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Everything posted by deckard99

  1. Cancelled at this time. But could possibly be revived if there is a new steelbook release.
  2. The note on the lenti beauty shot is outdated. As far as I know all the artwork being used is fully approved.
  3. Nobody is getting 5x or 6x of anything, at least not on MP. I can't remember the last time I saw a request that high. If we have a hot title with many requests we cut down to 1x per member as needed. We can't police other forums. On the other hand, if we have a less popular GB where we have don't have enough requests to fill our allocation, why wouldn't we allow multiples and try to support the retailer as much as we can?
  4. The most you can request is A x1 + B x1 + C x1. If we don't have enough then we may need to reduce.
  5. Our supply of singles is limited so I wouldn't wait too long to decide. - Ken
  6. Just to be clear members can pick one edition. They just can't request 2x of the same edition.
  7. I appreciate all the comments and suggestions being made. There are a lot of considerations to balance and as @R1s1ngs0n said we surely won't be able to make everyone happy, but please know that we will try our best. The team is discussing and more info will come later this month. - Ken
  8. Sure, I googled "How to explain NFTs to small children" and this is what I found: NFTs (or non-fungible tokens) are unique digital tokens that serve as proof of ownership of an asset, and cannot be replicated. NFTs use blockchain technology, which acts as a digital record of all transactions related to the NFT on a vast network of computers.
  9. @ShadowWarrior Thanks for sharing these photos. it really is a great release. You don't see double embossed steelbooks very often!
  10. I'm not a fan of NFTs. It seems like own something but you really don't in reality. So if I buy an NFT of a famous painting or song, that's great but I don't own anything physical and I don't get any royalties if that image is published somewhere or if the song is played on the radio. So if Manta wants to try it for verification, that's fine, but it's hard to see the value.
  11. Just a reminder that all detailed invoice questions (amounts, breakdowns, etc.) should be sent by PM and not posted in open forum, thanks! - Ken
  12. The coin is meant for members who participated in the GB. As far as I know, no decisions have been made about what to do if we have any remaining stock.
  13. Welcome @GDMFS0B There's a lot more to MP than Group Buys, so please feel free to look around and familiarize yourself with the site. Lots of news and talk about steelbooks and premiums, and many other subjects. If you have any questions for the staff, please tag us with the "@" sign which pops up a list of member names as you type. Or you can send a PM to any staff member for assistance. Hope you enjoy your time here! - Ken
  14. Looks better than I expected but I'm still a no. I'm guessing there will be a no-frills package at some point with the same content. And I already own all the movies in 4k, so really I just need the new cut.
  15. @waxenol @pluto57 @Squeegie McGee No news yet. Several titles are in progress but this isn't one of them. I'd say mid to late 22 is more likely.
  16. I'm excited for the new cut and bonus features, but not this packaging and price. The outer box will surely be paper/cardboard. Now, a metal "ghost trap" box with working lid could get me going!
  17. I’ve never had a problem with any of my o-rings but I usually leave the shrink on and slip the steelbook out the bottom. Agree that regular side loading slips are more desirable but I never let that stop me 😁. Weet Venom 1 lenti is one of my all time favorites.
  18. I think we all would like more variety in titles. As usual, the realities of business get in the way. Once you start factoring in things like studio approval, disc availability, confidence in selling enough quantity, native language and subtitles available in retailer country, and movies not banned retailer country, the pool of titles is pretty small. - Ken
  19. I doubt this will include steelbooks. I've never seen that mentioned anywhere. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
  20. @Mr. Bugjuice I moved your post to the proper thread. As far as your question, I think Blufans is unlikely. I don't recall any other announcements at the moment.

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