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Everything posted by Basil

  1. well has anyone ever drunk a strong coffee when they should have not? tonight at 8pm was falling asleep on the sofa and with that the wife jumped up got me a coffee out the machine to stop me falling into a deep sleep then and waking at silly o'clock i usually only do 6 hrs and awake, only this time has backfired on me. its now 1 am can't sleep because of caffeine running round my system, have no particular interest in going to sleep and i have to be up by 5.50am today to take wife to work yet. and to make it worse there's not alot on the telly either lets hope i get to sleep or feel tired soon basil
  2. my goodness watched the new midway film today with my wife and she liked it, which really surprised me. usually she can bored very quickly with films has very little tolerance with giving a film with a chance to get going. so pleasantly surprised by this. basil
  3. good morning all happy sunday was a bit overcast here this morning but now the sun is really starting to come thru and the cloud is clearing, looks like its going to be a beautiful day basil
  4. tonight me and the wife be watching The rise of skywalker. being wait a while of this to come along seems to have been like forever to be released, well finally turned up tuesday, i get there will be thoses lovers of this film and there not so keen as they felt they where robbed in the last one. for me personally i think jj had alot to try to repair from the last one and he did a good job with the time allowed, i had heard of an extended edition which had all been denied ignored but i still think that maybe coming myself, knowing how disney love to extract cash. so we will see. @extantsrevenge nils whats your thoughts on all of this? basil 👍
  5. ok mike i will not post anything on about killing yourself from bad advice from someone with no medical training, much so that all american manufacturers have to tell people not to do it as it could kill you. but i guess you counting is that no one is that SILLY and has COMMON sense. its was a simply observation NOT that i have ANYTHING against your beloved leader. but guess i forget you have a sense of humour failure when any bad is said about him, even when killing yourself could be on the cards. but please do feel free to report my posts as i would not want you to be upset. sometimes you need to really need to lighten up abit. we have all tried to point that out to you or maybe you views are so set in stone there is no flex with you as long its the VEUM view. i will not be pandering to you any more please be aware of that. i've tried & tried and don't wish to cope with your behaviour anymore. its not fun anymore, in fact its damn right miserable. there you have it, you always asked for the truth well there it is! i wish you well but please dont tag me anymore, the fun has long gone. sorry but there it is basil 👍
  6. can feel the enthusiasm rak, i know what you saying m8. but at least you be safe m8 as long as donald dont come round with his bottle of bleach and a needle you should be ok should have seen the web was alight with it yesterday here was a good one below basil
  7. ONLY AT BLUFANS THE LEGO MOVIE 2 CLOSING SOON GET IN OR MISS OUT ITS THAT SIMPLE YOU HAVE NOW ALL BEEN WARNED Message from Dodgy dave below I know this release is not high on most members "must have" list, but if you are thinking of joining please do so ASAP. I have to get some figures to BF soon. So that means closing the GB. As things are still not 100% back to normal with the Chinese shipping, we will not be invoicing this immediately. Keep the money in your pocket a little longer. We will post in this topic when invoicing is likely to be. basil 👍
  8. Basil

    Do You Know

    ONLY AT BLUFANS THE LEGO MOVIE 2 CLOSING SOON GET IN OR MISS OUT ITS THAT SIMPLE YOU HAVE NOW ALL BEEN WARNED Message from Dodgy dave below I know this release is not high on most members "must have" list, but if you are thinking of joining please do so ASAP. I have to get some figures to BF soon. So that means closing the GB. As things are still not 100% back to normal with the Chinese shipping, we will not be invoicing this immediately. Keep the money in your pocket a little longer. We will post in this topic when invoicing is likely to be. basil 👍
  9. ONLY AT BLUFANS THE LEGO MOVIE 2 CLOSING SOON GET IN OR MISS OUT ITS THAT SIMPLE YOU HAVE NOW ALL BEEN WARNED Message from Dodgy dave below I know this release is not high on most members "must have" list, but if you are thinking of joining please do so ASAP. I have to get some figures to BF soon. So that means closing the GB. As things are still not 100% back to normal with the Chinese shipping, we will not be invoicing this immediately. Keep the money in your pocket a little longer. We will post in this topic when invoicing is likely to be. basil 👍
  10. ONLY AT BLUFANS THE LEGO MOVIE 2 CLOSING SOON GET IN OR MISS OUT ITS THAT SIMPLE YOU HAVE NOW ALL BEEN WARNED Message from Dodgy dave below I know this release is not high on most members "must have" list, but if you are thinking of joining please do so ASAP. I have to get some figures to BF soon. So that means closing the GB. As things are still not 100% back to normal with the Chinese shipping, we will not be invoicing this immediately. Keep the money in your pocket a little longer. We will post in this topic when invoicing is likely to be. basil 👍
  11. morning all happy saturday here is a basil service announcement last chance 👍 ONLY AT BLUFANS THE LEGO MOVIE 2 CLOSING SOON GET IN OR MISS OUT ITS THAT SIMPLE YOU HAVE NOW ALL BEEN WARNED Message from Dodgy dave below I know this release is not high on most members "must have" list, but if you are thinking of joining please do so ASAP. I have to get some figures to BF soon. So that means closing the GB. As things are still not 100% back to normal with the Chinese shipping, we will not be invoicing this immediately. Keep the money in your pocket a little longer. We will post in this topic when invoicing is likely to be. basil 👍
  12. well judging the way this thread is going only seems bit of blackadder is in order and im the only one thats not drinking followed by basil
  13. morning all well that staying up late and getting up early took its toll on me last night i started falling asleep at 8.30 watching telly and the head kept going. so bit the bullet me and the missus went to sleep at 8.30pm and when the alarm went off this morning at 5.50am both of us hit the ceiling. i wanted to go back to sleep could have easily done with another hour but no she kicked my arse verbally to get put of bed and it took some real effort i can tell you she saying come on it friday last one at the time that didn't make it better anyway have now done the family food shopping and its all stocked back up again, had some jammy crumpets and fruit juice. starting to feel human and slowly getting that friday feeling she was on about. so its not all bad basil
  14. looks really nice but didnt think 4k releases happening till october but i would want all that just them being steelbooks. have you got link to it all or as rak says might be spoof
  15. well slowly turning spring here 24c pleasant enough for time of year i send you this song in anticipation of your weather getting nicer 👍
  16. good afternoon rak the sun is shining here the birds are tweeting just shame im stuck indoors
  17. and on that note i have created a new holiday thread if people want to go have a read might enjoy for good bit of fun👍 basil
  18. morning all, here we are all again for another day in paradise, if was stuck on a nice sunny holiday they might say this be a bit more tolerable. you know where you get up lazily, when you have breakfast by the pool with some fresh orange juice days about to start nice weather is sun and low 20s at 8am and you know gonna be sun all day round 28-32 and a fully inclusive bar etc without a massive queue and the day is yours to do with your partner as you see fit. who fancies some of that? basil
  19. welcome james you sound exactly my sought of collector a steelbook collector, also you done same as me falling down the magic rabbit hole that is premiums and once you do there is no coming back it only gets worse, hopefully we will get your full attention now and you'll just be poor like the rest of us on here. loved your signed steels most awesome 👍 think you find a few will drool over that such as @extantsrevenge @ksosk @Scary Hair @Robertm89 and fellow canadian @Grendel basil
  20. i would think you find @Catgirl is referring to something like. https://www.imdb.com/list/ls023048768/ basil 👍
  21. morning all nice sunny day here again, this just typical we all in lockdown and we stuck inside think week 4 or 5 now, oh well as they say stop using inappropriate language happens oh well as long every stays safe thats most import thing 👍 basil
  22. @Veum mike you ever thought about getting one of those ride on mowers and jazzing up like they do for mower racing could be serious fun heres british version and they do about 50mph basil 👍

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