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Everything posted by Basil

  1. lets hope its a stronger box than the old one judging on postal service or maybe it get treated better on the way back @Robertm89 fingers crossed morning all lovely day here today, the sun is out and beautiful here today i hope i find you all well. could really use a beer but i goto drive later so thats out the window or does that make me a piss head not actually had a drink in about a month now i do torment myself basil 👍
  2. well last night i stayed up watching 'the warrior' staring tom hardy and thought his performance super. basically 2 brothers long since split and at odds with each other, a drunk father and whole load of back story, end up having to fight one another in a mixed martial arts tournament. the story is good super for the first half, the fighting some of it bit wishy washy and unbelivleable. but the story thru this punches thru and grabs at the heart strings all the way thru. anyway from me a 8 out of 10, had the fighting been bit more believable in some cases could have been a 10. well worth a watch and why i only had 4 hrs sleep before taking the wife to work this morning and im paying for it now my advice if you get a chance to see this do 👍 basil 👍
  3. it does look like the postie has been playing footy with that box good job nothing damaged riley lad 👍 basil
  4. sounds like a man with a plan, hope you had really nice weather for it. was supposed to piss down here but it did not missed it by the skin of our teeth where i live must been out over the isle of wight and in the english channel. truly amazed just went over cast and badly merky day here. wish i had a grass garden here mine is all patio but that was as is very small and didnt want the hassle of cutting it every week basil 👍
  5. good evening people just finished stuffing me face with some dinner how is everyone doing? basil
  6. good morning all, just waiting for the rain to come in for the day here oh joy basil 👍
  7. @ksosk your images presuming? 2 posts up have gone links gone weird has there been any info with a beauty shot coming forward yet? might be up for this but need to see it before i commit. cheers basil 👍
  8. morning all damn nils beat me too it MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU
  9. today has been a very weird sunday keep falling asleep even leaving computer on must be getting old well at least not raining today but is my fault have literally been up half the night waiting for a phone call that never came thank god, but got a call this afternoon that is better news 🙏 keep going sam 🙏🙏🙏 basil🙏
  10. good glad to see you did you know you had to didn't you, was toying with getting weet myself. but moneys are on the more restricted side at least you got something super custom which is where collecting is really at 👍 so you end up with best buy steels with the correct title steel and weet outside and goodies. and i do want to see full photo shoot of it all together m8 you do realise that and i suspect will be envious of the end result all the best basil
  11. @Hollywood E Rock so one year bud where the heck that did that go lovely amazing heartfelt post but thats who you are top man, all ways kind always listening. and mp is always human as you say, trying to be a nice place to be. less toxic than anywhere else. honoured to have you as a friend edward 👍 question is year two going to be more costly to wallet anyway big congrats heres to many more years 👍 all the best basil
  12. @Veum mike scratch that region B need multi region player sorry
  13. cheers mike have ordered that off uk amazon as is 4k, also done some looking about there is a 4k steelbook for s2 from oz the only one in the world that is 4k no one else bothered anyway links below if interested came from jbl they still have stock but dont know how much shipping is so got mine off an ebay seller any he has 1 left so ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/274329713737 jbl direct https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/westworld-season-2-the-door-steelbook-2018-4k-ultra-hd hope is of use to you basil 👍
  14. morning all nice and sunny here this morning @Veum mike that westworld steelbook where did it come from not seen till just now? basil 👍
  15. well evening everyone sun has come out here and its a cracker
  16. afternoon all well weather cant seem to make its mind up here 2 day, so far bright sun , black rain, bright sun, black rain and now its back to sun again oh the joys of being british hope everyone has got that friday feeling 👍 basil
  17. quite correct and could be the following im think of later on
  18. @Trianna actually that sounds really bad let me clarify its medical grade acid to treat my foot, not i poured acid all over it 👍 but it got to stay dry and cannot run or anything else for a bit.
  19. oh @Trianna i got bad foot at the moment got acid on it this morning, so cant use my treadmill its driving me nuts and till the foot gets better i cant use it doctors orders for fooks sake basil 😒
  20. tell me about it had a 3 hr sleep yesterday cos been up so late, which is really unlike me. maybe 1hrs nap top but 3hrs no not usual. oh btw just come on the news now korea has had ZERO CV infections locally transmitted today, think some of the other governments should be looking at what there doing. and they have achieved all this in 8 weeks wish people could just follow the rules, some of the dumb dumbs in the UK are not basil 👍
  21. morning guys, well just catching up ended up falling asleep at 9pm last night, this staying at home finally catching up with me when staying up normally to about 1am to let wife sleep because of my snoring. must been tired though slept right thru unusual for me well the suns out for the minute here but have got some rain coming in bit later very changeable today hows everyone doing with the lockdown so far??? anyone going up the wall yet? basil 👍
  22. good morning all well slightly sunny at the moment but the rains due in at 10am amazing how it can all change in a week, last week 24c and bright sun this week 16c and rain alot of the days this week anyway i hope i find you all in good health and all stay safe 👍 basil

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