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Posts posted by Basil

  1. HMV Warning UK On Pre-Orders

     just a heads up.

    tag @Scary Hair may effect you more.


    went to get rid of a pre-order i had, and they had moved it into old orders.

    once in the old orders the button to get rid of it is GONE.

    you have to email them on is website.service@hmv.co.uk

    and they will respond within three days to tell you they have done it.


    i presume once upon in hollywood got moved as the order was 5.8.19 i think.

    but people need to be aware of this new move on there part. e.g. shifting pre-orders into old orders.

    if they are late with showing the final art for steelbooks and anyone misses it you could end up lumbered with something you don't want. if they dont get emailed early enough.


    this time took them 24hrs to respond with answering back this afternoon about 15.05


    so buyer beware, personally has now put me off pre-ordering anything with them till i see final art from them.

    one more bullet for them. which is a shame


    basil :)

    • Thanks 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Hollywood E Rock said:





    How are you holding up, wrist feeling okay?









    well is early days but around 80% better


    i have 2 issues going on and worse on treated don't think getting any pain at the moment from that but said may come back.

    the second untreated one have woken up on sat and sun morning 6am with pain wakes you up, drop some ibprofen and go back to sleep, but that second one said he could do the 2 drug injections for thumb bone in next consulation without need of theater in 3 months time. if im still getting pain which i am but not constant like before:D.

    so i would say 80% fixed crossed fingers that first one lasts he said if lucky it would for about six months then do same again every six months if is ok.

    if it runs out of legs it be nerve operation instead. so at this moment so far sort of sooo good, just be keeping everything crossed 👍


    thanks for asking

    basil 🙏



    • Like 2
  3. well last night was chernobyl have had a few friends say was done really well and they where right binged watch the lot yesterday, was very entertaining and done well.

    before seeing it had been considering buying the steel for it on amazon, but now after seeing it all for me is def a one watch deal.

    once you seen it you have seen it, so for me is £25 saved for something else and a little bit of shelf space saved as im limited on space.

    but would recommend seeing it on a stream like i did.

    and if you like a bit of gore with skin and stuff falling off, vomitting and dying, but also the story of russian poltics is instresting too as story unwraps as well

    think this be my mate @Veum cup of tea :D


    basil 👍


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  4. well just stuck a 2 month voucher for movies on my now tv box for christmas catching backup


    anyway just watched captain marvel again and forced wife to watch she dug heels in at start up ended up loving it, always makes me laugh when she does that and im proved right xD


    also after that watched 'escape from sobibor' 2018 film, wow no words for this film one the best ww2 films ive seen in years if anyone ever gets a chance to see this watch it,

    it is horrfic what happened to the jews in the death camps but this is a story that never should be forgotten ever.

    the film is in foriegn with subs.


    basil 🙏



    • Like 3
  5. well this is a strange one good morning and welcome to friday xD

    managed to stay upto to about midnight to let wife sleep, i nearly ended falling in front of film think i still got half that to watch later on.

    anyway slept like a train dont think earthquake would have woke me, deepest sleep i have had in years.

    woke about 9am when alarm went off. now just had some breakfast and ready for my lazy day.

    heating is on 21c so everything is good in the world.


    oh and had special mail call today, my secret edition of hateful eight turned up sealed fresh as a daisy and big thanks to @R1s1ngs0n for spotting for me on the bay, top man 👍


    so here we have it

    Its Friday GIF by Justin


    basil :D

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  6. 1 minute ago, Veum said:




    So sorry to hear about your pain w/surgery. 😟


    BTW, what kind of surgery did you have and what was wrong that you needed surgery, if I’m not being to nosey, my friend? 😚


    my wrist is fooked, think prob comes from work very long story very heavy lifting units onto trolleys 2 man(most my units minimum 80kg some are 130kg) ligament gone and bones in wrist have come apart and caused arthritis also bone on bone very very painful has been since june this year.

    hopefully this sort it maybe not will find out over next 3 months and then have to go back see senior registar constulant and go from there.

    either be more day surgery x ray steriod injections again like today for ones he could not put in today as 2 seperate issues and he needs know if this works most serve one dealt with today.

    then if none of that doesn't work full on operation to cut the nerves in the wrist to perm kill pain. but it all takes time unfouranetly :(

    but at least now im under his wing 🙏

    staff where excellent in theatre i was shitting it personally.


    i hate that hospital, 2 family members taken on my wifes side her father and brother.

    i had to watch her brother die over 6 weeks in intensive care, it was one of the most harrowing things i ever had to watch but i had to be strong for her😟

    i wouldnt have wished that on my worst enemy 😟


    basil :(


    • Sad 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Veum said:

    🌛 good night to you psychos who need to go to sleep now! 💤


    good night kitten GIF


    but i cant sleep been to hospital had my surgery came home with my dad off my face on magic injection, then felt sleepy at 6.30pm got changed into bed things and now at 21.30pm wiiiiiddddddde awake.

    have left wife to goto sleep early as i was snoring all last night apperantly.

    so goona try stay down here long as i can so she gets a good nights sleep at least for few hours. wonder how long i can last.

    and magic injection is just starting to wear off feeling odd twing but they said i would tonight or tommorrow it get sore where they done surgery.

    and then have to return to ibprofen pills. just trying to lay off them long as i can dont wanna overdose that be fun not.


    anyone else in wide awake club?


    basil :ENVOUTER:

    • Like 4
  8. @extantsrevenge know what you mean about being busy me and missus had a days holiday yesterday first one since summer and she wants to go shopping,

    so got dragged all round the shops but made sure i got an english breakfast in me first and she paid even:D

    must be doing something right xD


    regards picard can not wait for this, be interesting to see how that come along and be waiting for a steel for that as dont have netflix. blind buy me up.

    also regards the tech talk thats the whole point i really really had to think with what they had started with some of the jumps and stuff and how it panned out but it all fitted if you thought deeply about it and was extremly clever writing. so i think bonus points should be given when the writing is correct.

    question becomes how often do you use your grey matter? xD


    basil :D


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  9. well last night could not sleep last night and had a day off work today for a long change, so finally watched a film a friend recommended to me (she knows who she is lol)

    rare exports a christmas tale not quite you average christmas film to say the least but a bit of a darker film. was in english and finnish with sub titles for foriegn bits.

    but was a bit of a hoot there was one point nearly hit the ceiling when watching at about 2am on my own and im sure she will piss her self laughing when she heres this.

    not a bad film gives a new meaning to story of santa claus and his helpers.

    but worth a watch xD


    trailer below

    basil :)

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  10. well over the weekend have watched complete series of star trek discovery season 2 and it was great and the tieing in nicely for the orginal series the writing was clever and good i dont want to give too much away but this has to be binged watch over 2 or 3 days to keep up with story lines imho.

    but only 720mins worth lol


    and tonight on tv on channel4 in the uk just watched worlds fastest tractor with guy martin and what a watch that was

    @Pbsw23and @RileyLad show above is a must watch try catch up if you have not seen, look out for snoopy 4 only 8000bhp with two merlin engines something else :ENVOUTER:


    basil :D

    • Like 3
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  11. 22 minutes ago, ukade2327 said:

    Hey @Basil

    Im in your court with Discovery... absolutely love this prequal to the original series ...gives a massive insight into the past characters that were in TOS... especially Capt Pike ... set 10 years before TOS it will be interesting to see if it incorporates Kirk and Co somehow down the line...


    oh i think kirk could well be coming if not next, will be series after imho.

    for once something that is doing a good job, how rare is it to say that?

    hugh jackman wow GIF


    basil :D

    • Like 4
  12. right here we go catching up binging watching yeahhhhhhhhhhh :D:x:x


    @Hollywood E Rock new discovery s2 yeah damn is a must watch if a true trek fan, this season heavy reminds me of the orginal trek series from back the sixtys but it requires to watch the whole way thru, i had seen on various people saying first few eps good then they dropped it because was boring, sorry that is bull imho.

    best way to see this without a shadow of doubt is to bing watch over 2 or 3 days, each of the 4 discs is about 3hrs odd.

    i watched first 2 discs friday then saturday watch last 2 discs. the story did have some shocks for me how it went some of it is predictable but then there are few twists and turns the writting gets very clever and that is where you brain needs to seriously think on the science how something went then you realise quite how clever they have just been in the writing but in a good star trek way.

    im not going to give anything away my missus watched a bit with me when she came in but claims to hate it all before hand then after her coming back in saturday night from a night out with her work colleages said what happened to x and what happened to y so for someone that claims to hate it all is very funny in my eyes.

    so yes in my opionon its a 9 out of 10, but you must bing watch to keep up with it all or could miss out with whats fully going on.

    but im a trek fan so my view could be biased xD


    @Veum why was you dis-appointed with it?

    and do you think you could be missing out with the second one could it get better?

    i think you need to speak with some maybe that have seen it to get some other views as a thought maybe?


    @Scary Hair sounds like you need to leave the rabbit with your mum they can poop together but company together as well:D

    hope they both remain ok now for a while at least 👍

    and take your stance on waiting for double pack with extended stuff if they did not put all in, i hate it when they dont give you the fulliest versions.

    bit like hanging on for lotr extended versions, when you get that much more material but thats just ocd and completiest in me B|


    right think thats everything for the minute


    all the best

    basil B|

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