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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Heywoodmoutaw

  1. One other note here: this is the only work that makes me think Hillcoat can handle Blood Meridian, and I hope he can find this director in himself again. Caveat: I haven’t seen The Road. The book made me cry when I was childless. As the father of a son these days, I haven’t gotten up the nerve to watch the movie.
  2. I somehow just saw this post, and I LOVE The Proposition. I thought of it again last week. Amazing performances across the board but especially Danny Huston, and holy hell it’s beautiful. Not sure I’m aware of a movie that uses the Australian landscape as well, and there are some great contenders. Also, I can never hear Danny Boy without thinking “the flies, the flies are crawling.”
  3. Believe me, it’s already crossed my mind. I can remember pausing and scrutinizing it like the Zapruder film when we had a VHS copy.
  4. Found this on sale. Haven’t seen the movie since it came out on video back in the 90s, hope it holds up. Also hoping 4K does it justice, I seem to remember it having a very slick look that used color well.
  5. Believe it or not, Heywood Jr had never seen this one. Of course he loved it, I knew he would. Hard to imagine anyone who loves video games *not* loving this movie.
  6. Have tickets to see this in the theater next Sunday, very excited. Have seen it at least half a dozen times but never in the theater.
  7. I also find myself watching more old movies. I used to assume they were simple in their sensibilities but our age has become such that old movies seem more morally complex and ambiguous than nearly all of what we’re getting today. Also, maybe this is just a thing that happens when you’re getting old.
  8. I hope he has the power to spit you out of his mind, and on to the side of a New Jersey highway. I love this addition. Doesn’t guarantee that the movie will be good, but Malkovich never makes anything *worse*.
  9. All good! There were some tornadoes down this way, but they either went south or north of us.
  10. They’re calling for potential baseball-sized hail at my house in an hour or so, about to leave work a bit early and get my car in the garage (I had one almost totaled from a hailstorm once). Hopefully we’re all worried about nothing, which is often the case in my area. Weather forecasters would rather over-panic than under-panic it seems.
  11. Planning to re-watch the entire series before Furiosa. Mad Max is good, but the sequel is next level. Amazing work throughout, so tight, still holds up. And the 4K transfers are almost unbelievably good; unfixable shots here and there but overall you can tell the transfers were shown a lot of love. As opposed to . . . My son and I watched this because the movie is referenced in the Sonic the Hedgehog movie AND Keanu is playing Shadow in Sonic 3. Don’t get me wrong, the movie holds up; this is about as well as Die Hard On A _______ can be done. But the 4K transfer is low effort, looks like they just wanted to get something out.
  12. I have the same recollection, the original story was the same. Great job building suspense and it helps the movie that the cast is outstanding. People make fun of the langoliers themselves when they show up, forget how good everything before that was.
  13. I was a huge fan of that book growing up. The new adaptation was so bad to me that I couldn’t finish it. I still like the original from the 90s pretty well though.
  14. If this is the Amazon Japan disc, how did you handle the lack of subtitles?
  15. You do realize that if you’re Quint that means that you’re the one who . . . SPOILERS FOR ALMOST 50 YEAR OLD MOVIE THAT EVERYONE HAS SEEN! gets eaten, right?
  16. Ah, I see that about the soundtrack written on the cassette now. Was reading the list of features earlier and it didn’t seem to say anything about the cassette, though it’s obviously shown in the pic. Beautiful set, will own it as soon as possible.
  17. I’m still debating whether or not to order the disc, but I just stole the hell out of this gif
  18. I really hope it’s a functional cassette, with a recording of Frederic Forrest and Cindy Williams.
  19. You’ve piqued my curiosity. Do you ever listen to Keith Jarrett, by any chance? You’ve inspired me to put on one of his Sun Bear concerts this morning, haven’t listened to him in ages.
  20. Love this. Can’t remember who I talked to about this here, but I recently sold my VW GTI VR6, and now I only have a dad car: 23 Hyundai Elantra, automatic transmission. I’m out of the car business, just don’t have time to work on any. I love a manual transmission. Got rear-ended and pushed into the car in front of me about a year and a half ago, totaled my new car with a manual transmission. Had to buy something right away, couldn’t find anything new with a stick shift. Most companies have stopped making them and we were also still having post-Covid car shortages at the time. So now I have not a single car with a manual transmission for the first time in about 20 years.
  21. Thank you! I feel silly, I never think to look at YouTube and sites that tell you where something is available always leave it off.

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