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Everything posted by Basil

  1. well blufans taking frozen 2 stopping on blufans and starting up fanatics WEA with it instead is stupid, question how do you piss off your customers that bought frozen on blufans label. answer i know we'll move the 2nd start up a fanatics WEA line instead. if they keep this up may as well close down blufans altogether and just run everything thru fanatics and be done with it. kind reminds me fac and black barons all over again. why on earth start a line up with a 2nd film just dumb ass greedy 👎 if they where going to do a fanatics WEA line you thought they would have went with a first original film for a first release, really makes no sense at all. basil 👎
  2. morning all well its pissing down here i hope i find you all well and in good health. i have something nice and bright to show you hd zeta birds of prey anyway full beauty shots not out yet but here you go this off facebook 👍 basil 👍
  3. well its been busy day for me shopping in asda shelves like they been stripped again and going around 9 pharmacy's to get poxy paracetamol, enough for a while to kill my wrist pain. the joys of coronavirus, some are you can have 1 pack, some have been you can have 2 packs and one of them let me have 3. considering used to be able to buy these in 96 tab packs before now they are max size 32 pack now. anyway hope you all have had more productive day than i did basil
  4. @extantsrevenge last night was watching a new series on the bbc called primates and on it there was this large huge multi coloured squirrel like nothing i have ever seen. thought might be of interest to you, dont know if you can watch iplayer Primates, Series 1: 1. Secrets of Survival: www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000hrfv via @bbciplayer thought be up your street found a clip on you tube here you go basil 👍
  5. morning all from a knackered basil running on 4 hrs sleep and just about too awake to go back to bed hopefully i tire out in a bit so can hit the hay well the weather has taken a turn here it is all very overcast and we are due rain tue, wed, thurs. what a difference a week makes anyway hope everyone has a nice day 👍 basil
  6. yes think your right might try and get my head down for few hours now. see you around m8 👍 basil
  7. dont m8 6lbs in 4 weeks but cant run or nothing as my foot is slighty buggered atm but thats another long story anyway nice to catch up with you and dont be a stranger 👍 basil
  8. yes m8 not too bad m8 still collecting but you know the score there think you doing right with little one but will throw you out a bit, my issue since being on furlough have put bit of weight on and keep snoring according to the wife so try let her sleep as she still at work. building computers doing aload for the nhs atm so they all got coming out of there ears. then as she doesnt drive im running her in as i dont want her on the bus with all of this. and she was off work they could be problems at work as shes one of 4 that can do what she does. so do what i can to help, i just need to get fitter and stop the snoring lol you been getting anything nice of lately on the steel front, furloughed or not i reckon you still got you eye in m8 i know what your like
  9. hello m8 how you been keeping long time no hear? no what your saying about being furloughed slowly driving me up the wall too lol basil
  10. well has anyone ever drunk a strong coffee when they should have not? tonight at 8pm was falling asleep on the sofa and with that the wife jumped up got me a coffee out the machine to stop me falling into a deep sleep then and waking at silly o'clock i usually only do 6 hrs and awake, only this time has backfired on me. its now 1 am can't sleep because of caffeine running round my system, have no particular interest in going to sleep and i have to be up by 5.50am today to take wife to work yet. and to make it worse there's not alot on the telly either lets hope i get to sleep or feel tired soon basil
  11. my goodness watched the new midway film today with my wife and she liked it, which really surprised me. usually she can bored very quickly with films has very little tolerance with giving a film with a chance to get going. so pleasantly surprised by this. basil
  12. good morning all happy sunday was a bit overcast here this morning but now the sun is really starting to come thru and the cloud is clearing, looks like its going to be a beautiful day basil
  13. tonight me and the wife be watching The rise of skywalker. being wait a while of this to come along seems to have been like forever to be released, well finally turned up tuesday, i get there will be thoses lovers of this film and there not so keen as they felt they where robbed in the last one. for me personally i think jj had alot to try to repair from the last one and he did a good job with the time allowed, i had heard of an extended edition which had all been denied ignored but i still think that maybe coming myself, knowing how disney love to extract cash. so we will see. @extantsrevenge nils whats your thoughts on all of this? basil 👍
  14. ok mike i will not post anything on about killing yourself from bad advice from someone with no medical training, much so that all american manufacturers have to tell people not to do it as it could kill you. but i guess you counting is that no one is that SILLY and has COMMON sense. its was a simply observation NOT that i have ANYTHING against your beloved leader. but guess i forget you have a sense of humour failure when any bad is said about him, even when killing yourself could be on the cards. but please do feel free to report my posts as i would not want you to be upset. sometimes you need to really need to lighten up abit. we have all tried to point that out to you or maybe you views are so set in stone there is no flex with you as long its the VEUM view. i will not be pandering to you any more please be aware of that. i've tried & tried and don't wish to cope with your behaviour anymore. its not fun anymore, in fact its damn right miserable. there you have it, you always asked for the truth well there it is! i wish you well but please dont tag me anymore, the fun has long gone. sorry but there it is basil 👍
  15. can feel the enthusiasm rak, i know what you saying m8. but at least you be safe m8 as long as donald dont come round with his bottle of bleach and a needle you should be ok should have seen the web was alight with it yesterday here was a good one below basil
  16. ONLY AT BLUFANS THE LEGO MOVIE 2 CLOSING SOON GET IN OR MISS OUT ITS THAT SIMPLE YOU HAVE NOW ALL BEEN WARNED Message from Dodgy dave below I know this release is not high on most members "must have" list, but if you are thinking of joining please do so ASAP. I have to get some figures to BF soon. So that means closing the GB. As things are still not 100% back to normal with the Chinese shipping, we will not be invoicing this immediately. Keep the money in your pocket a little longer. We will post in this topic when invoicing is likely to be. basil 👍
  17. Basil

    Do You Know

    ONLY AT BLUFANS THE LEGO MOVIE 2 CLOSING SOON GET IN OR MISS OUT ITS THAT SIMPLE YOU HAVE NOW ALL BEEN WARNED Message from Dodgy dave below I know this release is not high on most members "must have" list, but if you are thinking of joining please do so ASAP. I have to get some figures to BF soon. So that means closing the GB. As things are still not 100% back to normal with the Chinese shipping, we will not be invoicing this immediately. Keep the money in your pocket a little longer. We will post in this topic when invoicing is likely to be. basil 👍
  18. ONLY AT BLUFANS THE LEGO MOVIE 2 CLOSING SOON GET IN OR MISS OUT ITS THAT SIMPLE YOU HAVE NOW ALL BEEN WARNED Message from Dodgy dave below I know this release is not high on most members "must have" list, but if you are thinking of joining please do so ASAP. I have to get some figures to BF soon. So that means closing the GB. As things are still not 100% back to normal with the Chinese shipping, we will not be invoicing this immediately. Keep the money in your pocket a little longer. We will post in this topic when invoicing is likely to be. basil 👍
  19. ONLY AT BLUFANS THE LEGO MOVIE 2 CLOSING SOON GET IN OR MISS OUT ITS THAT SIMPLE YOU HAVE NOW ALL BEEN WARNED Message from Dodgy dave below I know this release is not high on most members "must have" list, but if you are thinking of joining please do so ASAP. I have to get some figures to BF soon. So that means closing the GB. As things are still not 100% back to normal with the Chinese shipping, we will not be invoicing this immediately. Keep the money in your pocket a little longer. We will post in this topic when invoicing is likely to be. basil 👍
  20. morning all happy saturday here is a basil service announcement last chance 👍 ONLY AT BLUFANS THE LEGO MOVIE 2 CLOSING SOON GET IN OR MISS OUT ITS THAT SIMPLE YOU HAVE NOW ALL BEEN WARNED Message from Dodgy dave below I know this release is not high on most members "must have" list, but if you are thinking of joining please do so ASAP. I have to get some figures to BF soon. So that means closing the GB. As things are still not 100% back to normal with the Chinese shipping, we will not be invoicing this immediately. Keep the money in your pocket a little longer. We will post in this topic when invoicing is likely to be. basil 👍
  21. well judging the way this thread is going only seems bit of blackadder is in order and im the only one thats not drinking followed by basil
  22. morning all well that staying up late and getting up early took its toll on me last night i started falling asleep at 8.30 watching telly and the head kept going. so bit the bullet me and the missus went to sleep at 8.30pm and when the alarm went off this morning at 5.50am both of us hit the ceiling. i wanted to go back to sleep could have easily done with another hour but no she kicked my arse verbally to get put of bed and it took some real effort i can tell you she saying come on it friday last one at the time that didn't make it better anyway have now done the family food shopping and its all stocked back up again, had some jammy crumpets and fruit juice. starting to feel human and slowly getting that friday feeling she was on about. so its not all bad basil
  23. looks really nice but didnt think 4k releases happening till october but i would want all that just them being steelbooks. have you got link to it all or as rak says might be spoof

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