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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    So freaking glad they got this movie sorted out well ahead of the WGA strike!
  2. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Good lord, the cast for this flick is getting ridiculously stacked.
  3. Thank you, @cypheria078 for Challenge 31! 1. Goodfellas is an adaptation of the nonfiction book, Wiseguys, chronicling the life of mobster Henry Hill. 2. Argo is based on a true story about the CIA using a fake sci-fi film as a cover to rescue American hostages being held in Tehran. 3. Braveheart is based on the First Scottish War for Independence and may be one of the most historically inaccurate films ever made according to critics. 😂 4. The Aviator is a biopic about aviation magnate Howard Hughes and his OCD. 5. 1917 — based on stories Sam Mendes’s grandfather told to him about his service in World War I.
  4. Here are my picks for Challenge 30, @extantsrevenge! 1. Darth Vader 2. Khan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3. Hannibal Lecter 4. Agent Smith 5. The Joker As far as which is my favorite, I’m gonna go with Heath Ledger’s The Joker in The Dark Knight. I absolutely love how this character was handled here, and the way Nolan treats him as a pure chaos agent with little motivations beyond anarchy. Plus Ledger’s performance was just brilliant.
  5. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Great to see Quinn showing up in such a high-profile title after his terrific turn in this past season of Stranger Things. He was so good there! No doubt this will be a very different role. 😂 Nice to see Nielsen returning, as well. I’m optimistic for this one.
  6. Oh, awesome! Great to see Manta’s potential library access grow. Can’t wait to see what they come up with.
  7. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    It's ridiculous how badly I need this right now. This could be a film for the ages!
  8. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Hopefully all us non-CinemaCon going folks get to see this trailer soon!
  9. Mine is currently sitting on the top shelf of my closet since my movie shelves are pretty well out of space at the moment. That said, it hasn't budged in the four months it's been up there, but it's also not prone to being moved accidentally or knocked around by the kids since it's out of reach (reason #2 for my putting it up there! 🤣). It's a hefty box with some decent weight, and very solid.
  10. HAHAHA SAME. Mostly, I couldn't afford every single release, but there also hasn't been a whole lot lately that's really hit my radar (which is probably a good thing on the whole). Don't work yourself too hard, man. Try to enjoy the movies and get some rest!
  11. Well, welcome back, man. I'm sorry your relationship with your wallet will soon begin to suffer once again.
  12. So does that mean you skipped Manta Lab's Inception GB?
  13. Challenge 29 — thank you, @InfiniteDoors My picks: 1. Annihilation 2. Batman 3. Candyman 4. Fargo 5. Godzilla 6. Jaws 7. Nobody 8. Pig 9. Robocop 10. Sicario
  14. Went ahead and preordered this from Amazon just to be on the safe-side, but I may switch over to FNAC since the DHL deliveries to my area have always been so dang fast and in great condition. But even that'll be a moot point if we get a US release (provided it's all the same artwork).
  15. Nothing will ever top All Good Things, @InfiniteDoors. I remember after TNG ended going to see Generations on the big screen and leaving... well, not disappointed but certainly not impressed. Especially in comparison to that finale. As far as Legacy may be concerned, yeah, @BreakBeatDJ I can see where you're coming from there. If Matalas is involved, in such a would-be scenario, he's certainly earned my trust after this season. But I'm also not adverse to some of those callbacks and would kind of expect a few them given the timeline setting
  16. I can just imagine some Paramount exec behind the scenes reacting to the showrunner shake-ups and change in plans being like, "HAHA, we got you now, sucker!"
  17. I do wonder what Picard season 2 and 3 would have been like under Chabon, and what the original three-season story arc had looked like that was pitched and lured Sir Patrick back. I know he was extremely hesitant about making just another Star Trek show, even though that's undoubtedly been what so many of us have enjoyed about this last season. I wouldn't trade this final season for anything, though, I suspect. Now Starfleet Academy and Section 31? I'd trade both of those in a heartbeat if it meant we got that Star Trek Legacy series instead with the new crew!
  18. I won't so much other than I absolutely loved this season, and the finale hit all the right notes for me. Between fatherhood, nostalgia, and concern and worry for my TNG crew, these last 63 minutes put me through one hell of an emotional wringer. This was so deeply satisfying for me, and it ended in the best way possible -- it left me wanting more. So much more. Paramount needs to greenlight Star Trek Legacy immediately and let us get to know the next next generation better. There's still so many more adventures left to be had. It's going to be one hell of a missed opportunity if the suits over there don't recognize this and give us a new 25th Century series with this new crew. I'll admit, I wasn't deeply invested in Voyager and missed pretty much the last-half of that series. I'm guessing Now, when the hell is the Picard Season 3 4K UHD Steelbook set packed with a shipload of extras getting released!?
  19. Been waiting for this one! Glad we don't have too much longer to wait (assuming I make the cut-off).

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