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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by BreakBeatDJ

  1. I wish there was a premium for that gif. Love that movie and the soundtrack.
  2. Hey @Casiusco, what GBs did you join? I hope you're still feeling the afterglow!
  3. Finally home and catching up. This is fantastic. Only watched episode 1. The show is great . . . but . . . the intro/opening and the closing credits . . . holy cow I love it . . . poetic ship control closing credits?, who would have thought. @MikeH5856 @hansreinhardt
  4. The academy awards is an industry awards ceremony, not a fan award. Academy members are greatly influenced by what happens behind the curtain, and fans only want to judge what is in front of the curtain . . . creating a cognitive dissonance between the two. I've been to many screenings with academy members and they're not thinking about us, the fans, or even "best". They're thinking about the industry that they have to function in and deal with daily: films their friends worked on that they want to support, films that were produced by producers/studios they want to work for, directors they like and support, not voting for directors they hate, films that are achievements in scope or technology that feel "different", not another genre film which they are all bored working on over and over and over . . . etc. etc. Sometimes the winners overlap with what we as fans like, and many times it doesn't. The best Plummer doesn't always win the Best Plummer at the plummer awards either: people who work in the industry see and know things that the fans don't see, and that influences their votes immensely. We at MP support Ksosk even though we may not really think his stuff is the best, but because he's our guy. It's no different for the Oscars. The most authentic moment in all of Oscars history is Sally Field accepting her award in 1985 and saying, "I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me" . . . that is what the academy awards are really about, industry people and who they like and don't like . . . not the best. I always have and will continue to love the Oscars, it's a fun celebration of the movie industry that supplies some marketing opportunities for the winners, and that's about it, IMO.
  5. Agreed, I really love that BluFans, I wasn't tiered at the time, so missed out on it. Happy this UHDC is so killer.
  6. I'm looking forward to hearing the rattle . . . that will mean I have my first UHDC wooden box edition in my hands. 🤣
  7. nice pickups. something about that widescreen banner still makes me so happy. Back in the day, flipping through bins, I’d buy almost any LD or DVD that had the WS banner.
  8. Agreed. The BS of A1 felt like a selfie gone bad. But, it's looking more and more interesting, unique, and "arts-y".
  9. "No squeezy. Bad baby" I think we have some cross promo with Pirates of the Caribbean.
  10. Here ya go my friend. Upgrade awaits. (I'm assuming you mean King Kong)
  11. I jumped out of my seat with joy when I read this. A masterpiece that deserves far more attention than it gets. Peter Weir's best film? (since we were discussing him in the Hanging Rock thread). I agree 100%. A poetic adventure film that took cinematic advantage of the "chase" movie format, but used the slow speed lyricism of seafaring stalking to develop conflict, character, camaraderie, cunning. Arthouse meets adventure meets period meets battle cry meets patriotism meets leadership meets loss meets naval superstition meets natural history . . . a nearly perfectly crafted "small" epic film. (Although Russ needed a better violin coach imho)
  12. Fantastic photo. I say give this submission and extra point for the photo. 🤣
  13. My man is getting a workout today!! Seriously though, thanks for being on it @Gary K
  14. We are wondering the same thing in USA. No one seems to have any answers about what the real situation is and if delivery outside of the UK will ever happen again. Very disappointing.
  15. So sorry mate. That sounds very rough. Hoping for all the best for you!!
  16. Like @ajames212 said, I'm loving the retro feel of this. This comes with a "subject to change" disclaimer. Can this art really get approved? It feels so radically different from all the other 2001 editions out there. Any of you smart psychos have any thoughts?
  17. Goodies gone wild edition . . . a HalBar that will lock you out of your house.
  18. The MAG Das Boot is still available here in the MAG GB - MAG Das Boot @Gary K has one, I think he's pretty pleased with it. Just FYI, for another option.

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