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🟢​​Le Troquet des Francophones


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gal gadot poots GIF

Now that I have the attention of french room 😂


Many of our users have uploaded gifs directly to MP in the past. Sadly with the increased activity on MP that has become a small problem when it come to our space. Because of that we had to remove old gifs from time to time.


The good news is that there are other options to add gifs to MP without direct upload. Our Guardians @Basil @Hollywood E Rock and @Veum have worked on this problem in the last few days. One of the solutions is shown by @Basil in this fantastic tutorial here.


Besides this @Basil found out that our community is supporting a gif botton and @Masterblaster has now integrated that feature. You can find the button in the header above the reply field on the right side. If you click on that it will allow you to add gifs directly from there without uploading directly.


check it out grace helbig GIF by This Might Get


We have the same issue with pictures. Everything that is uploaded takes space and is generating costs. We accumulated a lot of pictures during the last 2 years and that is getting a little problematic (especially as many are larger in size).

Of course we still want to see your pictures, but there are alternatives to uploading directly. One of these options is explained by @Basil in this very nice guide.


Check it out!


It would be great if members use the gif button or the option described in the Tutorial when you want to use gifs. It will help MP a lot. It would also be nice if members start to link to pictures as well, more guides and translations will follow.


Thank U GIF by Amanda


I hope @Benoit46 @airwins @R1s1ngs0n can guide the french members that don't speak english that well ☺️

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il y a 2 minutes, R1s1ngs0n a dit :

Bonjour tout le monde 😀



Animated GIF

T'attends quoi pour t'inscrire pour SS2019?

J'attendais d'être certain de choper un Wolf FAC pas trop cher pour pouvoir l'offrir... C'est bon, j'ai trouvé 😉

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6 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:


Many of our users have uploaded gifs directly to MP in the past. Sadly with the increased activity on MP that has become a small problem when it come to our space. Because of that we had to remove old gifs from time to time.


The good news is that there are other options to add gifs to MP without direct upload. Our Guardians @Basil @Hollywood E Rock and @Veum have worked on this problem in the last few days. One of the solutions is shown by @Basil in this fantastic tutorial here.


Besides this @Basil found out that our community is supporting a gif botton and @Masterblaster has now integrated that feature. You can find the button in the header above the reply field on the right side. If you click on that it will allow you to add gifs directly from there without uploading directly.



We have the same issue with pictures. Everything that is uploaded takes space and is generating costs. We accumulated a lot of pictures during the last 2 years and that is getting a little problematic (especially as many are larger in size).

Of course we still want to see your pictures, but there are alternatives to uploading directly. One of these options is explained by @Basil in this very nice guide.


Check it out!


It would be great if members use the gif button or the option described in the Tutorial when you want to use gifs. It will help MP a lot. It would also be nice if members start to link to pictures as well, more guides and translations will follow.




I hope @Benoit46 @airwins @R1s1ngs0n can guide the french members that don't speak english that well ☺️


Merci à tous les membres du troquet (surtout ceux qui aiment bien poster des images et GIFs bien 'juteux' (taille et contenu parlant 😉) de bien vouloir utiliser le guide de Basil et la nouvelle fonction GIF apparaissant en haut à droite dans le cadran de votre post, pour poster vos images et GIFs. Cela permettra à MP de mieux gérer sa capacité de stockage et améliorera globalement le fonctionnement du site.

Profitez-en également pour faire le nettoyage dans votre librairie de pièces jointes (située dans votre compte), surtout si ces photos/GIFS sont anciennes et ont peu de chance d’être (re)vues.

N’hésitez pas à revenir vers moi si jamais vous avez des questions à ce sujet.


Bonne journée à tous 😀


Edited by R1s1ngs0n
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@Benoit46 @airwins @cypheria078 @bilbon @GANTZ @Limited Edition @lingrass @MrYohan @bearlol

Messieurs, merci à votre convenance de bien vouloir me renvoyer par PM vos photos trombines prisent pour les affiches ‘Wanted’. En nettoyant ma librairie pièce jointes je les ai toutes effacées 😔 et je n’ai malheureusement gardé ni les affichés, ni vos photos sur mon PC (pourtant j’étais tenté de les faire circuler sur le net).

Dans le cas où vous ne les auriez plus, une autre photo fera l’affaire.
C’est pour la postérité les amis, donc svp répondez à l’appel 🙏


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🥤 good day here, good day there... Veum here! 🧛‍♂️🤠


Happy Thursday! 😊


thursday GIF


Halloween smalloween... I do not get why we Americans call this a holiday, to me it is not! 🤔


It is just another day for me (the only thing I enjoy this time of the season is my “spooky movies 👻you all!)!!


scared trick or treat GIF


Psychos I hope your day is a nice one! 😘


I love the way the GIFS work here on MP... thank you so much to all involved @Basil@Hollywood E Rock@extantsrevenge@Masterblaster🥰


joe cool GIF

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🥤 Mail Call today and this past week! 👻🎬🤠







A very special surprise from my friend @raylight / @forenhase And Chris... thank you from the bottom of my heart! 😘











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Petite mise à jour


On 7/31/2019 at 9:49 PM, R1s1ngs0n said:

@airwins a.k.a The Banker

Type of affiliation - Senior Executive


He may be called The Banker in the professional circuits but don't let that moniker fool you. Calculated, vicious and depraved - he's the true definition of a Psycho.

Proof of that is the poor lady who had the misfortune of taking this picture 2 years ago and who, to this day, is still missing. We imagine her fate to have been a gruesome one.





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Il y a 6 heures, R1s1ngs0n a dit :

@Benoit46 @airwins @cypheria078 @bilbon @GANTZ @Limited Edition @lingrass @MrYohan @bearlol

Messieurs, merci à votre convenance de bien vouloir me renvoyer par PM vos photos trombines prisent pour les affiches ‘Wanted’. En nettoyant ma librairie pièce jointes je les ai toutes effacées 😔 et je n’ai malheureusement gardé ni les affichés, ni vos photos sur mon PC (pourtant j’étais tenté de les faire circuler sur le net).

Dans le cas où vous ne les auriez plus, une autre photo fera l’affaire.
C’est pour la postérité les amis, donc svp répondez à l’appel 🙏



C'est envoyé mon cher Eli 🙂


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