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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. Not yet, but I also haven't had much time to dig around for artwork. Whoever thought stacking 40-some discs between two cases was a good idea is a freaking moron. I figure I'll go with seven of these kind of cases and hope I can find some art that fits, somewhere. Otherwise I'll just type up the show/season/episode info in Word and call it good enough. But god, how freaking chintzy. 🤣
  2. Thanks, @Basil! Just ordered. Haven’t seen this one since it was in theaters! 😂
  3. Apparently Walmart is getting the steelbook Zavvi is selling, but Blu-ray only. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Pretty sure I don’t need to double-dip on this one based on the reviews. Still looking forward to giving this a watch though!
  4. Ordered direct from 101; hopefully they take care to package their orders properly and not just use a flimsy cardboard mailer. Guess I’ll find out!
  5. Ordered! I was hoping we’d get the same art as the Zavvi exclusive, but oh well… Maybe it’ll appear elsewhere stateside.
  6. Yeah, exactly. The box set consists of two epic-sized DVD-sized cases holding 7 seasons worth of discs double-stacked across the hubs. I was thinking of going with slimmer, individual blu-ray cases, one for each season. Just wondering if anybody has any leads on some good art for each season. Google only gave me a few hits, so I thought I’d see if anybody here might have some suggestions.
  7. This is likely the wrong place to post this question, but what the heck… I recently, finally, got the TNG series box set and holy crap is that ever some truly awful packaging. Anybody have any luck putting together some custom Blu-Ray season sets for this show? I’m kinda kicking myself now for not just ordering the individual seasons instead…
  8. Given the way the DCEU has been going outside of the Snyder films, and aside from Gunn's The Suicide Squad, I'm probably going to regret joining the GB for this one... But I did it anyway. 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣
  9. Hmm... wonder how my wife will react to me putting this on my nightstand. 🤣
  10. Unsurprisingly, it looks like Marvel is keeping quiet on Jonathan Majors's involvement for this one.
  11. I’m locked in for the Amazon UK ultimate edition. Hopefully it arrives with less corner damage than my Jaws 2 order…
  12. It would have been nice if Paramount would’ve at least given them a heads-up since DIS kicked off this current era of Trek, just as a courtesy. I guess we’ll just be grateful if it doesn’t all end up being another one of Riker’s holodeck simulations! 🤣🤣🤣
  13. The new LG G3 77in. I’m so freaking excited! Going to be revisiting a lot of movies now that I can finally use my player’s Dolby Vision output.
  14. I really hope the DIS crew were able to film a suitable send-off for this show following its unexpected cancellation. But I’m also hoping we at least get some guest appearances or (less likely) story arcs for Burnham and crew in the Starfleet Academy series.
  15. Haven’t watched it yet — I’m still a couple episodes behind on SNW. Jazzed to see it, though! We’re getting a new TV installed on Tuesday, my first OLED!!!!, so I’m trying to save some of the stuff I really want to see for then. So, soon!
  16. Man, my competitive streak and collector's desire is starting to overwhelm me. I kinda want to order a copy of Arrow's Bruce Lee set just to see how badly damaged the corners on my copy could get! I feel like I'm missing out now!
  17. I don’t mind it, but jeez, would it have killed Paramount to keep it black and in line with the rest of their Scream steels?
  18. Oh, hell yes! My 4K disc is gonna be sitting pretty inside this steelbook! Scratch that... I just realized this is also a 4K release. 🤦‍♂️🤣 Woohoo!
  19. My only concern is the discless steels for streaming content that don’t even have ANY physical media! Yours is a fair point, about having to buy the disc separately. I’m not too fussed if it means I can replace an Amray with a good looking steel. I do worry about buying a store-exclusive steel of a big release that may get a premium treatment down the line and doing double- or triple-dipping.
  20. It’s a fantastic series with a great story arc. I’m excited to give it a rewatch. I was aware of the HBO remasters but haven’t checked them out. Now, I will definitely wait for the Blu-ray. Now I can finally sell my DVDs! Now it’s Paramount’s turn to announce DS9! (Fat chance, I know… 😔)
  21. Looks cool, but without any actual discs available and (as far as I can tell) no plans from Disney for a home video release, this one’s an easy pass for me, unfortunately. 😔
  22. Well, there’s that 4K ordered — makes up for the Manta Lab steel being Blu-ray only! 🤪
  23. Crazy! Thank you, @ShadowWarrior! Just blind-bought Alita: Battle Angel. 😄

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