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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. Some more details on Paramount+'s current plans regarding Trek and worries of oversaturation.
  2. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Guess we're getting our wish, @hansreinhardt!
  3. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Agreed on both fronts. Hopefully they do some original movies, too, introducing us to some new crews and ships. I wonder if they could get Nicole de Boer back for a Capt. Ezri Dax movie aboard the Aventine a la the pre-Coda books and the end of that then-canon book line.
  4. Just in case you guys haven't already heard the news, Section 31 finally got the greenlight. The more the years have passed since this was first announced like 6 years ago, I figured the series was just never going to happen and that Michelle Yeoh's fresh cachet as an Oscar winner put an end to that happening. Turns out I was half-right! The series ain't happening. But they are making a feature-length Section 31 film for Paramount+. Pretty cool, and a better move, in my mind. It gives Yeoh a heck of a lot more freedom scheduling-wise, and still gives her a chance to franchise it with sequels later on down the road. But still... where the heck is the Star Trek Legacy announcement, dagnabit!
  5. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Looks like Star Trek: Section 31 is finally a-go!
  6. I had to look up when ours aired... lol I knew it was on our Channel 50, WKBD Detroit, which used to be our Fox affiliate before they got bumped up the dial and took over our CBS affiliate way back when in the UHF days. Apparently it was on Saturdays at 6. I recall DS9 being on Sunday late-afternoons/early evening, though. Regardless, I ain't waiting for Picard! 🤣🤣🤣 First chance I can get, I'm turning it on and staying offline until I finish it.
  7. Man, I wish! I’ll be watching from my couch as usual, but it’s my top priority come tomorrow morning. Thank goodness I’m working from home tomorrow. Gonna log to my work email, see what’s waiting for me there, and then plop myself in front of the TV, crank up the volume, and enjoy one last voyage. 😭
  8. Mine, and from the sounds of it a few other people’s copies, arrived with the film still on the slip. Talk about mint condition! It’s a great steel. Now I’m really excited for my copy of Miami Vice!
  9. (Gary, can you spoiler @BreakBeatDJ's quoted selection in my post too, then? 🤣)
  10. I suspect spoiler tags are something we'll all want to keep in mind next week for the finale! I don't think this show has used up all its big surprises just yet.
  11. It may be too late; the site only gives a couple minutes to edit. If it's still available, click the three dots in the upper-right corner of the post and select edit. Then you should be able to cut the text and paste it into the text box the spoiler icon creates when you click the eye button in the formatting bar of your post:
  12. So glad you enjoyed it, man. Not sure if you're still able to, but you might want to spoiler tag the post in case some viewers who aren't all caught up stumble upon here. Great thoughts, though. I'm still in hysterics over some of the one-liners in here, like the carpet, Data's attempt at being "positive," and Worf's "That was NOT my fault!" I don't want this season to end, but I'm also eager to revisit it on disc whenever that lands. Now bring on Star Trek Legacy, Paramount!
  13. Yeah, that definitely helps take the sting out of my being booted from the group buy for this one. 😝 I'll have to see if I can track down a copy of the Best Buy steel one of these days.
  14. Well, there's that soundtrack preordered. Couldn't resist!
  15. So far, the only thing I know for sure about all this is that I need this to be released as a 4K steelbook, Dolby Atmos, packed to the rafters with extras, and I need it immediately. I remember Fox releasing one of the seasons of 24 on DVD the very next day after the season finale. I really wish Paramount would do that here with Picard Season 3!
  16. Man, I hope you like and lives up to expectations. Hopefully we didn't overhype it for you! 🤣
  17. I'm thinking they mean 9 and 10 combined = 2 hours. Today's was the regular length. I'm hoping for a feature-length finale, but suspect it's only the usual 50-60 minutes. No idea how the hell they're going to wrap this all up in one hour, but I can't wait to find out!
  18. Paramount needs to green light Star Trek Legacy IMMEDIATELY! I have absolutely no idea why they haven't already, to be honest. Maybe after next week's finale they'll give us some news. If I were an exec there seeing dailies on this season in production, I'd have to be insane not to launch a new show spinning off from this series. It has to happen. I refuse to accept a world that says otherwise! 🤣🤣🤣
  19. Stay away from the Internet until you watch it. I imagine people are going to have a lot to say about this episode!

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