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Everything posted by Basil

  1. right everyone joker manta is about to close very very soon so if you havent done it yet last chance 👍
  2. yes not to bad, have to leave in a bit to pick wife up from work. but the sun is shining and birds are tweeting so be a nice drive. have some fresh air at least. just wish she was at home but unfortunately there work load is not dropping off yet reckon they got 3 weeks worth still. be glad when they furlough her and she is safe. as we tipped over 10,000 deaths on sunday it is on my mind. basil 👍
  3. afternoon ladies and gentlemen, how is everyone today?
  4. tell you what ebay must be making a fortune with everyone stuck at home flogging things while members here saying selling a few bits to pay for my one clicks basil 👍
  5. and is there anything you can disclose of said card or is it under wraps?
  6. @Hollywood E Rock nice touch there for the ladies 👍 but i suspect @Scary Hair is still in her pit and needs to hear the following basil
  7. the hdzeta shazam has now closed, and now @DodgyDave starts to go round with his bat 1. to beat those that didn't update and giving out the consequences 2. in a while he brings out that bloody bat (he never cleans the old mess of it) to start chasing up invoices once they all been sent. (not that i know when that will be) it has been said dave was once seen in a film quite a famous film. in fact i found a clip of what he did as the bear jew but now bestows upon, his prey basil
  8. right we now today as of now we the uk passes 10,000 death today i am ashamed to say. the highest in europe so far. then i see a nhs nurse video in the park on the news tonight having to shame idiots into going home. message is simple stay at home, please. video below so time for samuel to speak again in case no one has seen the message yet basil
  9. @StrikerEureka79 yes basically john of manta lab is tied up more with his new wb business in hk. so his m8 is running for him on the new website, i am lead to believe all design side of things and such like is still handled by john, he is saying quality etc wont change etc. so the new chap deals with all the rest of it for him. as john just doesnt have all the time to deal with it all as he once did. basil 👍
  10. right also just wanted to put this up for all the medical staff and supermarket workers and lorry drivers etc from round the world, that keeping us all going whoever they are. simply doing a super job ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ click on video to watch song 👍 basil 👍
  11. tell you what peeps sun is streaming thru windows, the windows are all open can just hear the birds co coooing and the street seems in immense sound of peace and tranquility here. no cars running up down the road it is so nice for a change. im feeling nice and relaxed and so calm right now. for every one else for @Veum and @Trianna basil
  12. in 2 days your chances will be gone, dont say you weren't warned! hdzeta shazam and manta joker gb closing down in 2 days. basil
  13. have you ever wanted to pull you eyes out drop them in acid and think why on earth did i watch that, wasn't expecting alot as heard wasn't all that. but my god what a pile of shite! three words Independence Day Resurgence
  14. @Hollywood E Rock know you do thin tuesday and thick thursday which is great btw you do put some nice effort in there but with everyone stuck at home how about sexy saturday for little bit till this is over? just a thought? basil
  15. know precisely what your saying and agree, shes not trained for that and they cant legally ask her to do that, complete bullying and probably illegal as well. my question would be how is she trained to turn people and if she threw her back would they pay her then? you are either furloughed or not. and as she is not a trained medical professional other than dental nurse. and that is well beyond her remit and especially with two children they would be putting ALL of you at risk. so if she had to jack i would get free legal advice from citizen advice before she does armed with correct info may make them stop asking, once she stands up if required https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/legal-system/finding-free-or-affordable-legal-help/ i know in past they helped me over phone and sent info in post. they cant force her to do anything period! and im ashamed her managers are behaving like this. one thing i would ask her to do is ask for what there asking exactly in writing in detail to confirm to it for legal reasons and her personnel reference all on headed note paper and signed by managers concerned. then watch them back down and shut up and change there tune be my bet. all the best basil 👍
  16. @RileyLad nice to hear you have it all mapped out weekend and work wise you know and that you and all family at home 👍 personally im stuck at home just open ended stay at home till we phone you, that was 2-3 weeks ago. unfortunately wife builds computers and its gone mad where she works, some computers are for nhs but they have been on the system anyway, rest is high end gaming machines as people now stuck at home they seem to be getting that machine they really wanted and most paying for speedy builds. she was telling me they have about 3-4 weeks work on system, with not much slow down either. which is a real pain as i want her at home not in a massive factory even though they are all 2 meters apart, big tin warehouse just going to circle the germs you ask me. while the owner just sits at home working safely for him, he a money grabbing so and so, it gets my goat. the only time im getting out is to take her to and from work in my car as not having her on bus. so out at 6 am then come home about 7am, then back out about 3.30pm back home about 4.30pm. so worried about her being in there just feel its not safe. just wish he furlough her but till there workload runs out none of that will happen. the cheeky sod has even given them letters saying it is ESSENTIAL as they cannot work from home implying they are 'essential workers' in the letter the way its worded when they are not. not at all. its criminal those letters. they have done just about everything they can to make sure they are there no matter what. the only thing they have done is shut down the shop at front of building. to be legal. but thats about it. all the best basil 👍
  17. morning all, well the sun is out streaming thru the window looks likes going to be a lovely day
  18. @acillatem welcome jeff well you have come to the right place for all of those, personally been collecting nearly 15 years. blufans was always the top of my tree last 5 years or so, hdzetas has been more like last 2-3 years for me, mantas more highly selective with me first one was constantine and thats was a superb release (showing my age now ) the gbs here are very well run and usually can get most supplied without an issue. mp has close partnerships with all of the above and others as well. this site runs very differently to how other gbs are run may i suggest you have a good nose in the tutorials section with many guides to make you life easier this is where most members fall flat on there face by not checking that out first and then get into hassle by not knowing the system. regards tiered membership is done annually now with john 'masterblaster' saying will be august from now on. this is to make easier to administer which is fair enough. one free piece of advice if on the gbs check in once a day worse case once a week or you can miss out on update phases and this where can cause you issues. if you want something to start with click under my sig take you to first gb guide anyway welcome to the asylum basil 👍
  19. cheers @StrikerEureka79 and @extantsrevenge off to cancel it now just wanted several opinions as every one is different. saves me taking a bath. btw they just announced on the news boris johnson has now come out of intensive care but remaining in normal hospital 👍 basil 👍
  20. has anyone seen bloodshot and what they make of it? vin diesel and guy pearce @Robertm89 @RileyLad @Hollywood E Rock @Veum @Pbsw23 @R1s1ngs0n @Trianna @extantsrevenge @ksosk @Benoit46 cheers basil 👍

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