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Posts posted by pygospa

  1. Uh, nice to hear back from you two, and I am happy that I could point you to something new and interesting you didn't know about :)
    @Grendel That's a really beautiful collection you have, and totally clear that you'd go for cover B. It would have also been my favorite if it wasn't so mono-colored. I like my covers to pop with color :D Still it is a really great choice.
    Somehow my original post got cut off (probably did something stupid with my mouse while posting/writing) - it's supposed to say "It will come in three different artworks, cover a showing a resemblance to the official international movie poster, cover b as far as I can tell a newly commissioned design, and cover C resembling the old Italian movie poster (where this movie was called 'Delirious').

    When I choose covers I go by both: What tickles my fancy the most, as well as "exclusivity"/"rarity". I love artworks, but once you have seen the typical and famous designs everywhere (hanging in cinemas [on recent films, of course], on standard VHS, DVD or Blu-ray covers, etc.) you know them already. So for my collection I like to go with something totally new, if possible and also if I like the artwork. This is my reasoning for not going with Cover A, and choosing Cover C on this release! :)

    • Like 2
  2. いつもえいごをはなせてすみません。


    But I think this can be interesting for you, and as we do not have a forum for just keep case releases this is the best place I can think of, where somebody might be interested: German label Wicked Vision will release the black and white movie "Miss Zombie" by サブ (田中博行). Blu-ray.com lists only one other release (U.S. keep case), it's the European release premiere, and audio will be German and Japanese, but subtitles will be both German and English, so it might be interesting to you guys as well. Release will be 31st of March, there is an accompanying 16-p booklet, but only in German, a reversible cover, and no extras on the disk (other than a German foreword), but it will be a dual format with BD and DVD. Casing will be Scanavo Fullsleeve, i.e. the same that Criterion (and now also British label Powerhouse Indicator) uses.

    Movie looks Arthouse-ish from the looks of the trailer, but also interesting.


    • Like 1
  3. Release : 31.03.2020

    Link (Wicked Shop) Cover A, Cover B, Cover C

    Price : €29,99

    Limited : 333 (Cover A) + 333 (Cover B) + 333 (Cover C)



    Nice thing about Wicked Vision Releases: They usually come in waves of at least two releases at a time, and given the above 50€ is free shipping (at least in Germany) and each of them will cost around 30€, you can always dodge the shipping :D It won't make you any richer, though... Number 35 in "Wicked Vision Collector's series" will be the 1964 horror classic "The Black Torment" directed by Robert Hartford-Davis, starring John Turner, Heather Sears and Ann Lynn; another British classic gothic horror movie in the style of a Hammer Horror production, but don't be fooled - it isn't! Cover A features the classic international movie poster, Cover B and C seem to be newly commissioned artworks.

    This Edition will again have both audio and subtitles with dual language (English and German), and it will have (according to the website) a booklet in both German and English language featuring an Essay by Dr. Rolf Giesen*. There will be two featurettes, one will be an interview with two of the actors (therefore English), the other features the famous German cinema scientist Dr. Marcus Stiglegger and will therefore be probably only in German (no info about subtitles). And there's a German audio commentary.

    And in good tradition, let's stop this post with the trailer:

    *) I am a bit puzzled that this German author is writing in English - if any of you English speaking people are interested in an assurance I can ask the guy behind Wicked-Vision for reassurance. Just contact me, then I'll ask him and post the answer here.

    • Like 3
  4. Release : 31.03.2020

    Link (Wicked Shop) Cover A, Cover B, Cover C

    Price : €29,99

    Limited : 333 for each cover



    Not sure if this is actually interesting to anyone here, as there is hardly any resonance to these posts, but hey: Here we go again, another friendly pre-order information for one of my most favorite German Mediabook labels: Number 34 of their "Wicked Vision Collector's series" will be the title the 1973 movie "Tales that Witness Madness" from horror veteran director Freddie Francis (most famous for his Amicus and Hammer Studios productions), staring Donald Pleasence (Halloween), Kim Novak (Vertigo) and Joan Collins (Dynasty; German Title "Der Denver-Clan"). It will come in three different artworks,

    The movie is historically interesting for the horror genre as it starred Donald Pleasence, who after this performance was cast for Halloween's famous Dr. Loomis, as well as Sam Raimi citing it to be the inspiration for his famous tree scene in "Evil Dead". It's a German premiere and will feature world-exclusive new bonus material commissioned by Wicked Vision. Audio and Subtitles will be in both English and German, the 24-page booklet will only feature German text, and as extras they list a German audio commentary, and two featurettes that will probably will be in English.

    • Like 3
  5. コレクション アップデート:


    And I will do the rest in English, because I couldn't say everything in Japanese that I wanted to. Unfortunately I still have a lot to learn, and little time for it :(

    So this is the order I talked about in one of my last posts from Arrow video. I never owned anything from Arrow before, so it's a premiere. It's also a premiere that I payed full price for some Amaray-movies - I never buy Amarays if I can avoid it, and if I can't and I really want that movie for the collection (I am okey with streaming if the movie isn't released in Steelbook/Mediabook/Fullslip/Special Boxset); but Arrows is famous for doing excellent movie releases and they focus on movies that are hard to get anyways, plus even though it's an Amaray they do put effort in their designs.


    I got, as you can see (left to right, top to bottom - bottom first is just the O-Ring, bottom second the amaray that goes into the O-ring):

    • オーディション (Single Disk)
    • 仄暗い水の底から(Dual Disk Edition)
    • 回路 (Dual Disk Edition)
    • 着信アリ- Trilogy (O-Ring Edition)
    • 海よりもまだ深く(Single Disk Edition) -- This is not part of the "Arrow Video"-Collection but of the "Arrow Academy"-Collection, which has a slightly different look, unfortunately)

    As you can see below, all of them come with reversible covers, and this is really a though choice, as I do like the exclusive alternative artwork they provide - but the backside has the original artwork with (in some cases) the Japanese title. So which side to choose? For now I just reversed the 着信アリ- Trilogy one, as otherwise the O-Ring and keep case would show the same artwork, as well as the 海よりもまだ深くone, because it had the original artwork on the front, and the alternative one on the back.

    My small points of critique:

    • I didn't know that the "Arrow Academy"-series would look so different - I would have loved it, if they all looked the same.
    • As the dual ones all come with a flap, I wonder why they didn't use a double sided flap and left the back side without a disk mount - that way the reversible artwork would look much better from the inside - pitty.
    • I would have loved it, if they all came with O-Rings, or alternatively none. But half and half looks bad in the shelf. I wonder why they do it for only some editions?
    • I also don't understand why some of them have a double disc version and others don't - the second disc is always the DVD. I love those as an bonus extra at minimal additional cost, unfortunately the double disc ones are much more pricey, than the single disc ones.
    • Only the 着信アリ- Trilogy had a booklet; I think all editions should have a booklet.

    But other than that I am pretty happy with them. Bit pricey though (the three disc one was ~£30 pounds, the double discs ~£20, only the two single disc editions where ~£10), but I payed the price anyways as I love that they concentrate on films that you wouldn't get otherwise. 回路 and 仄暗い水の底から and 着信アリ is (according to blu-ray.com) only released by Arrow in UK, USA and CAN, オーディション has a German release, that is long OOP + in US a Shout Factory one, and 海よりもまだ深くhave a few releases (US, FRA, ITA, JPN and KOR).










    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, pygospa said:






    きょう、私ははじめてイングランドから「Arrow Video」の日本語のブルーレイのかいます。

    • Like 3
  7. On 2/26/2020 at 4:13 AM, ksosk said:

    Feel free to use this chat to share your pictures too !

    I wasn't addressed, but still: おれのドイツから日本語のがえいがのコレクションです。🙂



    The Takeshi-Kitano Mediabooks all have a bonus Film in them as well, so it's actually also includes these movies as bonus disks:

    • Takeshis' - included in ドールズ (Dolls)
    • キッズ・リターン (Kids return) - included in はなび (Hana-bi)
    • 龍三と七人の子分たち(Ruyuzo and his Seven Henchmen) - included in 菊次郎の夏 (Kikujiros Summer)
    • あの夏、いちばん静かな海 (A Scene at the Sea) - included in アウトレイジ (Outrage)
    • アキレスと亀 (Achilles and the Tortoise) - included in アウトレイジ ビヨンド (Beyond Outrage)
    • みんな~やってるか (Getting any?) - included in アウトレイジ 最終章 (Outrage Coda)
    • Like 4
  8. 4 hours ago, ksosk said:

    I really like the UK Arrow Ring box :)

    I love the artwork on the Arrow releases, but hesitated due to it only being Amarays. And then it was out of stock and prices went up. However, looking back I am quite happy I didn't get it, because the German set has all four movies (i.e. including らせん) which, the Arrow release apparently is missing?

  9. Okey, so finally some information on the Amazon product side:

    • Only the BD-Version will be in DigiPak, the DVD-Version will be a "fullslip" with Amarays
    • A 12-paged booklet will be included in the DigiPak edition
    • it's "strictly limited", however no information on the number of copies or if they'll be individually numbered (probably not)
    • A lot of extras will be added (~ 75 Minutes), including interviews with the director, behind the scenes and deleted scenes, audio commentaries (no information about with whom or what languages), and the original soundtrack in Japanese in 6.1 DTS is listed as extra.
    • it will be the "uncut cinema edits"
    • FSK logo will be removable

    And regarding the disk specs they list:

    • Language: Japanese (DTS-HD 6.1), German (DTS-HD 5.1)
    • Subtitles: German
    • Region: Region B/2

    So this is unfortunately not English-friendly at all. A shame, as I've just realized that Arrow's release actually only includes Ring, Ring 2 and Ring 0, making this the world wide completest set available on Blu-ray, as it also has Ring Spiral.日本語がわかる人のみ, oder nur für die, die Deutsch verstehen...

    • Thanks 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Pbsw23 said:

    The issue with these awards for people like myself, is I don’t do 1-clicks, so it would be nice to see some more awards for individual titles/releases & not have 3/4 of the same Steelbook count. Just a thought.... Carry on 😁👍🏼

    I am totally with you on this one in general. Take the Marvel Award: I know I don't have a chance, and it's not important to me to do so. But given that I do try to buy all of those movies in the edition that I consider the best or most beautiful, I don't see the sense in getting more than one for most movies, and often those are already pretty expensive (e.g. I have the BluFans Doctor Strange and Black Panther, KimchiDVDs The Winter Soldier, Filmarenas Homecoming and Far from Home, etc.). I feel like getting them all in premium editions (i.e. at least single Steelbook) is already a great achievement, which I even wouldn't be able to fullfil now :DSo I'm not really complaining about not getting the achievement (because I wouldn't anyways), but I am totally with @Pbsw23 on that point that it doesn't make sense to me to must have 3 to 4 editions of the same movie. Hell I'd rather have those fancy Phase 1 and 2 box sets (is there also one for Phase 3 planed? Any information on that?), which would count as just one edition...

    But specifically for DC it doesn't make too much sense. As @extantsrevenge already explained, all DC movies are open for this one. And that's quite a lot (if animated movies count as well). See this list on Wikipedia, listing all DC comic based movies ever released; even with 30 or 40 movies you wouldn't need to buy any movie twice to get this - hell I'm just seeing that I totally forgot counting two of my movies (Watchmen and Constantine), and I think I even missed Lego Batman. I guess, however - just again a personal preference from me (I feel like I am giving a lot of those today - and I wont even qualify, no matter what :D ) - I would rather make two awards, and separate between animated and live action. I myself just started watching a few of the animated movies, but I was never one to like them as much that I would start collecting them in the past (although the two movies I've seen where rather good, and there are quite beautiful UK steelbooks out there, so maybe... :D ). And I can imagine that there are people liking those animated movies, but not liking the live action ones. So maybe having two that are equally hard to reach (but don't force animation lovers to get into the live action movies, and vice versa) might be better than mixing it all together and making the bar so much higher?

    Another thing that would probably need clarification beforehand: What about the TV series? Do they count as well? Some of the animated series and also some of the live action series are available on Blu-ray as well (Supergirl, Smallville, the 1960s Batman with Adam West and Burt Ward, etc.). Does it make sense having them as well? Or would yet another separate DC-TV award make more sense? So many questions, so much to decide on - I'm happy that I'm not the one having to make the decision. Sorry, @extantsrevenge ;)


    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  11. PS: Non-German/Non-Japanese speakers should probably wait until further specifications are out. I will try to update this as soon as possible. But pretty common for German releases this will probably only come in original soundtrack (i.e. Japanese) and German dubbing, and also the vast majority of German releases will unfortunately not feature English subtitles (which I think is a shame, given that they do not take up any space, they won't cost extra as they do already exist and do not need to be created and that adding them would make this release more accessible to people out there).

    Also I don't know why the links in the post are not transformed into the YouTube videos, as they used to. Sorry for that :(

    • Like 1
  12. Release : 20.03.2020

    Link: Amazon

    Price: €25,99

    Limited: ???


    Are you like me and missed out on the beautiful Arrow Collection collecting the classic Japanese "Ringu" Ring movies? Or maybe you didn't want to have Amarays even if they are from Arrow? I myself am pretty happy that today, by accident, I found this DigiPak release at Amazon - there are no information on extras, masters used, etc. but hopefully and probably this will be the same masters that where created some years ago by Arrow. It's toe only other collection of this movies, i.e. you can get most of them separately in most countries, but all together in one "premium" package - that was only available via Arrow video, till now. And for 25€ its by far cheaper than the original asking price from Arrow, and even more so if you try to get those by Arrow nowadays (at Amazon the third party asking price seems to be £100,-).


    Most people will probably know at least the story of these films: A videotape is going around and everybody who watches it, will die seven days later. To save her son a mother then tries to lift the secret surrounding this mysterious legend and break the curse. The original Japanese quadrillogy, that is based on the Japanese novel trilogy by Koji Suzuki, is rather famous with horror aficionados and friends of Japanese cinema alike. For a western audience there was a Hollywood remake by Gore Verbinski staring Naomi Watts, that was well received by the general audience but friends of the original movies and movie critics alike never cease to insist that the originals are far superior. Here are the HD trailers for the first two movies:







    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 26 minutes ago, Trianna said:

    This is my first time seeing Evanescence and third time seeing WT.


    Uh, enjoy it, then! I've had the pleasure of seeing Evanescence at the Zita-Rock Festival (must have been more than 10 years ago). Amy Lee is much smaller than I'd imagine, but she was full of energy - it was rather hard to follow her on the stage as fast as she moved :DI'm hoping they'll play a lot of old songs. Origin was my first album, I got it from a friend at a time when hardly anyone new them, and then, just weeks later they came out with Fallen and became "stars over night" - I actually had my problems with Fallen at first - as I thought it was too mainstream rockish :D I grew into it, though. I also loved their first live album, Anywhere but Home, from their Paris live concert, with the KoRn Coversong (Thoughtless), as well as Missing and Breathe No More. Powerful stuff.

    Within Temptation is there every other year at the M'Era Luna festival (my main festival that I never missed since 2008), so I've seen them quite a lot (but never on a dedicated concert though). But I don't get tired seeing them, Sharon den Adel is such a lovely person, with so much energy and an incredible voice. And they always put so much effort in their live shows. Just lovely.

    • Like 2
  14. 13 minutes ago, Basil said:

    @extantsrevenge why not just do in stages 




    and stage psycho =100


    I like this ladder-idea but I think, when you take everything that DC has ever done, 10 is probably a bit too easy - it should be a bit challenging, I guess. I mean I don't qualify for much - my award shelf is pretty overseeable - but it makes me personally much prouder, for every one of these awards I have, because I know that it means something.

    But that being said - I just came back from counting, and now I do know the only right answer to this question: 18. It should be 18 DC movies! Go for 18 😂 All vote 18, please :D

    Worst, I have all classic Super Man movies, but it's in one single collection -.-

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 1 minute ago, extantsrevenge said:


    This is waht I wrote for the Award: DC Award (similar to the Stan Lee MCU Award, but including all DC Movies)


    With that I mean including the previous Batman Movies, Superman and stuff, I was even considering the Animated Movies to be included, so everything DC. I counted my own edition a while ago and I'm above 100, but I appreciate the Feedback and I would like to hear from more members on this issue 😃


    Oh, okey. Then sure! I though the MCU Award only included the MCU movies (i.e. the 23 movies out there), so comparing it to the MCU award I thought this one would just be the DCEU award. Of course, with all the movies out there, this could get a bit bigger. DCEU is going strange ways anyway, take the new Joker movie for instance - it's not counted as part of the DCEU, but it is a DC movie. So yeah, makes sense not being so strict on those (however I would have liked this to be true for the MCU-award as well - at least regarding all the series out there - but that's just a personal opinion - I wouldn't qualify anyways - don't even have all the movies together yet [but every Marvel Netflix series out there :D ]).

    I need to start counting my DC movies - I would probably still not qualify - but just for the fun of it :D



    • Like 3
  16. On 2/14/2020 at 9:30 AM, Trianna said:

    And after that Evanescence & Within Temptation.


    Where are you going to see them? We have tickets for their Hamburg show. Sooo looking forward to it. I used to love Evanescence in my youth (~2000), we grew apart but I've only seen them live once, and I am so looking forward to seeing them once more, and Within Temptation is always great :)

    • Like 1
  17. 50 minutes ago, extantsrevenge said:

    We will soon introduce the DC Award, I only have to decide if we also start this one with 40 Editions or do 30 in the first stage


    Meme Think GIF


    Uhm... I think both is far too much. Just looked it up, DCEU has 8(!) feature films, including Birds of Prey that hasn't even a release date yet. So qualifying means to have each movie at least five times. If I remember correctly, MCU only needs each movie twice, so as of today, 15-20 would make more sense....

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  18. So after doing the Filmarena 25 and the Black Barons 10, for this one I tried to go the extra mile - I've tried to choose Fullslips that I am certain I haven't yet used in any of my other Award post pictures :) I hope you'll enjoy:




    Again top to bottom, left to right:

    • EverythingBlu BluPacks, BP 002: King Kong (XL-Fullslip, with WWA Steelbook, gloss varnish on Slip and LOADS of beautiful extras)
    • EverythingBlu BluPacks, BP 001: Schindler's List (XL-Fullslip, with WWA Steelbook, gloss varnish and Gold foil printing on Slip and LOADS of beautiful extras)
    • EverythingBlu BluPacks, BP 003: Casino (XL-Fullslip, with WWA Steelbook, gloss varnish on Slip and LOADS of beautiful extras)
    • BluFans Exclusive, BE 25: Guardians of the Galaxy Single Lenticular "Rocket and Groot"-Edition <-- This was so hard to get, and I could fill an entire post on the trouble and grief I had with this one).
    • BluFans Exclusive, BE 48: Black Panther
    • EverytingBlu BluPick Series, BPS 001: Killer Clowns from Outa Space
    • SteelArchive, K05: Turbo Kid (K-Series is their Keepcase Series - only includes a scanavo keepcase + booklet and cards)
    • SteelArchive, K04: Prisonders
    • SteelArchive, 005: Battlestar Galactica: Pilot Movie
    • SteelArchive, 004: Ninja - Shadow of a Tear
    • SteelArchive, 003: Bounty Killers
    • SteelArchive, 002: Dead Snow: Red vs. Dead
    • SteelArchive, 006: The Neon Demon  <-- Unforutnately I couldn't get this - this is an empty slip without content, so I added one more Slip.
    • SteelArchive, K01: Goodnight Mommy
    • SteelArchive, K02: The Burbs
    • SteelArvhice, K03: Into the Wild
    • The Blu Collection (via KimchiDVD): Predestination
    • Plain Archive, PA015: Ernest & Celestine <-- It's sooo beautiful!
    • Plain Archive, PA010: Only Lovers left Alive
    • d'ailly (via KimchiDVD): Pandorum
    • No label, (via NovaMedia): Law Abiding Citizen
    • Novamedia Exclusive, NE021: Taken
    • Novamedia Exclusive, NE022: Insidious
    • The Blu Collection (via KimchiDVD): It Follows, Lenticular Fullslip
    • Info (via NovaMedia): Good Bye Lenin!
    • KimchiDVD Excluive, KE066: Wind River

    25 Slips + the empty Slip for The Neon Demon.

    As you can see I have the entire SteelArchive Run with the Exception of 001: Spring and 006: The Neon Demon. If anyone is wanting to sell these for a normal price (i.e. not 3+figures) please contact me :)


    • Like 11
  19. Much easier than the 29 FAC Editions I posted here, here's a part of my Black Barons collection (+ one that I posted by accident on the before linked 29 FACs posts). And again, this is - in it's entirety - all thanks to @forenhase, whom I cannot thank enough. I really love Filmarena, they do the best Fullslips, togehter with Blufans (okey, they have a pretty good contender with EverythingBlu, nowadays), and I am so happy to being able to get these!




    I really used to love the BB Editions - though they also are distributed by Filmarena, they did their own thing - if you take the first editions, with all the heavy usage of gloss varnish, really incredible. I'm a bit sad, that they now look exactly like Filmarenas - to the extend that I by accident pull out Braveheart and even don't recognize if it's a Filmarena or a Black Barons.

    But here you go, here's my list, top to bottom, left to right:

    • BB #12: Vertigo <-- Loved that BB did some classics. Would appreciate it, if they would do some more Hitchcock movies!
    • BB #1: The Terminator
    • BB #15: I, Robot
    • BB #14: Speed <--- Another Classic ❤️
    • BB #16: Fight Club <-- Whouldn't have needed this one, as I have this movie in different Fullslips already. But you know - compulsion to get them all...
    • BB #10: The Birds <-- My most favorite Hitchcock movie, and I am so happy they did this. It's a beauty ❤️
    • BB #5: The Shallows <-- I loved the movie
    • BB #4: Huntsman - The Winter's War <-- I am still waiting on Snow white and the huntsman. Hope they'll do that one as well
    • BB #14: Split
    • BB #9: American Made
    • BB #18: Isle of Dogs

    What a great selection of movies they have! Love them!

    And for symmetry reasons, it's 11, not 10 :)




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