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The Tragedy of MacBeth - with Shakespeare, It's in the Rub

Steelbook Indy

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Macbeth GIF by A24

The Coen Brothers have tackled a modern Western, Homer, a detective/comedy mash-up and now, Joel has tackled Shakespeare.  This is a fairly traditional adaptation of MacBeth.  If you're not into Shakespeare, I'd not start with this.  I'd consider Branagh's Much Ado About Nothing if you need your Denzel-Shakespeare partnership.  If you're into Shakespeare, however, you'll adore this.


To start, it's gorgeous to look at.  The cinematography by Bruno Delbonnel is well deserved of its Oscar nomination.  I've seen four of the five nominations (need to see West Side Story), and I can say with certainty that no movie better uses light and darkness than this one.  Nightmare Alley is close, but the use of black and white with makes shadows pop and light standout.  I did love the way this movie looks.  For you media psychos out there, you'll definitely want this in HD.  Furthermore, the camerawork is masterful.  Denzel shines in this.  My wife said that Denzel can deliver Shakespeare's lines without them sounding too Shakespearian.  In other words, they're not as hard to comprehend and his body language speaks as loudly as his lines.  The beauty of using Denzel is this role is to use an actor known for charismatic, heroic and honorable roles and use his reputation to juxtapose such character with ugliness, villainy and dishonor.  At the open, MacBeth is considered one of Scotland's great generals who is bewitched by prophecy and his own ambition.  


Though the story isn't told with much alteration to it's stage adaptation (unlike The Coens' adaptation of The Odyssey), Joel made this movie his own.  He uses his set masterfully.  The claustrophobia of King Duncan's (eventually MacBeth's) keep intensifies both MacBeth and Lady MacBeth's maddening guilt and insanity.  The use of camera and closed settings provides a cinematic experience while giving the viewers a theatrical feel without it feeling like a 1980s BBC production taken right off the stage of The Globe Theater.  In addition, Joel Coen edits this very lengthy play to under two hours - an incredible feat to be sure.  He does it without viewers feeling like we've missed something important.  More so, his handling of witches, ghosts and supernatural elements so important to this play is done with a new style and fresh take.  The movie plays like a cautionary tale told to scare honor into children and young people.  It feels like a fable, because Shakespeare intended this tale to be just that.  Moreover, the tale reflects the time in which we live with false-leaders attempting to take power and retain it using shortcuts, lies and treachery.  This too is in line with Shakespeare's intentions of telling the Tragedy of MacBeth to expose the same things during his time.


All-in-all, I would give this film 8/10 stars.  I do enjoy Shakespeare, but I recognize that this film may not be for everyone.  It can be difficult to follow due to the traditional use of language.  The pacing also may be difficult for someone struggling with its language.  It may take practice in viewing other plays by Shakespeare and/or reading MacBeth prior to viewing this.  Furthermore, this isn't a "fun" movie.  It is a downer in everyway imaginable, but (as I said before) it is a timely lesson that we can all take by watching it.


I'd love to hear your comments if you've seen it.  They inspire me to write more reviews.  Thanks for taking the time to read this!


Next up - The King's Man.  On Deck - The Batman.

Edited by Steelbook Indy
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It is a story that has been told so many times, and with so many different nuances, that I've been always curious to see what Joel Cohen has to offer beyond what he has done before. And after reading you, that curiosity has increased.


It seems very interesting.


Thank you for your review! ;) 

Edited by Casiusco
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  • 1 year later...

This movie was masterfully done. From the breathtaking cinematography, to the flawless work of the cast & crew, I loved every second of this adaption but Joel Coen. It annoys the hell out of me that this STILL isn't on physical media anywhere. I can safely say this would be a jaw-dropping 4K transfer if we ever got it on 4K Blu-Ray.

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