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Everything posted by Basil

  1. well just spotted this, check out RT scores are not bad for aud 78% . got vin diesel and guy pearce, trailer looks ok so taking a punt on it. order in. basil 👍
  2. morning all glad to here mike and edward are both ok 👍 @Hollywood E Rock you thought about getting a UPS for the computer at least that protect it and keep you online if your power regulary goes? btw people might wanna look at this and join in basil 👍
  3. stay safe mike, i had a bad one years ago out in cuba, that did seem like a close call. was like directly over head and my wifes hates thunder an lighting anyway this was proper carribean storm was a very long night with no sleep at all.
  4. @McSuits welcome/bonjour my french is limited but @R1s1ngs0n is not nor is @Benoit46 👍
  5. Basil


    cheers for the pics @IMTSK def got some stuff im not aware of there, prob find @ksosk and @extantsrevenge be having a good nose too all the best basil 👍
  6. reckon this be billed soon as release is on the 20th my guess would be next week prob from tuesday 14th as monday is a bank holiday here. cannot wait to have this in hand have stuck with my 4k copy. basil 👍
  7. think you wasting your breath @RAK as they say agree to differ. ill come back later on, when this has died all down. off for my dinner. basil 👍
  8. right @Veum without getting all political which im not, think he hasn't been given good info and is not realising the magnitude of what he has on his hands, but he will do as this all unfolds. is the point. have a nice look a nyc as one example sure @deckard99 will confirm for you. basil 👍
  9. well when you say they have been turning 4 or 5 big uk conference centeres in this country to mass cv wards creating over 10,000 beds to cope with it all, shows how bad it is. involving everyone from the army to contractors last few weeks. and bear in mind we have a very good nhs and every single operation has pretty much been stopped and changed to cv beds those wards and thats not enough that says it all, plus if the likes of boris johnson can get it with all the protection he has around him. trump or anyone else can as well. basil 👍
  10. @Trianna with you on this the single biggest problem of this illness is how fast is spreads, and by staying in when anyone does need a hospital you cannot get a bed and not be left for dead. thats it in its nut shell. today just now on the telly 938 people dead in the uk in 24hrs. and its up each day. i honestly dont think trump has got a clue on it yet he will 2 weeks from now, mark these words. i just been back from picking the wife up in the car there and back. but i have seen loads of people outside like there all on holiday down by beach where i live. people dont seem to get we are not on holiday. and its the idiots down the beach that will spread it further and screw up the health system. i for one hope we do what france announced this morning no exercise whatsoever outside. think that be quickest way to get things in check personally. be a real pain for everyone ive been self isolating about 2 weeks now and on my own is very boring each day. till i see my wife in the evening. but people goto follow the rules or more people will die look at italy as one example. if in doubt. basil 👍
  11. yes morning trianna and on that gif above i thought i shall fulfill that roll you have bestowed upon us. by having a quick google and look what i found for you watch it is very funny even think the blonde ladys attitude could be you but in a fun way, see if you can work out what i'm on about. basil
  12. personally say @deckard99 is more than likely your man, i don't deal too much with email notifications directly as want a clean inbox but hes right into it and will have more of an understanding than me. also IF there are account specific issues hell be able to feed back to john directly. grendal i am presuming you tried the tutorial in the tutorial section? sorry ken 👍 basil
  13. personally one was talking the other day about could do with a premium. is blow true story about george jung. brilliant film basil 👍
  14. just had a really weird thought bit like venom but in an iron man suit if the suit also mutated with him you could have super powers 2 fold with tech as well.
  15. right for all members have done a new guide how to search group buys quickly worth a look save you all some time the easy way 👍 basil 👍
  16. @Hollywood E Rock i know what your saying about people not socially distancing, people that are off treating it like a holiday. thinking oh we not at work lets go down the beach or all meet up in a park. been all over the news here last few weeks. unfortunately some people are plebs. and in all honesty if boris johnson can get it like he has anyone can. but because they are out in the sun people dont here of the 5 year old boy that died the other week, a healthy 12 year old dead, a 55 year old doctor dead. all fit and healthy. i dont think till someone they know dies will peoples attitude change unfortunately. my sister was sent home by her bank she works for at a call center because she started coughing, the bank being the kind souls that they are arranged for a computer to be dropped off at her house so she can keep working for them funny they send her home sick but then ask her to keep working, all worried about the staff aren't they. my mother in law and sister in law are both oh the higher risk list because of other illnesses. my cousin lives in london and hes stuck at home, worried about him because thats hotspot of the country here. but the ones that dont follow the rules will really know about it in due course. they miss the point the nhs could fail. and they be the planks that need it. doing the social distancing is a pain, i been stuck inside for about 2 weeks now. only going out to take wife to work in car there and straight back again and stopping off at supermarket when food is needed only and that is done on way back from dropping wife off. yes its boring especially as i on my own here in the house. but people really need to follow the rules here. on got to look at the italy deaths for the reasons why, not rocket science is it? anyway now finished 5 seasons of battle star time for a few films today me thinks all the best basil 👍
  17. bloody hell poor old boris johnson moved to intensive care tonight, hope hes ok basil
  18. @Bee hi jamie nice to here you are among like minded collectors, problem is once you start you find you wont want to stop. what money you think you had will all soon disappear but hey who needs money here speaks the voice of 10 years collecting but its soo worth it. once you go go down the rabbit hole of premiums you wont want to stop either all the best basil
  19. Basil


    @IMTSK thats is so good to hear your view of the chinese market and your knowledge from your point of view. this i have to say has been on of my favourite posts of the year so far 👍 collecting for you sounds like has been a real hassle for you to get hold of which does surprise me to be honest, but have to say instantly blufans and zeta are my top 2 to collect of what i can afford. its a real shame we dont have more chinese collectors on here, i personally think would be a great thing. here at mp. out of interest what is you favourite release you have laid your hands on? and any chance of some pictures of your collection at all please? a very warm welcome basil
  20. wow nils thats amazing, talk about close i take it like this all the time in your garden if so you are a lucky man 👍
  21. as luck would have it was going thru back on cupboard and found my complete old dvd set 1-5 that i got dirt cheap years ago. quick wipe down of box with a damp cloth and shes good to go again. i only hung onto it as was such a large complete set. glad i did now. worth its weight in gold with being locked up. also in bottom of that cupboard i have complete knight rider on dvd and also complete farscape on bluray. so guess that be tied up for a while. and proud to here your usually the one keeping the flag flying for the 4 day week, well someones goto basil 👍

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