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Posts posted by Masterblaster

  1. 1 minute ago, MovieHead said:

    A release thread would be nice LOL .. that way others across the forum can enjoy the opportunity AND you get some recognition for posting a RT  LOL


    und .... wer sagt ich bin so schwer ran zu kommen ? ICH ?  ... das muss ich meine frau sagen LOL...



    • Haha 11
  2. On 8/11/2019 at 7:02 AM, FrancisK7 said:

    I was able to piece together the benefits of tiered memberships from various posts and replies but if I go to https://mediapsychos.com/premium-memberships/ nothing is listed, its just a blank page, is that a bug on my end? 

    I think it was in the time shortly before or after our system update.


    Im very sorry for the inconvience.  


    The link is now visible , if you have anymore problems please let me know


    Take care



  3. @Hal9000 and i know the flack im going to catch from my good friend @goose_3387 🙂 cause he really is getting swamped right now for requests , but would like to mention that you can join our section over at 


    The Honorable Mr. Goose


    to receive a Banner . 


    PLEASE though do be patient as he does it on his own pace and needs to feel the vibe sometime LOL...


    Take care


    ps. great to see you in Gold !

    • Like 5
  4. 22 hours ago, Sheikah said:

    This whole process seems a bit confusing....Have non-tiered members gotten a chance to purchase anything yet? Or is that coming up? I still havent seen anywhere to purchase membership.

    Just click on the supplied Link , cant really be any easier 😃


    @Sheikah got to be fast though , only a certain number of Gold and Silver left .


    Take care



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  5. 23 hours ago, Masterblaster said:

     So guys and gals , we are ready now to launch our Premium Membership for the year 2019/2020 for our Regular Members.


    Please utilize the following link to see what the perks are and to purchase …...


    Premium Memberships    


    This link will stay  for the Regular Members for a time period of 24 Hrs .  Time stamp is now 9:00 pm my time CDT/CST . 


    We thank you for your continuous support !!


    696.1 kB · 0 downloads


  6. 4 hours ago, CAYENNE-FAHRER said:

    mir ist aufgefallen das ich zu Wonder Woman noch keine Sonderedition habe ausser UHD

    gibts noch was anderes ??

    ich habe eine edition , bin ich der meinung zumidest .. weiss aber nicht ob SL oder DL ... muss schauen , hatte es gerade gestern in meine hand....



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  7. So guys and gals , we are ready now to launch our Premium Membership for the year 2019/2020


    Please utilize the following link to see what the perks are and to purchase …...


    Premium Memberships    (Attention :  this link is only visible and/or usable by the members that are Gold/Silver from our 2018/2019 Membership year.)  PLEASE do not use this link yet if you are any other Member Tier or a Regular Member .  


    This link will stay EXCLUSIVELY for the Gold/Silver Members for a time period of 24 Hrs .  Time stamp is now 9:00 pm my time CDT/CST . 


    You can also instead of using the above link , just find the link under the Marketplace as shown below. 


    We thank you for your continuous support !!


    • Like 1
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  8. 22 minutes ago, Ltd.Steel.Junky74 said:



    Habe heute 2 Silber Rechnungen bekommen, die erste die ich bezahlt habe, kam wieder zurück und die neue 2.rechnung (übrigens hatten beide den selben Preis) steht jetzt auf abgebrochen... Keine Ahnung warum🤔

    Wollte gerade bezahlen, bitte mal nachforschen 🙏



    du kannst kein Tiered Membership im moment aussuchen bzw solltest du kein Rechnung hierzu zahlen.  


    Das "problem" liegt darin das das system erkennt jeder als ein wiederholungs taeter (billing agreement) und sendet somit die Rechnungen in batches raus .  


    Ich habe die moisten gestoppt aber das system ist nicht immer kooperrienen… 


    Da du ein Silver dies Jahr bist wird deine Zeitfenster morgen sein mit der Gold Members um Eine neuen auszusuchen fuer das 19/20 jahr .


    Bitte bezahle keine Rechnung bis du selbst taetigt warden kannst um ein auszusuchen.  Wie gesagt morgen … 



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  9. 26 minutes ago, Ehsan said:

    That's just my opinion of course  - and it's unlikely the existing MP top brass and hierarchy will agree to anything that threatens their hegemony. This is not to discount the wonderful work you guys are already doing (that is without question)...there is another issue about fairness that is the point here.








    Im sure we will consider this in our next implementation of the Tiered Members .   I still believe that you have just as much a fair chance as any other Regular member to snatch a Platinum Membership.  


    I definitely did not want you to feel bad or less worthy of a Platinum Membership , if that is the case then please accept my Apology .  


    Being "an exisiting MP top brass" I can assure you that we are very interested in improving our system where we can and we accept criticism as well as praise equally.


    Once again , very sorry you feel as if you are at a disadvantage .


    Take care



    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Ehsan said:

    Appreciate all MP efforts here. I understand it must be a very busy time.


    From the responses so far, seems like once renewals & upgrades take place,  there may not be any Platinum left for regular members..? That would be a shame, unfortunately it's supply vs demand, and I get that not every member can have top tier membership 


    One way is to perhaps think about rotation of memberships,  so for e.g if someome has already enjoyed Platinum for a year, then the following year - new members should get a chance and have first pick?

    That way every year, all members (old & new)  get a crack at top tier membership at some point.

    Otherwise this becomes something of a monopoly and dynasty! Just a thought!




    Hi @Ehsan ,


    thanks for your thoughts and input.  


    Not every Platinum member from last year will be able to support us again with Platinum this year (3 spots already come to mind) .  The Platinum Members must have always first choice IMO because they are the ones who support us FINANCIALLY more.  However, we have recognized that Gold members might want to upgrade as well as Regular Members might want to purchase Platinum.  That is the reason we have set aside a certain amount of slots for each "group" .  


    When it is time for the Regular Members to choose there tier (if they want) there will be an xxx amount of Platinum ONLY avaialbe for the Regular Members (like yourself) .


    Please try to remember we are trying to be fair to all Groups and I believe we are doing it this way the best. 


    Take care



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