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Everything posted by Basil

  1. years and years ago used to do the ponies with a friend was a special type of bet cant remember what its called now though lol. but these days no not really. more money for steels. at least we know where all your funds come for yours now basil 👍
  2. i feel for you m8 thats a sh1t one. what do you do anyway? basil 👍
  3. not really, wife is getting her hair done that take her 4hrs, then she said she was going for a mooch up our local town around the shops so that be another 2 hrs odd. so be a peaceful day for me at home. so maybe be bit of a film day i think. done all the shopping today it was mad everyone is ripping stuff of the shelves stocking up because of the coronavirus and its toilet roll, hand cleaners, baby stuff and frozen is getting stripped bare. they cant get that stuff in shops fast enough. but i was able to pick up what i needed but ended up going to 6 supermarkets just to get bare essentials. boris did everyone a favour yesterday with we all going to die speech on telly sent everyone into a bit of a spin really at the shops be glad when this is all done and we can all get back to normal really. anyway best bit i havent got to deal with any of the shop panic anymore well not for a bit basil
  4. Yes Michael haven't gone for any EB yet, normally blufans and Zetas and some manta tbh with odd kimchi, nova. Basil
  5. nice here sunny afternoon in south uk about 12-13C there abouts, well brody yours sounds bit and a bloody good coat in order. hope your travel in is in a nice warm car and not to far from the building either. basil 👍
  6. Welcome @EseCorleone @CAYENNE-FAHRER called it exactly right 😆
  7. Well could be the diagonal angle of photo and I'm looking on a small phone as we speak. Maybe they do some normal photos down the line. Weets work is usually spot on. Angled photos haven't added on this occasion 😆
  8. good morning everyone well 5 am here atm surprised how very awake i am especially for a thursday morning usually im a cabbage on a thursday morning for some strange reason. hope everyone has a good day
  9. Hello new members and Welcome to Media Psychos, i know this will seem like a strange place to begin with. I know i was new once too. everyone here is too help where they can anyway as this is a strange place why not and come and say hello and have a chat with us in the english room????? american or english or canadian. or for that matter anyone is welcome really, that can speak a jot we even have the odd german as well. hopefully you can meet some fellow collectors like minded people and maybe even make some new online friends. we all in there if you want come say hello and have a chat and one thing i promise none of us bite, well maybe one but we keep them on a lead. so no real harm will come to you promise anyway if any of you feel come along and say hello and try make you feel welcome, get you involved with where things are at. and well have a laugh along the way, life is too short. click on link post below and well see you there. show us your psycho come visit us in the english speaking chat room below includes americans and canadians and anyone thats speaks well english sort of hope to see you in there. all the best basil
  10. ★ Members ★ Members★ Hello new members and Welcome to Media Psychos, i know this will seem like a strange place to begin with. I know i was new once too. everyone here is too help where they can anyway as this is a strange place why not and come and say hello and have a chat with us in the english room????? american or english or canadian. or for that matter anyone is welcome really, that can speak a jot we even have the odd german as well. also if thinking of a tiered membership later on that currently is by invitation only by the admin to those that are involved within the site in many different ways, there is no i just want to buy my way in any more those days have disappeared for the moment. this is one way talking not enough members are! that has to be decided by admin that you are getting involved with the site in many ways sooooo...... (in order to be invited for a tiered membership demand is so high now) hopefully you can meet some fellow collectors like minded people and maybe even make some new online friends. we all in there if you want come say hello and have a chat and one thing i promise none of us bite, well maybe one but we keep them on a lead. so no real harm will come to you promise anyway if any of you feel come along and say hello and try make you feel welcome, get you involved with where things are at. and well have a laugh along the way, life is too short. click on link post below and well see you there. talk to us about your collection even hope to see you in there. all the best basil
  11. @adeatrick83 aload of us in this thread below why not come join in? all best basil 👍
  12. wow sheep with massive hat rack wouldnt want to piss one of them off
  13. right sorry to sound ignorant here but what on earth is a mouflon???? basil 👍
  14. Well sounds like time for another tune as we are nearer to friday now 😄
  15. No nils is hungry you did see his feet earlier 🤣
  16. Question is what does he eat and is he a veggie, baguette could be on the menu 🤣
  17. Nice nils lucky you m8 wish I was out and about in the sunshine. Unfortunately for me stuck at work, which I think @Scary Hair is right now as we speak but at least that's in a pet store so she gets to see some animals
  18. Well got a beautiful sunny morning here in the south of England today, hows everyone's weather where they are today? Is it starting to resemble spring? @Veum @Hollywood E Rock @Trianna @R1s1ngs0n @Berserk3429 @extantsrevenge
  19. Also Hollywood hide behind your toolbox helps 🤣

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