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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. It's a great looking steel! I'm digging this artwork very, very much and even like the slip for it. It's been a loooong while since I bothered to rewatch this one, but this edition is getting a spot on my shelf regardless. And, as you pointed out, Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Yeah. There's at least one good reason to revisit this.
  2. No idea! I'm just hoping for Arrival, which I figure will be enough to keep our mods busy for a little bit.
  3. My pic(ks) for "It Takes Two" 1. Bad Boys - buddy cop duo! 2. Edge of Tomorrow - time traveling warrior duo! 3. Lethal Weapon - the original buddy cop duo! 4. Terminator 2 - cyborg, warrior woman and her son work as a team to take down Skynet! 5. The Town - a team of Boston bank robbers going for one last score at Fenway! As far as which classic needs a premium, I'd have to go with Lethal Weapon. I'm surprised something more hasn't been done for this film and its sequels, but I guess I can understand why given Gibson's various controversies over the years...
  4. Digging it! Can't wait to see the slips. Sounds like Thursday's gonna be a busy day here.
  5. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Haven't heard a thing about this one until today, but I am officially on board! Releasing in August; no trailer yet.
  6. Looks like the release date has been moved out to the end of April now. Product page is now showing a shipping arrival date of Friday, April 28, so those of us who were hoping/expecting to have it by the end of this week are going to have to wait a little bit longer.
  7. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this challenge, @Reagh! I'm a booksaholic and am constantly reading, so this one is right up my alley! Unfortunately... most of my library is all boxed up in the basement until we can afford some remodeling. I miss seeing all my books... Of course, this means the wealth of adapted source material is hard for me to get to without making an even bigger mess than it already is, so no James Ellroy, Lee Child, Tom Clancy, Michael Connelly, DC and Marvel Comics, et al from me sadly. Thankfully, I made sure my Stephen King library was accessible, so I present to you, the Stephen King Edition of Adaptations. And my favorite... Stephen King's IT is an all-timer for me. Hands-down one of my favorite books ever. I'm so grateful they pulled off such a successful adaptation of at least half of this epic tome with the first IT film. I first read this book when I was 14 and identified with the Losers Club so damn much. I was one of them, and for the few days (yes, really! A thousand pager in only a handful of days. I ate, lived, breathed this book with every waking moment from start to finish. Could not put it down) it took me to tear through this book, they were my best friends. I freaking lived in Derry, Maine, or at least felt like I did. This book is what made me a reader for life despite my school curriculum doing everything it could to make me detest books. The first IT movie became an instant favorite. I love that movie! Maybe not as much as the book, but it's up there. As far as IT: Chapter Two goes...well, the less said about that one, the better. 🤢
  8. Great challenge, @Fortis93! This is kind of a toughie for me, actually. I love action, horror, sci-fi, thriller, but gosh...which one do I love more?! After some deep and personal self-reflection, I think sci-fi takes the lead. I was going to say sci-fi horror, but after previous controversies surrounding The Thing and ALIEN I thought it best to avoid that landmine. 🤣 Here's five favorites that I think are pretty clearly sci-fi! The film that made me fall in love with this genre isn't pictured, but obviously it was Star Wars: A New Hope. I was utterly obsessed with the original trilogy as a boy and wore out the VHS tapes. Thank goodness for DVD! And then Blu-ray. And now 4K. LOL I remember watching these flicks on TV as part of ABC Sunday Night At The Movies broadcasts, and Saturday matinees, along with the Godzilla flicks and edited for TV horror flicks, and eventually all the Star Trek stuff starting with TNG. Lots of good childhood memories with my mom and the TV! Really makes me wonder which ended up being more influential in my life... 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Thanks, @extantsrevenge! I've been terribly lax about participating for quite some time now... Just pulled together a couple shots for some challenges and will see what else I can manage to try and catch-up a little bit.
  10. Looks like there's a US release for the mediabook, too! That's right - US mediabook release of a Netflix exclusive! What?!?!?!?! What is this world coming to?!?!?!! 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.amazon.com/All-Quiet-on-the-Western-Front-4K-Blu-ray/dp/B0BWSNHMD9
  11. Release Date: April 24, 2023 Price: £34.99 Purchase Link: Amazon | HMV
  12. Just ordered this and The Last Starfighter from Diabolik. Haven’t seen the latter since I was a kid! Should be fun to introduce it to my boys, though. I’ll have to save Blackhat for after they’re in bed. 😂
  13. Pretty nice lineup of May releases from Arrow!
  14. Great news! Now, how the heck did you get them to ship yours so early?! 🤔😂😂😂 Mine is still processing, but I’ll be keeping an eye out for a shipping email.
  15. Singles for me! I gotta have the original poster art slips to match the Kirk-era flicks. 😁
  16. Zavvi processed my PayPal payment overnight and charges have been posted to my account. Looks like my preorder will be shipping! (At least until I hear otherwise...) Fingers crossed they get everything sorted out quickly over there and are able to resume US shipments on new purchases soon.
  17. Yeah, definitely! Maybe we'll get a Best Buy announcement. And Parts I and II need to be available separately. Be nice if a premium retailer would step up to the plate, too, while we're at it.
  18. Ahhh, maybe. Maybe. I always kinda forget about them, unfortunately, even though I just ordered from them a week or two ago. 🤦‍♂️ I was thinking maybe FNAC or Amazon UK might be options, too.
  19. More Superman steelbook news! I'm guessing it'll be too much to ask for a US release of the Superman I and II steels, huh?
  20. With Picard Season 3 starting today, Paramount+ has put up a 20-minute featurette hosted by Wil Wheaton.

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