Bundeswehr totgespart, und jetzt mit 100 Milliarden kommen

lieber in Gesundheit/Bildung/Altersvorsorge investieren, hatten jetzt zwei Jahre ne Pandemie da hat niemand nur ansatzweiße solche Summen in die Hand genommen für die Gesundheit.

Stattdessen haben sie lieber betten auf intensiv Stationen gestrichen...


vor 3 Stunden schrieb javi:

Ich sehe gerade in der U-Bahn einen kleinen Jungen, der sich einfach nur freut, dass er mit der U-Bahn fahren darf.

Habt ein schönes Wochenende und versucht euch an den einfachen und kleinen Dingen des Lebens zu erfreuen.


You Got It Yes GIF by NETFLIX

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb BobaFett1974:

You're right with almost everything you said, my friend. But do you ever thought that our hobby is cheap? No hobby is really cheap (and collecting premiums is not the only hobby I have btw🙄). Delivery costs are increasing more and more, but will you hanging up the hobby for that reason? I will not and thatswhy I try to buy everything I can in the direct way. Because here you have the chance to avoid the custom fees, if the retailer is willing to label the parcel in the way you want. Ordering direct not every time works, but hey sometimes you win and sometimes you loose. MP is counting in every item you buy in a GB the custom fees, that's on the one side good, because it avoids problems with the customs. At the other side it's bad, because it makes the additional costs more expensive. 


Guten Morgen zusammen,

hab momentan so viel Stress, dass ich nur ab und zu mal reinschaue. Wünsche ein angenehmes Wochenende.    

Für mich passt es einfach nicht mehr. Bei den ohnehin schon hohen Preisen werde ich, wenn überhaupt, zukünftig eher direkt ordern. Jeder muss das für sich selbst entscheiden, aber ich zahle zumindest keine 17-30% mehr Aufpreis, wenn ich die paar Klicks selbst tun kann. 🙄

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Basil:

just seen this on zavvi wish i could afford but too much money to justify really

only a 1000 but £84.99 






basil 👍


You can find it there...for free ;)


Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-05 um 12.08.16.png

Edited by javi
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vor 32 Minuten schrieb raylight:

Für mich passt es einfach nicht mehr. Bei den ohnehin schon hohen Preisen werde ich, wenn überhaupt, zukünftig eher direkt ordern. Jeder muss das für sich selbst entscheiden, aber ich zahle zumindest keine 17-30% mehr Aufpreis, wenn ich die paar Klicks selbst tun kann. 🙄

Wird nur bei UHD Club, BluFans, HDzeta und einigen anderen sehr schwer, bis unmöglich sein, direkt zu bestellen...


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vor 53 Minuten schrieb raylight:

Für mich passt es einfach nicht mehr. Bei den ohnehin schon hohen Preisen werde ich, wenn überhaupt, zukünftig eher direkt ordern. Jeder muss das für sich selbst entscheiden, aber ich zahle zumindest keine 17-30% mehr Aufpreis, wenn ich die paar Klicks selbst tun kann. 🙄

Ich bin auch deiner Meinung, ich werde mein Glück nach und nach direkt versuchen. Manchmal zweifle ich ob die zusätzlichen Kosten gerechtfertigt sind.

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