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21 minutes ago, RAK said:


The way he’s handling that trash can I almost thought this was the USPS!


fedex GIF
valentine ts GIFlazy mail GIF by Cheezburgerform fails GIF


I can guarantee you that I never did that with any package for my customers, I had respect, kindness & professionalism for 34+ yrs. my dear sirs, (although with the driving sometimes that was out of my control on very snowy, slick ice days 😳 😔)!😘





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1 minute ago, Veum said:


I can guarantee you that I never did that with any package for my customers, I had respect, kindness & professionalism for 34+ yrs. my dear sirs, (although with the driving sometimes that was out of my control on very snowy, slick ice days 😳 😔)!😘





I don’t believe you were like this, but after getting some of these packages you can tell a lot of these guys just don’t care.

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5 minutes ago, Veum said:


I can guarantee you that I never did that with any package for my customers, I had respect, kindness & professionalism for 34+ yrs. my dear sirs, (although with the driving sometimes that was out of my control on very snowy, slick ice days 😳 😔)!😘






what even when the superbowl was on xD 


kicking field goal GIF


basil xD 

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9 minutes ago, RAK said:

I don’t believe you were like this, but after getting some of these packages you can tell a lot of these guys just don’t care.


I know, it is this WOKE crowd I’m afraid... I was brought up (thankfully) with respect to my elders, everyone & Ol’ school 🏫!😘


Just a handshake would do in my Grandparents day, oh how I long for those days again (NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN SADLY😔 ).



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Just now, Veum said:


I know, it is this WOKE crowd I’m afraid... I was brought up (thankfully) with respect to my elders, everyone & Ol’ school 🏫!😘


Just a handshake would do in my Grandparents day, oh how I long for those days again (NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN SADlY😔 ).




Mate, I feel personally attacked. xD

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41 minutes ago, RAK said:

@Veum this is why I hate the USPS they just waist money.








@RAK I know, I know not run efficiently as it could/should be... 😔 


homer simpson wtf GIF


42 minutes ago, Basil said:


so you in your life have never have booted or mis treated a parcel even when football was on?


basil :D


HAHA 🤣 joke on me I know pat smear good one GIF by Foo Fighters

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54 minutes ago, Veum said:


I know, it is this WOKE crowd I’m afraid... I was brought up (thankfully) with respect to my elders, everyone & Ol’ school 🏫!😘




Being woke has nothing to do with professionalism. The real problem is that people are not motivated in doing a good job when they hate their work. There are different groups of people who exist in this world. The people who do a good job regardless of the circumstances, then there are people who don’t give a $hit because the work their doing doesn’t fulfill them in some way, & then of course there are people who are somewhere in the middle.

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1 minute ago, Hollywood E Rock said:



Being woke has nothing to do with professionalism. The real problem is that people are not motivated in doing a good job when they hate their work. There are different groups of people who exist in this world. The people who do a good job regardless of the circumstances, then there are people who don’t give a $hit because the work their doing doesn’t fulfill them in some way, & then of course there are people who are somewhere in the middle.

the bachelor abc GIF

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4 minutes ago, Hollywood E Rock said:



Being woke has nothing to do with professionalism. The real problem is that people are not motivated in doing a good job when they hate their work. There are different groups of people who exist in this world. The people who do a good job regardless of the circumstances, then there are people who don’t give a $hit because the work their doing doesn’t fulfill them in some way, & then of course there are people who are somewhere in the middle.


I think we need some combination of Black Dynamite and Veum to do something about this.

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17 minutes ago, Hollywood E Rock said:



Being woke has nothing to do with professionalism. The real problem is that people are not motivated in doing a good job when they hate their work. There are different groups of people who exist in this world. The people who do a good job regardless of the circumstances, then there are people who don’t give a $hit because the work their doing doesn’t fulfill them in some way, & then of course there are people who are somewhere in the middle.


@Hollywood E Rock


I did not exactly enjoy my work everyday to be honest, however I stuck with it & did my best... I can not say that for peeps today they are JUST TOO DAMN (BTW not really a cuss word, if you know what I mean) lazy & just want a free hand out 😡




On another sore subject I was pondering today is my beloved football 🏈. I’m probably going to watch much less this fall as I can not stand all this leftist PC “new normal” of kneeling for our precious flag 🇺🇸 and all of their griping and why don’t you just get out there & JUST PLAY FOOTBALL & leave everything else outside the game for your pitiful selves until later on you wussies... 


Animated GIF


*rant* over for now (I reserve the right to get fired🔥 up again LOL 😂)





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28 minutes ago, Veum said:


@Hollywood E Rock


I did not exactly enjoy my work everyday to be honest, however I stuck with it & did my best... I can not say that for peeps today they are JUST TOO DAMN lazy & just want a free hand out 😡


The people of today are not lazy, they are just frustrated, angry, & don’t know how to properly deal with their issues because they have been lied to.

People in our country are raised up with the idea that they can be anything they want to be as long as they work hard for it. This isn’t completely true, because there are millions of people who have busted their a$$ & have nothing to show for it. 

If you have spent most of your life working hard at a job & your boss doesn’t show you appreciation &  you are living week to week because the job doesn’t pay enough then for a lot of people they lose the motivation to keep doing a good job.

Also you got people who busted their a$$ went to school, graduate but can’t find work in the profession they went to school for. So then they have to spend most of there days doing a job they never wanted to do, but you need money to live. How are these people supposed to feel?


28 minutes ago, Veum said:



No It’s Not 🙄


28 minutes ago, Veum said:


On another sore subject I was pondering today is my beloved football 🏈. I’m probably going to watch much less this fall as I can not stand all this leftist PC “new normal” of kneeling for our precious flag 🇺🇸 and all of their griping and why don’t you just get out there & JUST PLAY FOOTBALL & leave everything else outside the game for your pitiful selves until later on you wussies... 


You are retired, which means you have a lot of time on your hands. Why don’t you take the time to learn about why people feel they need to protest during their work hours?

You think players have spent all their lives training to play professional football just so they can protest for no reason?


Don’t you think they would rather play than have to spend time bringing awareness to issues outside the field?


The Flag isn’t important & nobody is taking a knee against the Flag. These situations that are going on right now in our country was never about the Flag.

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7 minutes ago, Hollywood E Rock said:


The Flag isn’t important & nobody is taking a knee against the Flag. These situations that are going on right now in our country was never about the Flag.


The action of Kneeling before something IS THE WAY HERE OF SHOWING THE MOST RESPECT .


A bow being the only thing above a kneeling position as to showing respect .


A kneeling position is when someone is at there most vulnerable and open to attack with no time to raise a defence against an attack .


I believe it was also an ex USA forces that suggested the Keel as being the most way to honour any fallen comrades , as is the same here .


We are watching history unfold , I hope at the end of it a new better life and way of thinking will come for everyone , and everyone can stay as safe and sound as possible .


The history that will be written I know what side I would like to be on 


Dogs Love GIF by Chippy the Dog

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Just now, Fortis93 said:

@Hollywood E Rock You wouldn't happen to be a millennial, would you?


Your words are hitting deep, mate. xD

Well I was born in 86 so yes I am a millennial, but growing up I never realized I was apart of said Group 😅. The people I grow up around would always make fun of the group & I wasn’t treated different so I just assumed the millennial time frame started after I was born smh.


I eventually learned better, & I also learned that the picture that is painted of people doesn’t always tell the whole story. Humans are complicated, & w/each day as I have grown older I realize that people are more than what is presented on the surface. I also have learned that there are people who benefit off others being small minded, stubborn, & dumbfounded to others complexities.

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19 minutes ago, Hollywood E Rock said:

Well I was born in 86 so yes I am a millennial, but growing up I never realized I was apart of said Group 😅. The people I grow up around would always make fun of the group & I wasn’t treated different so I just assumed the millennial time frame started after I was born smh.


I eventually learned better, & I also learned that the picture that is painted of people doesn’t always tell the whole story. Humans are complicated, & w/each day as I have grown older I realize that people are more than what is presented on the surface. I also have learned that there are people who benefit off others being small minded, stubborn, & dumbfounded to others complexities.


I was born in '93, but I can't say I've been treated any differently either, although I am very aware of the pervading stereotypes and memes surrounding our generation. I like to take it in stride and sometimes take the piss by leaning into those stereotypes because I'm a bit of a smart ass. xD


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2 hours ago, Hollywood E Rock said:


The people of today are not lazy, they are just frustrated, angry, & don’t know how to properly deal with their issues because they have been lied to.

People in our country are raised up with the idea that they can be anything they want to be as long as they work hard for it. This isn’t completely true, because there are millions of people who have busted their a$$ & have nothing to show for it. 

If you have spent most of your life working hard at a job & your boss doesn’t show you appreciation &  you are living week to week because the job doesn’t pay enough then for a lot of people they lose the motivation to keep doing a good job.

Also you got people who busted their a$$ went to school, graduate but can’t find work in the profession they went to school for. So then they have to spend most of there days doing a job they never wanted to do, but you need money to live. How are these people supposed to feel?



No It’s Not 🙄


You are retired, which means you have a lot of time on your hands. Why don’t you take the time to learn about why people feel they need to protest during their work hours?

You think players have spent all their lives training to play professional football just so they can protest for no reason?


Don’t you think they would rather play than have to spend time bringing awareness to issues outside the field?


The Flag isn’t important & nobody is taking a knee against the Flag. These situations that are going on right now in our country was never about the Flag.


Point 1 - Such as at my Profession as a letter carrier, the USPS can’t even get any applicants passed b/c they (99% ) flunk the drug test/written test (which is 3 hrs. Long WOW) & I saw so many quit when they got to be a letter carrier b/c it was JUST TOO DAMN HARD LOL 😂 


Point 2 - YES IT IS (World going to HELL) open your eyes to the constant VIOLENCE 🔥 & living the untruth in their lives!


Point 3 - Professional Sports do not NEED to voice their cultural position period (it is not a place for their Soapbox, there are plenty of players that would play for the sport itself, draft them please) play ball period!


Point 4 - You have got to be kiddin’ the Flag 🇺🇸 is certainly IMPORTANT, try telling that it is not to the families of the men & women who fought/bleed & died for OUR FREEDOM (My Father was a rear-gunner in the NAVY)... YES THEY ARE (taking a knee) they are being extremely disrespectful to the flag 🇺🇸 & with tradition!! 


I WILL ONLY KNEEL FOR MY L&S (I have to say it this way for some who get irate at the truth JUST WOW) & I WILL SALUTE MY FLAG 🇺🇸 





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17 minutes ago, Veum said:


Point 1 - Such as at my Profession as a letter carrier, the USPS can’t even get any applicants passed b/c they (99% ) flunk the drug test/written test (which is 3 hrs. Long WOW) 



Not being able to pass a drug test doesn’t mean you are lazy & won’t handouts. America has issues with a lot of its citizens during drugs. Their are people from all different age brackets & wealth backgrounds that do drugs.


17 minutes ago, Veum said:


& I saw so many quit when they got to be a letter carrier b/c it was JUST TOO DAMN HARD LOL 😂 



Yeah, not only have you told me, but other mail workers have told me how hard the work is. This also doesn’t mean the people who quit are lazy & want handouts. Mail workers are mistreated & overworked. It takes a special person to stay & work in a $hit environment, & do a good job. 



Point 2 - YES IT IS (World going to HELL) open your eyes to the constant VIOLENCE 🔥 & living the untruth in their lives!



No it isn’t! You act like this is the only time in our history that protest & violence has happened. This isn’t America’s first rodeo with these situations. So if we got pasted it before, what makes you think today is different?




Point 3 - Professional Sports do not NEED to voice their cultural position period (it is not a place for their Soapbox, there are plenty of players that would play for the sport itself, draft them please) play ball period!



Who are you to tell over Americans when they should voice their cultural position? If you don’t care about the players who entertain you, then why should they care about you & how you feel? You mean to tell me that a God loving man cares about Football more than the actual people playing the sport? Do you hear yourself? 



Point 4 - You have got to be kiddin’ the Flag 🇺🇸 is certainly IMPORTANT, try telling that it is not to the families of the men & women who fought/bleed & died for OUR FREEDOM (My Father was a rear-gunner in the NAVY)... YES THEY ARE (taking a knee) they are being extremely disrespectful to the flag 🇺🇸 & with tradition!! 


Smh my friend I see you don’t get it. When I said the flag isn’t important, what I meant is the flag isn’t important to why people are taking a knee. They are not doing it because of the flag.

Also Our Flag isn’t more important than the people it supposed to represent. The Flag is suppose to represents everyone.


Furthermore you think you are the only person who has family in the arm services? You don’t think the football players have freedom fighters in their family also? 


And you really believe all the stuff happening in our country is over the flag?

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