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Everything posted by deckard99

  1. I started out saying that as well! 🤣 You start out with singles and before you know it you want OCs more and more. Advanced signs of the syndrome are multiple OCs (2x or 3x) and collectors numbers! 🤪
  2. We only have a small amount and the last I heard we wanted them to go to members who weren't able to get the 4k edition. However, @Masterblaster will have the final say.
  3. You did not order through our GB, correct? Those go out after GB copies. Two boxes sent from CM to our UK HUB over a month ago never made it there (nice postal system you got there UK 😜) and were returned to CM, who have now re-shipped them. Hopefully won't be too long now.
  4. We're still waiting for the rest of the beauty shots. Maybe a week or two.
  5. It's only quiet because this is the wrong thread! Plenty of discussion in the BF TDK release topic.
  6. @maxpower1999 @ShadowWarrior ok, so the invoices were edited which created a new notification, but the invoice number is the same so when you go in to pay it doesn't matter. It will take you to the most recent version no matter what email you use. Sorry for any confusion - Ken
  7. No worries, we will check into it. Probably just a gli gli gli glitttttttchhhhh in the mmmaaaatttrrrrrriixxxxxxx
  8. Sorry @Steve.501 all our "general" GBs (including this one) were just paused today until further notice.
  9. @damships We have a general Best Buy GB (which is about to be paused as previously announced) for members outside the USA. Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc. do not ship outside the USA p.s. we don't promote other GB sites here.
  10. I believe all invites have been sent by now, including some to regular members who stood out due to their contributions over the last cycle. New members and all other non-tier members will be candidates for the next cycle!
  11. There are many ways to support the community beyond just post count: Help other members & answer their questions Promote MP on social media Post release threads and/or updates on upcoming releases Make suggestions to improve the site Submit pics for awards! Post any unwanted digital codes Start interesting discussions Propose or start fun games Post photos of your collection or recent acquisitions Participate in Secret Santa and contests (like our Easter Egg hunt) Offer to donate a spare edition for a raffle Always take care of invoices timely And many other ways!
  12. Hi @Stryker412 you are confusing 2 different releases. The GB for Weet Ant-Man & Wasp hasn't started yet. The GB you mention above is for the Filmarena release, and yes those 3 titles are being bundled for reasons previously announced by @extantsrevenge (except Backdraft for 2 hubs just announced)
  13. I like this movie a lot too, but I don't think we'll see any other premium for it other than SM Life. There is a Target edition too, but it's nothing much special.
  14. You should practice “Lenti abstinence” then 😜
  15. I like both fullslips and lentis if they are well done. Only thing I don’t like about lentis is they scratch too easily. Gotta be careful pulling them off the shelf or else use a protector.
  16. FYI - many members are reporting problems accessing the site. We are investigating.

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