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Dies und Das (Archive #2)


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb TheDavoser:

Ja es gibt nicht nur schöne Seiten am Filme sammeln.

Sehe das aber genauso wie @Cornbuster warum sollte ich mich von den negativen Aspekten so runter ziehen lassen?!

Ich liebe schon mein ganzes Leben lang Filme und alles was damit zusammenhängt. Besonders das Sammeln derselbigen.

Für mich ist tatsächlich nicht nachvollziehbar jemals davon Abschied zu nehmen und mich von meinen Schätzen zu trennen.

Das ist einfach Herzblut was da drin steckt.

Vielleicht sind es für einige letztlich natürlich nur Gebrauchsgüter, aber mit blutet immer das Herz wie „leicht“ sich manche davon verabschieden können.

Natürlich gehen mir Scalper genauso auf den Senkel wie Euch Anderen, aber was haben die mit meiner Leidenschaft zu tun??

Will natürlich keinem auf die Füße treten, melde mich eh viel zu selten zu Wort, aber das schien mir wichtig mal loszuwerden.




I Love You Heart GIF by New York Comic ConHappy Simon Cowell GIF by America's Got Talent

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vor 59 Minuten schrieb Gladiator_MV:


Man muss / Du musst ja auch nicht immer alles kaufen! 😉🤣 Is doch Scheißegal! Wie viel davon erscheint!

Auch bei Daniel @raylight Platzmangel ect. Man muss doch nicht immer alles haben / kaufen ect. Denn is es ja auch kein Wunder! 🤣

Is doch klar! Bei Star Wars z.B. Kann man sich doch todkaufen! 🤣xD


So mach ich das auch ,wenn mich was interessiert wird eine Edition gekauft ! Meistens sammel ich nur FA und HDzeta . Blufans seltener . Bei Nova kauf ich gerne die Tarantino ,hoffe da kommen noch  welche. 

Klar es gibt Ausnahmen zB Indiana Jones & Blade Runner & Star Wars/Trek , und das wars dann auch . Ich muss nicht alles kaufen ,habe da keine Probleme mit.

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8 hours ago, CAYENNE-FAHRER said:

wieviel Std sind die Ami`s vor?


werde da auch zuschlagen,wird ne lange Nacht


8 hours ago, Peterrr said:

Im Osten geht die Sonne auf... in Australien gehts los mit Montag dann irgendwann kommt Europa und die USA mit als letzte... je nachdem wo in den USA 6-keine Ahnung 9? Std nach uns 


Depending where you are in Germany and the USA you are approximately 6 hrs. Ahead of us!


8 hours ago, CAYENNE-FAHRER said:


für mich ist ja schon Wochenende hab ja Urlaub,haha




Dab Sauna GIF by Big Brother UK


8 hours ago, icewire said:

Die Amerikaner sind ca. 6-8 Std. hinter unserer Zeit.


6 hrs. Where I’m from Michael!


8 hours ago, raylight said:

Moin zusammen,

so blöd wie es klingen mag, aber mir gehts derzeit ähnlich wie @icewire.

Gründe sind bei mir auch vielseitig...Platz, Preise, Optik, Wartezeiten. Irgendwie fehlt mir mittlerweile der Spaß am Thema. *seufz*



amy poehler please GIF


7 hours ago, Fortis93 said:

@icewire @raylight


I've been thinking about this for a while now, but do you think you'd still be interested if these releases were more readily available (or easier to acquire)?


We're kind of one big, isolated island down here, and there is isn't much of a market or demand when it comes to exclusive physical media releases (e.g. we don't get Criterion Collection releases here, Best Buy exclusives, etc.) and when you factor in conversion rates + shipping, it does make your interest in the topic wane a bit.


It becomes somewhat frustrating trying to hunt down even simple blu-ray releases such as those from Criterion from eBay, Zavvi, Amazon, etc. and paying a relatively hefty price (e.g. around $40 to $50 AUD for each blu-ray release), especially when they're so readily available in places like the U.S. (Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Best Buy, etc.) 


Be nice if there were less hurdles to jump in acquiring these types of releases. Becomes somewhat tiresome after a while having to deal with scalpers or acquire releases from places where shipping time + costs aren't really desirable, rendering the entire venture not worthwhile.



driving gilligan's island GIF by TV Land Classic


7 hours ago, Cornbuster said:



Ich kann Euch beide verstehen.

Dennoch ist das Thema Film mit allem, was dazu gehört, seit gut drei Vierteln meines Leben meine Leidenschaft. Noch zu Beginn dieses Jahrzents habe ich mich so oft geärgert, dass Filme keine würdigen Editionen bekommen. Nun und noch gibt es diese. Ja, sie werden teurer und ja, Scalper sind zum Kotzen - dennoch lasse ich mir das nicht kaputt machen - da könnte ich dann noch auf vieles mehr verzichten.

Ich bleibe dabei. Ich hatte es vor eingen Monaten schon einmal geschrieben. Es ist eines der Luxusgüter in meinem Leben, die das Kinderherz in mir, ja gerade diese kindliche Aufregung und den Spass daran aufleben lassen, wie es andere Dinge eben lange nicht so oft schaffen. Über Scalper kaufe ich nicht und - abgesehen von WeET - sind die Preise für mich noch in Ordnung.

Wir haben zwei Volvos, aber keine getunten Edelkarren, wir haben keine Pferde oder Boote, wir gehen nicht mehr jeden Abend saufen, wir rauchen beide nicht mehr und ich brauche nicht jedes Jahr ein neues Smartphone. Also passt das.

Die Freude, die es mir gibt, überwiegt noch bei Weitem.


4 hours ago, TheDavoser said:

Ja es gibt nicht nur schöne Seiten am Filme sammeln.

Sehe das aber genauso wie @Cornbuster warum sollte ich mich von den negativen Aspekten so runter ziehen lassen?!

Ich liebe schon mein ganzes Leben lang Filme und alles was damit zusammenhängt. Besonders das Sammeln derselbigen.

Für mich ist tatsächlich nicht nachvollziehbar jemals davon Abschied zu nehmen und mich von meinen Schätzen zu trennen.

Das ist einfach Herzblut was da drin steckt.

Vielleicht sind es für einige letztlich natürlich nur Gebrauchsgüter, aber mit blutet immer das Herz wie „leicht“ sich manche davon verabschieden können.

Natürlich gehen mir Scalper genauso auf den Senkel wie Euch Anderen, aber was haben die mit meiner Leidenschaft zu tun??

Will natürlich keinem auf die Füße treten, melde mich eh viel zu selten zu Wort, aber das schien mir wichtig mal loszuwerden.




Could not have said it any better fellas!


Films bring me so much joy and child-like giddiness a lot of the times!!


Happy I Like It GIF by swerk

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Catgirl:


So mach ich das auch ,wenn mich was interessiert wird eine Edition gekauft ! Meistens sammel ich nur FA und HDzeta . Blufans seltener . Bei Nova kauf ich gerne die Tarantino ,hoffe da kommen noch  welche. 

Klar es gibt Ausnahmen zB Indiana Jones & Blade Runner & Star Wars/Trek , und das wars dann auch . Ich muss nicht alles kaufen ,habe da keine Probleme mit.


...Ich finde alle eigentlich sehr Gut! Ob FA oder HDzeta, bei Blufans finde ich das GotG Set auch soo dermaßen geil! Allein das Rocket/Groot Lenti...👌👍

...Novamedia auch! Das Avengers Set ist auch Weltklasse! ...Es gibt schon geile Sachen! 🙌👌👍

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I'd figured I'd offer my final two cents before moving on. I realized a can of worms had been opened here around some of the comments myself and other users have made here with regards to assessing the longevity and merit of such a hobby.


I, too, share in the child-like sense of giddiness and excitement that accompanies the waiting and arrival of each premium (hell, even, each simple blu-ray) I acquire. That never really goes away, along with the sense of achievement in having searched and saved up for a certain edition that is now sitting on your shelf.


I can understand and respect the difficulty in acquiring these premiums, especially if they have already sold out. I can even extend that to the business sense a lot of these scalpers have in finding a venture that will turn a profit. I just take issue with the fact that the pendulum can swing too much to one extreme at times, such that people will take advantage of these passions / hobbies and find a way to commodify and capitalize on that in the absence of reasonable negotiations.


I think that there's where you'll start to see an element of cynicism tainting the experience for some; your hobby, your passion is devalued as nothing more than a mere income stream for some, and you find yourself having to get involved in that, to play that dirty game, so to speak, with these people because you're so passionate. It can make you feel taken advantage of. Your passion is kind of being used against you.


And that's really where my main contention comes into the equation. It isn't exactly a question of whether or not the positives outweigh the negatives, but more the fact that some of us, depending on circumstances and / or geographical locations are going to have a harder time in acquiring such editions for whatever reason. And because of that, I don't really think it's anyone's place to arrive at a judgment or question the passion someone may have towards this hobby just because they may have become a bit disillusioned or frustrated at times with certain aspects of the acquisition process due to these aforementioned factors.


When it becomes difficult to acquire these editions, when you find that you're having to jump through too many hoops (these could be financial, geographical, etc.), sometimes more so than others, it may not only be hindrance on the enjoyment factor, but it can become easy to lose sight of your initial intentions. So much so that the next time you repeat this process, there's now an element of trepidation or hesitation which can sour the mood.


With all that said, I'm still going to be a big proponent and lover of both films and physical media, despite the frequency with which I find myself engaging in this hobby, or playing that game.


Edited by Fortis93
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Wow 😳 


shocked gif GIF


30 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:

I'd figured I'd offer my final two cents before moving on. I realized a can of worms had been opened here with regards to some of the comments myself and other users have made here with regards to assessing the longevity and merit of such a hobby.


I, too, share in the child-like sense of giddiness and excitement that accompanies the waiting and arrival of each premium (hell, even, each simple blu-ray) I acquire. That never really goes away, along with the sense of achievement in having searched and saved up for a certain edition that is now sitting on your shelf.


I can understand and respect the difficulty in acquiring these premiums, especially if they have already sold out. I can even extend that to the business sense a lot of these scalpers have in finding a venture that will turn a profit. I just take issue with the fact that the pendulum can swing too much to one extreme at times, such that people will take advantage of these passions / hobbies and find a way to commodify and capitalize on that in the absence of reasonable negotiations.


I think that there's where you'll start to see an element of cynicism tainting the experience for some; your hobby, your passion is devalued as nothing more than a mere income stream for some, and you find yourself having to get involved in that, to play that dirty game, so to speak, with these people because you're so passionate. It can make you feel taken advantage of. Your passion is kind of being used against you.


And that's really where my main contention comes into the equation. It isn't exactly a question of whether or not the positives outweigh the negatives, but more the fact that some of us, depending on circumstances and / or geographical locations are going to have a harder time in acquiring such editions for whatever reason. And because of that, I don't really think it's anyone's place to arrive at a judgment or question the passion someone may have towards this hobby just because they may have become a bit disillusioned or frustrated at times with certain aspects of the acquisition process due to these aforementioned factors.


When it becomes difficult to acquire these editions, when you find that you're having to jump through too many hoops (these could be financial, geographical, etc.), sometimes more so than others, it may not only be hindrance on the enjoyment factor, but it can become easy to lose sight of your initial intentions. So much so that the next time you repeat this process, there's now an element of trepidation or hesitation which can sour the mood.


With all that said, I'm still going to be a big proponent and lover of both films and physical media, despite the frequency with which I finding myself engaging in this hobby, or playing that game.




Well said @Fortis93 it all comes down to that age old...


Sister Act Donut GIF



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1 minute ago, Veum said:

Well said @Fortis93 it all comes down to that age old...


Sister Act Donut GIF


Brevity isn't one of my strengths. 


I realised I had much more to say about it than I originally thought. 


You nicely summed up a rather pretentious, self-important sounding diatribe. These are really the definitions of first world problems. xD



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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Fortis93:

I'd figured I'd offer my final two cents before moving on. I realized a can of worms had been opened here around some of the comments myself and other users have made here with regards to assessing the longevity and merit of such a hobby.


I, too, share in the child-like sense of giddiness and excitement that accompanies the waiting and arrival of each premium (hell, even, each simple blu-ray) I acquire. That never really goes away, along with the sense of achievement in having searched and saved up for a certain edition that is now sitting on your shelf.


I can understand and respect the difficulty in acquiring these premiums, especially if they have already sold out. I can even extend that to the business sense a lot of these scalpers have in finding a venture that will turn a profit. I just take issue with the fact that the pendulum can swing too much to one extreme at times, such that people will take advantage of these passions / hobbies and find a way to commodify and capitalize on that in the absence of reasonable negotiations.


I think that there's where you'll start to see an element of cynicism tainting the experience for some; your hobby, your passion is devalued as nothing more than a mere income stream for some, and you find yourself having to get involved in that, to play that dirty game, so to speak, with these people because you're so passionate. It can make you feel taken advantage of. Your passion is kind of being used against you.


And that's really where my main contention comes into the equation. It isn't exactly a question of whether or not the positives outweigh the negatives, but more the fact that some of us, depending on circumstances and / or geographical locations are going to have a harder time in acquiring such editions for whatever reason. And because of that, I don't really think it's anyone's place to arrive at a judgment or question the passion someone may have towards this hobby just because they may have become a bit disillusioned or frustrated at times with certain aspects of the acquisition process due to these aforementioned factors.


When it becomes difficult to acquire these editions, when you find that you're having to jump through too many hoops (these could be financial, geographical, etc.), sometimes more so than others, it may not only be hindrance on the enjoyment factor, but it can become easy to lose sight of your initial intentions. So much so that the next time you repeat this process, there's now an element of trepidation or hesitation which can sour the mood.


With all that said, I'm still going to be a big proponent and lover of both films and physical media, despite the frequency with which I finding myself engaging in this hobby, or playing that game.



...Ich sag mal so! Kurz gefasst... Jedes Hobby kostet irgendwo, egal welches!

...Und schöne Dinge kosten nun mal Geld! Und das war schon immer so!

Finde Mal... Alle JP & JW FAC Sachen! Zu einem angenehmen Preis! Überhaupt im Set nur noch schwer zubekommen / zufinden!

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Gladiator_MV:


...Also! Ich gebe Dir da auch schon recht... Dennoch! Finde ich, sollte man sich auch davon nicht beeinflussen lassen! Ich bin auch FAC Fan & Sammler!

Und habe auch bei King Kong, Forrest Gump usw. Verzichtet... Hauptgrund dafür u.a. Die XL Ausführung & ich habe die Filme schon, in anderen Editionen...

Gut, bei gewissen Filmen passt auch das XL wie z.B. Bei King Kong...😉 Ich schau dennoch zurück!

Und erfreue Mich jedes Mal! Immer & immer wieder, an anderen Sachen in der Sammlung!

...z.B. Für Mich eine der Besten / wenn nicht sogar die Beste Filmreihe überhaupt als Edition! 😍🤩🥰








Sehr hässliche Editionen! Ich würde mich opfern und sie dir abkaufen😆 Sag einfach Bescheid😉

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