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4 hours ago, Cornbuster said:

Matrix Resurrections Fazit

Choose Wisely Keanu Reeves GIF by Regal


Vermutlich hatte ich das Glück, von Einigen von Euch vorgewarnt zu werden - Eure Kritik war ja vernichtend, wenn man es so formulieren will.

Dieser Fakt hat meine Erwartungen in Bezug auf den Inhalt des Film drastisch in den Keller sinken lassen, was mich daraus resultierend auch mit einer anderen Betrachtungsweise herangehen liess.



Kann sich der Film in die Triloigie einsortieren?

Absolut nein. Meines Erachtens würde sich Resurrections als ernst gemeintes Sequel lächerlich machen und passt in keinster Form in die (in meinen Augen abgeschlossene) Trilogie.


Nun das Aber, dessen Entstehung ich wohl auf Grund Eurer "Warnungen" meiner im Vorfeld abgeänderten Erwartungen bzw. Betrachtungsweise zu verdanken habe:

Betrachte ich Matrix Resurrections als eine Art alleinstehende Hommage, die sich an einigen Stellen nicht allzu ernst nimmt und sicherlich auch ein grosses Stück weit versucht, der neuen Generation gerecht zu werden (was ja witzigerweise - gewollt oder auch nicht - teilweise im Zusammenspiel zwischen Jung und Alt zum Ausdruck gebracht wird), kann ich dem Werk durchaus Unterhaltungswert abgewinnen. Nicht zuletzt stellt sich ja in der heutigen (VIP)-Gesellschaft genau diese "Wiederauferstehung" von Celebrities im Alter schon fast bereits obligatorisch im Bereich Musik und Film dar.


Wie dem auch sei - unter oben geschilderter Sichtweise des "Abers" finde ich Resurrections garnicht sooo schlecht.

Auch atmosphärisch habe ich mich recht wohl im Film gefühlt.


Vielleicht ändert sich meine Sichtweise beim zweiten Sehen noch - Tatsache ist allerdings, dass ich einem zweiten Ansehen gegenüber absolut nicht abgeneigt bin.

Und das spricht schonmal für.



- Aus Sicht einer Trilogie-Fortsetzung: 1 von 10

- Als alleinstehende "Hommage" (die nicht fortgesetzt wird): 6 von 10


Bevor nun dämliche Kommentare kommen:

Nein, ich versuche nicht, mir den Film schön zu reden, um ein OC kaufen zu können. 😂



squirrel GIF


Ich hatte im Dezember eine Review gepostet und war alleine betrachtet irgendwie auf 5 Punkte gekommen, als Sequel/Teil der Original Filme auch 1 Punkt. Du scheinst aber deutlich mehr positives gesehen zu haben.  Im nachhinein habe ich mich eigentlich nur über alles im Film geärgert, mein Bedürfnis ihn wiederzusehen liegt bei 0%.


Habe es auch durchgezogen und bis auf 1 4K Steelbook die anderen storniert, werde ihn wohl noch irgendwann 1 mal sehen und es danach sicherlich umgehend bereuen.



I went to the cinema yesterday to see Matrix Resurrections... I guess "Matrix Rehash" (if you want to go with an R), "Matrix Dead on Arrival" or "Matrix Biggest Movie Disappointment of the Year" would be more appropriate.


Honestly WHY did they have to make this movie 😭


To prepare for this event I watched The Matrix again on the 25th and it proved again why it was such a game changer back in 1999. An absolute Masterpiece that got everything right from start to finish. Fantastic mind bending story, with amazing cast and characters, awesome effects and design and some of the greatest and most innovative action sequences ever created. No wonder it is in my Top 10 favorite movies and stands among the higest voted movies everywhere. I remember very well how blown away I was back in 1999 when I went to the first showing and I still am when watching again.


Sure the sequels could not live up to the first one, but 2 still delivered a great action movie, unfortunately 3 already had plenty of not so good stuff in it, but is still watchable and at least wrapped up the story even when it was in a rather disappointing way.


And then we get to the new one 😱. OMG how bad can it get..... I have the answer for you REALLY BAD. From the first second I knew something is wrong with this movie and really soon you simply hope that it will end soon, which it doesn't because it is running for 2 and a half hours 🙄. From start to finish they give you one bad thing after another. The new characters are all horrible, the old ones feel out of place or are changed in a way that simply makes it silly. The Story if you can even call it that is a revision of things that came before but in the worst possible way imaginable. The Action is an absolute let down, most action is thrown at you at random intervals only to have some action in the movie and it is so lame you want to scream at the screen. Really no wow moment at all. Also the movie is so BORING it starts to hurt.


In the original every scene had a purpose and brought the story forward, no waisted dialogue in that one, but in the new movie you could skip almost everything as it does not add much at all.


The acting was also not good with Neil Patrick Harris delivering one of the worst performances you could think of and that new Smith 😱 not even 1% of the charisma of Hugo Weaving. Even Keanu felt like he only came to Set for the paycheck.


It is very sad to see Studios return to their greatest hits and only do a sequel because they want to make more money, clearly that will not pay off with this one as the box office numbers already show.


Really not sure on what trip Wachowski was when coming up with this mess of a movie but it must have been a bad one.


Anyway I could continue my rant for a long time but what is the point in that. Compared to the original I would give this one 1 Point as it is basically not worth watching, if I put my anger aside a little and objectively rate it I guess you could give it 5 points (which I did and which would mean 1 time watch and never again).


3 days ago when the Steelbooks for this movie went live I ordered all 3 different Steelbooks, but I certainly don't feel like I need to own any of them. I think I will cancel 2 and only keep 1 4K Steelbook, to put in somewhere in the back of a shelf. I don't have the need for any Premiums of this garbage and I just hope the Retailer I collect don't do it.


Sorry to write such a downer review maybe I should have written one about Spider-Man: No Way Home which really showed how a good movie is being made and absolutely deserves the title of Best Movie of the year.


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7 minutes ago, extantsrevenge said:

squirrel GIF


I posted a review in December and somehow got 5 points on its own, as a sequel/part of the original films also 1 point. But you seem to have seen a lot more positive things.  In hindsight I was really just annoyed about everything in the film, my need to see it again is 0%.


I also went through with it and canceled the others except for 1 4K Steelbook, will probably see it again at some point and will certainly regret it immediately afterwards.


  Reveal hidden contents

I went to the cinema yesterday to see Matrix Resurrections... I guess "Matrix Rehash" (if you want to go with an R), "Matrix Dead on Arrival" or "Matrix Biggest Movie Disappointment of the Year" would be more appropriate.


Honestly WHY did they have to make this movie 😭


To prepare for this event I watched The Matrix again on the 25th and it proved again why it was such a game changer back in 1999. An absolute Masterpiece that got everything right from start to finish. Fantastic mind bending story, with amazing cast and characters, awesome effects and design and some of the greatest and most innovative action sequences ever created. No wonder it is in my Top 10 favorite movies and stands among the higest voted movies everywhere. I remember very well how blown away I was back in 1999 when I went to the first showing and I still am when watching again.


Sure the sequels could not live up to the first one, but 2 still delivered a great action movie, unfortunately 3 already had plenty of not so good stuff in it, but is still watchable and at least wrapped up the story even when it was in a rather disappointing way.


And then we get to the new one 😱. OMG how bad can it get..... I have the answer for you REALLY BAD. From the first second I knew something is wrong with this movie and really soon you simply hope that it will end soon, which it doesn't because it is running for 2 and a half hours 🙄. From start to finish they give you one bad thing after another. The new characters are all horrible, the old ones feel out of place or are changed in a way that simply makes it silly. The Story if you can even call it that is a revision of things that came before but in the worst possible way imaginable. The Action is an absolute let down, most action is thrown at you at random intervals only to have some action in the movie and it is so lame you want to scream at the screen. Really no wow moment at all. Also the movie is so BORING it starts to hurt.


In the original every scene had a purpose and brought the story forward, no waisted dialogue in that one, but in the new movie you could skip almost everything as it does not add much at all.


The acting was also not good with Neil Patrick Harris delivering one of the worst performances you could think of and that new Smith 😱 not even 1% of the charisma of Hugo Weaving. Even Keanu felt like he only came to Set for the paycheck.


It is very sad to see Studios return to their greatest hits and only do a sequel because they want to make more money, clearly that will not pay off with this one as the box office numbers already show.


Really not sure on what trip Wachowski was when coming up with this mess of a movie but it must have been a bad one.


Anyway I could continue my rant for a long time but what is the point in that. Compared to the original I would give this one 1 Point as it is basically not worth watching, if I put my anger aside a little and objectively rate it I guess you could give it 5 points (which I did and which would mean 1 time watch and never again).


3 days ago when the Steelbooks for this movie went live I ordered all 3 different Steelbooks, but I certainly don't feel like I need to own any of them. I think I will cancel 2 and only keep 1 4K Steelbook, to put in somewhere in the back of a shelf. I don't have the need for any Premiums of this garbage and I just hope the Retailer I collect don't do it.


Sorry to write such a downer review maybe I should have written one about Spider-Man: No Way Home which really showed how a good movie is being made and absolutely deserves the title of Best Movie of the year.



For the action sequences alone, it gets a big 👎 from me.


Unless, they were actually going for some sort of parody/satire of the previous trilogy and its fanbase, it doesn't really work.

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4 minutes ago, Cornbuster said:


Warum hast Du eigentlich nicht alle Steels gecancelt?

Ponder Denzel Washington GIF by Entertainment Tonight

Eigentlich eine gute Frage, aber ein 4K SB macht auch keinen Unterschied.

I Guess So Adam Driver GIF by PBS SoCal


6 minutes ago, icewire said:


Blah Blah Blah Monday GIF by tot Ou tard


pinocchio GIF


Solltest Politiker werden 😆


dieser @icewire 😛

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Ihr Lieben, an dieser Stelle viiiielen Dank für eure tollen Glückwünsche! Ich habe extra ein paar Credits gespart, um alle mit einem image.png.1752e86239b46db1c7a2e550ecfe1d12.png versehen zu können. Jetzt sieht es in meinem Konto wieder so aus: image.png.3e31c4e3e8ca47b05fd9652a45383867.png🤣


Es ist wirklich ein ganz tolles Forum hier und ihr seid eine super Truppe! Es macht mir jeden Tag großen Spaß mit euch! Ich freue mich, wenn ich auch mal hin und wieder was beitragen kann.


Viele Grüße


PS: Erstes Geschenk heute morgen: image.png.e067f0d74d19254338b5f12c94ef0f66.png Tolle und sehr wertige Aufmachung! Love it! 🤩

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Cornbuster:

Betrachte ich Matrix Resurrections als eine Art alleinstehende Hommage, die sich an einigen Stellen nicht allzu ernst nimmt und sicherlich auch ein grosses Stück weit versucht, der neuen Generation gerecht zu werden (was ja witzigerweise - gewollt oder auch nicht - teilweise im Zusammenspiel zwischen Jung und Alt zum Ausdruck gebracht wird), kann ich dem Werk durchaus Unterhaltungswert abgewinnen. Nicht zuletzt stellt sich ja in der heutigen (VIP)-Gesellschaft genau diese "Wiederauferstehung" von Celebrities im Alter schon fast bereits obligatorisch im Bereich Musik und Film dar

Interessante, viel zu durchdachte Interpretation der Intention des Films von der Lana Wachowski wohl selbst am meisten überrascht wäre.



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vor 44 Minuten schrieb extantsrevenge:

squirrel GIF


Ich hatte im Dezember eine Review gepostet und war alleine betrachtet irgendwie auf 5 Punkte gekommen, als Sequel/Teil der Original Filme auch 1 Punkt. Du scheinst aber deutlich mehr positives gesehen zu haben.  Im nachhinein habe ich mich eigentlich nur über alles im Film geärgert, mein Bedürfnis ihn wiederzusehen liegt bei 0%.


Habe es auch durchgezogen und bis auf 1 4K Steelbook die anderen storniert, werde ihn wohl noch irgendwann 1 mal sehen und es danach sicherlich umgehend bereuen.


  Unsichtbaren Inhalt anzeigen

I went to the cinema yesterday to see Matrix Resurrections... I guess "Matrix Rehash" (if you want to go with an R), "Matrix Dead on Arrival" or "Matrix Biggest Movie Disappointment of the Year" would be more appropriate.


Honestly WHY did they have to make this movie 😭


To prepare for this event I watched The Matrix again on the 25th and it proved again why it was such a game changer back in 1999. An absolute Masterpiece that got everything right from start to finish. Fantastic mind bending story, with amazing cast and characters, awesome effects and design and some of the greatest and most innovative action sequences ever created. No wonder it is in my Top 10 favorite movies and stands among the higest voted movies everywhere. I remember very well how blown away I was back in 1999 when I went to the first showing and I still am when watching again.


Sure the sequels could not live up to the first one, but 2 still delivered a great action movie, unfortunately 3 already had plenty of not so good stuff in it, but is still watchable and at least wrapped up the story even when it was in a rather disappointing way.


And then we get to the new one 😱. OMG how bad can it get..... I have the answer for you REALLY BAD. From the first second I knew something is wrong with this movie and really soon you simply hope that it will end soon, which it doesn't because it is running for 2 and a half hours 🙄. From start to finish they give you one bad thing after another. The new characters are all horrible, the old ones feel out of place or are changed in a way that simply makes it silly. The Story if you can even call it that is a revision of things that came before but in the worst possible way imaginable. The Action is an absolute let down, most action is thrown at you at random intervals only to have some action in the movie and it is so lame you want to scream at the screen. Really no wow moment at all. Also the movie is so BORING it starts to hurt.


In the original every scene had a purpose and brought the story forward, no waisted dialogue in that one, but in the new movie you could skip almost everything as it does not add much at all.


The acting was also not good with Neil Patrick Harris delivering one of the worst performances you could think of and that new Smith 😱 not even 1% of the charisma of Hugo Weaving. Even Keanu felt like he only came to Set for the paycheck.


It is very sad to see Studios return to their greatest hits and only do a sequel because they want to make more money, clearly that will not pay off with this one as the box office numbers already show.


Really not sure on what trip Wachowski was when coming up with this mess of a movie but it must have been a bad one.


Anyway I could continue my rant for a long time but what is the point in that. Compared to the original I would give this one 1 Point as it is basically not worth watching, if I put my anger aside a little and objectively rate it I guess you could give it 5 points (which I did and which would mean 1 time watch and never again).


3 days ago when the Steelbooks for this movie went live I ordered all 3 different Steelbooks, but I certainly don't feel like I need to own any of them. I think I will cancel 2 and only keep 1 4K Steelbook, to put in somewhere in the back of a shelf. I don't have the need for any Premiums of this garbage and I just hope the Retailer I collect don't do it.


Sorry to write such a downer review maybe I should have written one about Spider-Man: No Way Home which really showed how a good movie is being made and absolutely deserves the title of Best Movie of the year.


Nils vor seinem Heimkino, nachdem er den Film ein zweites Mal gesehen hat... Explosion Reaction GIF

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vor 10 Minuten schrieb hal56:

Interessante, viel zu durchdachte Interpretation der Intention des Films von der Lana Wachowski wohl selbst am meisten überrascht wäre.




Naja, manchmal muss man sich die Dinge etwas zurechtrücken, wenn sie nicht passen.

Jim Carrey Laugh GIF


Nun ja, wie geschrieben, unterirdisch finde ich ihn nicht (im Sinne einer Art Hommage), aber ein OC wirds nicht werden.

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