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An American Werewolf in London - Ultimate Edition (4K UHD/2D/CD) (Gabz Artwork) [Germany]


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Release Date: November 6, 2020 

Price: 56,65€ / 57,47€

Purchase Link: Turbine / Amazon.de   

       American-Werewolf-in-London-MB-3D.jpg                  9485935mockup.jpg


The bloodthirsty full moon shines with a UHD world premiere from Turbine

We are releasing TO AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON by John Landis in an Ultimate Edition on the 6th of November.
One of the best horror films of the 1980s can be experienced in the highest image and sound quality.
The film shines for the first time worldwide on 4K-UHD with HDR, incl. a remastered Blu-ray. The sound has been restored and comes out of the boxes in 2.0 or 5.1 (German & English).
The artwork of the Capbox comes from Gabz (Grzegorz Domaradzki) and was blessed with a very satisfied smile by John Landis.

Would still be the extensive #extras:
🐺 On the bonus Blu-ray there are over 6 hours of audiovisual extras, among other things, the documentary ′′ The Legacy of the Beast ′′ (77 min) and ′′ Fear the Moon ′′ (98 min).
🐺 The 100-page book ′′ Man or Monster ′′ on film history
🐺 Slaughtered lamb beer lid, artcards, posters and stickers.
🐺 Plus the original soundtrack worldwide with score and songs on audio CD for the first time
The #limitation is 2.626 pieces.

Order or get eaten.

Edited by R1s1ngs0n
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Release: 06.11.2020

Link (Turbine Shop): Ready for preorder

Price: 56,65€

Limited: 2626 copies


Yeeeees! In Germany we've been waiting for this release ever since Turbine released "An American Werewolf in Paris", back in 2017. Back then they did not have the rights for the first movie of the "duology", but announced that they would very happily release this if they could. Then, in June of last year, Turbine announced that this edition would come - at first planned as a matching release to "An American Werewolf in Paris" (i.e. a Mediabook - possibly even with frame card), and later said that they that they'd plan for the Blu-ray to be released in a box, possibly with "An American Werewolf in Paris" as bonus. And even later they teased that they had bigger plans, but no details. Unfortunately - or luckily - they didn't include part two. Instead - after a year of waiting they finally (just 30 Minutes ago as of my starting of this post) announced the box, and the money they saved with not including part two was really well invested in all the other content - so this is what we get:

  • A world premiere release as UHD, with exclusive(? that's what the page says) 4K transfer with HDR
  • Remastered picture and restored audio - plus for Germans: corrected dubbing, for which they even got the original dubbing artists for some re-recordings!
  • A remastered Blu-ray copy of the movie
  • A bonus disc on Blu-ray
  • For the first time, world exclusively the soundtrack of the movie on audio CD
  • A 100 page booklet, beer coasters, poster, artcards and a sticker
  • World exclusive Arwork by artist Gabz
  • Limited to 2626 copies


What do you say, should they have skipped this treatment for a second licensing of "An American Werewolf in Paris" - I don't think so :D The 3-panel Digipack will be in a slip (as usually with these Digipacks), which will feature the original artwork,  the audio CD is getting it's own Digipack, and these two Items together with all the extras will be in a "capbox" with this exclusive new artwork, that - according to Turbine - was approved by John Landis with a satisfied smile on his face. Their mentining of the "Capbox" makes me think that this release will - dimension-wise - fit to the boxes they did on movies like "The Thing" or "The Invisible Man".

And that's not all, let's take a look at the bonus material, shall we?


  • 2 audio commentaries (both English): 1) David Naughton & Griffin Dunne, 2) Paul Davis
  • New Featurette with John Landis, David Naughton, Joe Dante, and more (77 Minutes)
  • 7 additional new featurettes and Interviews (~10 Minutes each) that I won't list separately because it's just too much :D
  • 12 old featurettes (mostly in SD quality), including "Fear the Moon" (98 Minutes), "Fear on Film - Talk with John Carpenter, John Landis and David Cronenberg (26 Minutes), Post Mortem - Talk with John Landis (35 Minutes).
  • Usual stuff: Teaser, Trailer, TV Spots, Picture Galery, etc.

All extras add up to 6 hrs of Bonus material. All bonuses and feature film will include both German and English subtitles. That's quite something you'll get for the price. But be aware - some people like this, others hate it - being Turbine, they will release further editions once this one is out of print. We don't know what to expect next, but as they always do, it will be a "lesser" release (probably juts a Mediabook, as they did with "The Thing") which will not include all the extras, but therefore also be more friendly to your bank account - if you want this movie but are slim on funds and don't need all the additional stuff, just wait a while. There is never a guaranteed next release (this depends on the sales) but given this international premiere on UHD and that people have been waiting for this movies for years, I guess for this release a follow up Mediabook (and a Metalpack thereafter) is rather safe to expect.

Now if you haven't seen the movie, here is a small recap, followed by a trailer: The American tourists Jack and David are trekking around the mores of Yorkshire, and get attacked by a wolf on a fullmoon night. Only David survives this attack, and after a coma he wakes up in London three weeks later. The police investigating the case find the village in Yorkshire strange - they pretend to know nothing but are afraid of David....

This 1981 film by John Landis (Blues Brothers, Michael Jacksons Thriller Music Video, Kentucky Fried Movie) is a comedy-horror film and celebrated as a cult classic, that combines frightening horror with comedy and is therefore considered a corner stone of modern horror-comedy movies, inspiring and allowing movies like Beetlejuice, Gremlins, Evil Dead 2, Shaun of the Dead, and many more to follow its success. The movie was also praised for its incredible make-up and even won the first ever Academy Award for best makeup.



And just in case you missed it - before I let you go, here is the second movie - probably sold out everywhere (at least in this first edition with the film cell) by Turbine. It may look rather simple, but back int he days, Turbine would include these frame cards with their first release, and for this they would go through insane measures: They'd take a real film reel, go through each of the frames, to find frames that look good and have some content on the frame, and then cut them out, piece by piece until they had the 2000 frames they where going for. This is different to all the other frame cell releases I know of, because all the other would feature one identical frame, i.e. a frame was hand picked and then duplicated x times - so technically you actually never got a real film cell, from a real film strip, but a simple foil copy of it. And secondly this made each and every release that Turbine did, a unique copy. Non two releases would have the same cell!

I am really sad that they stopped doing these, but probably it's just too much manual work...


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Wow. That escalated quickly. This releases sold out quicker than Turbine themselfes expected it to happen. So, to not have high price-resellers and sad customers who went empty handed, they decided to add a second desing, as Cover B:


The explanation from Turbine:

Liebe Freunde des amerikanischen Werwolfs,
wir wurden völlig überrannt von der Nachfrage nach unserer Ultimate Edition von AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. Die Box mit dem Artwork von Gabz ist AUSVERKAUFT. Vielen Dank für Euren Support! Das ist der Wahninn!!
Die Auflage dieser Box bleibt bei 2.626 Stück. Um aber der ungebremsten Nachfrage gerecht zu werden, arbeiteten fieberhaft an einer Lösung, die wir jetzt bereits präsentieren können. AB SOFORT ist die inhaltsgleiche Box (lediglich mit anderen Designs auf Capbox, Digischuber und Poster) mit dem exklusiven Artwork von Scott Woolston im Turbine-Shop erhältlich:
Ab Montag gibt es sie auch in begrenzten Stückzahlen bei Spezialhändlern Eures Vertrauens. Diese Box wird es allerdings nicht bei amazon geben, denn sie ist auf 1.313 Stück limitiert.
Nochmals vielen Dank!
Schönes Wochenende
und hütet Euch vor dem Mond!
Eure Turbine


My attempt in translating it (with no warranties what so ever :D😞



Dear friends of the american Werewolf,

we have been totally overrun by the demand for our Ultimate Edition for AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. The Box with the artwork by Gabz is SOLD OUT. Many thanks for your support! This is incredible!!

The limitation of this box will stay at 2,626 copies. But to fulfill the demand, we were working with great preasure on a solution which we can now present. STARTING NOW you can preorder the box with identical content (but other designs on the capbox, digipak slipcover and poster) with an exclusive artwork from Scott Woolston from the Turbine shop:


On Monday, there will be limited copies also available via specialized movie stores. However, it will not be available via amazon, as it is only limited to 1,313 copies.

Once again thank you very much!

Have a nice weekend

and be weary of the moon!

Yours, Turbine



I think it's a nice gesture from Turbine even though I think it was foreseeable that this would sell out fast, and I wonder if this was maybe even planned ahead. Still I don't care too much, I like the first box, that I preordered the minute I saw it much better. The only regrett I have, is seeing that they also changed the artwork of the inner slipcover for the new artwork, whereas the first artwork has the same design on the slipcover and the CD. I would have loved a little more diversity in there, for Cover A as well. I've asked them, no idea if they'll respond, and if it is at all still possible. But in the end, I still like Cover A the best, and am happy to have ordered it right away :)



Which Cover do you prefer?



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Oh, I see that we have written about this release both, and round about the same time. However, this subforum is a bit confusing, as you posted it in Steelbooks > Germany > Amazon. So just to clarify (even though it should be obvious by the pictures), this is not a Steelbook, but a Digipack in a box. Also, it is not a Amazon only/exclusive release, but rather on Amazon by chance. There is also a Cover B, which will not be available on Amazon (but everywhere else). Here's the post I did with some additional information ;)



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6 minutes ago, pygospa said:

Oh, I see that we have written about this release both, and round about the same time. However, this subforum is a bit confusing, as you posted it in Steelbooks > Germany > Amazon. So just to clarify (even though it should be obvious by the pictures), this is not a Steelbook, but a Digipack in a box. Also, it is not a Amazon only/exclusive release, but rather on Amazon by chance. There is also a Cover B, which will not be available on Amazon (but everywhere else). Here's the post I did with some additional information ;)



I know it’s not Amazon only, that’s why I shared other links. Yeah I realized that I made a mistake when posting it in the Steelbook section. But unfortunately once you make a post your stuck otherwise I would of deleted it. 

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29 minutes ago, RAK said:

But unfortunately once you make a post your stuck otherwise I would of deleted it. 


Never wanted you to delete it, my friend. You put same effort into it as me, so that would be unfair. I just posted my comment, to make people aware of it, that's all :) Best solution was to merge, so thank you, @R1s1ngs0n for doing it :)

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2 minutes ago, pygospa said:


Never wanted you to delete it, my friend. You put same effort into it as me, so that would be unfair. I just posted my comment, to make people aware of it, that's all :) Best solution was to merge, so thank you, @R1s1ngs0n for doing it :)

I am disappointed that I missed the first release, but put a request in for the 2nd release with @thomue1987 so hopefully I won’t miss that one also. I didn’t think it would sell out that fast.

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5 minutes ago, RAK said:

I am disappointed that I missed the first release, but put a request in for the 2nd release with @thomue1987 so hopefully I won’t miss that one also. I didn’t think it would sell out that fast.


I expected it, to be honest. That's why I am a bit surprised, that Turbine did not anticipate it (or maybe they did, and the second box design was already finnished?). The reason is, that Turbine has been asked about this movie ever since they released the "American Werewolf in Paris", and seeing that so many wanted this movie (which was their motivation, I guess, to really get those licenses), plus all the feedback they got once they announced it over a year ago, I would have expected a bigger release alltogether. The initial "Psycho" box they did was limited to 3,636, The Thing was released in two boxes (at the same time) limted to 2,000 and 3,000 copies, and all of them sold out. So it's suffice to say their boxsets are rather famous and given the feedback for the American Werewolf in London...

They also got a little backlash on Facebook by some collectors, who already sold their "American Werewolf in Paris" Mediabooks, due to Turbine announcing that they'd include that movie in the box as well. Having that one missing, is rather strange as well, however I do not care too much (in contrary - as I own that one and would have never given it away due to the cool frame card, I am happier that they rather opted for the soundtrack, which to me has so much more value).

Non the less, I am happy for that label - they are really small, and as only a few others they concentrate on movies that weren't released in Germany, and give those movies the greatest of cares. I hope you get yours and maybe hold your eyes open on the Turbine Shop site - it might be that some people will switch to the second box, and therefore can cell ing their first order. So maybe, just maybe, there could be a slight chance to get one - but you'd have to monitor the site closely.

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33 minutes ago, pygospa said:


I expected it, to be honest. That's why I am a bit surprised, that Turbine did not anticipate it (or maybe they did, and the second box design was already finnished?). The reason is, that Turbine has been asked about this movie ever since they released the "American Werewolf in Paris", and seeing that so many wanted this movie (which was their motivation, I guess, to really get those licenses), plus all the feedback they got once they announced it over a year ago, I would have expected a bigger release alltogether. The initial "Psycho" box they did was limited to 3,636, The Thing was released in two boxes (at the same time) limted to 2,000 and 3,000 copies, and all of them sold out. So it's suffice to say their boxsets are rather famous and given the feedback for the American Werewolf in London...

They also got a little backlash on Facebook by some collectors, who already sold their "American Werewolf in Paris" Mediabooks, due to Turbine announcing that they'd include that movie in the box as well. Having that one missing, is rather strange as well, however I do not care too much (in contrary - as I own that one and would have never given it away due to the cool frame card, I am happier that they rather opted for the soundtrack, which to me has so much more value).

Non the less, I am happy for that label - they are really small, and as only a few others they concentrate on movies that weren't released in Germany, and give those movies the greatest of cares. I hope you get yours and maybe hold your eyes open on the Turbine Shop site - it might be that some people will switch to the second box, and therefore can cell ing their first order. So maybe, just maybe, there could be a slight chance to get one - but you'd have to monitor the site closely.

Will most definitely keep my out for it.

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21 minutes ago, Parzival said:

Which edition is better do you think.. 

A or B 🤔


For me it's definitely the box set A, for three main reasons, and a minor one:

  1. I love blue-purple-pink-red color combinations, and so, cover A is - just regarding the colors - more to my pleasing. Of course it has to fit the imagery and the movie, but given it's a horror movie playing in the dark, this is just more fitting than having it black on red.
  2. I love large artworks that make use of the entire area, and the wolfs face on A just does that, and does it beautifully. Cover B has a beautiful motive, and is wonderfully drawn, but if you compare the areas, probably next to half is just "unused" red area.
  3. I love unintrusive Titles, hell I would even prefer text-free covers all together. as every text distracts from the artwork and therefore "breakes" the feel and emotions the artist was going for. For A the writing is very thin, and worked into the artwork in a way that it fits it better - and even though it has an additional "A John Landis Film" which I could totally live without, box B has a really bold title that does not integrate in the rest of the artwork at all, and draws your attention away from the art.

Yeah, those are my "rational" reasons for liking the cover. The minor one is that I own the "American Werewolf in Paris", which has in a way a pretty similar cover. And I like diverse and alternative artworks, so the more different these two look the better for me :D

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Wow, that pretty much settles it. 

I think I'll stick with Cover A then.. 🙂


Whilst I do like a bit of artwork continuity in my collection (Warewolf in Paris, and now London would have been a nice touch to have both in the red cover art). 


But for the reasons you have cited above, is enough for me to stick with Cover A. 


I do own the superb Arrow release of this, as well as 2 steelbooks. 

This German edition looks gorgeous as well. I am knit-picking slightly (us collectors are an ungrateful lot and never happy lol), I wish the book was in English. But a minor quibble. 


Looking forward to this release, quite simply the best in it's genre. 

And Jenny Agutter in this film,  my oh my, so good looking and hot in the nurse outfit

Gets me everytime.. I'd actually get bitten by a warewolf to end up in her ward lol. 


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2 minutes ago, Parzival said:


Wow, that pretty much settles it. 

I think I'll stick with Cover A then.. 🙂


Whilst I do like a bit of artwork continuity in my collection (Warewolf in Paris, and now London would have been a nice touch to have both in the red cover art). 


But for the reasons you have cited above, is enough for me to stick with Cover A. 


I do own the superb Arrow release of this, as well as 2 steelbooks. 

This German edition looks gorgeous as well. I am knit-picking slightly (us collectors are an ungrateful lot and never happy lol), I wish the book was in English. But a minor quibble. 


Looking forward to this release, quite simply the best in it's genre. 

And Jenny Agutter in this film,  my oh my, so good looking and hot in the nurse outfit

Gets me everytime.. I'd actually get bitten by a warewolf to end up in her ward lol. 


I have the 4K An American Werewolf In London on preorder from France that I will put inside my Arrow LE. I am going to combine the 2 editions to make an ultimate edition. I also preordered cover B, because A was sold out. 

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51 minutes ago, Parzival said:

This German edition looks gorgeous as well. I am knit-picking slightly (us collectors are an ungrateful lot and never happy lol), I wish the book was in English. But a minor quibble. 


I do get that though! For me it's not a problem as German is my mother tongue, but I think a lot of German labels could do better, if they would create more internationally friendly editions (e.g. there are a very few releases where there was a dual language booklet, or where the text was included in English as Extra-PDF on the disc). Then again, it is a cost factor as well, and in Germany you'll hardly sell any releases that are English-only.

Again, I don't care myself, but I feel like a couple of releases in Germany could have been internationally interesting, so they loose a market; and as markets are shrinking in general for physical media this makes it even harder for German labels to survive. Luckily, for a label like Turbine this date is far in the future, I guess.

And as a small positive: At least it's in a language that could be digitalized easily, and where translation (due to similar language family) is more easily done and more reliable than given Asian languages. So if you _really_ wanted to read it, just scan the text with an OCR programm and feed it to Google Translate. That's what I like to do with European releases where I don't speak the language but want to know what's written in there :D

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20 minutes ago, pygospa said:

 So if you _really_ wanted to read it, just scan the text with an OCR programm and feed it to Google Translate. That's what I like to do with European releases where I don't speak the language but want to know what's written in there :D

Awesome buddy that's a brilliant suggestion 


When the time comes, I will attach the translated version on this forum, so members can just print it off and place within the edition 🙂



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  • 3 weeks later...

There's a small piece of news that Turbine shared a few days ago:


Sneak Peek zur Ultimate-Edition von AN AMERICAN WERWOLF IN LONDON.
Die weltweit erste offizielle CD mit der originalen Filmmusik, bietet den Score von Elmer Bernstein und die legendären Songs (von Bobby Winton, Van Morrison, Sam Cooke und The Marcels).
Alle „Bad Moon Rising“-Fans müssen jetzt stark sein oder in die Plattensammlung greifen: Der Song ist nicht dabei, trotz Rick Baker, der für uns höchstpersönlich bei Sänger John Fogerty angefragt hat.
Hier die Playlist inkl. der groovy Musik aus dem Pornokino:

And my translation (without any warranty :D ):


Sneak peek for the Ultimate Edition of AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON.

The world wide first official CD with the original soundtrack will house the score from Elmer Bernstein and the legendary songs from Bobby Winton, Van Morrison, Sam Cooke and The Marcels.

All "Bad Moon Rising"-fans must be strong now, or access your own music collection: The song is not included, even though just for us Rick Baker has asked the singer John Fogerty in person.

Here is the playlist, including the groovy music from the porno cinema:


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There are some news by Turbine about this release:


Wegen extremen Aberglaubens müssen wir die VÖ unserer Ultimate Edition von AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON auf Freitag den 13. November verschieben.
Spaß beiseite, durch unvorhersehbare Verzögerungen können wir den Werwolf leider nicht am 6. November rauslassen. Jetzt müssen wir Euch um eine Woche Extra-Geduld bitten. Möge der Vollmond mit Euch sein.
Edition B ist noch bei uns im Shop erhältlich, der Bestand ist aber schon sehr übersichtlich:


And my translation:



Because of our extreme superstition we are postponing the release date of our Ultimate Edition of AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON to friday 13th in November.
Joking aside, due to unforeseeable delays we cannot hold our original release date, November 6th. Therefore we'll have to ask for your pacience for one additional week. May the full moon be with you.
Edition B is still available at our shop, but the stock is really low:


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