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The Fall Guy



Nun sind alle inhaltlichen und technischen Details vorgestellt worden. Jede Produktvariante enthält neben der Kinofassung ebenfalls die rund 20 Minuten längere Extended-Version. Das umfangreiche Bonusmaterial umfasst alternative Aufnahmen, Outtakes, einen Filmkommentar mit David Leitch und Produzentin Kelly McCormick sowie die Featurettes "Stunts über Stunts: Wie die Action entstand", "Die Entstehung eines Meta-Meisterwerks", "Wie man einen Weltrekord bricht", "Chaos im Nachtclub", "Die Kunst des Doubelns", "Die Entstehung von Metalstorm" und "Falling for 'The Fall Guy' mit Bob Reese". Der Spielfilm liegt auf Blu-ray und auf 4K UHD in der deutschen Sprachfassung und im englischen Original in Dolby Atmos vor.


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vor 10 Minuten schrieb CAYENNE-FAHRER:

The Fall Guy



Nun sind alle inhaltlichen und technischen Details vorgestellt worden. Jede Produktvariante enthält neben der Kinofassung ebenfalls die rund 20 Minuten längere Extended-Version. Das umfangreiche Bonusmaterial umfasst alternative Aufnahmen, Outtakes, einen Filmkommentar mit David Leitch und Produzentin Kelly McCormick sowie die Featurettes "Stunts über Stunts: Wie die Action entstand", "Die Entstehung eines Meta-Meisterwerks", "Wie man einen Weltrekord bricht", "Chaos im Nachtclub", "Die Kunst des Doubelns", "Die Entstehung von Metalstorm" und "Falling for 'The Fall Guy' mit Bob Reese". Der Spielfilm liegt auf Blu-ray und auf 4K UHD in der deutschen Sprachfassung und im englischen Original in Dolby Atmos vor.


Info aus Schlumpfhausen






bei JPC,4K Steelbook,-8%


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1 hour ago, Rockntoni87 said:



cheers toni 👍


@Cornbuster holger looks there maybe a wait for this on beautyshot front xD 

The First Quarry (Quarry #8) by Max Allan Collins | Goodreads

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


no i reckon get beauty shots tommorrow is my guess its either 24hrs later or normally 72hrs later and it didnt happen 24hrs later.

holger better keep your fingers crossed for that xD 


basil xD 

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15 minutes ago, Basil said:


cheers toni 👍


@Cornbuster holger looks there maybe a wait for this on beautyshot front xD 

The First Quarry (Quarry #8) by Max Allan Collins | Goodreads

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


no i reckon get beauty shots tommorrow is my guess its either 24hrs later or normally 72hrs later and it didnt happen 24hrs later.

holger better keep your fingers crossed for that xD 


basil xD 


But outside of Dune 2, what else is there? 😔


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8 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


But outside of Dune 2, what else is there? 😔



this is the big question and will have a bearing on what i order.

if there are trinkets like before be a OC if not it be a dl for more than likely.

and if i get a dl i will have to off load my oc from before with trinkets i have left mine sealed for this very reason do you know how hard that has been for me and then buy a dl from first time round instead.


yes it all does have a major impact as to happens for me.

and as im wood now i would like a fair chance at getting something rather than this we all need a blind buy.

having the informed choice before i buy is very important and i would say to everyone else, plus all the extra work that would create nils and staff if people start wanting to change after the blind buy.

like that has happened in the past and then staff swapping around people that joined the queue in front of others only to change from this to that once beauty shots appear and not liking what they did order!

so in other words keep your space in the queue list position!

that makes them queue jumpers against people that waited and ordered correctly and only once after seeing the beauty shots.


plus if you start a gb and lots people join i want a OC not caring (over several weeks) and then someone later on

sees what they like but joins when a gb starts up it can effect positions as to what you do get if you make it or not and this is what most people miss!


anyway hope fully next day or two we will all be put out of our misery and can then all get a fair crack of the whip as to what we want 👍


anyway hope be me and lindy in next few days xD 

music video cat GIF


basil 👍

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Ich bin mal wieder da. Meinem Dad geht es besser, aber nach dem Lesen des Krankenhausberichts ist uns ein wenig anders geworden.

Fazit: Länger hätten wir mit Rettungswagen nicht warten dürfen. Blasenentzündung führte zu Nieren-Sepsis = Blutvergiftung. 😲

Ich bin gerade in meiner Bude und habe ein wenig "Freizeit", merke aber, dass ich total platt bin. Ein bisschen Surfen lenkt ab und natürlich das Forum hier, ihr Lieben ! 👍🙂


@extantsrevenge Unserem Hörnchen Nils weiterhin gute Besserung, ihn hats leider auch ganz gut erwischt mit mehreren Dingen. Wir müssen Nils ein wenig schonen und pflegen, er muss ja noch ne Weile halten, um uns weiterhin mit BS versorgen zu können. ;)


Edited by raylight
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2 minutes ago, raylight said:


I'm back. My dad is feeling better, but after reading the hospital report we felt a little strange.

Conclusion: We shouldn't have waited any longer for the ambulance. Bladder infection led to kidney sepsis = blood poisoning. 😲

I'm in my apartment right now and have a little "free time", but I notice that I'm totally exhausted. A little surfing distracts me and of course the forum here, my love! 👍 🙂


@extantsrevenge We wish our squirrel Nils a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, he has been hit hard by a number of things. We have to take care of Nils a little, he has to last a while longer to be able to continue to provide us with BS.;)



wow sepsis lucky you caught that, without sounding morbid if they dont catch it your usually in your box. just have to make sure your keep your beady eye on him daniel, hopefully a very quick recovery from it all. infections can be a pig


sorry to here nils has issues going on, we all love you nils. i dont know whats up with our poor squirrel hopefully you too make a speedy recovery too.

you dont deserve anything either, if you ask holger nicely sure he give you a man hug 😁


so ill give daniel/his parents and nils a hug from me instead for the minute 😃

Kisses And Hugs Heart GIF


basil 👍

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