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8 minutes ago, hansreinhardt said:

Season 2 Omg GIF by The Office


Episode 9, Vox: probably one of the greatest Star Trek episodes I've ever seen. Have you guys watched it yet?




Good lord, it was absolutely phenomenal! I was on the edge of my seat the whole freaking time. The revelations, the consequences, all of it was just perfection. I can't believe next week is the finale. I need 20 more episodes of this stuff, at least!

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8 minutes ago, MikeH5856 said:

Good lord, it was absolutely phenomenal! I was on the edge of my seat the whole freaking time. The revelations, the consequences, all of it was just perfection. I can't believe next week is the finale. I need 20 more episodes of this stuff, at least!


I feel the same way, I want more!



That reunion on the Enterprise-D was so incredible, I can't believe we're getting to see that to be honest, and I can't believe we're getting a whole episode on the D next week! I loved Worf's quip about the Enterprise-E having superior weapons, so great. What got me too was when Picard said "stations" and everyone just immediately went to work, muscle-memory-ing to their old posts as if no time had passed. 


Also... Alice Krige's Borg Queen. Chills. 


One thing I really love about Terry Matalas' directing is his patience with the camera. We don't have an abundance of crazy jib shots, rotating cameras, whip pans, etc. Just well composed shots on sticks, letting you admire the set design, better placing the audience in the world with the characters. Trusting the actors in character to hold the attention, not leaving it all to flashy camerawork. Pure bliss. Give this man the keys to the franchise from here on out! 


Edited by hansreinhardt
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4 minutes ago, MikeH5856 said:

Stay away from the Internet until you watch it. I imagine people are going to have a lot to say about this episode!


I read some place that both episode 9 and 10 were two hours.  Is that true?  Someone referred to them as the two final movies in the TNG saga.   I don't want to look it up so I don't see something I don't want to.

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1 minute ago, hansreinhardt said:


I feel the same way, I want more!


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That reunion on the Enterprise-D was so incredible, I can't believe we're getting to see that to be honest, and I can't believe we're getting a whole episode on the D next week! I loved Worf's quip about the Enterprise-E having superior weapons, so great. What got me too was when Picard said "stations" and everyone just immediately went to work, muscle-memory-ing to their old posts as if no time had passed. 


One thing I really love about Terry Matalas' directing is his patience with the camera. We don't have an abundance of crazy jib shots, rotating cameras, whip pans, etc. Just well composed shots on sticks, letting you admire the set design, better placing the audience in the world with the characters. Trusting the actors in character to hold the attention, not leaving it all to flashy camerawork. Pure bliss. Give this man the keys to the franchise from here on out! 

Paramount needs to green light Star Trek Legacy IMMEDIATELY! I have absolutely no idea why they haven't already, to be honest. Maybe after next week's finale they'll give us some news. If I were an exec there seeing dailies on this season in production, I'd have to be insane not to launch a new show spinning off from this series. It has to happen. I refuse to accept a world that says otherwise! 🤣🤣🤣



As for the Enterprise-D... jaaaaaysus, did she ever look beautiful. This episode had me all over the place emotionally and Shaw's scene had me nearly in tears. I've grown to love this character so damn much over the last 9 weeks. I knew it had to happen, but I was still holding out hope we'd get to see him helm his own show. But now we have Captain Seven of Nine and I sure as hell wouldn't say no to that show! Having the OG TNG crew returning home to their Galaxy-class ship was a remarkable homecoming and gave me so much hope after such an intense and bleak episode. 


One thing I didn't quite get -- they said it had been 10 years since anybody's heard from the Borg. Does that mean Picard Season 2 and the stuff with Jurati was 10 years ago or does she not count because they're some sort of splinter faction? I can't help but wonder if she'll turn up next week to lend a last-minute saving hand.


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1 minute ago, BreakBeatDJ said:


I read some place that both episode 9 and 10 were two hours.  Is that true?  Someone referred to them as the two final movies in the TNG saga.   I don't want to look it up so I don't see something I don't want to.


Episode 9 was 47 minutes, I think episodes 9 & 10 will make up two hours total. 

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1 minute ago, BreakBeatDJ said:


I read some place that both episode 9 and 10 were two hours.  Is that true?  Someone referred to them as the two final movies in the TNG saga.   I don't want to look it up so I don't see something I don't want to.

I'm thinking they mean 9 and 10 combined = 2 hours. Today's was the regular length. I'm hoping for a feature-length finale, but suspect it's only the usual 50-60 minutes. No idea how the hell they're going to wrap this all up in one hour, but I can't wait to find out!

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14 minutes ago, MikeH5856 said:

Paramount needs to green light Star Trek Legacy IMMEDIATELY!


Absolutely, yes! Surely Paramount's noticed the significant positive fan response this season, one would think it'd mean more is coming! 



I'm so bummed about Shaw as well, I don't think they were expecting him to be such a fan favorite. Shaw show would've been incredible. But his ending was perfect too I think, so many emotions when he finally called Seven, Seven of Nine.


Something else I haven't felt in a long time: the Borg are truly scary again. Their plan is absolutely diabolical and terrifying, and what a stroke of genius explaining why Picard could "hear them" in First Contact. I can't imagine Geordi will lose both of his children... but I also have no idea how they're going to rectify this situation! 


I don't think they're counting the Jurati Borg from Season 2 since that was another faction. Like you mentioned @MikeH5856, maybe they'll help save the day, that could be a nice way to tie in Season 2.


I'm still a little bit confused about the face... I guess that is the Borg Queen? We've also pivoted hard away from the Changelings in this episode so I'm curious to see how all that gets wrapped up... or maybe it wont. Maybe none of this will be wrapped up and will be left for Legacy


Edited by hansreinhardt
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2 minutes ago, hansreinhardt said:


Absolutely, yes! Surely Paramount's noticed the significant positive fan response this season, one would think it'd mean more is coming! 


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I'm so bummed about Shaw as well, I don't think they were expecting him to be such a fan favorite. Shaw show would've been incredible. But his ending was perfect too I think, so many emotions when he finally called Seven, Seven of Nine.


Something else I haven't felt in a long time: the Borg are truly scary again. Their plan is absolutely diabolical and terrifying, and what a stroke of genius explaining why Picard could "hear them" in First Contact. I can't imagine Geordi will lose both of his children... but I also have no idea how they're going to rectify this situation! 


I don't think they're counting the Jurati Borg from Season 2 since that was another faction. Like you mentioned @MikeH5856, maybe they'll help save the day, that could be a nice way to tie in Season 2.


I'm still a little bit confused about the face... I guess that is the Borg Queen? We've also pivoted hard away from the Changelings in this episode so I'm curious to see how all that gets wrapped up... or maybe it wont. Maybe none of this will be wrapped up and will be left for Legacy



Dude, the freaking rampage we'll all be going on if they end this with a ...To Be Continued and we never get a follow-up. 😭😭😭


And the Borg... my god, they were absolutely horrifying here. Such devious planners! It feels so hopeless. I can't wait to see how Picard turns this all around. Also curious if we'll get some Enterprise-D vs -F action. That bit about Worf denying the Enterprise-E being his fault was great! 🤣🤣🤣 Best part, though, was Data being "hopeful." God, it's so good to see him and Geordi together again like this. And the carpet! 🤣🤣🤣


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@MikeH5856 If they end it with


"...To Be Continued" that would indeed be the worst wait for a conclusion since Best of Both Worlds, which is in keeping with tradition given the subject matter 🤣


I was just thinking about the


return of Commander Shelby, it's sort of poetic tragedy that in the end, she couldn't escape the Borg, even all these years later. 


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14 minutes ago, hansreinhardt said:

@MikeH5856 If they end it with

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"...To Be Continued" that would indeed be the worst wait for a conclusion since Best of Both Worlds, which is in keeping with tradition given the subject matter 🤣


I was just thinking about the

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return of Commander Shelby, it's sort of poetic tragedy that in the end, she couldn't escape the Borg, even all these years later. 



Yeah. Having her turn up was a fun, suitable surprise. 


So far, the only thing I know for sure about all this is that I need this to be released as a 4K steelbook, Dolby Atmos, packed to the rafters with extras, and I need it immediately. I remember Fox releasing one of the seasons of 24 on DVD the very next day after the season finale. I really wish Paramount would do that here with Picard Season 3! 

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@MikeH5856 @hansreinhardt @Gary K



Some great thoughts above, too many to comment on!


FYI . . . On the 19th . . .

Picard Season 3 episode 9 & 10 screening at iMax

So, no doubt some spoilers will start appearing on Wednesday night, be warned. 


I don't think I've loved this season as much as the rest of you.  Although I have loved it a bunch, not hating, just got a little tired of the reminiscing which brought it down a half notch.


I've enjoyed the nostalgia, for sure . . . but bringing in Geordi's kids and having the Indy/Mutt revelation with Jack (although we now know how important that is), it was all starting to feel a bit TNG nepotistically forced to me.  Although I get it, and I will be a sucker for whatever comes next with the TNG kids, and I will watch it!


I thought Data vs Lore was great, it was literally a battle for his soul using nostalgia (becoming fully human) as a weapon to evoke humanity.


I loved loved loved Shaw and the season 2 Titan crew interacting with the old crew.  So dynamic, fresh, and fun (but the plot was a bit dull). I saw Shaw's end coming when he left the bridge while 7 of 9 vacuumed out the changeling mamma smoker in episode 8.  At that point, I was sorta bummed he was being marginalized rather than included in the heroics.  Writing on the wall, I guess he got his heroics and his demise.


This episode ? . . . set phasers to friggin' stunned. 😍  


The BORG!!!!!   Bad ass villain.  Love the use of the transporter to infect everyone, and only the kiddies under 25 get it! Tied so many things together in a natural villainy way.


Are Jack and the Borg queen gunna do it . . . do we finally get a real sex scene in the TNG saga? Borg have a lot of apparatus, just saying.  Then a baby Borg can kick baby Yoda's ass?


I'm assuming you know that Annie Wershing died in January.  So, not sure if they filmed the Borg Queen stuff before she passed away.  If they didn't, maybe Jack kills her off early in the next episode and he becomes the Borg King?  Or maybe they just re-cast.  The fact that we only saw her from the back implies something is up, imho.  We will see.


I'll confess, I teared up quite a bit when they got on the bridge of good ole Ent-D.  My god.  That was handled so perfectly, with the jokes, the carpet, man.  I also laughed when they referred to the ship as "analog".  I'll never look at my vinyl rig the same.  


This setup is fantastic, can't wait for what is coming next.


My guess . . . the line Picard said to Bev in this episode - Jack got the best of you and the worst of me - that is going to be the decider, how much good of Picard did Jack actually get and how will he take down the Borg from within?  Was Data vs Lore a precursor of some sort of internal battle Picard vs Locutus, acted out in Jack's mind?  Hmmmmmmmm . . . ? 


Fantastic stuff.  This season has made me wish it were 1988.




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24 minutes ago, BreakBeatDJ said:

@MikeH5856 @hansreinhardt @Gary K



Some great thoughts above, too many to comment on!


FYI . . . On the 19th . . .

Picard Season 3 episode 9 & 10 screening at iMax

So, no doubt some spoilers will start appearing on Wednesday night, be warned. 


I don't think I've loved this season as much as the rest of you.  Although I have loved it a bunch, not hating, just got a little tired of the reminiscing which brought it down a half notch.


I've enjoyed the nostalgia, for sure . . . but bringing in Geordi's kids and having the Indy/Mutt revelation with Jack (although we now know how important that is), it was all starting to feel a bit TNG nepotistically forced to me.  Although I get it, and I will be a sucker for whatever comes next with the TNG kids, and I will watch it!


I thought Data vs Lore was great, it was literally a battle for his soul using nostalgia (becoming fully human) as a weapon to evoke humanity.


I loved loved loved Shaw and the season 2 Titan crew interacting with the old crew.  So dynamic, fresh, and fun (but the plot was a bit dull). I saw Shaw's end coming when he left the bridge while 7 of 9 vacuumed out the changeling mamma smoker in episode 8.  At that point, I was sorta bummed he was being marginalized rather than included in the heroics.  Writing on the wall, I guess he got his heroics and his demise.


This episode ? . . . set phasers to friggin' stunned. 😍  


The BORG!!!!!   Bad ass villain.  Love the use of the transporter to infect everyone, and only the kiddies under 25 get it! Tied so many things together in a natural villainy way.


Are Jack and the Borg queen gunna do it . . . do we finally get a real sex scene in the TNG saga? Borg have a lot of apparatus, just saying.  Then a baby Borg can kick baby Yoda's ass?


I'm assuming you know that Annie Wershing died in January.  So, not sure if they filmed the Borg Queen stuff before she passed away.  If they didn't, maybe Jack kills her off early in the next episode and he becomes the Borg King?  Or maybe they just re-cast.  The fact that we only saw her from the back implies something is up, imho.  We will see.


I'll confess, I teared up quite a bit when they got on the bridge of good ole Ent-D.  My god.  That was handled so perfectly, with the jokes, the carpet, man.  I also laughed when they referred to the ship as "analog".  I'll never look at my vinyl rig the same.  


This setup is fantastic, can't wait for what is coming next.


My guess . . . the line Picard said to Bev in this episode - Jack got the best of you and the worst of me - that is going to be the decider, how much good of Picard did Jack actually get and how will he take down the Borg from within?  Was Data vs Lore a precursor of some sort of internal battle Picard vs Locutus, acted out in Jack's mind?  Hmmmmmmmm . . . ? 


Fantastic stuff.  This season has made me wish it were 1988.




So glad you enjoyed it, man. Not sure if you're still able to, but you might want to spoiler tag the post in case some viewers who aren't all caught up stumble upon here. Great thoughts, though. I'm still in hysterics over some of the one-liners in here, like the carpet, Data's attempt at being "positive," and Worf's "That was NOT my fault!" I don't want this season to end, but I'm also eager to revisit it on disc whenever that lands.


Now bring on Star Trek Legacy, Paramount!


Edited by MikeH5856
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3 minutes ago, BreakBeatDJ said:

Oh man.  Sorry about that.  Not sure how to do it.  Can you give me a lesson bud?


It may be too late; the site only gives a couple minutes to edit. If it's still available, click the three dots in the upper-right corner of the post and select edit.


Then you should be able to cut the text and paste it into the text box the spoiler icon creates when you click the eye button in the formatting bar of your post:


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