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Geb euch da vollkommen recht Holger Daniel ! Irgendwann ist Schluss mit lustig, ich mochte hdzeta sehr, aber dieses Spielchen mach ich nicht mehr mit. Kann es mir einfach nicht mehr leisten, gerade Herr der Ringe war so teuer..... Obwohl ich dafür jeden Monat etwas zurück gelegt habe... 

Nun habe ich ja das Geld von meinem alten Handy auch nicht bekommen(hatte ich euch ja erzählt), dachte ich bin wieder etwas im grünen Bereich.... 


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i genuinely feel for you all regards hdzeta, again dont think its mp's fault at all.

but the more serious facts of its going to be expensive with no heads up of a ball park figure of what things would be near without shipping costs set off major alarm bells to me and made me stay away from this one for that very reason!


im not personally made of money. yes i like collecting but just signing up to a gb with it getting more and more expensive each and every time is not a good way going forward.

i get retailer has to make money but the signing up blindly with expecting to pay what ever they say in holgers case 900 euros really isn't a good way to run any business, not long term.

when i joined up lotr for UHD and saw the bill for that one my eyes and bum fell thru it did not contain a steelbook even and was the price what i considered a one click and i expected it to be expensive but not that expensive and yet i still have to pay shipping on top yet to come, i get shipping has gone lucrious of late but covid has died down now so shipping should have come down too, question becomes why is it still soo expensive perhaps i just being naive!


the net result of all these expensive unlisted price gbs makes me very very wary of what i am actually joining from now on, which is a real shame.

but i now have to be very very selective with what i do go for and can pay on my limited spare money, my wages are on bottom of the food chain!

what was a hobbie anyone could do is now for the medium to medium and rich people, only have to look at the rich americans (no disrespect to americans either they earn what they earn) but look how the gbs lists have shifted and basically where john would like it to be all in america anyway hes said this multiple times with all the hassles of customs and shipping costs and unfortunately money talks!

if it carries on like this as its has done for next year with these costs it all end up in america as john wants, nothing like like cheering up the rest of collectors as wanted here, well thats what it begins to feel like when sat on the other side of the world 🙄


just hope we can get prices ball park up front more before having to join gbs thats only way you can improve it going forward but i do get the feeling thats the least of mps worries which is the real shame imho

it does feel its become a slippery slope


lets hope this as seen as genuine concern without getting moaned at for once and seeing from the other side of the fence for a change


anyway all the best

basil 👍


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vor 10 Minuten schrieb Basil:

i genuinely feel for you all regards hdzeta, again dont think its mp's fault at all.

but the more serious facts of its going to be expensive with no heads up of a ball park figure of what things would be near without shipping costs set off major alarm bells to me and made me stay away from this one for that very reason!


im not personally made of money. yes i like collecting but just signing up to a gb with it getting more and more expensive each and every time is not a good way going forward.

i get retailer has to make money but the signing up blindly with expecting to pay what ever they say in holgers case 900 euros really isn't a good way to run any business, not long term.

when i joined up lotr for UHD and saw the bill for that one my eyes and bum fell thru it did not contain a steelbook even and was the price what i considered a one click and i expected it to be expensive but not that expensive and yet i still have to pay shipping on top yet to come, i get shipping has gone lucrious of late but covid has died down now so shipping should have come down too, question becomes why is it still soo expensive perhaps i just being naive!


the net result of all these expensive unlisted price gbs makes me very very wary of what i am actually joining from now on, which is a real shame.

but i now have to be very very selective with what i do go for and can pay on my limited spare money, my wages are on bottom of the food chain!

what was a hobbie anyone could do is now for the medium to medium and rich people, only have to look at the rich americans (no disrespect to americans either they earn what they earn) but look how the gbs lists have shifted and basically where john would like it to be all in america anyway hes said this multiple times with all the hassles of customs and shipping costs and unfortunately money talks!

if it carries on like this as its has done for next year with these costs it all end up in america as john wants, nothing like like cheering up the rest of collectors as wanted here, well thats what it begins to feel like when sat on the other side of the world 🙄


just hope we can get prices ball park up front more before having to join gbs thats only way you can improve it going forward but i do get the feeling thats the least of mps worries which is the real shame imho

it does feel its become a slippery slope


lets hope this as seen as genuine concern without getting moaned at for once and seeing from the other side of the fence for a change


anyway all the best

Basil 👍



Edited by chingie123
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Oje Oje, ich hab mir grad "Meg 2" angetan. Da soll mal einer noch was gegen "Sharknado" oder so sagen...

Der Film toppt alles an Schwachsinn, was ich die letzte Zeit so geschaut habe.

Meine Fresse, da fragt man sich echt, was der Regisseur alles weggeraucht haben muss, um auf so eine Story zu kommen.

Kaum war ich an einem Punkt angekommen, wo ich dachte "Es kann ja eigentlich nur noch besser werden..." hat man es tatsächlich hinbekommen, in noch schwachsinnigere Spähren abzudriften. Meg2 trifft den dreifachen Weißen Hai auf der Jurassic Park Insel mit Abyss-Abenteuer und Moby "Digg" (ja ich weiß, falsch geschrieben, aber diese tolle Foren-SW....) Action frei nach dem Motto "und er würgte seine Klapperschlang, bis deren Klapper schlapper klang." Und fürs "Fingerfood" zur Südsee-Party sorgt am Ende natürlich Jason per Meg-Spießchen. 😂

Heiliger Strohsack ! Was hab ich mir da nur angetan...



Edited by raylight
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vor einer Stunde schrieb raylight:

Oje Oje, ich hab mir grad "Meg 2" angetan. Da soll mal einer noch was gegen "Sharknado" oder so sagen...

Der Film toppt alles an Schwachsinn, was ich die letzte Zeit so geschaut habe.

Meine Fresse, da fragt man sich echt, was der Regisseur alles weggeraucht haben muss, um auf so eine Story zu kommen.

Kaum war ich an einem Punkt angekommen, wo ich dachte "Es kann ja eigentlich nur noch besser werden..." hat man es tatsächlich hinbekommen, in noch schwachsinnigere Spähren abzudriften. Meg2 trifft den dreifachen Weißen Hai auf der Jurassic Park Insel mit Abyss-Abenteuer und Moby "Digg" (ja ich weiß, falsch geschrieben, aber diese tolle Foren-SW....) Action frei nach dem Motto "und er würgte seine Klapperschlang, bis deren Klapper schlapper klang." Und fürs "Fingerfood" zur Südsee-Party sorgt am Ende natürlich Jason per Meg-Spießchen. 😂

Heiliger Strohsack ! Was hab ich mir da nur angetan...




Ja, Hammer, oder?! 😂 Ich hatte hier ja auch schon geschrieben, nachdem ich ihn gesehen hatte, das war nicht mal mit „Hirn abschalten“ auszuhalten. Du bringst es gut auf den Punkt…🤣


Gordon Ramsay Reaction GIF by Hell's Kitchen

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb raylight:

Oje Oje, ich hab mir grad "Meg 2" angetan. Da soll mal einer noch was gegen "Sharknado" oder so sagen...

Der Film toppt alles an Schwachsinn, was ich die letzte Zeit so geschaut habe.

Meine Fresse, da fragt man sich echt, was der Regisseur alles weggeraucht haben muss, um auf so eine Story zu kommen.

Kaum war ich an einem Punkt angekommen, wo ich dachte "Es kann ja eigentlich nur noch besser werden..." hat man es tatsächlich hinbekommen, in noch schwachsinnigere Spähren abzudriften. Meg2 trifft den dreifachen Weißen Hai auf der Jurassic Park Insel mit Abyss-Abenteuer und Moby "Digg" (ja ich weiß, falsch geschrieben, aber diese tolle Foren-SW....) Action frei nach dem Motto "und er würgte seine Klapperschlang, bis deren Klapper schlapper klang." Und fürs "Fingerfood" zur Südsee-Party sorgt am Ende natürlich Jason per Meg-Spießchen. 😂

Heiliger Strohsack ! Was hab ich mir da nur angetan...



.... und ich sage nur Ü Ei 🤣

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