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Just now, jaferris said:

Good titles :)
i liked Testament of new sister devil because of the action 1f609.png 

No game no life is awesome the movie is out soon :)



Heh, "Sister New Devil" was actually a Blind Buy for me but keep hearing great things about it so got in early on the CE while I could!

"NGNL" is really great, imo. The humour I think makes the show and though I'm certainly no Pedo, Shiro's figurine is incredible, especially the hair! So had to get it.

Especially since I scored it on sale for $88 usd.

I better decide quickly if I'm gonna get the one with Shiro holding the globe as I feel price is gonna jack considerably once released!


Shiro 1.jpg

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4 hours ago, Grendel said:

Just watched a couple of trailers for "Claymore".

This is definitely up my alley, ordered instantly.   ?


Claymore is mega awesome, I wish they would do a second season. The Manga has some of the best art ever and the story and characters are simply great. Can't go wrong with that ?

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2 hours ago, Grendel said:

You folk see that Funimation have pre-orders up for both an LE and Reg ed. of SB Yamato 2199 (aka Starblazers) Part 1?

Amazon may eventually get it but probably a bit more expensive WHEN they do.








Thank you for the heads-up, @Grendel!

Wow- I don't know if this is fantastic news or not. Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 (Starblazers 2199- god that title is still terrible), is definitely my favorite anime series of all time. 
But I think that I'm still going to opt for the Japanese releases, as expensive as it is, because I would gag if I had to see "Starblazers" on my shelf constantly. 

Also- is there is something seriously wrong with Funimation? I placed an order in January and they still haven't dispatched it, yet. And all my customer service inquiries have gone un-replied. 

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Not sure what their issue is regarding shipments.

All I can suggest is keep pestering them but see if there is more than one means of contacting them; i.e. email, facebook, twitter, web-site customer queries, whatever.

I know what you mean by the HUGE Starblazers banner but since that's what most of NA and Europe new the series as I guess it helps their marketing to "casuals".  ?

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16 minutes ago, Grendel said:

Not sure what their issue is regarding shipments.

All I can suggest is keep pestering them but see if there is more than one means of contacting them; i.e. email, facebook, twitter, web-site customer queries, whatever.

I know what you mean by the HUGE Starblazers banner but since that's what most of NA and Europe new the series as I guess it helps their marketing to "casuals".  1f644.png


Yeah- I've tried getting in contact with their twitter help account, but it doesn't seem to be monitored anymore. 

So it seems like the only way to contact them is through their website, so if they choose to ignore you- then... you're out of luck. xD

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Just now, FN-2187 said:


Yeah- I've tried getting in contact with their twitter help account, but it doesn't seem to be monitored anymore. 

So it seems like the only way to contact them is through their website, so if they choose to ignore you- then... you're out of luck. xD

Just for future reference, one of the Forums I inhabit has a dedicated group of Anime Fanatics that swear by 'RightStuf" vice Funimation for ordering.

Better communication and better shipping packaging as well.  ?

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Nice @Grendel but I no longer buy Funimation releases because they never have the opening and closing with the original japanese writing. It is always the english one and I can't stand that. Not only that they never try to regreate the look of the original writing but they also do so as if they would have made these. I mean why would you start the closing with the english voice cast.


Back in the DVD days Funimation was my favorite, they had both options available. When watching Japanese with original credits, when watching english with english. But now ?


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4 hours ago, Grendel said:

Curious if any of you folk have watched the series Basilisk ?

I have seen it years ago. It was ok, but nothing special. I thought the lost track of the story a little and in the end it was only who will die next. Not something I would ever rewatch. AS you're getting into Anime at the moment, don't buy too much stuff at onesm it is hard to catch up with everything you want to see if you have hundreds of episodes waiting, they add up really fast. Also the prices for the Funimation backcataloge are always really low, and they do sales from time to time with series dropping even lower.

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So I just ordered another figure.

History Lesson:

Back in the late 80's and early 90's when I was just getting into collecting films, I also thought it would be very cool to own figures associated with some of my fave fliks.

So I tracked down and purchased some incredible ones of the 30's Universal Horror films, (Drac, Frank, Wolf, Creature, Phantom, etc...) from Sideshow and also picked up some others, including;

-  Original Kenner 18 inch Alien (MiB) !!!

-  Chris Lee as Dracula

- Martian War Machine from War of the Worlds ('53)

- Vermithrax Dragon from Dragon Slayer

- Hellraiser Cenobite Lair

- B.S.'s Dracula (werewolf and werebat)

and so MANY others I could list pages here.



Anyway, I managed to but that Mr Hyde to sleep, until some Anime fanatics I converse with put me in touch with the fact many Anime figs are produced (understatement).

So, I purchased;

- Capt Harlock (Space Pirate)

- Major Motoko (GitS)

- and from a series I find utterly hilarious and charming, No Game No Life (of which I scored an open but mint copy of the boxed Collectors Edition for only $70usd.) "Shiro".

As you are assuredly aware, the new anime film NGNL:Zero is coming to BD as well and I have the CE on order with "Right Stuf" (only $37usd)

So, having purchased the fig of "Shiro" from NGNL, I just preordered her opposite book-end, Schwi, from NGNL:Zero.

I thought I might post pics of the two;  ?




Schwi 1.jpg

Shiro 1.jpg

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Now, though these are not Anime, I'm gonna hog the post for a second a show the pics of two others I will probably order before bed-time (depends on the Irish Whiskey consumed in the next few hours).

1. Dark Souls - game - The Knight

2. Bloodborne - game - The Hunter




There are better fig renditions of these two characters on the market but for A LOT more coin!!!

And imho, these are quite gorgeous so I'll be happy.



DS Knight.jpg

BB 1.jpg

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Managed to grab the Steel (Metalpak) of Akira off RightStuf yesterday for $20usd.  ?

Much better price than ever offered before.

To make the shipping cost palatable, I ordered the Space Battleship Yamato (Starblazers) CE Vol-1 (July release).


As I'm sure you are aware, this year is the 35th anniv for Akira.

They've already released a Hardback Collector's set of the Manga, I'm curious to see if they do a BD set in celebration as well.



Akira SB.jpg

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Worthwhile info:

Anime Limited has shown off their AllTheAnime.com exclusive Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust Collector's Edition


It's my understanding there is no Japanese/English subs, just an English dub included.

I guess we'll see.  ?







VH D 1.jpg

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8 hours ago, Grendel said:

Managed to grab the Steel (Metalpak) of Akira off RightStuf yesterday for $20usd.  1f642.png

Much better price than ever offered before.

To make the shipping cost palatable, I ordered the Space Battleship Yamato (Starblazers) CE Vol-1 (July release).


As I'm sure you are aware, this year is the 35th anniv for Akira.

They've already released a Hardback Collector's set of the Manga, I'm curious to see if they do a BD set in celebration as well.



Akira SB.jpg


Got this a while back when it was released at Best Buy- it's a beautiful piece. 

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While not TECHNICALLY anime- I felt that Tokusatsu was Japanese enough to qualify for this category. 

Thanks to the help of a friend in Japan, I was recently able to acquire box set 1 (of 3) for Kamen Rider Kuuga- a show that means a lot to me, personally... so much so that the symbol of the series was the first tattoo I got on myself. I'm not ashamed to say that I was so pleased when I received this that I may have shed a tear. 


The Box Set itself is astoundingly beautiful and very glossy, with a fully wrap-around image of the titular hero on one side, and the Grongi he faces off against on the opposite side. 

Pictured below are some shots that I took of the box set as well as the time that I met Japanese Superstar Odagiri Joe- who was the main character in, and got his start in Kamen Rider Kuuga. 











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