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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by xSNAKExPLISSKENx

  1. I actually have a very large collection of screen prints, the main draw for me to go to most comic cons is in fact for art. So I love all these, 2 of my favorites in my collection art these babies right here...
  2. I bought it on digital as well. I'm half way through my new game plus playthrough
  3. My last of us still hasn't shipped from Amazon uk... im expecting the worst right now
  4. Og versions were so much better. Unless the slips are insanely amazing I will save my money.
  5. No limited edition hurts my heart
  6. You gotta get on that! Great game. Replaying last of us now in prep for part 2
  7. Love the doom slayer are! Just finished the game myself! Been a good year for gaming, bring in the PS5!
  8. Just saw that as well, was so late at night I wasn't thinking... I do have member cards, but I don't own a printer to print off a banner. I think I have 3 of the MP cards though.
  9. Its definitely one of my faves. Usually its hiding in my mantalab 1c box with the Manta full slip a best buy steel
  10. Modest collection Is there an award for 60+ editions?
  11. I have just a small collection to submit. https://imgur.com/a/qW29z8k
  12. I LOVED Jojo. It was fantastic and sweet and heartwarming and really really funny. You are in for a treat! Award winning. Sam Rockwell in particular was a riot!
  13. I found it very worth the 14$ I paid. Like I said, same as it would have costed me to go alone to the theatre, and now as an added bonus I own it lol. If you have the extra cash to spare I recommend it.
  14. These kind of movies are right up my alley, I'm a big monster movie guy and horror guy paired with the fact that it drew a lot of comparisons to my all time favorite movie "alien" was enough for me. I wanted to see it in theatres but just didn't get the chance. So when I saw that it was only 14.99 usd on vudu for the UHD ( about as much as a movie ticket) I jumped on it for digital purchase.
  15. I've been reading this a lot. Its on my back burner to watch. But I'm not racing to the screen to see it either lol
  16. The effects and pacing of the movie was fantastic. It had a 50million budget which is almost unheard of these days for a new monster movie.
  17. Will Ferrell just has a better presence, Carrey as well. Miller just seemed forced the whole time and annoying. But I agree with only being cast in specific roles but in this particular case it didn't land. He was fine in deadpool, it worked. But here i just didn't see it.
  18. On another note, I watched the movie UNDERWATER last night. I liked it, its not perfect. But a great popcorn monster flick. It had many nods to alien. Alien was a lot slower in pace and had a lot more character development but underwater art and cinematography was very much in line with alien. Kristen Stewart was not good but also not comically bad like in her other movies so that helped. In fact the only issue in characters I had was TJ Miller who was really not funny and incredibly annoying imo. Luckily he was only in half the film wink wink. The ending was very well done and had a surprise introduction to a very popular lovecraftian character that I will not spoil here. Sadly it did not do very well in theatres so its unlikely we will get a sequel but I very much enjoyed watching this. Would love it if Film arena would pick this up. 4/5 for me. Cheers
  19. I agree with @Masterblaster let's get back to the subject of the post and that's movies. I do want to say, I am not offended in the slightest by @Veum I believe it was a non threatening discussion. Just a disagreement of beliefs and a discussion of perspectives that some people just don't see or deal with in their lives.. i hold no hate or animosity to anyone here for this discussion but yes let's get back to movie reviews.
  20. Agreed, christians have been the hand of some of the most disgusting horrible acts in all of history, and that is fact. In america, white Christian Americans are the bud of most of our nations hate and dark history. Christians have been responsible for more wars and hate crimes than any other group in history. So I'm with @Trianna I highly disagree with that.

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