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2 minutes ago, Rockntoni87 said:

schöne woche kollegen!

was macht egtl weet so als nächstes? und kommen da die beautyshots noch heute?


Man munkelt, dass WeET an OneClicks für insgesamt 26 Bond-Filme arbeitet.

Dazu kommen 5 Motherboxen - eine für jeden Bond-Darsteller (Lazenby bekommt keine).


Ferner wird gemauschelt, dass Nils heut noch mit ganz dicken und exklusiven Beautyshots aufwarten wird.

Er weiss nur noch nich, wie er diese Hammerteile auf'n Server bekommt.

back to the future 121 gigawatts GIF

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb Masterblaster:


warum sollte ich kritik nicht moegen ?  Wenn es so sachlich diskutiert werden kann dann habe ich nicht dagegen.  In gegensatz , es hilft mir besser es zu verstehen was membern denken.

Heisst das ich alles andern kann oder moechte oder werde ?  Nein !  aber ich bin dankbar fuer die die ihre meinung hier schreiben und das kann ich dann durchgehen und sehen was machbar ist oder nicht. 


Lieber @raylight als ich diese Project "mein baby" gestartet hatte , war mein wuensch das es ein platz wird fuer Internationalen leute zusammen zu kommen und ueber die verschieden Releases sprechen , reden , diskutieren .  Leider ist das nicht erwirkliched  , warum nicht ? weiss ich nicht.  Wir bieten das Platform an , haben jeden mengen information (in grossen teil , bevor anderen es haben ) aber trotzdem wird nicht ueber die Releases gesprochen wie ich es "vorgesehen" hatte.  Also muss ich mir mehr gedanken machen wie das geaendert werden kann , aber es ist shwer.


Jetz zu der Tiered Memberships... LEIDER sind meine haende gebunden .  Ich kann nicht aussuchen wer Platinum nehmen darf und wer nicht in general, es gibt nur bestimmte situationen wo ich eine ausschliessen kann , werde , aber dafuer muss bestimmte sachen passieren.  Ich meine du kannst nicht ein mensch aus der Kneipe werfen weil er dein lieblings bier leer trinkt jedesmal wenn er da ist..... Wenn ich koennte , glaube mir ich wurde vieles anderes machen aber unter diesen umstaende kann ich nicht.  


Ich verstehe dein und anderen die sich darueber aergern ,  ist nicht das ich mich absichtlich eure meinung nicht anhoeren oder respektieren , ist nur ich moechte kein richtigen stress bekommen weil ein Idiot sich benachteilgt fuellt .  


Punkt wegen "Geld" , ohne das werden wir nicht hier noch in der lage aufrecht zu halten.  Mehr denke ich muss ich nicht dazu sagen.


Da MP ein offene Forum ist gibt es nur ein weg was ich denke wird uns erlauben alles oben nach dein vorstellung zu ermoeglichen.  Wir machen unsere Forum ein Privates gesellschaft und lassen nur bestimmte members teilnehmen.    Das wird sicherlich ernsthaft ueberlegt .


Nochmals danke fuer dein Feedback und wir werden daran arbeiten unsere Tiered Memberships "besser" zu machen fuer zukunftigen cycles.


Take care




Thanks John for your reply and explanations.

I really dont want to make a big "discussion" out of it...just want to clarify 1-2 points.


(1) why do you think we're not talking "enough" about the releases ? What exactly was your consideration/wish ? I think we talk about every release. Which slip is the best, what colours have been chosen, what covers etc.


(2) You're right that the memberships can be bought by everyone and there's no difference between a platinum member who posts nothing and a platinum memeber who supports the forum regarding the priority in a group buy to get a edition or not. But this can be changed somehow, in my opinion. We have the awards (pic perfect, counter of posts etc.) which could be also used for prioritization in a GB. example:

1. platinum + 3000posts + pic perfect

2. platinum + 500 posts

3. platinum

4. Gold + 2000 posts

5. Gold

6. ...


This would at least prevent "a little bit" that members who just bought a "platinum" to get the releases to sell them for a higher prize somewhere else now would be served with lower priority than other "platinums". And the time when they order ("be the fastest clicker") does not matter anymore.

Possible result/problem: Platinums who are not interested in forum activities maybe get disappointed and do not renew their memberships and/or leave the forum. = less money from memberships to pay the forum's basic costs.

Result when nothing changes: As I already wrote: For me (gold member) its clear that I'm going to buy a"platinum" membership at renewal. And maybe some others also will do that. So this will compensate the person who might leave. And/or in the end, none of the real collectors will think about paying 10 or 20 $ more to stay in Platinum if they will get their releases for sure in future. Thats the point a real collector is mostly interested in my opinion.




ist nur ich moechte kein richtigen stress bekommen weil ein Idiot sich benachteilgt fuellt .  

my opinion: its your forum and your rules. And rules can be changed. Those who do not like it are free to leave. And I promise: Those who are interested in making profit out of the releases will stay because otherwise the will loose the basis to get these. ;)




Punkt wegen "Geld" , ohne das werden wir nicht hier noch in der lage aufrecht zu halten.  Mehr denke ich muss ich nicht dazu sagen.

I see it the same way and I haven't seen it any other way. And I think most users are willing to pay some bucks more if it is necessary.

Perhaps I'm not making friends if I say this but: People who are able to spend so much money for this hobby wont think about 10 or 20 bucks more for their membership.

Just remember. we all are Psychos ! ;)




Da MP ein offene Forum ist gibt es nur ein weg was ich denke wird uns erlauben alles oben nach dein vorstellung zu ermoeglichen.  Wir machen unsere Forum ein Privates gesellschaft und lassen nur bestimmte members teilnehmen.    Das wird sicherlich ernsthaft ueberlegt .

I dont think that we have to think about this way a solution for some "problems". As my chef at works always says "no problems, just space for improvement..." ;)


My final conclusion:

Its a fact that collecting Blu-ray releases gets more and more in contact with economic interests because they are limited and prizes raise very fast. But it has also a very positive aspect: People are still interested in media to hold it in their hands. And thats a good development. So hopefully "Blu-ray Media" will not die in the next years. So this is also a point we should think about in contrast to the big "streaming world". ;) Please just let the forum as it is and maybe we'll find a solution for "collectors" and "resellers".


And I'm not the only person who can give his proposal. We re a communtiy and we should be able to find a decision that everyone can live with. ;)

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😲 ... wie soll der Montag richtig starten ... wenn mein Weltbild schon wieder zerstört ist, nicht war Holger  😰🤣😘




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Edited by Catgirl
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1 minute ago, Catgirl said:

😲 ... wie soll der Montag richtig starten ... wenn mein Weltbild schon wieder zerstört ist, nicht war Holger  😰🤣😘




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Arbeiten, arbeiten, arbeiten.

Ich kann leider, leider, leider nich jeden Tag mit 200 posts am Ball bleiben, Lindy...

Matthew Mcconaughey Crying GIF

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11 minutes ago, raylight said:

Thanks John for your reply and explanations.

I really dont want to make a big "discussion" out of it ... just want to clarify 1-2 points.


(1) why do you think we're not talking "enough" about the releases? What exactly was your consideration / wish? I think we talk about every release. Which slip is the best, what colors have been chosen, what covers etc.


(2) You're right that the memberships can be bought by everyone and there's no difference between a platinum member who posts nothing and a platinum memeber who supports the forum regarding the priority in a group buy to get a edition or not. But this can be changed somehow, in my opinion. We have the awards (pic perfect, counter of posts etc.) which could also be used for prioritization in a GB. example:

1. platinum + 3000posts + pic perfect

2. platinum + 500 posts

3. platinum

4. Gold + 2000 posts

5. Gold

6. ...


This would at least prevent "a little bit" that members who just bought a "platinum" to get the releases to sell them for a higher prize somewhere else now would be served with lower priority than other "platinums". And the time when they order ("be the fastest clicker") does not matter anymore.

Possible result / problem: Platinums who are not interested in forum activities maybe get disappointed and do not renew their memberships and / or leave the forum. = less money from memberships to pay the forum's basic costs.

Result when nothing changes: As I already wrote: For me (gold member) its clear that I'm going to buy a "platinum" membership at renewal. And maybe some others also will do that. So this will compensate the person who might leave. And / or in the end, none of the real collectors will think about paying 10 or 20 $ more to stay in Platinum if they will get their releases for sure in future. Thats the point a real collector is mostly interested in my opinion.



my opinion: its your forum and your rules. And rules can be changed. Those who do not like it are free to leave. And I promise: Those who are interested in making profit out of the releases will stay because otherwise the will loose the basis to get these.;)



I see it the same way and I haven't seen it any other way. And I think most users are willing to pay some bucks more if it is necessary.

Perhaps I'm not making friends if I say this but: People who are able to spend so much money for this hobby wont think about 10 or 20 bucks more for their membership.

Just remember. we all are psychos!;)



I don't think that we have to think about this way a solution for some "problems". As my chef at works always says "no problems, just space for improvement ...";)


My final conclusion:

Its a fact that collecting Blu-ray releases gets more and more in contact with economic interests because they are limited and prices raise very fast. But it also has a very positive aspect: People are still interested in media to hold it in their hands. And that's a good development. So hopefully "Blu-ray Media" will not die in the next years. So this is also a point we should think about in contrast to the big "streaming world". ;)Please just let the forum as it is and maybe we'll find a solution for "collectors" and "resellers".


And I'm not the only person who can give his proposal. We re a community and we should be able to find a decision that everyone can live with.;)


You have very eloquently expressed what I've been feeling.


Took the words right out of my mouth.

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vor 18 Minuten schrieb raylight:



(2) You're right that the memberships can be bought by everyone and there's no difference between a platinum member who posts nothing and a platinum memeber who supports the forum regarding the priority in a group buy to get a edition or not. But this can be changed somehow, in my opinion. We have the awards (pic perfect, counter of posts etc.) which could be also used for prioritization in a GB. example:

1. platinum + 3000posts + pic perfect

2. platinum + 500 posts

3. platinum

4. Gold + 2000 posts

5. Gold

6. ...



Very good points/Ideas you have there Daniel.

I especially like the idea of rewarding members activity, something that should be taken into account much more. I´d even suggest to prioritise an active gold member with - for example 1000+ posts and a pic perfect award -  over a completely passive platinum member who s just here to grab editions.

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vor 11 Minuten schrieb hal56:

Very good points/Ideas you have there Daniel.

I especially like the idea of rewarding members activity, something that should be taken into account much more. I´d even suggest to prioritise an active gold member with - for example 1000+ posts and a pic perfect award -  over a completely passive platinum member who s just here to grab editions.

Okay, but that would raise the fair question:

why buy a "Platinum" when it is no more valuable than a "Gold" membership ?

We'll then have to find rules at which point a Gold member can "overrule" a Platinum member. And this would end in more effort in a GB to bring requests in correct order.

Everything is possible but must be examined in all directions. :)


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vor 35 Minuten schrieb hal56:

Very good points/Ideas you have there Daniel.

I especially like the idea of rewarding members activity, something that should be taken into account much more. I´d even suggest to prioritise an active gold member with - for example 1000+ posts and a pic perfect award -  over a completely passive platinum member who s just here to grab editions.

Schlussendlich kann man es nicht für jeder recht machen. Das mit aktiver sein und mehr postet kann au schnell zu eher spam werden als etwas vernüftiges zu diskutieren. Nicht jeder sammelt alles und daher werden auch nicht alle viele awards haben oder auch interessiert sein diese zu sammeln oder ihre sammlung zu zeigen. Es wird immer diskussionen geben wenn man bei einer GB leer ausgeht oder sich benachteiligt fühlt. Unser Staff machen schon einen grossartigen Job um so viele wie möglich zufrieden zustellen und manchmal müssen auch sie schwere entscheidungen nehmen. Ist halt so wie bei der arbeit

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@Masterblaster @extantsrevenge


Ich habe weder "Gold" noch "Platinum", aber mich interessiert das Thema an sich und hier mal mein Senf dazu:


MP Mitglieder die nur hier sind um möglichst viele Editionen zu kaufen, um sie dann teurer weiterzuverkaufen, habe hier nichts verloren! Das ist meine Meinung.


Ich würde "Gold" und "Platinum" abschaffen und dafür eben eine Mitglieds-Pauschale erheben, für die die über MP kaufen.


Die Stückzahl zu begrenzen, die man bestellen kann, so bekommt jeder seine gewünschte Edition.


Mit dem Gold und Platinum schafft man wie in unserer Gesellschaft, nur eine Kluft und mit einer Mitglieds-Pauschale sind alle gleich ...



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vor 46 Minuten schrieb raylight:

Okay, but that would raise the fair question:

why buy a "Platinum" when it is no more valuable than a "Gold" membership ?

We'll then have to find rules at which point a Gold member can "overrule" a Platinum member. And this would end in more effort in a GB to bring requests in correct order.

Everything is possible but must be examined in all directions. :)


That is easily answered: because you still have the same advantage over a gold member with equal activity.

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24 minutes ago, swish said:

In the end, you can't please everyone. Being more active and posting more can quickly turn into spam rather than discussing something sensible. Not everyone collects everything and therefore not everyone will have many awards or be interested in collecting them or showing their collection. There will always be discussions if you miss a GB or feel disadvantaged. Our staff do a great job of keeping as many people happy as possible and sometimes they have to make tough decisions too. It's just like at work


I think what @raylight and @hal56 are saying is that sometimes that pendulum can swing too far in one direction to the point of making one group of people happy at the expense of the other.


It's a bit of a dilemma and I imagine there's no neat definitive solution that satisfies all parties involved.

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vor 9 Minuten schrieb Fortis93:


I think what @raylight and @hal56 are saying is that sometimes that pendulum can swing too far in one direction to the point of making one group of people happy at the expense of the other.


It's a bit of a dilemma and I imagine there's no neat definitive solution that satisfies all parties involved.

So sehe ich das auch. Es ist bestimmt nicht einfach den besten Weg zu finden. Es gibt ja auch viele anständig User die einfach keine Zeit für ein aktives Forenleben haben, oder die für Foren an sich nix übrig haben. Von daher finde ich es mit den Rängen nicht schlecht, nur dürfen nicht immer die selben Personen doppelt und dreifach bestellen. 

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb Fortis93:


I think what @raylight and @hal56 are saying is that sometimes that pendulum can swing too far in one direction to the point of making one group of people happy at the expense of the other.


It's a bit of a dilemma and I imagine there's no neat definitive solution that satisfies all parties involved.

You summed it up pretty good. 

Of course you wont ever find a perfect solution here.

Also, it naturally depends on what one wants to achieve with certain rules or rule changes.

If ones goal is to reward activity of tier members more, these suggestions might be a way to achieve this.


I also think that tier membership at large is a good thing. The service that MP provides  is great and it if you want a certain service and guarantees

to receive editions you must be willing to pay for that luxury, its as simple as that. 



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@Masterblaster and all others, who are involved:


I also see the problem with "unfair use" and it often makes me angry, especially when it becomes apparent that editions are simply used for profitable resale and other collectors simply get nothing.


Just some thoughts:


I would keep Platinum and Gold Memberships as they have been, BUT:

- Active members receive a bonus according to certain criteria (see below), which gives advantages if there are fewer editions


Certain criteria could be:

1. Reputation points (instead of posts, so the spam problem would not be relevant either)

2. Awards - such as helpful psycho and best picture etc.

3. An (currently not yet existing) award that is given by the moderator when members actively participate in the action. The allocation is made at the discretion of the moderator responsible for the room from a bi-voted post number.


The bonus is awarded proportionally according to the number of criteria.

For example (only fictitious numbers):

- best picture / + 5

- "active member" award / + 10

- helpful psycho / + 15

- maybe other awards + ...

- reputation 1000+ / +5

- reputation 5000+ / + 10




Edited by Cornbuster
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1 hour ago, hal56 said:

Very good points/Ideas you have there Daniel.

I especially like the idea of rewarding members activity, something that should be taken into account much more. I´d even suggest to prioritise an active gold member with - for example 1000+ posts and a pic perfect award -  over a completely passive platinum member who s just here to grab editions.

Can't see that happening, although I do appreciate the thought behind it.

Surely you've noticed that more and more the staff find themselves in the unenviable position where they need to tweak and adjust GB lists in order to satisfy as many requests as possible in a way that is fair to all.

If we begin to implement requirements such as forum activity or rewards, then believe me when I say it will lead to even more frustration, not to mention more work for the staff... so in the end, everyone loses.

It also completely defeats the purpose of what a community should be. You and me participate/contribute because we like to interact with other members and genuinely love this forum.

A tiered or regular member than posts daily "good morning/good night/have a nice day" just because he thinks it will give him a good chance of securing a coveted edition is not my idea of a healthy community and it certainly isn't fair to members who might have an inferior post count but genuinly contribute to this forum.

This is why I am more and more leaning towards @Masterblaster's idea of maybe turning MP into a closed community, a private club of sorts where each membership request is considered on a case by case basis.

It may seem like a controversial and tricky proposition, but considering we are fast approaching 5000 members (an awesome milestone in itself) which means securing editions will become increasingly difficult, I think it is an idea worth entertaining.

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