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Everything posted by deckard99

  1. Looked at a few and they did arrive recently. Not sure about others though. I think we don’t have all yet.
  2. Um, really? According to what I see, you paid your invoice 10 days ago! 😂 p.s. your tracking info is in PayPal
  3. Yes there is. Anything not on the approved list needs special approval (very hard to get).
  4. I'm on the fence with this image. I like some aspects of it, like how they work in the question mark. But in general I don't care for collages where every character is jammed in. I much prefer single shots or simpler ones (Batman, Bat & Car, Bat & Cat, etc.). Hopefully there will be plenty for the premiums.
  5. Waltz was great and so was Brad Pitt. It’s probably just me, but I found the basement scene really stupid. SPOILERS The meeting spot just happens to be a basement which just happens to have an unplanned nazi party and just happens to have an officer alone on a side room who just happens to get suspicious and everyone dies except the only person we need to live, but just happens to leave evidence around that proves she was there (doesn’t bother to remove it). Just one example.
  6. I watched Inglorious Basterds last night. I have mixed feelings about this. Parts of it I enjoyed a lot, but overall I was disappointed. All the actors were good, but I really cringed at some of the plot devices and didn’t like the ending at all. Too many things just conveniently happen a certain way to move the story along. It’s a one watch for me.
  7. Hey @RPedro, why don't send a PM to John @Masterblaster just in case he has one? - Ken
  8. @screamin geek Sorry to hear about your situation. Collecting premiums is an expensive hobby and with everything that's going on in the world right now shipping costs have skyrocketed. Keeping within a budget and getting along with your spouse are important considerations. I would advise not making any GB requests until your situation improves or you have otherwise some funds available that aren't needed for the important things in life. Feel free to PM me if you want to continue discussing. - Ken
  9. Feb 28th, so just a week ago. It will take some time before we receive them and invoice.
  10. Sorry, no private sales or trades between members allowed. There are legal reasons for this and that's all I'll say.
  11. @AndroiDad75 I suggest measuring your copy and then heading over to the MPC section to see if any of them will fit.
  12. So doctor @damships can you please help me? For the last few years I've had the urge to spend large amounts of cash on pretty boxes of cardboard that contain the same movie my local Walmart has for $9.99. Is it curable?
  13. You can tag someone in a PM but if they are not listed at the top as "active in the conversation" they won't see it. In either case, always us a new PM.
  14. @mizofils as @swish indicated, requests for deposit refunds must be made by PM to @Masterblaster. FYI - I do not see any posts from you in any threads concerning deposit refunds.

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