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Everything posted by pygospa

  1. Do you know if these will also be released in the UK? Or is it just US releases?
  2. Falls außer mir noch jemand auf die Packet-Shots gewartet hat, ehe er bei "It Chapter 2" seine GB-Anfrage stellt, voilá, puis-je vous aider*: *) Lange keine Franzosen mehr hier gewesen, habt ihr sie etwa alle vertrieben?
  3. So geht es mir in letzter Zeit auch täglich. Zu all dem Frust den einen ein Montag eh schon bringt, hab ich gerade endlich mein Päckchen von Zavvi erhalten, das eigentlich schon im März ankommen sollte, aber sich verzögert hat. Als wenn Montage nicht so schon schlimm genug wären. Der Verantwortliche gehört mindestens ausgepeitscht 🤬 50€ fürs 🚽. Und natürlich ist der Artikel schon lange ausverkauft (sonst hätte ich auch bei Amazon.co.uk geordert, nicht bei Zavvi), und wird im 3-stelligen weiterverkauft. Könnt kotzen.
  4. Tully was quite all right. I saw it a while ago at a sneak preview cinema presentation. It wasn't too conventional, slow paced, and even though I am probably not the target group (overwhelmed mothers), I could so feel with her. Charlize Theron is great of course (since Atomic Blonde I absolutely love her), and this was a so untypical role for her to play, yet she was so convincing, and her acting and looks are so different, that it took me quite some minutes, until I finally got who she actually was. The other main person is MacKenzie Davis, and she has a rather creepy vibe, I can never quite picture her :D But she is really great as well. I think you might actually like it even better than I did, judging from some of the movies you recommended to me :) Please let me know what you thought, once you've seen it!
  5. To be quite honest, BR 2049 was done so many times (Filmarena, WeET Collection (at KimchiDVD), HD Zeta), that I wouldn't need it. Original Blade Runner didn't get any Fullslip treating yet, there was only the old suite case edition. What I really really really hope for, though, is that they include at least the three important main cut editions (the "Directors Cut", the "International Cut" aka "Criterion Cut" and the "Final Cut"). I think there are even more (7 in sum?), but those three are afaik the most important ones, and even though the latest "Final Cut" is considered the one how this movie is supposed to be (and is arguably also the best cut), just for the historical relevance, as well as how you might have grown up with the movie (e.g. I - as all Germans - grew up with the "International Cut"), this would be really nice. Guess, however, this is not going to happen, though :(
  6. I would still get 2 and 3 as well, and really hope they're doing them as well, not only the one release...
  7. I think we all know that this sentence doesn't make any sense at all. I know how it would make sense: He forgot to add 2+3 to the end. See? I fixed it
  8. Lustige Idee - hab noch nie ein custom Lenticular gekauft, oder machen lassen, daher würde mich erstmal interessieren: Was kostet sowas denn überhaupt? Davon würd's bei mir abhängig sein. Wirklich brauchen tu ich's nicht, aber die Idee fänd ich trotzdem lustig. Ich würd dann aber ein 3D Lenticular bevorzugen - diese Flipflop-Dinger mit mehreren bildern die wechseln, mag ich (mit wenigen ausnahmen) garnicht
  9. In Germany it's really hard to get Autographs anyways. Only at really expensive conventions, and these are so overrun, and the autographs also cost money (and quite something), that it's not fun for me to get those. If it was possible I'd totally get you; I've got a couple of autographs on CDs and Vinyl, but it's again more the meeting of a star and talking to him for a few short minutes - the autograph is just the "souvenir"and reminder of that meeting. On the other hand I also love my editions as original as they were, so maybe it's better this way (I always start crying when I see some German collectors tossing out the original discs of an Edition they import and replacing it with the disc from the German Amaray). Still, in general I am with you on the Fullslip > Lenticular - if, and only if, the Fullslip has some beautiful finish. There are a couple of Fullslips that are just boring, and in that case, a beautiful Leticular could be even nicer. Two examples that come right to my mind: FAC Vaiana and FAC Zootopia. The Fullslips absolutely boring. Not anything special as artwork, just a scene of the film itself, no partial gloss, no shiny parts, no embossing, nothing. Same with unbroken, only the title is glossy, and that's it. Thats rather dull, and probably, for these cases a beautiful 3D popout effect that is well executed (we are talking quality of MantaLab, NovaMedia, etc.) would have worked much better. On the other hand, what I used to like about Filmarena was their lenticular magnet - and I think it's a shame that no one else is doing these - e.g. I got both Deathpool Releases from Mantalab, but I would be totally fine with the Fullslip + the lenticular magnet for the Steelbook. That to me, is the best you could do, and only Filmarena is doing it - unfortunately, because the first 80 or so releases, the Lenticulars were ass-ugly, and since then they've actually figured out how to do it correctly but now it seems they are rolling dices on this: half of their lenticulars are really beautiful, the other half is garbage. That's really frustrating. Especially as you cannot really choose freely anymore, because of the "one gets the UHD, the other the 3D". I'm so not digging that, lately
  10. I am with you on MoS, but runner up is rather difficult. Yes the Constantines are really great. But so is the Revenant one. And even though it's not perfect and people didn't like it, I think it's really great that they tried out new things with the Kingsmen Fullslip (the PET one that was Lenticular on every side) as well. For the BvS I cannot tell you if I like the Lenticular or the Fullslip better. The one has stuningly perfect 3D, the other has this holofoil on Batmans eyes making them glow, and so much detail on the fullslip, it's insane. Or take the Batman Lego Movie with each and every Lego button as an embossing and the word Lego on it debossed, what a fine work on details (plus I like these kids extras they put into it, instead of the usual cards). Fightclub - so often done, none used this crazy colorful artwork explosion they used on t he fullslip. Love it. Oh and don't even get me started on that sexy Mera 3D Lenticular on Aquaman 🥰 I guess what I am saying: To me they are (with a few execptions, that are not bad, but not as special as the rest [Walter Mitty, for instance, or Lala Land]), all runner ups 😍
  11. Wow @Movie_Shelter, thank you so much for sharing this. I have a strange starting with MantaLab myself. I've heard from them right from the beginning, and (hold your hats), I was like: Well yet another Fullslip supplier doing what all these MB suppliers do. Well, given that - afaik - no one else did MoS at that time, it wasn't really true. But judging from the pictures I did not like the edition too much, and then the second release being Deadpool (like no one did that before?) I was, once more not interested. Also, you need to know, during that time I still wasn't fan of Lenticulars - I just knew the German lenticulars you get with 3D releases, plus those of Filmarena, and I always thought these things made these editions more ugly then beautiful. Also: I did not see MoS before - I am actually not a big fan of Superman, and I thought Man of Steel had a silly ring to it. So I wasn't interested in the movie either. Deadpool was another thing, entirely, yes. However, given that I didn't think much of the lenticular, and the Fullslip looked like every other Fullslip, I was totally content with my E3 Filmarena release, plus the German hardbox, that looks like the Comicon VHS. This just changed, when people got the lenticular and showed it of on YouTube - after that, I was a bit angry at myself for not getting it, because the 3D effect really looks absolutely stunning. My first order however, I placed for The Revenant, for the leather fullslip. That was an excellent crazy idea, and I was so for this, I really loved it, even though - again - I also got both versions from Filmarena, I had to have that leather fullslip. Funny thing, MantaLab did just a restock of their former products, so while I was getting the leather fullslip, there was a special offer on getting both Fullslips of the previous two releases (Deadpool and MoS). Now in 2016 BvS came to the cinemas, and just the day before going to see it, I borrowed a copy of MoS, because I didn't know how much it would depend on this one, and I wanted to see it. Now, you might know, while I am not so fond of Superman, I am a total Batman fan. BvS was a must see, and I didn't want to go into a Batman movie and not understand everything because I missed out on the first movie, even though the first one was a pure Superman movie. I watched it the night before, and I was so excited, that I watched it the next evening once more, before going to see BvS. I was blown away by the beauty and the style of the movie (Zack Snyder is a real artist!) and after that, I eally wanted to own a premium copy of MoS. So, it was a no-brainer to add those two (because than I even got a discount), to my The Revenant order. To this day, I would argue, that even if The Revenant has the best Fullslip of all time, Man of Steel is actually the overall most beautiful release they did. It fits the movie absolutely perfectly, and I love the steelbook, it's really beautiful, perfect execution, and even though I normally don't like this large holographic application (I'd rather have it partially applied), this one somehow fits perfectly. So yeah, even from me, very much love and appreciation for this first release of MantaLab (plus I could also track down their second, Quaterslip Deadpool release, and that lenticular is also just stunning and mindblowing. ML does great lenticulars, but also great work on Fullslips, so it is really hard deciding which to get).
  12. Again, there is so much mixed information, that I am too really fed up. There's quite a large number of customers who ordered and got the white one. Especially those who ordered two covers got both. Why MM/Saturn switched around some of the white ones with the black ones no one knows. I can count myself happy that I got the black rider and not the one with the two faces, as apparently that is the one no one actually likes, and eBay and Facebook are full of people wanting to sell those. Never the less, I have the steelbook, I didn't want the same cover twice, so I am also really pissed. Now, yesterday I was at my local Saturn and ask them if there was any chance to get the white one, and they said, there's nothing they could do, both covers sold out immediately and they are not getting the covers back. Even the guy I was talking to wanted to get a white one, but they didn't even get any at their local stores. Today at facebook one guy wrote, that he was yesterday at Mediamarkt, and there the guy said, in two to three weeks time, they'll get another batch of white covers, because they just didn't get all at once, and he would wait. The guy could even place a preorder, but only locally. I'm not sure, if again, these guys are incompetent, but this kind of different treatment of different customers really annoys me.
  13. That's an interesting view of things, however (no offence) I cannot share it at all. While it may be true that there are new collectors entering the field, I don't feel like we are in general growing, but rather quite the opposite. Take, for instance, YouTubers, who in the past unboxed so many things. I know quite a few German YouTubers that I follow on a regular basis: Cinemanuel, Vorhees82, Zimmi, Godzillafan1990, Ralfs Unboxing, Michas Filmwelt, Julians Filmeversium, and many more. Now the thing that I realized following them, is that these guys slowed down collecting extremely. Two of them even stopped their YouTube channel altogether. The rest transitioned: Less buying, more streaming. These channels used to be in constant competition on who unboxes what first, they had daily videos on new Blu-ray editions, that they would present, it was actually even important to those guys to get the things as fast as possible (so some even had deals with some stores to get their things shipped first so that they would be able to unbox it, in exchange of naming their stores, etc.). Nowadays, there's hardly any unboxing going on anymore. They still want to do movie based YouTube channels (although two of them now starting a second channel that is more lifestyle concentrated), but what they do instead is, "what's new" (and then they sceencapture their monitor going through tabs of everything new to preorder), "what's on sale" (same thing but different topic), or these "follow me around" in the blu-ray department of Mediamarkt, Saturn, Müller, etc. of different cities. And half of what they present isn't even bought but sponsored gifts. And in Lifestreams these people often discuss that they used to get so many special editions, but what for, they only get dusty and today you can watch everything you want with Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+. Similar things you'll read more and more often on Facebook groups where certain editions get presented - I remember times when someone announced a new Mediabook in the "Mediabook Facebook Group" and everybody was like "wow, I'll get cover C". Nowadays, more often people say: "Well, it's an okey edition, but actually I don't need this movie as Mediabook". Or another indicator is Filmarena. I remember times, when these editions where usually minimum 1000 copies and you couldn't get them. I knew Filmarena a year or two prior to my first Group buy. I always monitored them and wanted to get certain editions, but it was impossible. I didn't had a number (I applied for one but never got one), so I had to wait until they where open for everyone, and nearly all of the time I either missed that opportunity or it was already sold out long before. Right away, they where in eBay at 100€s and people actually even bought them for these prices! People didn't even used fixed prices but auctions. I participated in so many auctions that went so high that I jumped ship. Today? Just look at the Filmarena webpage: Their three newest titles you can still Pre-order, plus you could buy "Terminator 2", "Wind River", "Planet of the Apes", "F8", "Child 44", "Vaiana", "Creed", ... when I finally found Andres Groupbuy, you had really hoped that Filmarena would be doing more than 500 copies, because otherwise you'd probably missed out (I missed out on Ted, on Seventh Son, on Scorch Trials E1 because they where limited to just 500), today there is a large number of Filmarena releases that are just 500 copies, that you'll get without problem: "Hobbs and Shaw", "Rocketman", "Halloween", "Pet Sematary", "First Man", etc. I guess there are even more indicators, that I just don't know, so this is where I already need to stop. But given these circumstances, given that my own brother, who was always ahead of me when it came to collecting, stopped collecting, given that so many people announce it openly that they nowadays rather watch Netflix then spend a lot of money on a collection where most of the films you only watch a couple of times, and given what I see regarding limitation numbers and how largely they are still available, I cannot share the thought that the hobby is growing. I feel it's rather the contrary. Now, where you are absolutely right is that MediaPsychos is growing, in that you are absolutely right. But here, I'd ask you: Do you know any other place that is as good and has all the things to offer that you'll find at MediaPsychos? For instance, I know of two rather large jump in members due to the German bluray-disc forum's f-up, which included that people offering Group Buys where not supported and where sitting on invoices they couldn't send to users anymore, plus a massive loss of users due to that f-up they did, that weren't reachable anymore, either. Andre moved to this place, everyone followed (all other Groupbuys ceased to exist, afterwards). Or German company HD Filmportal - same thing. They used to do Filmarena Groupbuys as well, they closed it, all those customers transferred to MediaPsychos. That still means, that in general, the collecting community is getting smaller, but it's also concentrating from many different spots to just this one (the best of all): MediaPsychos. But all in all, I am not so positive on the lookout regarding our hobby. More and more people are leaving, meaning more and more companies are also leaving, and this, also leads to more and more companies doing more and more of the same, because those are the titles that everybody will get. It's a sad thing, actually :( Btw. I can of course only speak for Germany, I don't know how the situation is in other countries, I hope it's better, though :D
  14. You've probably seen this - I have a while ago - but if you haven't, this is a small slice through the manual work Criterion is putting to a release, from scanning to cover design. It's just a short peak, but I really liked it, and found it rather interesting back then when I first heard of Criterion and didn't know who they where and what they where doing (if you're not in the international film bubble, which for the major period of my life I wasn't, it's just unknown here). This just got washed up to my YouTube recommendations due to the large search of Criterion titles I've been doing the past couple days, so I remembered it, watched it again, and thought, why not share it with you guys, in case you haven't seen it? Here you go:
  15. Yes, Eureka!'s Master of Cinema line is perfect. I don't own any of their Steel releases yet, however. But even the Amarays are of high quality (starting with the package, that has a 14mm spine and feels so much thicker and sturdier than any normal Amaray. Also it's not the ugly blue that destroys the impression that an arwtork should give you when looking at it), and their booklets are also really great. I also love their last page where they tell you how the aspect ratio is supposed to look on your TV so you can adjust it accordingly, so that things don't get cut away or look strangely streached, etc. Huge fan of that.
  16. Oh, thank you @Veum for the mention. Somehow I still totally missed it and just now saw it by accident (I am just getting too many notifications from this forum ). I already own 4 of the 6 contained movies, so for me it would also be a "more for the extras" pick-up, if I'd get it. Unfortunately, once more, it's Region A locked - yeah, I know, this endless annoyance, I should finally deal with it and get a new player. Just went up a couple of places on my "things I need to buy" list Need to save some money first, though, and this month has already been pretty expensive 🤑
  17. Yes, and to be quite honest, it's the same with me. I'm always happy when someone does something that I missed out on. Which is why I did not mention Her, or Matrix, or others where there's already another premium edition. I missed out on Her as well. It's just there are a couple of movies that have been done over and over again, so often that I think everybody who was interested in them must surely own one or the other copy of it. But at the end, of course it always depends on the individual, and just bitching about it, might not be fair to anyone who didn't get them yet. I just wished that doing one movie wouldn't also mean not doing the other - but most of the time it means exactly just that.
  18. That's what I thought, but to be honest, you wouldn't have been able to translate it, even if it was written, cause it's using strong bavarian slang, or what does Google translate say about: "So guat hob i seid zwoa monat'n net gegesse"
  19. Das sieht aus wie ein "Schäufle" - das hatten wir neulich mal als wir bei unseren Kunden in Würzburg waren (hier im Norden kennt man sowas nicht). Das war wirklich schon verdammt lecker.
  20. That guy says to the waitress that food was excellent and he didn't eat that well the last two weeks. Then he gets splashed and the woman says: "Next time we're in quarantine, you'll be cooking your own food"
  21. Kühlschrank oder W-Lan, das ist hier die Frage
  22. Ich fand Ad Astra nicht schlecht, gerade visuell echt grandios. Aber ich fand ihn stellenweise sehr vorhersehbar, und das Ende hat mich garnicht abgeholt und überzeugt. Also sehr gemischtes Gefühl. Mies war er nicht, und holen würd ich ihn mir, sicherlich auch noch ein paar male anschauen. Aber es hätte viel Potential nach Oben gegeben, imho. An 2001 kommt eh nix ran. Fänd's auch cool, wenn das nicht immer zu immitieren versucht werden würde. Das hat mich auch an Interstellar am meisten geärgert. Hätte so viel Potential haben können, und dnan machen sie einen auf 2001.
  23. While to me these two movies feel totally different (and I have to confess I like Kill Bill 1 so much better than Kill Bill 2), when someone would put both of them in a Box designed for both movies, with a continuous, matching design (maybe something that Filmarena did with the Spiderman Homecoming, where you could put all Editions together for a continuous image), I would get that with out a second of thought. I am always a Fan of Boxsets, that contain things that belong together. Cannot tell you why that is, but yeah. That's me :D I also voted for all of them, to be honest. I've talked about this already in the German thread, because I am not too happy about their lineup. Then again, I am me, and this is MantaLab, so who am I kidding. But I still have some reservations on these titles (rest I will be getting without a second thought): Pulp Fiction: I love that movie, but I'd own it 5 times then. I don't believe they can still add something to the release that we haven't seen anywhere else yet, so I am rather hesitant. Especially as it also came with three beautiful, never before seen artworks, including the promo picture where Samuel L. Jackson was accidentally not wearing his hair piece. What else could you imagine? Kill Bill: Over the years I grew more fond of the first part of this movie than most of his other work - I'd say it even surpassed Pulp Fiction, so I am really in love with this. BUT again, I have 3 different editions of this movie, including the Nova Media One-Click Boxsets, that came with sneak leather structure, a lot of extra gimmiks (a Hatori Hanzo coster, a rubber snake, a "stop using inappropriate language Wagon" key tag) and three beautifull artworks that have never before been seen. Drive: Once more, I wonder if this movie didn't already get more than enough limited edition releases. So many steelbooks that are considered holy grailes, the Mondo X Steelbook that is super rare, the Future Shop O-Card Amaray edition, Fullslips by Plain Archive, NovaMedia, KD-Media, the German One-Click Boxset with three different Mediabooks (one Padded). How many more do we need? Instead, why not give some love to the titles we haven't seen yet? Let's just stay with Tarantino. What about Death Proof? What about Django? What about Four Rooms? And even though he didn't realize them, why not get a Special Edition on True Romance? Natural Born Killers? (Yes, Tarantino hates it, but it's still a great movie and at least Tarantino related). I get it, that every label is like "wow, that's the best movie, I love it, we need to bring out an edition of it" - but I would surely appreciate it if they'd also look what other labels already did, and consider the value of having so many editions of the same movie for their loyal customers, as well as the devaluation they participate in, if there's so many "limited" edition of one and the same movie, that in sum, there are more editions out there than customer asking for, lowering the value of every collectors collection.

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