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On 2/22/2020 at 2:12 AM, Scary Hair said:


AS I say BEST TO BE SOLID SURE than maybe sure Edition wise .


ME Personally I HAVE NEVER signed up unless I have been certain I need that edition in my collection .


The thing is A GB looks SO easy looking at it as a member .


YET some GBs have anywhere between 20 to 100+ members on that GB .


Depending WHAT editions are offered add anywhere between 2 to 5 Combinations of Box Sets and slips .


Add the co ordination of members by country shipping to that countries HUB ,




Having then to start adjusting behind the scenes after all that time has been put in by our Head Psychos  Could then “one” choose to not continue with the respective GB?  is considered to be really bad form . 

I am SOLID SURE that I want the WEA SteelBooks (with as many Lenticulars as possible 😁) that I join GB's for. 😉 😜


And rest assured, I do realize and understand the whole "machinery and workmanship" behind all GB's,

therefore is not even my slightest intention to make anyone "work for nothing" on my account,

au contraire, I usually am the one that "let it from me" and "with the loss/disadvantage",

and IF I will join something that will happen to "change" into something else that I don't really want,

I will FIRST ASK if I can "renounce" it, and if I can't I would probably still pay for and have it.

Is that OK as I described here? 😉


The more likely bad situation (for me) will be if the "payment deadline" is short (one or two days)

and I do not have enough funds at that precise moment... hopefully there's at least a week or two period for payment to be done!


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