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Posts posted by pygospa

  1. 6 minutes ago, Trianna said:

    Meine Friseurin hat mir n Töpfchen - von dem ich dachte, dass es Silbershampoo wäre - mitgegeben und gesagt "5 Minuten einwirken lassen"......waren wohl länger als 5 Minuten und jetzt sind meine Haare LILA 😭😂

    Sexy Fun GIF by C.O.JONES

    Zum Glück ist Wochenende und hab eh noch Homeoffice 😂




    PS: Und danke nochmal an all die lieben Genesungswünsche, von Euch allen! 😳 Aber ihr müsst jetzt aufhören damit. Ich hab keine Reaktionen mehr über! :D

    • Like 6
  2. For me this one is a really though cover choise. I don't know the movie yet so I don't want to double dip. But both, cover B and C look stunning. I tend a bit towards cover B, but given that cover C comes from one of the few artists, I really adore (I have a few books with artworks from him at home, as well as some comic books and a lot of music albums that feature his artwork), I would also not want to miss out on the rare opportunity to have an Würz artwork on one of my movies. Though choice. How would you choose? What's your favourite artwork?

    Probably @Veum and @Grendel will be the ones most interested in this, so what would be your pick if you'd get one?

    • Like 2
  3. Release: ?

    Link (Wicked Shop): ?

    Price: ?

    Limited: ?




    First information and sneak peak on the covers for Wicked Visions coming release: Ate de Jongs 1992s movie "Highway to Hell", staring Chad Lowe (Life Goes On, ER, Melrose Place), Kristy Swanson (Buffy the Vampire Slayer [1992], The Phantom) and Patrick Bergin (Sleeping with the Enemy). As a Neatherlandian director, Ate de Jongs is probably not that well known, he mainly did single TV series episodes, a lot of Netherlands or German productions, but also a few Hollywood ones; Highway to Hell is one of these Hollywood productions, a B movie of the horror comedy genre, that is probably most notable for its long list of cameos, including Ben Stiller, Amy Stiller, Jerry Stiller (RIP!) and Anne Maera Stiller. In the movie, a demon is kidnapping a girl for Satan to take on as a bride; her boyfriend Charlie is trying to rescue her.


    There is not much information about this release yet, it's supposed to be released this summer, a while ago they revealed that they where already working on the Disc menus, there will be an audio commentary with the director, and interview with the effects guy (Steve Johnson) and an exclusive newly produced interview with C. J. Graham. Regarding the covers, cover A is an old VHS cover artwork from Germany (and apparently also France?), covers B and C are newly commissioned artworks, and at least for cover C the artist is known as well: German artist Timo Würz, who does incredible paintings (with specialization on wildlife), comic drawings, book illustrations and music cover and booklet artworks; and now, for the first time, also movie artworks!


    I will add ordering links, limitation information, dates and prices, as soon as they get available, but I didn't want to withhold the information that's already available.


    • Like 3
  4. Release: 26.06.2020

    Link (Wicked Shop): Cover A, Cover B, Cover C

    Price: €29,99

    Limited: 444 (Cover A) + 222 (Cover B) + 222 (Cover C)



    In 2017 Wicked Vision started with yet another series of Mediabooks, this one dedicated to the British director Pete Walker, who from 1967 to 1983 did 16 movies in the horror and sexploitation genre. After releasing the titles "Hose of Whipcord" (1974), "House of Mortal Sin" (1976) and "The Flesh and Blood Show" (1972), the number 4 will be the 1974 british horror film "Frightmare", which you might also know as "Cover Up" or "Once Upon a Frightmare". "Frightmare" is said to be Walkers most notable film, with rather positive reviews by critics. It stars Rubert Davis (Dracula has Risen from the Grave, Curse of the Crimson Altar) and Sheila Keith (House of Whipcord, House of Mortal Sin), who play a married couple that have been released from a mental asylum.

    Wicked will be the first to release this movie in HD in Europe, and this title really has an interesting history in Germany: The movie was released uncut on VHS but in 1984 the BPjM indexed the movie to their "A list", i.e. movies that are allowed to be owned and sold, but only if asked for "under the counter" with no allowance to advertise it openly - in general this means no one will release it in Germany, because without advertisement no one knows if a release actually exists. However, in 2004, there was another short lived release of the movie, by Koch Media on DVD. They simply didn't know about the indexing, so they send it in to the FSK, got a FSK16 (!) seal and released it. Once the error got public, this release also got purged from the market, as an indexed title will stay index for 25 years. In 2009, after 25 years, the BPjM reevaluated the movie and decided that it is still too dangerous for our youth and re-indexed it (even though a new FSK examination would have probably rated it FSK 16, which would make it immune for indexing, as German law only allows indexing for movies so brutal that they don't get a FSK rating). After 36 years of being on the index, Wicked Vision posted a request for removing and was successful.

    The movie will be released in three cover artworks, with cover A featuring the classic movie poster, covers B and C seem to be newly commissioned artworks, with no information by whom. Besides a 24 page booklet by David Renske, there are two audio commentaries (one will be in German, the other is with director Pete Walker and cinematographer Peter Jessop, so it will be in English), and then there are 3 additional Featurettes with Pete Walker and Sheila Keith.

    And in good tradition, let's stop this post with the trailer:




    • Like 2
  5. 11 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

    Hört sich merkwürdig an bzw ließt sich so...dann ist Alk wohl auf jeden Fall tabu😕

    Jup, und jup. Wobei zweiteres jetzt nicht so schlimm ist. Ich hab mein Trinkverhalten stark eingeschränkt. Die Zeiten wo ich noch jedes Wochenende (oder manchmal auch in der Woche) ordentlich was trinken war sind schon länger vorbei (Zivi und Studium :D). Mittlerweile eigentlich nur noch zu Anlässen, max. 4-5 male im Jahr, wenn's hoch kommt. Liegt auch daran das meine langjährige Freundin keinen Alkohol trinkt, und wie sagte noch der gute Jules? "Meine Freundin ist Vegetarierin, und das macht mich auch zu einer Art Vegetarier. Aber ich liebe den Geschmack eines guten Burgers!"



    • Like 8
  6. 1 minute ago, Sephiroth said:

    Gallensteine?? Weiterhin gute Besserung

    (Leider ?) nein. Grund ist unbekannt (wobei Gallensteine die Hauptursache sind - bei mir aber nicht). Meine Bauchspeicheldrüse war wohl sehr stark entzündet. In meinem Blut haben sie Entzündungswerte über 1000 gefunden, und normal seien 60 sagte mir die Notärztin. Kaum das sie die Ergebnisse hatte, hat die mich in einen Rollstuhl gesetzt 😲 (mir taten die armen jungen Krankenschwestern leid, ich bin ja schon ein wenig schwerer). Die haben echt nach allen gesucht, sogar knappe 3 Std. Ultraschall wo jedes Organ von allen Seiten und Richtungen cm für cm abgesucht wurde, erst von zwei Ärztinnen, und dann wurde noch der Oberarzt gerufen, weil sie nix finden konnten und er noch mal schauen sollte. Ich hab nichts, was das erklären könnte. Aber gut, solange es jetzt verheilt, soll's mir egal sein, schmerzen fast nicht mehr spührbar (bei Entlassung gestern waren sie noch deutlicher, aber nachdem die Werte rückläufig waren, konnte man im KH auch nichts mehr für mich tun; soll aber umgehend zurück falls es wieder schlimmer werden sollte).

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 8
  7. 1 minute ago, Trianna said:

    Ohje ☹️ dann mal gute Besserung und schnelle Erholung

    best friends love GIF

    Danke Dir. Es wird schon wieder besser, und theoretisch dürfte ich auch wieder arbeiten - hab aber die nächste Woche Urlaub bekommen (ganz spontan), mein neuer Arbeitgeber ist da super unproblematisch ❤️ 🙂 Hab also viel Zeit mich zu Erholen :)

    • Like 5
  8. 10 hours ago, icewire said:

    Und wann wird gearbeitet? 🤣


    cmt who cares GIF by Party Down South


    Ich hab die letzte Woche keinen Finger gekrümmt. Wegen extrem starker Bauchschmerzen Ende letzter Woche in die Notaufnahme, und nach anfänglicher Skepsis wollten sie mich dann nach den Blutwerten für ne Woche dabehalten, Röntgen, Ultraschall, tägliche Blutabnahme, abwechselnd Wassertropf und Schmerzmitteltropf - das volle Programm -.-

    Aber ich bin jetzt wieder zu Hause, und es wird wohl alles gut. Ich darf jetzt erstmal nachholen was ich alles verpasst habe; u.A. gefühlte 200 Benachrichtigungen die ich von

    @extantsrevenge bekommen hab, weil er gefühlt alle meine Beiträge des letzten Jahres von mir geliked hat. Was war denn da los? :D

    • Sad 7
  9. 4 minutes ago, Grendel said:

    I'm of two minds regarding Posting new acquisitions;

    I absolutely agree it is nice to have a dedicated thread for each title, but I also enjoy spooling thru a master thread that just lists them in group shot pics for an easy perusal.

    Nothing stopping us from having both though! 😀

    I can always post a group pic of my receipts (say, here) and then rely on the break-out stand-alone threads for each?

    Oh I really like doing that, however, you can only edit a post a few minutes after posting it. I think I already asked for that a few times in other threads; I would like keeping master lists, that would have a greater overview character, but to actually keep it up to date, I would have to ask an admin/mod every time a new thread is started by me (or anyone else) - and I feel that would be too much trouble both for me and the admins, and I would be feeling stupid always asking someone else for help. But I would love having those master list threads for all the editions, and I would be willing to put in the work for labels that I like and own a lot (Birnenblatt, Capelight, Anolis, Wicked), opening threads the way I did before, with small info on the edition + the movie, package shot + trailer, and in another post photos of the editions, and then collecting them all in a master list for the label (I've done so in two other German forums). But for now, it's not possible for a normal user, which is why I'm not doing it. Maybe it will be changed one day (I know, because I've asked for it a couple of times, that it is due to the GBs where people should not be able to change the requests or delete them much later and I totally get that).

    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Grendel said:

    Good morning @pygospa and @Veum ( and others I hope drop by) 🙂 ;

    Sending you both a PM


    Thanks for the pics above!

    Regarding those releases of Alligator People and Terror From Outer Space;

    Are they part of the 10 film set that are destined for the box collection I made in my post with It! Terror Beyond Space?

    Is so, I'm definitely on board for both. Have them, just not these nice releases.


    So, is this going to be our go-to-thread? 🤔

    I explained it in Detail in my post, but it's still not authorized. I don't know why :(

    In short: No, not from the box you posted, but from previous versions of the Box.
    This is already the 4th iteration of the box.


    • Thanks 2
  11. I just saw that I forgt adding the pictures I promissed. So here they are - also my other post is needed to be cleared by an Admin/Mod - not sure why this always happens to me - a lot of my posts are in the "needs to be authorized" queue. Is it because of the length of my posts? Because of URLs? Or because of pictures, etc? Somewhat a bit frustrating. But, when that one's visible to you all, you know what I mean, and why I posted these pictures :D


    • Like 2
  12. 13 hours ago, Grendel said:

    Just a friendly notice, @pygospa, @Veum;

    I placed an order today with Wicked for the following titles;


    It! The Terror from Beyond Space: (the film ALIEN was based on)


    It! The Terror from Beyond Space (Der Fluch der Galerie des Grauens Edition No. 01) [2-Disc Limited Edition]



    Ferpect Crime:


    Ferpect Crime (2-Disc Collector's Edition No. 10) [Cover B]




    Dr. Terror's House of Horrors:


    Dr. Terror's House of Horror (Special Edition)




    Wicked Vision Magazine: (Cthulu Ed.)


    Wicked-Vision Magazin Special Issues: Bibliophobe Betrachtungen zum Necronomicon



    Now, regarding the first item;

    Apparently "Anolis Ent."  has elected to release some sci-fi titles from the '50's.

    Daniel, at Wicked is going to carry them all if possible.


    Besides the film It! this first order includes a Keep Box that will house a total of 10 Titles.

    I sent Daniel an email today asking if he would be allowed to tell me what the other titles coming are.

    From the Box Art, looks like "The Deadly Mantis" is at least one of them. 🤗

    I'll probably order it as well. We'll see about what else comes.

    If I already have a nice NA ed. that will fit inside that Box I just bought, may not need to dble dip on the flik.

    I'm also excited to look thru their magazine.


    As for my previous orders, he's keeping them safe and will ship when practicable.




    Nice order. I have a few additions and hope you knew that, or didn't make a wrong choice:

    1.) The Box is - as you already mentioned - not a Wicked Vision release, but an Anolis release. Anolis has their own shop but that's rather unreliable, however they also offer a subscription service, you pay in advance, and get all titles send to you - I was considering using that service, but then didn't because contacting Anolis is really hard, and I rather deal with reliable partners (Anolis never answers via Facebook, and I only ordered twice from their shop - first order I had a question that didn't get answered, second order got cancelled, due to a payment I did, but I did not add the order number, so they thought I didn't pay and just cancelled (with out asking first, or anything) - I contacted them and weeks later they said that they were sorry, and send back my money - item was then already sold out :( . Wicked is a befriended label and these guys know each other, so he always gets a share of releases, however, Anolis is highly limited, and they bring titles others won't, so once they are out of print, prices rise astronomically (just an example - those are plain DVDs of Hammer movies (not even the best Hammer films), a couple of those have already been re-released, still these are price is absurdly high, even as single releases: https://www.amazon.de/HAMMER-Frankenstein-Schneemensch-Freiheitsheld-Frankensteins/dp/B0051ZNUYW ). So if you want to collect them, best is to be fast, and keep an eye out for them. However, these being Anolis releases, you can get them anywhere, Pretz and other Shops have them as well, and they are sometimes even listed on Amazon; but be aware: until the box is full a couple of years will pass - Anolis is really slow and they tend to postpone a lot (still waiting on a release for their Dracula Prince of Darkness release, that was promised to us for the first quarter of 2018; ). It's not their first box, but the start of the fourth box - the first started in 2009, so for 30 releases they took 11 years, making it 2-3 releases per year, so you'd be waiting round about 4 years until this one is finish. What's nice about these boxes is, that they have a beautiful spine image (see: https://cdn.filmundo.net/filmundo_bilder/picture_12.php?id_of_gebot=6825483&size=st&idx=01&tkey=71059ee0604ef796757dcc420e7fdc7c ), but that's bad for you if you plan to keep the Editions you already own and not double-dip - in that case you'll have holes in the spine image - so I might re-think about that. And you might not know this, but all of them come with a booklet (the few titles I have range from 8-16 pages); starting with the last box, they have also Blu-ray releases, the first of their boxes is so old it only had DVD releases in them, and with a few titles later they had dual formats, but not for all. Oh, and talking about DVD: They are all DVD-sized (G1), and use DVD casings, even if they are now dual format, or blu-ray only, just to make them look good next to each other. Oh, and of course, they all have reversible covers removing the ugly FSK-seal.

    As to your other questions regarding the titles: Usually they are a big secret, and Daniel would probably not know, or if he does, he wouldn't tell because he wouldn't know if he was allowed to tell you. But the guy who is doing most of the work at Anolis was guest at an Austrian YouTuber (they are actually good friends), and he exclusively gave some information on what other titles to expect, stating that they have recently bought a large number of licences and they have more than 10 titles, that would be fitting for the box, but they are currently testing out which they want for the box (which is kind of their more cheaper 'outlet') and which will be single releases (probably in a mediabook/digibook packaging); they. But the titles he mentions are:

    • "The Angry Red Planet" will be no. 3 of the collection (someone found this out by the artwork of the box)
    • "Donovan's Brain" will be no. 2 of the collection (actually someone found that out by regularly checking the FSK information: http://www.spio.de/asp/fskkarte.asp?pvid=608224 )
    • "The Nightwalker" will probably be no. 4 (if everyhting works out); they are currently trying to record audio commentaries and trying to do that remote due to Corona
    • "The Deadly Mantis" is also visible on the box, and it will also come but is postponed due to Corona - this movie never got German dubbing, and they planed to do it this year, but due to Corona they cannot.

    He ends with the statement that usually they work on all of their titles in parallel and which ever gets ready first, will be released. So the numbers might still change around, but that's everything know up to now about this box. I hope it works using the timecode link, otherwise just skip to 0:58:14, where they start talking about the new "Galerie des Grauens"-Box: https://youtu.be/nA6IkDdnYdo?t=3494
    I'll also add a photo of the 3 Editions I own at the bottom of this post: "The Killer Shrew" is no. 4 from their first box ("Galerie des Grauens" = Galery of Terrors) and only has a DVD, "The Aligator People" and "The 27th Day" are the no. 5 and 9 from their third box ("Die Rache der Galerie des Grauens" = Revenge of the Galery of Terrors), and are both dual format; oh and if you are interested in it, the second box is called "Rückkehr der Galerie des Grauens" = Return of the Galery of Terrors.

    2.) Crimen Ferpecto is one of my favorite Wicked titles :) I love this movie so much, this is a really great pick. I chose Cover A, but your Artwork is beautiful as well - and best of all: All artworks are also featured in the booklet (which of course is only German, unfortunately). The movie's original language is Spanish, but they have also English subtitles for the feature film - I cannot remember, however if all the extras had English subtitles as well - there is an audio commentary with the director and I remember that it was pretty good (I watched this movie one evening and then rewatched it with audio commentary and after that decided to watch it once more :D It is really that good :D ).

    3) Doctor Terror's House of Horror was their first Mediabook title, so this is a re-release with just the blu-ray in it; unfortunately the Mediabook is sold out for years now. I was really lucky to get one, I was already ready to pay 75€ (but that one also had the pre-order postcard set) until one rather unknown shop had a few copies they found in their inventory.


    4.) That magazine is of course all in German, and it is ONLY about the movie "Necronomicon" - originally this was supposed to be the booklet for the Mediabook, but the text grew longer and longer that Wicked decided to outsource them into a small magazine. It's not one of their regular magazines (the regular ones are also much larger in size), but should be bought accompanying the movie "Necronomicon". Regarding their regular magazines: They only released one of them so far - and up to now (probably since 10 years) been promissing the No. 2. In the foreword, Daniel calls this a small reimbursement for the time spent waiting on No. 2, and still promise a regular No. 2 :D Let's see when that's going to happen :D There are a few scene photographs and at the back of the booklet there are also 3 Artowk-pages - but most of this magazine is rather Text heavy, so I hope either your German is good, or you have a good scanner that you can OCR and translate the text?


    13 hours ago, Grendel said:

    I have a suspicion there are going to be more Wicked Vision related Posts in the future.

    I think you're right @pygospa, it would be smart to begin a Titled Thread.

    I believe you said you had a spot in mind to place it?

    If so, would you kindly?

    Ta! 🤭


    Uhm, did I? If I did, I totally forgot about it. But maybe you also miss-remembered? I love to keep the threads separate per release - so what I normally do is for each edition I open a new thread - just because then you have a clean structure - you can use the search of a forum to find the thread you are looking for, and in the thread you find all the information and pictures that people shared. What I personally am not a big fan of, is having a thread collecting everything there is about a label. Take this thread for instance: I could have put every Wicked release in a single thread, but then it get's really messy with a lot of pages and if you search for a certain edition, you have to navigate thorugh the pages, and you cannot see what other people thought or shared about that release, as people all of a sudden talk about other orders they did, or the "Galerie des Grauens"-Box (no offense :) - I do like to read about it). I've figured that there are several sub-forums for all the different packages (full slip, steelbook, mediabook, digipack, boxset, etc.) and for different country releases as well as special shop exclusive ones or labels such as . What is missing, however are a forum for plain old Amaray releases. I know they are not that much liked under collectors (including myself) but there are a few worth mentioning, as they are pretty limited, and have special extras, a booklet etc. Thiking about a place to put for example Criterion releases, or Eureka! or Arrow, or the bunch of Wicked and Anolis releases that come in Amaray/DVD-Amaray/Scanavo Fullsleves; that's as far as I can tell, missing for this forum. Maybe @extantsrevenge has an idea? (and sorry, @extantsrevenge that I always pick you for answering my silly questions and crazy requests, but in my perception you are one of the more active admins here, plus if my English is too bad, to express what I actually ment, we can always switch to German :D ).



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 4 hours ago, forenhase said:

    Ihr habt keine Ahnung wie mich das belastet bzw was da alles dran hängt. 

    Oh doch, das kann ich mir sehr gut vorstellen bei Dir. Ich möchte dass Du auf jeden Fall weißt, dass ich da auch hinter Dir stehe. Du hast keinen Fehler gemacht, Du kannst nichts dafür - wenn die Editionen weg sind, d.h. ich will von Dir kein Geld wieder. Entweder es klappt mit Filmarena, oder ICH riskiere den Verlust, nicht Du. Und ich glaube, das werden die aller meisten von uns genau so sehen.

    Und ganz ehrlich, wenn er anfängt zu erpressen, dann kann er sich mal sonstwo. Ich glaube niemanden hier ist das so wichtig, als das wir nicht auch auf ihn verzichten können, wir hier alle sind ja die geschädigten. Und wenn hier die größten GBs für ihn wegfallen, wird er's auch nicht mehr so leicht haben - er hat doch jetzt schon probleme, die Titel alle los zu bekommen - früher war immer alles sofort ausverkauft, mittlerweile ist das nicht mehr so, bei seinen Sachen. Zumal er nach geltendem Recht eh verantwortlich ist, für den Versand zum Kunden - wenn er nicht anständig versichert hat, ist das sein Problem. Bei einem Streitwert von 5.000€ lohnt es sich da sonst auch einen Anwalt anzuschalten. Aber wie gesagt, mir wäre das sogar egal - wenn ich in 5 Jahren, wo ich von Dir immer zuverlässig und auf schnellstem Wege alles bekommen habe, was ich sonst nie hätte bekommen können, kann ich damit leben, wenn's da einmal passiert, dass ich leer ausgehe und 50€ verloren habe. Ärgerlich aber das wird mich nicht umbringen.

    Und hier stehen glaube ich echt alle hinter Dir! Lass uns erst einmal abwarten, was weiter passiert, ehe man sich verrückt macht. Jeder von uns kann warten, wir alle wissen, dass Du uns was neues sagst, kaum das es soweit ist. Und wer weiß. Vielleicht tauchen die Dinger beim Zoll oder sonst wo wieder auf. Ich hab k.A. was an den Grenzen gerade so alles passiert, könnte mir aber vorstellen, dass die das vielleicht erstmal selbst 2 Wochen in Quarantäne packen oder so. Oder grade unterbesetzt sind, etc.

    • Like 5
  14. 57 minutes ago, Veum said:




    Batman: The Complete Series Blu-ray


    Warner Bros. | 1966-1968 | 3 Seasons | 3019 min |



    I am so pissed at myself. I actually wanted to get the limited edition of this one, with the little Hot Wheels car in it (can an extra be any more retro than this? :D ), but I waited, and then it was sold out and is only available rather expensive :( Haven't gotten this one, yet, even though I'd love to rewatch them; but hope dies last, to still find a good offer on the Hot Wheels edition...

    • Like 2
  15. On 4/29/2020 at 7:34 PM, pygospa said:

    Also ich will auch definitiv eine Edition haben. Wie aber die Slips aussehen werden ist noch nicht bekannt oder? Wenn es kurzfristig noch möglich sein sollte, würde ich vielleicht - je nach Aussehen - noch mal auf die E1 wechseln; aber auch nur wenn's geht und keine Umstände macht, ansonsten bleib ich fix bei der E2 ;) (So und ich hoffe, ich hab die jetzt nicht wieder durcheinander gebracht, hab mich ja für die ohne 4K eingetragen - die mein ich also mit E2 :D ).


    Jetzt wo ich die Slips gesehen habe: Ich bleibe definitiv fix bei der E2. Vielen lieben Dank! :)

    • Like 1
  16. こんばんは、ともだち。私はもいちど「Eureka」ブルーレイをもらう。小林正樹の「怪談」です。フルスリップエディションです。そこに本があります。本は100ページあります。エディションがすきです。
















    • Like 7
  17. Heute kam der Pohsdmähn, und brachte Rocketmähn! :D
    Wie immer: Es hätte aus 3m Höhe ein Amboss drauf fallen können und dem Inhalt wäre nichts passiert (zumindest fühlt es sich so an): Dementsprechend alles absolut perfekt (bis auf die lose Disk: das aller erste mal bei FA, dass das bei mir bei einer Edition passiert ist - aber das ist mir ja egal, ich mach die eh auf :) ).

    Wie immer hab ich mich wieder sehr bei Dir zu Bedanken! Absolut Top!

    • Like 2
  18. Also ich will auch definitiv eine Edition haben. Wie aber die Slips aussehen werden ist noch nicht bekannt oder? Wenn es kurzfristig noch möglich sein sollte, würde ich vielleicht - je nach Aussehen - noch mal auf die E1 wechseln; aber auch nur wenn's geht und keine Umstände macht, ansonsten bleib ich fix bei der E2 ;) (So und ich hoffe, ich hab die jetzt nicht wieder durcheinander gebracht, hab mich ja für die ohne 4K eingetragen - die mein ich also mit E2 :D ).

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