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Everything posted by pygospa

  1. @Casiusco Again, in general I share your opinions, but I have two things where I deviate a bit: I wouldn't just credit it to "madness" (btw. madness in what sense? That the fans/public are/is mad for Nolan even though it is undeserved? [i.e. negative madness] Or the madness Nolan shows when creating his projects? [i.e. positive madness]) and sales behind Nolan, but also to Nolan himself as a filmmaker. I mean, one cannot dispute that he has done some pretty good movies, can one? Memento, Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, Interstellar (I don't like it too much, personally, but the imagery is still pretty impressive), and Dunkirk are rather exceptional, compared to most movies that hit the cinemas. People associate these with his name if they liked the flicks. It's of similar quality (to me) as would the name Tarantino, Hitchcock, Bava, etc. would be: you have certain expectations and associations. But that's not (or not just) due to the marketing and sales behind the movie. Naturally, I am pretty excited when I hear that name. I would have definitely watched it in cinemas, if I could. But I am not going to, even if the Cinemas reopen and even if they are showing it, due to the current Corona-situation. So to see it, I have to get it anyways, and I don't go for Amarays which make me unhappy (as they are ugly) for a couple of reasons - even for a blind buy (given however, that I have a strong feeling that I might like the movie!): If I like the movie, I'd be unhappy, that I missed out on a premium edition when I had the chance; resell prices might skyrocket and then I would never get that edition, as I usually am not willing to pay much higher than the original price If I don't like the movie, I probably wasted 10€-20€ for a movie, that I won't get back. Used Amarays usually don't sell for much more than 1€-5€. If on the other hand I had the Full slip, these you can always sell, if you wanted to. Originally sealed packages usually go for much higher than the asking price, so getting something in the area of the asking price for an opened one is not that hard (even though nowadays it actually is getting harder and harder). Those are at least my reasons for being exited in Tenet, even though I don't know it yet. Actually here, I did not expect the demand to be as high - even with the Kimchi lenticular - I think most people just got that because of the package itself, rather than because of the movie. It is pretty special interest, it is a slow burner, a movie to think about, I would go as far as to say it has arthousy tendencies. So I wouldn't expect any yaw droppings just because the title is mentioned. Then again, if the edition manages to excite people even if they don't know the movie yet, then demand for this will skyrocket (as we saw with KimchiDVDs release), if not, it's probably not the best pick for the masses. But I am pretty excited for this release as well, as I missed out on the Kimchi one, and really want to get this movie in an edition it deserves
  2. @R1s1ngs0n, thank you. Totally missed that one. But I've never gotten any HDZeta releases till now anyways, so that's why I might have missed it.
  3. Great presentation of the result. I really like the effort you put on this, so thank you, @extantsrevenge! This remark puzzles me a bit. What releases of Blade Runner are there? For me, just the Briefcase release (with an amaray and the Origiami Horse) comes to mind. Oh and of course 1 or 2 Steelbook releases, that all wheren't too beautiful either. I don't remember seeing any other "premium" release besides these, and I wouldn't think of the releases I remember a "premium", as they all had their downsides as well. But maybe I've missed something? Just for this reason, and am really looking forward to the MantaLab release. It's a classic master piece and I always wanted to own a copy worthy of the movie. Regarding the results, I feel the same way that @Casiusco already excellently expressed: There is no clear winner. Maybe it's just my perception but it feels like there is no one real excitement for any of the titles, and I would again argue that this probably has to do with the fact that most titles have already been done, regardless by whom ad how many times. I do really get excited when I hear about a title that hasn't been done yet, and that I look forward to. E.g. the first Pan's Labyrinth release by Kimchi. Boy was I happy. Or the Ex Machina release. Or Gladiator, Bad Boys, Black Hawk Down, etc. The only title that was really surprising for me is Tenet, but I haven't seen that one yet (probably never will [in Cinemas] due to the ongoing Corona virus stop using inappropriate language), so it will be a blind buy.
  4. Thank you, @CAYENNE-FAHRER for the update! I have two additions: 1) Supposedly this is only a problem with the UHD disc, not with the BD or DVD. So make sure you check that disc - if you don't have a 4K setup, you can still "play" the disc on a X-Box One, if you own one (PS unfortunately still does not feature an UHD drive, so no chance there). Or ask a friend to play them for you, or lend a device, or something - to just check if it's running smothely you just need the drive to play the disk, not an entire 4K setup (i.e. reveiver, cables and TV can still just be HD). I guess nothing would be more annyoing than to find out a few years from now when you finally did an upgrade to 4K, that your UHD disc won't work, and that there's no way to exchange it then. 2) Nothing mayor, but two words in the translation totally mess up the meaning. I've fixed the wording (in bold font):
  5. Uhm... just take a look at this sub-forum? Here are just the first ones I posted for the different labels (just on the first and second page of this subforum ). Turbine: Wicked Vision: Anolis: Capelight: Unglaublich Phantastische Film:
  6. Thanks for posting this, @CAYENNE-FAHRER. I wanted to but totally forgot about it. Here are just a few more information about this release: This "coffin"-release is (as was the wood box for the initial Dracula) by Anolis to celebrate them finally managing to get these editions to be released in Germany by them. "Dracula" of course had other releases as well, but The Prince of Darkness was never before released - hence the special coffin release. As with Dracula, this mediabook has an exclusive artwork (Cover D) that comes just with the coffin, but also three additional mediabook releases and an Amaray release - if you don't want the coffin, you can still own the movie in a beautiful mediabook. However, these will be available for preorder only shortly before release (all together on Oct. 30th), whereas the coffin release is available for preorder since January 2020, and on Febuary 2020 they posted that 50% is already ordered (however, I guess since then not much more happened, as there was no other update regarding the stock). But to be sure: If you really want the coffin, don't wait too long. Here's a pciture of all the other mediabooks (unfortunately in bad qualit) as well as one other shot of the coffin. Be aware, that as the release is only in October these are still subject to change (according to Anolis).
  7. I first wanted to put this as an answer on one of the posts, but given that not everyone reads the older posts, I feel like this should be more prominent. I feel a bit responsible for you guys because in here, I advertise a lot of (in my opinion) great editions that are produced in Germany by labels such as Turbine, Wicked Vision, Anolis, etc., and a couple of you guys decided to pick them up and thanked me for showing them to you. However, lately I've heard from my US friends, that they've been waiting for their orders and growing nervous and impatient. I was asked if I could check what's happening and contact one of the labels, but as I wanted to do just that, I found out that this label had already answered in comments about the situation. I already forwarded it to the one asking, but I feel everyone should be informed about this situation - I would feel really bad if you don't know and buy and then wait forever and feel frustrated, so this is not ment as a (political) discussion or anything, just as information for you, and for me to keep doing what I do without having a bad feeling, that you might order something because of me, and then feel really bad for the wait! And maybe you/we can find other solutions (one idea I have is will follow the quotes at the end of this post). So here is the first message: Today, one label boss ranted on his personal account about the situation some more - the posts where still publicly and sharable, so I took the liberty to copy them for your information as well: My translation: I've also checked this with the DHL website, and it is totally true - DHL does not permit sending to the USA, or only at really extraordinary additional priceings; and apparently there is no other service you could use for international parcels. I feel like you should know this, in general. This will also be true for other retailers, and basically should also count for Mediamarkt offers, etc. (however they probably have warehouses in whole Europe anyways [I know that there's a Mediamarkt on Gran Canaria, so...].). Especially those small labels and retailers will not be able to pull off sending them by proxy via a third country. So please be patient if you've ordered something (you should of course always ask, just to be sure), or consider cance11ing your orders. Another option would be to maybe organize someone as a proxy here via Mediapsychos. Maybe someone in a country able to receive packages from Germany can order things for you and relay them to you. I guess retailers will be open to this as well, if you send them another address they can send to, and that will relay items to you. Of the top of my head, I just know @Veum and @RAK that are from US and showed interest in German products (or at least my postings about them). Feel free to tag further members you know, to whom this might be of interest.
  8. Oh, you are very welcome Always happy if I can point anyone to something interesting that'll make them happy I also got Cover A in the end, because my girlfriend liked that one the best, and I was torn between A and C, so in the end she decided for me
  9. Of course, no worries - it's a bit tricky. Wicked Vision is a magazine/e-zine, not a label, so once the label was founded by one of the magazines employees, it was called "Wicked Vision Media" - and now they renamed themselves this year to "Wicked Vision Distribution GmbH" (GmbH = the British 'Limited') - so they are finally a "legit" big company . But when you look for just "Wicked Vision" you won't find them but the magazine... Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/wickedvision.media/ And if you are interested in the statement, that one was in a comment, here: https://www.facebook.com/wickedvision.media/posts/2763620617075125?comment_id=2763961707041016&reply_comment_id=2764868863616967
  10. Small heads up on shipping: In Germany, if you order over 50€ there's free shipping - you could do so, by getting this one as well, it's same pre-order/delivery date (Wicked often releases in sets of two, for their own releases so you can save some money). For USA (not Canada though) I unfortunately learned, that there is no shipping permitted until further notice. If you want to be save, you can preorder, and he'll put them aside for you, but he cannot tell when it's possible to send those parcels for the US out again. Stupid Corona
  11. Stimmt ja garnicht - ich Lügner. Die zwei Spider-Man hat Filmarena ja auch - sogar relativ zeitnah - geliefert. Und das waren auch echt schöne Releases, die ich nicht missen möchte
  12. Finally some news - preorder has started yesterday at 15:00 at the Wicked-Vision shop - other shops are sure to follow, so check your favourite Mediabook dealer (be aware though, Amazon will definitely be third party, so no guarantee and is usually a bit more expensive). Maybe some admin/mod can add this to the initial post (because I cannot ) Release: 31.07.2020 Link (Wicked Shop): Cover A, Cover B, Cover C Price: 29,99€ Limited: 444 Cover A, 222 Cover B, 222 Cover C They also provided a new banner, that I'll add, and on Facebook they added this little announcement text (in English): Again there are 200 cards for the first preorders. To save shipping costs, in Germany, when ordering this one as well (both released in July 31st, both preordable now), you won't pay anything. And unfortunately, if you reside in the US: Wicked is currently unable to send to the US, due to Corona. They'll take your pre-orders if you want (so you definately get your edition save), but will keep the editions untill shipping is permitted again. I'm not sure if anyone was really interested in this one, so no tags :D You'll probably follow me anyways, and get all the updates you need - or follow this thread, or... maybe get tagged by the others who know you better than I do :D
  13. Die kommen aber bitte, bitte nicht alle auf einmal, oder? 😵 Dann wäre ich raus, ob ich will oder nicht. Bei mittlerweile 60€-75€ je Edition, wäre das für mich nicht mehr drin. - Godzilla: King of Monsters: Must have, fehlt mir noch - leider auch der erste, aber vielleicht kommt der dann ja auch noch nach (auch wenn ich hier damals mal das brüllende Futurepack ins Auge gefasst hatte) - Captain America: Civil War: Hätte nicht sein müssen. Das Filmarena hier noch alle 23(!!!) Marvelfilme irgendwann nachliefern wird seh ich ehrlich gesagt nicht. Auch find ich's bescheuert, dass sie, wenn sie das vorhaben, nicht erstmal bei den aktuellen Titeln bleiben, und dann die andern nach und nach nachliefern. Erstmal die zwei Avengers-Finalteile, und dann langsam aufrollen. Aber so? Der letzte MCU Film kam vor 3 Jahren (GotG 2), dieser hier ist 4 Jahre nach Releasedatum und nach NovaMedia, WeET, KimchiDVD, BluFans, etc. - mit teils exklusiven Artworks - und hier wird's dann auch noch wahrscheinlich wieder WEA.... Bin ich der einzige, der sich hier fragt: Muss das jetzt noch sein? - Allied: Wieder so ein Schnarchtitel. Liebesgeschichte zwischen zwei Spionen zwischen den zwei unterschiedlichen Seiten im 2. Weltkrieg. Hab ich im Kino gesehen, hätte gereicht. - Predator: Finally we are talking! Auf den warten wir schon seit Jahren(?) - Doctor Strange: Wieder echt komischer Titel. Einer der eher unbeliebteren Marvel Titel. - Kong: Skull Island: Wie schon bei Godzilla: King of Monsters, find ich dieses Announcement dann wieder cool, und hoffe, dass Filmarena hier alle Teile bringt (also auch noch den ersten Godzilla und dann auch noch Godzilla vs. Kong). Das wäre dann mal wieder schnieke - Captain Marvel: ... (wieder so ein top Titel aus den MCU Filmen... ). - aber okey, hier muss ich ehrlich sage: Der fehlt mir noch komplett, also hätte ich den so oder so genommen - Top Gun: Für mich der erste Titel aus dieser Liste wo ich sagen würde: JA MANN! Unbedingt! Darauf freu ich mich. Noch kein Premium release von diesem Titel (nur gefühlte 100 verschiedene absolut billig gemachte, aber total überteuerte VHS-Editionen), noch keine Ankündigung von der ich wüsste - ich glaub den gibt's noch nicht einmal im Steelbook (WEA?) - mir ist da nur das stop using inappropriate language geprägte Futurepack bekannt (könnte natürlich jetzt wegen des zweiten Teils natürlich sein, dass da ein WWA schon geplant ist, und FAC das einfach nur einpackt, wer weiß). - Black Widow: Wenn der Zeitnah kommt, gerne - da bin ich dann definitiv zu haben für. Hoffentlich bleiben sie dann aber auch am Ball, diesmal. - Bad Boys for Life: Bin ich voll für zu haben, hab Teil 1+2 davon, war ein Lieblingsfilm meiner Jugend, sodass es mir echt wichtig war, die Fullslips damals zu bekommen, und natürlich hab ich mir nach der Sichtung von Teil 3 im Kino sofort gewünscht, dass der bei Filmarena aufschlägt! - Ad Astra: Prinzipiell ja - aber auch hier wieder so ein Titel, der dann Zeitgleich mit MantaLab kommt. Und wo ich im Voraus schon wieder nicht weiß, welches mir da besser gefallen wird - wo ich aber sicher weiß: 2-Male bräuchte ich den eigentlich nicht... Noch sammel ich ja alle FAC - auch wenn ich das immer wieder in letzter Zeit in Frage stelle... einerseits wollte ich mal alle voll kriegen (was aber eh nichts wird, nicht nur wegen der unmöglichkeit mancher alter Titel, sondern auch wegen der Limiterungspolitik, die Filmarena aktuell immer mal wieder fährt), andererseits auch zur Loyalität ggü. Andre, der ja auch immer Mindestabnahmen von allen Titeln hat und sonst auf Dingen sitzen bleibt, oder die gefragteren Releases nicht vollkriegt. In letzter Zeit stell ich auch das immer mal wieder in Frage, weil ich das Gefühl hab, ihn würds fast besser gehen, wenn er das nicht mehr "an der Backe" hätte mit dem vielen Ärger den er die letzte Zeit mit FA hat...
  14. Hey @Veum, here is a statement Wicked released yesterday: So apparently it's due to corona and some/all of the delivery services not being able to deliver into USA right now. This really sucks, and I am really sorry for you, my friend You can still order and Wicked will collect and send them right when the delivery bans are lifted, but just for now it's impossible. Alternatively you can always "can sell" (just read these two words fast and together - haha, take that you evil forum function ) your order. I looked it up and official site of DHL confirms this; apparently USA is not allowing for EU parcels, only letters with max. 500g and 2cm thickness. There is some super-duper rather expensive premium deals you can use, to get them in there anyways which are pricey. But yeah. Checks out Really sad for you that you have to wait.
  15. Finally some news - preorder has started yesterday at 15:00 at the Wicked-Vision shop - other shops are sure to follow, so check your favourite Mediabook dealer (be aware though, Amazon will definitely be third party, so no guarantee and is usually a bit more expensive). Maybe some admin/mod can add this to the initial post (because I cannot ) Release: 31.07.2020 Link (Wicked Shop): Cover A, Cover B, Cover C Price: 29,99€ Limited: 444 Cover A, 444 Cover B, 333 Cover C They also provided a new banner, that I'll add, and on Facebook they added this little announcement text (in English): This collector's card they talk about is limited to the 200 first preorders. I'll tag @Grendel and @Cinephile, because you mentioned interest in this title, and I don't know if you follow this thread and get notified otherwise.
  16. After a lot of hours spent going through all the other titles from the offer, and comparing trailers, information on wikipedia, IMDB rating, personal recommendations, the 1001 must-read book recommendations, and different recommendations and top lists of general criterion releases, and in the last moment also expert help by @Grendel and @Veum, I have finally placed my second and final (for this Zavvi sale) order, that I want to share with you (if you like/are interested): Badlands Really enjoyed the trailer, it's the second leading role of Sissy Spacek and also stars a really young Martin Sheen. It's in the "1001 films to watch before you die" book (1001-book), and it was recommended to me by a good friend, so pretty obvious pick. Being There This satiric comedy movie wouldn't have been my first choice by the trailer, though it was interesting enough, but again, I got a recommendation by a friend, it's in the 1001-book and it has a rather high IMDB rating (8 points), which I am not putting too much value into, but as a directional pointer it's interesting as well. Carnival of Souls This one is the last spot - I had 9 pretty unshakable candidates and needed a even number. I wasn't too sure which one to pick for this last spot, and so I asked @Grendel and @Veum for their choice of these three: 1) The In-Laws (not sure, if I like this kind of comedy, but I like Peter Falk, so that made it interesting for me), 2) Certain Woman (drama looks interesting, even though probably slow-buring, and with some interesting female actors: Laura Dern, Michelle Williams and Kirsten Stewart). And both where sure that Being There - a low budget, b&w horror movie from 1962 was the best pick (in retrospect - how could I thought they'd suggest anything else? ). Ivan's Childhood I always wanted to get into Andrej Tarkovsky movies, and on the top of my list there was Stalker for years now, which was part of my first order. Still, this one I didn't know before, but I watched the trailer + a scene of the movie on YouTube and really, really, really liked what I saw. Nothing else, no personal recommendations, not in the 1001-book - but a great IMDB rating of 81. Still, this one was a no-brainer. And a foreign country movie, I like that. Klute No recommendations, not in the 1001-book, middle IMDB-rating. But again, the trailer looked so interesting crime-psycho-thriller kind-of movie, and wikipedia said it was pretty important movie. La Jetée & Sans Soleil Sans Soleil is in the 1001-book, this movie was recommended on a YouTube video, the higher IMDB rating is 8.3, and the trailer of Sans Soleil was rather interesting. Plus, La Jetée was the inspiration for 12 Monkeys, and that is even obvious right from the start of the trailer. Both are sci-fi movies, La Jetée is a time travel movie. Lots of points that speak for this release. Oh, and it's french, et je pense que c'est tres bien! The Lure Probably a really strange pick, and not fitting to the others, I picked, but this trailer was so strange, that I had to get it. I mean, just think about it: it's a movie about man-eating mermaids that sing in a band - it has something vampiric, even the movie poster is really great. A no brainer. And the first polnish movie that I am getting! Solaris Besides Stalker the other movie that is on my list for a while now - another USSR sci-fi movie from Andrej Tarkovsky. Plus two personal recommendations, I enjoy the trailer, and it has a high IMDB rating of 8.1 Tokyo Drifter Besides being in the book, it's also really interesting trailer, and as a japanese movie it already has a bonus point with me. And then there is the fact that it's supposedly a large influence on Quentin Tarantino and a couple of other film makers. So this is interesting to me. Yi Yi I liked the trailer, plus there where two recommendations from YouTubers for this movie. It's an Asian movie, it looks slow paced, and somewhat like a lovestory for life itself. I am intrigued, and it's one of the few Chinese movies I'm going to own. Hope they'll arrive soon. Once they're here I'll share some pictures with you
  17. Oh, thank you so much for that info. Didn't know about their sale, I'll have to look into that one as well!
  18. @Masterblaster While I totally agree with this (and would never intentionally do something like that), I still find it a bit strange though, reading it here in the Japanese forum, because in here no one ever did, did they? Why not have it prominently in the announcement thread? (Just a suggestion, without any ill blood or intent).
  19. Thanks, guys Given these - I'll call them - cineastes' home video releases form the UK, I think I really like Criterion the best so far. And after them I'd go for Eureka!'s Master of Cinema collection - what they add to the table that Criterion misses, is a bit more modern movies, as well as this great booklet that has these viewing setup guides, so you can check instantly if you are seeing the picture the way it is supposed to be, or if your TV tries to "enhance" your viewing by clipping parts away or stretching them. And Arrow's just on place three. I love their releases dearly, and think that it's great to provide a flip cover and alternative new artwork, but the thing that annoys me the most with Arrow is, that there's not a booklet in every release (or supposedly there is, but only in their first pressings - which however you cannot identify from the outside, or the product page at Arrow). If they had the Criterion/Eureka! quality booklet it would at least beat Eureka! due to the alternative cover artwork, and if they'd use Scanavo Fullsleeve's I'd even value them above Criterion. Btw. Indicator I haven't tried out yet. Mostly because all the most interesting titles to me are already OOP, and I don't like to get the second pressings in minor quality packaging and without the booklet. Well, I guess so In my defence for not getting into Criterion earlier: 1.) Criterion isn't well known among German collectors. I stumbled upon it on the formerly biggest German Forum, with a thread that was years old but only had a couple of responses - mostly reminder that there was a Barnes & Noble Sale and the two people who always responded to it, with their wishlist. As I am pretty inquisitive I wanted to know what it was they talked about, so I googled Criterion and found a lot of YouTube channels talking about why they where so great, what they are doing, etc. Most people in Germany don't know anything about that label, and the great work they do - and probably never will, due to a couple of reasons, which I believe are: a) most Germans put great value in dubbing, regardless if it's English (which most people here do actually at least understand quite all right), or any other languages. There's a abomination on subtitles so the large majority of us Germans wouldn't even dream of watching an e.g. Japanese movie in original soundtrack with subtitles, and with criterion they are even English! b) most collectors (even though movie collectors) care far to little about the movie itself and the extras - so if they'd get an imported release, it would be a limited/exclusive/WEA release in a Steelbook or Fullslip or such. But keep cases? No chance; most Germans even don't know what a Scanavo Fullsleeve package is - so to them it looks like a Amaray release. Even though it shouldn't be only about the package but master and extras are crucial as well. And c) these are of course Region A locked releases, and in Germany it is hard to get a Region free or Region A player. So even though I can look back at 20 years of collecting movies, I've only heard about Criterion ~2014. Most Germans have never seen these, you cannot get them anywhere in Germany because they wouldn't sell anyways, and they won't peak the interest of most of the people here. I am highly generalizing, of course - speaking out of the experience I had with other collectors; there are exceptions to the rule of course! 2.) Even though I had 5-6 years now, getting into Criterion, and I really admired them from the time I learned about their existence, and even had some favourite picks that I would get if I could, I didn't because of the Region A lock. I actually only learned about the UK "branch" of Criterion winter of last year, when I saw the Godzilla release of theirs and thought that it would be great to get, but sad that it was just Region A. While googeling it I then found it at Zavvi as well, and was a bit puzzled, and then learned that there are actually releases by Criterion for the UK market and these would get Region B discs, instead of Region A ones. I haven't gotten the Godzilla-Release yet due to the hefty price tag, but I will soon (hopefully ); and untill then I was eyeballing the UK releases, and finally, thanks to the Zavvi sale got into it But yeah, it has finally happened - and I feel I've opened the box of Pandora with it, because given that I really like these releases, I'd probably sooner or later try to get them all
  20. Zavvi is really funny. Instead of a big Package, they send out every edition separately. Four arrived yesterday, three today (not sure, if the post man just took the others back with him, because they didn't fit in the mailbox anymore). That means, one title is still missing: Diabolique. But yeah, here we go - my very first order of Criterion titles! I didn't know that they printed the bbfc rating logo onto the cover - just read that here after I've already oredered - that's a small (but really small) inconvenience (it's not as horrible like what we Germans do with our FSK). Other than that I am pretty happy about these releases. They look stunning in their Scanavo casing, I absolutely love those and prefer them to any Amaray casing (but especially the ugly blue ones ). I also love the booklets; all of them look pretty informative, and well researched, like a good source of additional information. Some of them are rather plain in designs though (e.g. Oharu) while others (e.g. Kiss me Deadly) are absolutely stunningly designed. Then others (Tampopo, Cat People) are actual fouldout posters with stunning artwork, and the booklet part on the back of it. And stalker has like a long foldout strip (comparable to these multi-panel Digipacks, if you know what I mean?). And did I mention that I love these Scanavo cases? They look stunning even in the shelf! I am definitely getting more, and currently am going through their offer once more (I feel like some titles have actually changed, or there've been additions. I'll probably spend the entire evening sifting through trailers, ratings, wikipedia trivia to sort out the ones that might be potentially interesting - again having to spare money for about 8-10 editions - let's see ). Now, fun question for you: How do you sort them into your shelf? By title or by spine number? https://www.zavvi.de/blu-ray-and-dvd/criterion-collection/2-for-25-criterion.list
  21. For all you guys that didn't get one, and had to go empty handed, I am really sorry. This is not to pour salt in your wounds but maybe it's an incentive or counterargument for trying to track these down. But to me something really good happend: So there was this guy on Facebook who got a white MM/Saturn cover but wanted a black Amazon one, and asked if anyone wanted to trade. I was too late, but we still had a short nice chat, and he wished me good luck - and so I had missed that opportunity and since then did not find anyone else to trade or for selling this at a reasonable price. Then few days ago he contacts me again. He wanted another black Amazon one for a friend and ordered via Media Markt - and again got the white one (btw. thank you Media Markt for lying to me - I explicitly contacted you and asked and you said, there is no way, all white ones are gone, but you only had other black ones left!!!). He would sell it to me at the price (including shipping to him) + shipping. So I ended up paying 38€ instead of 30€, but finally own the one I really wanted to have. Here are some pictures - I didn't try any of the discs yet and cannot tell you about English friendliness of the extras, etc. (if you are interested, please ask, then I will do that - if that's not interesting to anyone I can spare the effort). From what I can tell you it is really a gorgeous edition. We have some spottgloss on the title, and really beautifully designed pages. Artwork on the cover looks sharp and stunning as well. In my opinion it's worth the hunt for it (but not for the crazy asking prices). But decide for yourself:
  22. Okey, here you go, then - not a BS, but in Hand pictures "Your wish is my command"
  23. Generally speaking, I would totally feel you on this - if it wasn't that it's a Christopher Nolan-Film. I don't know all his films yet, but all the ones I do know (Memento, Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, Interstellar, and Dunkirk) where really great movies, which is why I wouldn't dismiss a Nolan-Film even if the trailer would look like something I wouldn't enjoy. Still, that doesn't mean you have to feel the same way, though I myself have a couple of movies I cannot say I dislike because people would then throw me out of here e.g. I don't get the hype around The Godfather trilogy at all. I was absolutely bored...
  24. Ach mist. Natürlich kenn ich den Begriff - irgendwie fehlte mir hier einfach der Kontext 😅 Ich hab immer nur an bullsh1t denken müssen 🤣 Dann kam was mit Schalke 04 und dann war ich komplett draußen und wusste nicht mehr um was es geht Auf welche BS wartet ihr denn so sehensüchtig?

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