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Everything posted by Basil

  1. well running on cappuccino here thank god for home machines with everything shutting down. at least can still have some civility in life at home still. clocks change here in the uk after tomorrow night sunday 2am for those not aware, so clock dance boys and girls. basil 👍
  2. one i will say that front cover has hell of potential for a lenticular
  3. well friday afternoon here goto pick wife up shortly and somethings running thru my head already
  4. morning all whats everyone plans today thats in lockdown? today i got some exciting stuff to do, of my own choice not even been asked well scoffed my jammie crumpets this morning, just letting all go down then i'm gonna hit the house for her. all the clothes washing will be done and while thats going on. im going to clean the house top to bottom at least that all be done for her. least i can do as sat on my @rse at home. plus its stave off some of the boredom. only been home since tuesday and all this sitting on my @rse is not my cup of tea. and wish she was here with me to be honest. basil
  5. @Veum nice to see you mike 👍 at least you live near the woods you do realise now that @R1s1ngs0n is goona have you one of his wanted posters now but he still hasn't collected me even though quite a poor photo of me appeared all part of my cunning plan all the best basil 👍
  6. Viagra mixed with liquid caffeine in that order keeps him going. on the odd occasion when he takes to much he ends up with a stiff neck and cant goto sleep 🤣 basil 👍
  7. well another lady to add to the list now then, nice to see you @atomicblonde 👍 you must come say hi more often we don't bite so now the list is getting larger @Scary Hair @Trianna @Catgirl i wonder if any more come and say hi and rebalance things abit would make a pleasant change. basil
  8. well just got back in from outing had to stop in shop for 1 bag of groceries and some uk people are muppets there is no other word for it as walking out the bread aisle. a family came up the other end behind me right at the other end. a father a mother and an 8 year old girl odd. the mother was coughing like a banshee, there is no way she wasn't ill. i let a staff member know and she was going to look as i headed quickly for the tills. i really wish the supermarkets would only let in the person buying the food you dont need the whole family in to get it if you got a shopping list. let alone people that are ill treating it like a normal family shopping trip muppets. and finally wish the supermarkets would have security with them temperature guns before anyone is let in as well. its the only way you'll get a handle on this if you let idiots decide their not safe themselves, so how can they think of others? anyway i went in wearing latex gloves got shopping keeping 2 meter distance and got out swiftly, gloves binned at home after cleaning all shopping down and then washing hands for about 40 secs in very hot water with fairy liquid. its the people not following the rules will get this, please people do follow the rules on the news mother of a dead 21 year old girl. spain 738 dead in 24hrs spain 7093 new cases in 24hrs these numbers are not a joke now, people please follow the rules 🤒 we got to all do this the numbers above show this. basil 👍
  9. as luck would have it i already bought year or so ago cordless hair clippers that i use for my beard so if gets to bad i can always have a go myself not that my hair grows to fast anyway. you'll probabely end up like chewie in a few weeks, hell knows what trianna end up like these ones below similar to ones i got not bad for £30 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Philips-Multi-Grooming-Trimmer-Attachment/dp/B07BHY4FZ4/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=hair+clippers&qid=1585133238&sr=8-6 and if anyone is think ordering anything from amazon generally i do sooner rather than later dont think be too long before those sort of home deliverys be gone in next few weeks. basil 👍
  10. well good morning everyone went to bed at 1 am to let wife get a good nights sleep then woke up 6.10am, work that out anyway lovely beautiful morning here the bluest sky the sun rising nicely makes you feel like going down the beach but cant so here's something to torment you all for another stuck in the house day remember 2 meters apart if you have to go out today in the uk i have to go out this afternoon for a medical appointment lucky for me the lady only works on her own, so hopefully and is a 5 min walk there from my house. and will avoid all people i can. i will have some fresh air which be nice. also on the local news here, local hospital has had 7 people die overnight on the coronavirus, so please all stay in or avoid people if you goto go out. and stay safe. just seen this video on you tube good advice basil
  11. @bearlol good on you for keeping it up, i know thats what you didn't intend but its cheered me up basil 👍
  12. no it 15.22pm here now and not heard ajot from my boss i wonder if hes waiting for the boris update at 3.45pm, im goona take it stay at home unless told otherwise now. i have had to change a minor medical app i had from friday afternoon for 2morro for 2.30pm instead. as the lady doing it in her shop not sure if she be there, said people cancelling all over the place on her. so get my treatment done before it all goes seriously south. have been eating like a horse today though, so reckon ill be putting weight on if i get the munchies like i did today but it has been a lovely sunny day today, whats the bet really sh1t winter is my thoughts. and just to throw something seriously randomn out there was even considering doing all the christmas deccys out and doing the whole of the inside of the house, but think she just my kill me for that but at least i would be soo bored
  13. think benoit or veum put this gif up but not sure which? basil
  14. @RAK best post of the day, i just cry laughed there and i noticed @Trianna never denied it neither
  15. well good morning everyone, had a text from big boss at work last night saying to stay home after what boris said, and he'll phone me today with an update of whats going on. so 11.30am here and still no call either goona be hes busy atm home with his work or there planning how to make us redundant. lets just hope they want to keep me and if im really lucky they top up the 80% to 100%. but we shall see, if it involves money are company are usually tighter than a ducks @rse unless it involves the office then they can have what they like regardless. anyway its official now part of the great unwashed atm joke is my wife is still having to goto work shes not impressed either. and her boss owns the company and hes a right shylock all money money money with him. basil
  16. well good evening folks, here we are again just waiting on boris to shut the country down. but went round six supermarket to get the last few bits to fill the last bit of cupboards and freezer and i mean just a few bits not the whole shop but by 4.30pm most of the shops have been raped to death with no alot left of what i was after. anyway if i'm right expecting that call from the md later tonight telling me not to go in. and if doesn't happen tonight think be next few days. if only people could work out to simply stay in its not rocket science! but no they all goto go to country parks in there hundreds and fill up car parks this has been brought on everyone by there own stupidity! then watch the supermarkets really be getting the run on because people will be in even more panic. lucky for me this morning 1 supermarket open at 6 am and i only got a whole 2 loafs of bread 1 to use and 1 for the freezer, aren't i greedy
  17. Good morning people I envy the ones off at the moment cos currently I want to pan my manageress head in. Shes ex navy and a pain in the @rse at the moment, I wont go into it but she is a pleb with her me me me attitude. And then getting in the way of me doing my job. She wants redundancy and think is what she is angling for. Anyway people at home stay safe and be grateful you dont have idiot managers to deal with 😄 All the best Basil 👍👍👍
  18. no easy pass for me this one, i have best buy one which i got sent to me from america. super film thought if anyone in any doubt of the film don't be imho basil 👍
  19. this was on uk itv news tonight and has gone viral on the internet and spanish police going round singing with a guitar to cheers them all up big well done to them👍 nice to see also while im at it heres a song i think of at a time like this makes you think a little basil 👍
  20. well as been confined in all weekend today im having a roast dinner, haven't had one since christmas so is now long overdue. the wife even offer to cook it for me. well stupid not to look a gift horse in the mouth. and i'm going to soooo enjoy it basil
  21. @Hollywood E Rock im really sorry to here that m8, thats sh1t . im presuming is for a little while coronavirus is on and your plant has shut down? wishing you all the best m8 and fingers crossed for you. same for @RAK only just seen your post m8 thats cr@p as well basil 👍

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