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Everything posted by Basil

  1. also something new on the news, a tiger in a zoo in the bronx of nyc has caught coronavirus from there keeper who had no symptoms. so we even now effect animals not for the first time. basil 👍
  2. good morning psychos hope everyone is well today and not climbing the walls yet. think ill be watching some more battlestar galactica currently up to start of series 5 now so not too much longer on that one but think that take rest of day out. did all my food shopping earlier for the week hopefully, so all my fresh bits like bread, muffins, shortbread, milk, potatoes, crumpets and sausages. rest of it already stocked up but military mission, gloves on in and out back home wash hands. lucky for me with up and coming bank holidays in the uk will have my wife home for those days be really nice. basil
  3. right anyone having email notification issues a little guide here to try and help 👍 basil
  4. morning folks, feeling rough as hell last couple of days. wrist causing me loads of pain. popping lots more pills now. my sinus keep locking up with heat causing headaches. and this morning woke up feeling knackered, went back to sleep and just woke up now 3 hrs later with locked up sinsus and headche. have now open all the windows to get some air in and free up sinus abit. this is a real pain in the arse atm so if not about so much you know why. @Robertm89 your gansta quote pure guess is not scarface is it? basil 👍
  5. morning all went to bed at 1am after watching old horror film, which was good. a friend put me onto it anyway then woke up at 6.30am. anyway happy lock down saturday everyone basil 👍
  6. no never sealed blufans for me, the whole point is the goodies the steel the film to watch, the whole lot and normally when everything is all ok i buy 1 version period to use. this sealed crap dont appeal if im honest same as those that buy 2 , 1 sealed 1 to watch. thats just trying to get money later on imho. its only been odd occasion ive had no choice for wwa as dont want nothing. example zavvi solo as blufans never came thru yet. zavvi 4k but blufans dl is usually 3d + 2d. so ill end up with a full version of discs. basil 👍
  7. the 1/4 one with the box was a joke imho, but people are grown adults and have to decide how much something is worth to them. i haven't checked but i would have thought bay prices would have taken that down but knowing this crazy hobby it would have gone up. regards blufans there prices have not really gone up that much tbh in general. fa yes they are robbin so and so's imho. i started off with them at the beginning and for my 2 pence they started out pricing themselves a while back but new members started exploding onto the scene and kept it going for them. alot of older members that started with them i know have dropped them. also regarding there quality being good as the big boys. the lentis are not a patch on the rest there ok but have yet to see an FA lenti that i have gone WOW at. there problem i find is depth or clarity they cant do both, well not super well. lll prob be shot at for saying all this but i have been round the park a while and its all personal opinion in the end. its quite subjective but what one likes another doesn't so swings and roundabouts. but we all entitled to our own opinions on things, its what makes the world go round basil 👍
  8. get what you saying my idea would be do the ones on the backburner that have been announced without discs to get them done and cleared. whllst they wait for big boys to fight out over price of discs. and then they could hit ground running, i have had no choice to buy some steels like solo already because i could see where this was going. i understand alot of people dont like the no disc thing thats why i would do it that way. i know it cant be done that way cos agreements would have already been signed. and it all be tied in. but usually disney just being greedy imho but when have they not? basil 👍
  9. @Robertm89 also waiting for blufans to get there issues sorted out with distributor rights with discs is china sorted this year and then they can get firmly back in there saddle. that be heading in on a year in june i think. but 2 issues sort the first one then distributor rights on disc supplier think that take alot more months. 2 sides having a stare off and the first one to blink loses, while they destroy the chinese market, your not telling me disney helping mr trump out. bloody ridiculous. i know is big business but sheesh. think that honest not be sorted till august sept is the feeling in my water. with odd bit in between. only slightly good thing is break on everyones wallet. i do honestly wonder if they catch back up though with titles they need to do. i really do hope so. blufans was my no.1 collectable. but it does get your goat in the end. basil 👍
  10. think joker sell out no question of that, but alot of people unhappy with price increases at other sites, especially as john from manta said nothing will change. some of the language i have read has been fun shall we say. and now quite a few said they will see where it goes. i just want hdzeta sort there joker out now with bs but as we just got shazam i dont think that be too soon. as long as they get correct ill wait happily. the end product is what counts over everything else. basil 👍
  11. i'd like to think so, i think hdzetas are knocking out of park last few releases and giving consistent quality and also more consistent with each release they dont seem to give up quite as easily as manta do. dont get me wrong do like manta but i bought stuff before thats been really good, but then they skip odd film and thats not my cup of tea. also think zetas will get more popular with time, also add in john from manta got his m8 running it now and also prices on mantas have gone up as a direct result of that. had to happen really if you get someone else running it they have to be paid. but thats what im seeing mentioned across sites, people aren't convinced its the same company in effect and they need to see that proved before alot of them carry on is the impression i get. anyway time will tell if, if it all settles down. i hope they do. but for me i will be only be buying selective films from them not series like dc films. i dont have money to waste if its not complete anymore. basil 👍
  12. @Robertm89 no ignore me that info was for manta joker
  13. figures ive stuck up in gb and info full breakdown found some figures or maybe in release thread but i have done it, there and my goldfish memory has struck again. think is 1000 but you have to check as been up since 5.30am and knackered atm basil 👍
  14. for those that haven't realised yet hdzeta shazams beauty shots are out and they need to update their choice sooner rather than later, according to benoit👍 so link below also beauty shots, i suggest everyone gets on it if they haven't yet. i know some of our american friends haven't yet and no one wants to be hunted down basil 👍
  15. i could tell you but i just might have to kill you other info i see around Premiums: Booklet (Full Size), Postcards (4ea), Character Cards (5ea), Envelope, Exclusive Numbering Sticker, Exclusive Release Front Sticker + Exclusive Release Lenticular Sticker. One Click: 500 Units, Numbered 1-500 - WEA, Exclusive Steelcase designed by Manta Lab features "Full Glossy" Finish and "Debossed Title". Box: Embossing + Spot Glossy + Spot Matte. Includes all editions (Full Slip, Lenticular Full Slip, Double Lenticular Full Slip) Double Lenti: 1000 Units, Numbered 1-1000 - Super Clear Lenticular x 2, Embossing, Spot Glossy. Single Lenti: 1000 Units, Numbered 1-1000 - Super Clear Lenticular (Morphing Style), Embossing, Spot Glossy. Full Slip: 1000 Units, Numbered 1-1000 - Spot Glossy, Spot Matte, Embossing, Scratch Resistance Coating.
  16. there is a new website as john of manta has got his friend selling it all now.
  17. those prices direct from new website dont include shipping just so @Intentcoin knows there will be more to add on.
  18. @extantsrevenge nils i think you be proud of me today was coming back home from dropping wife off from work coming round then bend near home where there is a big long mile odd stretch of road. anyway as i come round this blind bend at about 15 mph then right in front of me running in front of me was crazy grey squirrel running across the road. so tap the brakes quick to let him get across but no crazy grey squirrel decides to run up the road going left and right in front of me. so i just do calmy a full stop squirrel then calms down and then decides to go across the road where he was going. so squirrel gets across the road safely, im animal lover myself and try terribly not to hurt a single animal. i hate it. think in all the years ive been driving only 1 pigeon went under the middle of the car and i couldn't do an emergency stop as it would have caused a serious accident. but that was 1 too many imho. so 25 years driving dont think thats too bad a record. all the best basil.

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