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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by xSNAKExPLISSKENx

  1. I would be very careful to ever say that to any black person growing up in America, its gotten better but not much. Imagine being judged and hated and harassed literally EVERYWHERE you go because of your skin color. I donno about you but that would make me pretty angry. Imagine the police who are supposed to "protect and serve" go out of their way to harass you every time you leave your house. Imagine a life based in poverty and fear. All of this again, because of the color of your skin. Where and when you grow up ABSOLUTELY has everything to do with how you behave. Fact of the matter is we don't know how it feels to go through this. I grew up as a street punk rocker. In a cowboy hick farm town. I've been spit on, thrown garbage at, called a Fag daily, harrased, jumped by groups of 4+ people, harassed by cops for skateboarding in the street... and I'm not even black.... it makes you very very frustrated and full of angst. All because I had a Mohawk and wore clothes that were deemed not acceptable by "thier" society.
  2. Hellraiser is a love story not a horror movie maybe thats where the confusion lies. And remember this was made over 40yrs ago. Classic film
  3. @Veum 2.5 stars for Compton??? I will happily disagree with that. That movie was extremely well executed with an amazing soundtrack to boot. It very much captured the politics of what was going on in these young kids lives.
  4. Looks great! Especially with the many issues I've seen people having with joker shops packaging, great score my friend!
  5. I'm more interested in what's up with the two different shoes @DodgyDave lol
  6. This is the fan art circling around, this is not the official art work.
  7. I mean I'll look sat. But this %100 was posted last weekend.
  8. I think second edition already went live for preorders... I think it releases on the 15th they had orders open last Saturday night to 6pm sunday and I didnt see the post on reddit until it was too late
  9. So no usa shipping? Are you ordering one Ann? If so, I piggy back ? 🙏
  10. Is the special edition sold out? How does someone aquire it?
  11. You know, when you are deep in the GB grind and editions you have been on are arriving months later constantly some are lost in the repetition, sitting on the shelf, adding to the collection. But every once in a while something special comes. Today, for me, this was the Akira lenticular edition. Wow. I cant even say how incredible this is in hand. The lenti is clean and beautiful but for me it's the back image. The spot gloss, the rough texturing really is a mic drop for this edition. I'm terribly sorry for those whom missed out as this one was a showstopper.
  12. Pearl men is too old, david harbor is perfect for hellboy. Dont blame david on bad writing. And still, I dont see how anyone can dislike joker.
  13. Lol the "skywalker" saga. All they did was destroy the Skywalker name over and over again.
  14. One of my all time favorite movies, and my absolute favorite Daniel day Lewis role. Could not be happier this is happening.
  15. It is the best image I've ever seen on a screen. Absolutely stunning. But yes, you must at least do basic calibrations, i.e. never use vivid default setting. But for me it's not the extra pixels that does it, it's the HDR

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