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Start of my own Passion


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Hi everyone,

A lot of us are passionated collectors of steelbooks and collectibles and therefore I'm sure that you can understand when I wrote "start of my own passion" as it is a passion with all kind of sentiments (e.g. happiness, satisfaction, frustration, irritation) as well as a lot of "in house" discussion about space/presentation and of course money.  At the moment I would state that my passion is on a holding position due to several facts (mainly I'm to busy as well as there is no space left ? and the fustration about the inflationary amout of BD steelbook releases all over the world). However the passion is alive but I'm more selective than before.

I cannot remember which the first steelbook in my collection was, but I guess it was a DVD steelbook as on this time the BD business was in it's infancy especially in Germany. The real start of my collection begun as I came in contact with other collectors in a german forum (e.g. @Masterblaster). At this time BD steelbooks were not common releases and to get the "gold nuggets" from overseas it was not possible without connections/friends. Maybe someone ? will remember the era as FutureShop was one of the most popular shops in the world and unfortunately without international shipping and most of all steelbook releases from the Canadians were eyecathers with high demand but limited print run - some of them were "must have"  with the highest price I've ever seen on ebay. Until now few of them are always on the top of my own all-time-favorite list and few others a still on my wish list (but I assume forever, due to several reasons). 

As written above I cannot remember which was my first steelbook ever but I will show you one of my all time favorites (received from John in a GB, thank you so much for that buddy) and from a time as my collection was not more than a transparent number of steelbooks (< 150)

This is Farewell my Concubine which was also one of the starting releases by BluFans. Although it has no bossing, no lecticular effect or any kind of slip - in my opinion it is a real beauty (unfortunately the picture is not the best and therefore the small butterflys on the white surface are not visible).



Regards, Wolfgang

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Well written my friend !

Everything you wrote is happening to me too. Limited time. Running out of shelve space. Marked flooded with Steelbooks. Limited recources. But,  still in love with "The Game" !

Thought I was prettu familiar with steel in the market but this one is new to me. And it's a Beauty ! Nice one - well done ! ?Sometimes less is more, no lentis or slips needed, just steel. IMO this is one of those cases.



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